Age old discussion: Is Roman Reigns over or not and did WWE fake Reigns leukemia?

In all fairness, it started with an idiot saying the cancer is a storyline because he doesn't like Roman. Not much room to really devolve past there.

Wrong. It started with someone who knows that Roman's minor round of testing was ridiculously exaggerated to get him over. You're just an idiot dumb enough to fall for it.
And you got enough attention as a child. See, now we're both liars.

Exaggerated, possibly, but what do you know? Are you Roman? Are you Vince? Or are you just some fool that's desperately afraid getting worked like a mark that you espouse a disproven conspiracy so you can turn your subjective dislike of Roman into something objectively just.

Either way, exaggerated testing is a far cry from faking leukemia.

Anyway, I'm hoping you can one day move past this state of arrested development. I've already made the mistake of wasting my time by writing this one reply to you. There won't be a second. If you get back to me, just assume I've replied with a reassuring head pat.
WOW, that's why i moved this argument into is own thread, mostly because it was taking away from another more important topic. At this point, who cares what you believe in. One person want to believe that roman'S leukemia diagnostic was exaggerated just to get him over, everybody else think he just saying that because he hates Reigns. That was makes a entertaining thread so if you need to continue arguing about this, please continue on this thread, it's been a very entertaining argument and a fun read.
If Romans leukemia was faked which it certainly WAS NOT , vince would of put him into the universal title match at mania as the crowd was behind him upon his return and he would of cashed in on that way more than he did, I'd go as far as to say since he's came back he's not been 'forced down anyone's throat' even though personally I never felt he was anyway but that's just me. But back to the so called fake illness. If it was to come out that it was all a ruse imagine how much vince would lose in sponsorships alone, the fox deal would be pulled and I for one would boycott the company as I'm sure a lot of others would on moral, do you really think vince mcmahon is going to risk his bank balance just to make believe Roman had cancer in order to make a quick buck? He would lose more in the long run than he would ever gain from it. So the idea that it was all faked is absolutely b.s
Wrong, as usual. Kids are only the largest portion of the audience at house shows. They're a slim portion at televised events and PPVs, hence the overwhelmingly negative reaction Roman gets, until he faked cancer to get over.

Also, one of Vince's biggest failings is his failure to comprehend that kids don't stay kids very long. Most young WWE fans stop watching after a few years when it's not considered "cool" anymore. The older fans are the ones that keep WWE in business, not kids and families. The sooner Vince understands that, the sooner the company is saved.

You're a moron!

"The older fans are the ones who keep the WWE in business, not kids and families".

You mean, the older fans who come on here and bitch and moan about WWE, because it is no longer like the Attitude Era?

You mean the older fans who claim to hate WWE SO much, that they spend endless posts writing how much they hate WWE. You are obsessed with them.

Or do you mean the older fans, which these kids will grow up to be one day, and continue to be a fan, and guess what, they will then bring their own kids along as well, who become the new generation of fans.

It is the kids who buy the merchandise and Mattel toys of WWE. It is the children who deck themselves out with Cena caps, Cena TV shirts and Cena wristbands.

Children don't have money and can't drive. But they have parents who can. So WWE automatically sell two tickets instead of one (one child, one parent). They can then have whole families come. They can sell with children, just like they did back in the 80's, when we were kids.

Why would Vince cater to you, when all you do is be ungrateful for the entertainment that Vince has provided over the years, and now people like you threaten to go watch AEW instead.

Guess what, there are always new fans. You go away, someone will replace you. Not everyone thinks like you, even if they pretend to on this site.

Be very careful threatening to walk out on WWE, and look around, as you might see that others stay in their seat and not follow you out as well. You don't have that much pull. More people care what Roman Reigns does than what you do.
This is an ignorant statement saying WWE has faked leukemia to get him over. I don’t like Reigns. I find his wrestling to be blah and not so exciting. His popularity is yes based on kids, women, in my area our Hispanic population. He unfortunately sells. Wrestling is about faking a lot of things and yes the attitude era was known for some pretty vile storylines but today to fake cancer, you would piss a lot of people off including investors in WWE and investors in their partnerships with Breast cancer awareness and connors cure. This time in WWE, things like that are not a joking matter.

Could his condition be a little exaggerated? Maybe. We never know. We don’t know what stage he was in. WWE is already walking on eggshells with concussions, they aren’t going to take any chances with cancer.

You’re upset because they pushed Roman back to where he was prior to leaving and they over used his leukemia as a way to keep him liked. Sorry that happens. I don’t think him returning as a dick heel would have changed this fan empathy for him.
I have never understood how anyone can hate wrestlers who bust their body every night, missing family events and making heaps of sacrifices, and then wrestling when each match and each move could result in paralysis or worse, every time they go out there, all for the entertainment of an ungrateful fanbase who then boos them at every opportunity.

