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Aftershock 30

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Ireland; The land of beauty and green. And tonight, you're all invited to watch the merging of beauty and green, in holy matrimony.

May the longtime sun shine on you

The beauty of Amber Warren, and the grace and dignity of LMD, square off in a high stakes match, with the unruly Demon Foreigners, for the right to challenge for the WZCW Tag Team Titles.

All love surround you

And the pure light within you

Guide you on your way

A once prickly rose, Isabel Stone seems to have found a gentler side out of the ring. Has her in ring edge maintained? It will have to, if she hopes to best the impressive monster, Fallout.

Akal, Akal, infinity....

The purity of Theron Daggershield battles the decadence of Ramparte. Who shall persevere in the battle of good and evil?

And, for so long, evil personified has run wild in WZCW, in The Sacrificial Altar. Now, the remaining remnants, in DC and Mason Weathoff, challenge the heroes Jonathan Hyada and Corvus

Akal, Akal, no end...

And tonight, a WZCW first. Pure love, shared between man and woman, forever locked in eternity as one. May their days be blessed, and may this day be as beautiful as any wedding. For tonight, WZCW has its very first wedding, between Krypto, and Missy. You are cordially invited to attend this lovely affair, and share in the bliss of Missy and Krypto, in holy matrimony.

May God hold you in the hollow palm of his hand

A wedding invitation floats onto the screen, as Krypto and Missy look happily into the camera, wearing tux and wedding gown, and sharing a kiss.


The opening pyro goes off and the raucous crowd shows their support to the WZCW superstars with various signs.

Serra: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we are live here tonight in beautiful Dublin, Ireland for the thirtieth edition of Aftershock and what a special one it is. I'm Becky Serra alongside my broadcast partner Johnny Klamor, and Johhny we have a WZCW first here tonight, an actual wedding!

Klamor: Thanks Becky. Of all the nights I could have called in sick, this is the one I wish I would have. We have to sit through a wedding involving Krypto, Krypto! Talk about a waste.


Klamor: Hey, my good friend Chuck Myles, maybe we will put an end to this charade tonight.

Myles makes his way to the ring, dressed in a tuxedo, mic in hand.

Myles: Sorry Johnny, as much as I wish I could, I can't stop this.

The crowd lets out a reluctant cheer.

But that isn't why I'm out here. I've bee told my our owner, Mr. Banks to come down here tonight and address the tag team title situation. Steven Holmes has officially been ruled out of action due to the actions of Mr. David Cougar.

The crowd is mixed, happy to see Holmes out of action, but unhappy with Showtime's actions the night before.

So before I make the official announcement, I'd like the guys in the truck to bring up Celeste Crimson on screen for us. Unfortunately Celeste couldn't be here with us as she has flown back to England to be with Steven, so she will be joining us via satellite.

After a few seconds of black screen and static, the image of Celeste inside the study of Holmes' Manor comes on screen.

Thanks for joining us Celeste.

Celeste: Thanks for having me Chuck. Before we begin I just want to say I think it is absolutely deplorable that these fans would cheer the injuries to my beloved Steven. What Showtime did was uncalled for, unprovoked, and unforgivable. As an official protest, I am refusing to compete until Showtime faces repercussions for his actions. These titles shall remain in our possession until then.

The crowd begins to boo heavily, only calming themselves at the urging of Myles.

About that. You see the moment that you won those titles, you entered into a binding contract that comes with certain obligations. One of those obligations being that you must defend the title every forty five days, lest you be stripped of the title. So by my count, you are about a week and half away from that, and from the medical reports currently lying on my desk, your dearest King Steven is in no shape to compete, let alone compete at a championship level.

Celeste begins to shake her head, mouthing "no" back at Myles.

So Mr. Banks has made the decision that you will defend the titles at Apocalypse in a handicap match against the winner of tonight's main event!

The crowd begins to cheer as Celeste can be seen on the screen watery eyed, her mascara beginning to run.

