Against All Odds: Petey Williams vs. Scott Steiner


Is hanging up the boots
"Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner​

Finally, a match on the card that I'm actually interested in. I'm a fan of Petey Williams, and I loved the way TNA booked his return. This match is obviously taking place due to Petey being dumped by Scott Steiner a few months back to further the storyline between the Main Event Mafia and The Frontline. Scott Steiner put on a good match with AJ Styles on iMPACT a few weeks ago, so I can't see why this match can't be decent.

I've wanted to see these two face each other for a long time now as Steiner has been Petey's mentor for a long time. However, I see Steiner winning here since TNA is so obsessed with making the Mafia dominant in every pay per view match. The faces need to start getting the wins though, otherwise the storyline will become repetitive and less interesting. The time is now, give Petey and the Frontline something to talk about and have Petey Williams win cleanly here at Against All Odds.

Yes, I am living in an imaginary world, so in reality I see Scott Steiner winning once again in what should be a good 10 minute bout.

Your thoughts?
This is a perfect chance for Frontline to score the suprise win. Williams goes into this match as the biggest underdog imaginable and he could strike a blow to the Mafia by stunning their enforcer. The whole angle could be turned around right here.

He'll get masscared. This is TNA so of course he'll "put up a valiant effort" and then get knocked out in the Recliner. No way they'll put a young, talented kid over a washed up veteran that has maybe a year and a half left in his career. What sense would that make?
I have a feeling this match will be surprisingly entertaining. I still don't have much interest in it though.

Steiner will show he still has it in him to sort of wrestle and so we'll all be so sort of surprised that we'll be duped into thinking it's a good match. If I were Petey though, I'd be reluctant to step into the ring with Steiner after he nearly broke AJ's neck the other week on iMPACT!. If he goes for the Canadian Destroyer, they're both going end up dead or crippled - I'm calling it now.

Still, the spectacle of a big Scott Steiner facing down a little Scott Steiner will sure be something to behold.
I'm not a huge fan of Scott Steiner and I think majority of his matches are pretty bad but with the way this has been booked I am certainly looking forward to it. Petey has potential to be good or better yet great and I hope Steiner doesn't ruin that. There is no way Steiner would be able to take a Canadian Destroyer and I think this match will probably end with an interference.
Great job TNA, this match shows me that they due have half (if that) a brain left. This match is one of the few matches on the card that has a good back story. Now we all know TNA creative when it comes to young, exciting, talented guys vs. old, beat up, torn up, slow guys, the young guy stands no chance at winning, I mean if this weren't pre-determined that's how it'd be right?

In all seriousness though, in this match I honestly think Petey will pick up the "upset" win. I'm not really sure why I think that, nor does TNA's booking history give me any reason to believe so, but I just have a feeling. If Petey does win it will probably due to dirty tactics or interference from one of the Frontline members or with a roll-up, they won't give him a clean win.

Frontline needs to start scoring some points against the Mafia, so far they've been failing miserably on PPV, so now is as good a time as any to start giving them some wins.
I think that the actual match will suck thanks to "Big Poppa Dump" Scott Steiner. I think Petey should win in this match but knowing TNA's creative team filled with dumb fucks. Scott Steiner will most likely win the match which is really a damn shame.
If Petey doesn't win this match I'll be pissed. Steiner still gets heat and such but he really is nothing special anymore. His matches tend to be boring and really at this point in his career he has peaked and should just countinue to be a lackey of the mafia. Petey on the other hand is in the prime of his career. The fans are getting behind him, he has good in ring skills, and his promo abilities are improving.

There would be no point to have Steiner win this match, unless they continue the feud and eventually have Williams win. If this is just a one off match and Steiner wins, I really maybe done with TNA. Frontline is terrible and has hardly any mainevent stars. You have guys like Creed, Lethal, and Petey don't look credible against guys like Nash, Steiner, Angle, ect, so this would be a perfect way to show the fans that Petey can hold his own. In their eyes he might seem a little more credible. In the end this is TNA, so I won't be surprised if Steiner wins, and I won't care as long as their feud countinues and Petey comes out on top.
Had this oen called all the way up to the end until Steiner pulled out the Screwdriver. Williams "fought hard" but came up short, just as I said he would, and Frontline loses again. they've managed to kill yet another possible young lion to step up and help Styles and Joe by just feeding him to one of the Mafia again. Speaking of Joe, he popped up on camera after the match ended and more or less said he's coming for Steiner. That's nothing but good in my mind. It's time for the leaders to come back and score some major wins over the heels. Bad match, good postmatch segment.

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