Roman Reigns risks his health every night, just like every other wrestler does, to put on a show or a match that will entertain. If he were me, I would ask if it was worth performing for snivelling, ungrateful shits like Aquaman6686.

What do you do for a job, Aquaman? I hope people shit on your performance of your work like you shit on Roman's. Get off this site and don't come back, you entitled loser. You have nothing relevant to add to this discussion, or even life itself.
My opinion is, I would like to hear from more posters who have actually have experience with someone who has had leukemia to post so we could gain more knowledge of it's types and treatments.

Reason, I have some personal experience of watching a person go through being diagnosed with leukemia. From what I understood and watched, it was horrible. All of their blood had to be extracted and through a blood transfusion, a totally new blood supply was entered into their system. They had chemo prior to. Loss weight. Became dark, skinned looked burnt to a crisp and it took them almost a year to recover. Now if you saw that person today, you would not tell they had the disease.

Obviously, that wasn't the case with Roman, so again I would ask for any posters who know of the types of leukemia, and the treatments to hit the board to educate us further.

So I don't agree with saying the WWE faked an illness so serious as Leukemia to get Reigns over. They could have tweaked his character. Gave him new gear, done something stupid like they are doing with Bray Wyatt, or just gave up turned him heel, and then hoped for him to get over.

I lean more towards by exposing his illness, they hoped that would make him more popular, perhaps knowing his treatment or type would not be so aggressive that he would return in a short period of time.

Ultimately, I think it's taken the momentum from his character as people are real flat on Reigns right now. They don't want to boo him out of sympathy, but don't want to cheer him either.

Bottom line, the fans will turn and start booing him all over again, because he is going to be the focal point of Smackdown, and eventually Kofi will drop the title to a pawn who will be there for Roman's taking.
My opinion is, I would like to hear from more posters who have actually have experience with someone who has had leukemia to post so we could gain more knowledge of it's types and treatments.

Reason, I have some personal experience of watching a person go through being diagnosed with leukemia. From what I understood and watched, it was horrible. All of their blood had to be extracted and through a blood transfusion, a totally new blood supply was entered into their system. They had chemo prior to. Loss weight. Became dark, skinned looked burnt to a crisp and it took them almost a year to recover. Now if you saw that person today, you would not tell they had the disease.

Obviously, that wasn't the case with Roman, so again I would ask for any posters who know of the types of leukemia, and the treatments to hit the board to educate us further.

So I don't agree with saying the WWE faked an illness so serious as Leukemia to get Reigns over. They could have tweaked his character. Gave him new gear, done something stupid like they are doing with Bray Wyatt, or just gave up turned him heel, and then hoped for him to get over.

I lean more towards by exposing his illness, they hoped that would make him more popular, perhaps knowing his treatment or type would not be so aggressive that he would return in a short period of time.

Ultimately, I think it's taken the momentum from his character as people are real flat on Reigns right now. They don't want to boo him out of sympathy, but don't want to cheer him either.

Bottom line, the fans will turn and start booing him all over again, because he is going to be the focal point of Smackdown, and eventually Kofi will drop the title to a pawn who will be there for Roman's taking.

I don't fully understand how it all works (unlike the OP, who says he knows it is fake, despite not being a doctor).

But I have read up on cancers, since I lost a brother to it.

I depends on a few factors. Firstly, is his leukemia contained to one part of the body. If so, then the outcome is a lot better. My brother's cancer spread, which makes the prognosis worse, and often there is no recovery. So, if it was in one area, and didn't spread, the outcome can be good.

Secondly, it depends on how soon it is detected. If detected early, then the outcome is good as well. The fact that this is the second time Roman has had leukemia (he said in his speech that his leukemia had "come back") means that he would be tested often by doctors, making detection early on more likely, as they monitor it often.

Also, I have read about other sportspeople who have overcome cancer, and diet and fitness helped them. The fact that Roman is a fit person (by wrestling all the time, and having to watch his weight and diet to train properly) probably helped his cause immensely as well.

So, it is very possible that Roman could have recovered quickly, especially with modern medical advancements. Also, many have survived from leukemia, as well as many have died from it. But if some of these factors played a part (regular checkups, early detection, fitness etc) played a part, it could have gone a long way towards recovery.