You can't do this to to me! You can't do this to my Steven!

Celeste begins to full on bawl at this point, filled half with anger, half with sorrow.

Sorry honey, but them's the breaks. See ya in London.


Myles sets his mic on the ground and walks out of the ring as Celeste can be heard throwing a fit even above Myles' music.

Serra: Shocking news here to start off Aftershock. At Apocalypse Celeste Crimson will defend the tag team titles in a two on one handicap match against either The Demon Foreigners or Los Magnificos Dragones!

Klamor: Speaking of tag team action, the remnants of The Sacrificial Altar take on the team of Jonathan Hyada and Corvus after the break.

To a decent reaction from the crowd, Johnny Hyada and Corvus come out together as a show of unity. Hyada kneels and pays respect to the crowd as Corvus stands behind him, looking out into the Dublin crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 485, the team of Jonathan Hyada and Corvus!

They get into the ring and pose for the fans before turning their attention towards the ramps.

There’s loud boos as the arena goes dark. A spotlight shines down on DC, and only DC. He begins his walk down to the ring.

Klamor: DC is alone? Where's Mason?

Anderson: And their opponents, first, weighing in at 220 pounds, DC!

He stands outside the ring, looking in at his opponents. The music stops for a moment, as DC waits for his opponents…

The music starts up once more, but again, Brother Westhoff doesn’t step through the curtain. Instead, a smaller man with a suit and glasses comes out onto the stage with a microphone in hand.

Howe: My name is Terrance Howe, and I am Brother Mason Westhoff’s legal advisor. A week and a half ago in France, a masked gunman made an attempt on Brother Westhoff’s life. Luckily, they were unsuccessful, and Brother Westhoff is relaxing in safety back in Texarkana.

WrestleZone Championship Wrestling doesn’t want you to know anything I just told you. They want you to believe Brother Westhoff quit WZCW for reasons of cowardice or failure. I am here so that those lies will not be spread.

Due to contractual obligations, Brother Westhoff cannot just stay home and recover from the traumatic events of last week. What he can do, however, is send a replacement. Allow me to introduce to you, the goddess, Illapa!

As the yellow lights flicker around the arena, the woman named Illapa emerges and begins to be let to the ring by Howe.

Serra: Who is this woman!?

Klamor: I don’t know, but I’m more worried about Mason. We’ll try to get you an address to send cards to before the end of the show, ladies and gentlemen.

DC looks shocked as Illapa walks passed him and gets into the ring. He hestitates before following her in. As Illapa stares down her opponents, Hyada extends his hand as a sign of respect, but Illapa slaps him hard across the face. Hyada, completely caught off guard, stumbles back into his corner. Corvus tells him to gather himself on the outside, as, without any discussion, DC gets onto the apron to watch Illapa.

Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell and Illapa and Corvus get us under way. Corvus approaches Illapa slowly, wary of his unknown opponent. He throws a right hand, but Illapa blocks it, and counters with a strong elbow strike that knocks Corvus down. Illapa doesn’t give him a moment to breathe, Irish Whipping him into the corner hard. Corvus bounces off the turnbuckles into the waiting arms of the Goddess, who throws him across the ring with an Exploder Suplex.

Klamor: This woman is a machine!

Serra: The feminist in me wants to cheer for her, but she’s got a very scary look in her eyes that makes it impossible...