The fact is,most of us aren't privy to all the details, as that is between him and his doctors (and I respect that). But a recovery like Roman's is far from impossible, and I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Unless Aquaman6866 is a doctor, and can provide iron-clad proof ( eg medical records) that PROVE that Roman DIDN'T have cancer, then I believe that Roman has recovered from leukemia.
Only sports person I could find on Google are Lance armstrong stage 3 testicular and Yuvraj Singh some advance lung cancer. They made miraculous come back in a surprisingly short time. But that was advance stage. If Roman was diagnosed early, it's possible for him to make early recovery.
I was pissed off at the fact that they used cancer to get some cheap heat for Drew and cheer for Roman. Also they really dropped the ball on Ambrose when the angle could have worked without making any clear reference to it.
Last but not the least, Roman is way better at the brawling part and making his matches look realistic than virtually all the attitude era guys but I guess complaining and being negative is the cool thing to do online.
I like the idea that Aquaman666 thinks you can have ‘minor’ versions of cancer. What a douche bag.

Also he doesn’t seem to realise that generating ‘hate’ heat is still being over, and if WWE fans REALLY did not want to see Reigns, they would not buy tickets, or Reigns merch, or at least stay silent or use concessions stands/toilets during his matches. Audience apathy is the hard evidence someone is disliked, any reaction is still a sign of getting over.

Aquaman666, I find your suggestion abhorrent and disgusting
I think it's nonsense that WWE would fake cancer to get someone more over with some sympathy, That would really be a sick and desperate thing to do and I would refuse to watch it anymore if found true and I imagine I'm not the only one who would quit watching. Why would WWE want to risk such a sick shocking story coming out at some point in the future? Also from a storyline perspective it makes no sense as he was world champion and gave his belt up so in a storyline Reigns gained nothing and lost his title as well as his main event at wrestlemania why would he willingly do this?
Those cowards at Susan "forgot the middle initial" Komen and Make A Wish and their refusal to listen to Aquaman3784 and his ironclad clearly proven statements about Reigns and WWE faking cancer is so sad.

Clearly their relationships with WWE are more important than decency. What a disgusting world we live in.
Age old discussion huh. Well here it goes. I for one do not put anything past Vince. Especially when it comes to one of his favorites, The Big Dog. He's tried for YEARS to get him over with no success. Do I think he faked the severity of the cancer or think he faked it completely? Yes, yes I do. Theres a few reasons why I think this.

For one there is no way any of us or anyone will ever know if it was faked. Doctor, patient privileges!! Unless the doc wants to lose his practice nobody will ever know.

Two, the fact that Roman himself talked about the E needing an offseason right after he came back from his time away.

Finally shouldn't someone have hair loss and weight loss after treatments??

Would I be upset if it was faked? No. Would I stop watching if it was faked? No. Would it change my view about Roman? No, because I never liked the guy and that's all on Vince for pushing him down everyone's throats for years.
But i ask this before to the person that started this debate, what did the wwe had to gain from doing this? Reigns was getting over with a good portion of the IWC, he was the universal champion which means more money and merchandise sale were going very well before he left. They had nothing to gain from this especially if the government or any mainstream media outlet decided to research this in any way. If for some reason this was real and get discovered by anybody and publish, vince would lose is shirt and a lot of big sponsors that they have right now. I could even see some of they're current tv partners having cold feet and trying to get out of their respective contracts with them.

They have everything to lose by doing this and let face it, vince isn't going to risk the whole company just to please a section of the fanbase. He's too smart for this.
You people don’t know Aquaman if you think he’s going to come back after making himself sound stupider than usual, which is saying a lot. Once the topic turned to this, I knew I was wasting my time saying anything else. He’s proven his idiocy time and time again.
But i ask this before to the person that started this debate, what did the wwe had to gain from doing this? Reigns was getting over with a good portion of the IWC, he was the universal champion which means more money and merchandise sale were going very well before he left. They had nothing to gain from this especially if the government or any mainstream media outlet decided to research this in any way. If for some reason this was real and get discovered by anybody and publish, vince would lose is shirt and a lot of big sponsors that they have right now. I could even see some of they're current tv partners having cold feet and trying to get out of their respective contracts with them.

They have everything to lose by doing this and let face it, vince isn't going to risk the whole company just to please a section of the fanbase. He's too smart for this.

The last four years have proven without a doubt that Vince will sacrifice ANYTHING to get Roman over as a face. There's no risk whatsoever to the company. Their advertisers don't give two shits if WWE fakes cancer to get a guy over. As long as the money pours in, they're happy. Every method of getting Roman cheered failed miserably - Vince found a method that worked and you're all falling for it. Vince and Roman worked the entire audience and you all think it's legitimate.
I like the idea that Aquaman666 thinks you can have ‘minor’ versions of cancer. What a douche bag.

Also he doesn’t seem to realise that generating ‘hate’ heat is still being over, and if WWE fans REALLY did not want to see Reigns, they would not buy tickets, or Reigns merch, or at least stay silent or use concessions stands/toilets during his matches. Audience apathy is the hard evidence someone is disliked, any reaction is still a sign of getting over.

Aquaman666, I find your suggestion abhorrent and disgusting

You're even dumber than most posters here, and that's a low standard to say the least. I find your stupidity abhorrent and disgusting.
Most fans don't buy tickets to see Roman Reigns. Kids do, and families with kids do, hence why he's over at house shows. People who hate him don't buy his merch, and they don't buy tickets to see him - they buy tickets to see WWE, which unfortunately includes Roman Reigns. You obviously don't attend WWE events often, or you'd know that the Roman Reigns matches ARE when thousands of fans are using the restroom or concession area. And what's worse, the thousands of people who leave events early when he's headlining, because they DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM.
I dont think they lied about the leukemia or ttyed to make it sound worse than it was . All he said was it came back and he had to go treat it but he would be back .I also dont think wwe thought this would magically make roman the top babyface to everyone like they've been trying for years, they probably expected a big pop and mostly cheers first few weeks of return then back to normal . I think it was more about the work they do with the charity's and children's hospitals .
But i ask this before to the person that started this debate, what did the wwe had to gain from doing this? Reigns was getting over with a good portion of the IWC, he was the universal champion which means more money and merchandise sale were going very well before he left. They had nothing to gain from this especially if the government or any mainstream media outlet decided to research this in any way. If for some reason this was real and get discovered by anybody and publish, vince would lose is shirt and a lot of big sponsors that they have right now. I could even see some of they're current tv partners having cold feet and trying to get out of their respective contracts with them.

They have everything to lose by doing this and let face it, vince isn't going to risk the whole company just to please a section of the fanbase. He's too smart for this.

The only one who had anything to gain was Vince. To finally get it his way. To finally be able to say Roman is over. He still gets boo's but they aren't as overwhelming as before. He wasnt over before. He would get cheered when it had to do with the Shield. Woman and children are the majority of his audience.

I've watched the E since birth lol. No but really since I was young. 4 or 5 years old. Religiously watch it. I'm not saying I know Vince but 30 years of watching his product. I wouldn't put anything past the guy just so he can have it the way he wants. And he has the right to, it's his company.
But what you and aquaman seem to forget is that he was already getting is way with roman. Hate him or love him, he was over. The numbers proved that fact and that 's how vince and the sponsors and shareholders cares about. They couldn't cares less if a guy is cheered or booed by the IWC because let's face it, we as a community will continue to buy tickets to cheer or boo the performers.

The company is happy that we exists and we watch and buy tickets to there shows but in the end, this is a family oriented product and reigns is over with that demo. He was the universal champion at the time and was riding the momentum of that win because he was getting more cheered then boos. If a scandal like this one gets out to the medias, this will hurt the bottom line of the company and might even turn off some of the major sponsors the already have.

Vince hasn't created the multi billion dollar empire by being stupid. He did it by taking calculated risk and doing something as stupid as faking cancer just to get somebody over with the IWC is not a calculated risk, it's just a stupid move.
But what you and aquaman seem to forget is that he was already getting is way with roman. Hate him or love him, he was over. The numbers proved that fact and that 's how vince and the sponsors and shareholders cares about. They couldn't cares less if a guy is cheered or booed by the IWC because let's face it, we as a community will continue to buy tickets to cheer or boo the performers.

The company is happy that we exists and we watch and buy tickets to there shows but in the end, this is a family oriented product and reigns is over with that demo. He was the universal champion at the time and was riding the momentum of that win because he was getting more cheered then boos. If a scandal like this one gets out to the medias, this will hurt the bottom line of the company and might even turn off some of the major sponsors the already have.

Vince hasn't created the multi billion dollar empire by being stupid. He did it by taking calculated risk and doing something as stupid as faking cancer just to get somebody over with the IWC is not a calculated risk, it's just a stupid move.

Saying Roman was over before this is simply a lie. Getting nuclear heat in every city is NOT being over. This "good or bad, a huge reaction is still good" is a load of crap. When thousands of people walk out of a Pay-Per-View they paid money to see because they DESPISE Roman so much they'd rather not stick around for the main event, that IS NOT GOOD. Reigns is only over with kids. And they're only the main demographic at house shows. Televised and PPV events are still and will always be primarily adult male wrestling fans. WWE had to edit the fan reaction to SummerSlam for the Network to cover up the fact that Roman was still being overwhelmingly booed. People walked out of Fastlane rather than watch Roman's match and this was barely two months ago. At WrestleMania Roman was once again being booed by the VAST MAJORITY of the audience.

And you're still not comprehending that there IS NO RISK to exaggerating Roman's illness. None whatsoever. Sponsors don't care what's in WWE's storylines as long as they make money. All that matters to Vince is getting Roman over and it worked.

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