Corvus is completely stunned as he gets up in the corner. Illapa runs at him, but he drops down and she hits the turnbuckles. Corvus takes advantage, lifting her up and hitting a Vertical Suplex. He follows up with a quick Legdrop for the first cover of the match,



Illapa kicks out. She gets to a corner and pulls herself up as Corvus sizes her up. As she leans in the corner trying to get her bearings, Corvus attacks with a series of kicks to her gut that double her over. He pulls her out of the corner and locks in the double underhooks. But, as he tries to lift her up for the Suplex, she blocks it. She pulls her arms apart, breaking Corvus’ grasp. She then twists her way out of the position, grabbing Corvus’ arm in the process, and pulls him right into a Short Arm Clothesline! She goes for her first pin,



Corvus kicks out! Before he can even try to get up, Illapa grabs his head to try and lock in the Capachoca, but Corvus manages to scramble out of it, and tags in Hyada, who looks apprehensive. Illapa backs up into her corner as she watches him get into the ring. Suddenly, DC slaps her on the shoulder, tagging himself in. Illapa wonders what the hell he’s doing as he gets into the ring, and instructs her to get out onto the apron. With a look that could kill, she stares down DC for a moment, before finally getting out of the ring.

DC turns around into a Spinning Backfist from Hyada that comes out of nowhere! DC is completely dazed and reaches out for the tag, but there’s no one there; Illapa is already walking up the ramp with Howe!

Klamor: Where is she going!?

Serra: I guess she didn’t take kindly to DC tagging himself in…

As DC watches them leave, he realises he’s alone. Before he can even think of a plan, he turns around into the Falling Star from Hyada! Hyada hooks a leg,




Anderson: Here are your winners, Corvus and Jonathan Hyada!

Hyada and Corvus celebrate to cheers from the crowd as the referee tries to wake DC up.

Klamor: Well, I guess that’ll teach DC not to piss off a woman again…


Krypto can be seen backstage in the locker room in front of a mirror adjusting his miniature tuxedo. Backstage Bob is helping him fit the buttons together while Facecrush watches as he wears a torn suit half his size around his neck. Former WZCW World Champion Titus sticks his head in through the door before sneaking up on the alien to surprise him.

Krypto: Titus! Don’t scare me like that man, I’m stressing over this suit, the ceremony, the maniac trying to kill me and steal my fiancée. I never thought a Wedding would be this much work.

Titus: Relax I come in peace. I just thought I’d give you a little wedding gift.

The Oscar winner hands the extraterrestrial some kind of booklet.

Titus: It’s a photo album, a multitude of backstage photos of you and the boys in the back. It’s even got that time we hung out at the beach.


Krypto: I really appreciate it man, it means a lot. However can I ask you for some advice?

Titus: Sure, anything.

Krypto: I know you’re a human movie star and all so….how do you manage celebrity marriages?

Titus: I’ve never been married Krypto.

Krypto: Really?! That’s perfect, my sister just got divorced last week. Hold on I’ll get you her number

The alien scavenges through his equipment while Bob and Facecrush signal to Titus that it may be wise to leave. The actor tip toes away quietly while the alien is oblivious.
Missy can be seen putting on makeup in front of a mirror while Amber Warren helps brush her hair.

Missy: I really appreciate you helping me out Amber; there are not a lot of women backstage who wouldn’t mind helping me out tonight.

Amber: Not counting you I think there’s only like three of us. But it’s no problem; Krypto’s always been nice to me during my time here so I don’t mind helping out his soon to be wife.

Missy: I still can’t believe I’m getting married, a younger version of me would never even consider a guy like Krypto back then.

Amber: Well none of that makes a difference now, you found a guy that loves you, and you love him right?

Missy: Yeah I….yeah.

The conversation is stopped upon hearing the door abruptly open to reveal Isabel Stone in her ring gear.

Isabel: You’re Krypto’s fiancée right?

Missy: Correct, can I help you?

Isabel: I know I and he haven’t exactly seen eye to eye, especially during my early days here but things have changed since the Mentorship program, I’ve changed as well. I just wanted to wish you guys the best of luck and help out in any way possible.

Missy: Umm….as of now I think Amber is my only bridesmaid. You can be one if you want.

Isabel: I’ve got a match tonight but if that goes well I’ll definitely be there.

Isabel walks out the room with a wink a smile towards the bride.

Amber: That was unexpected.

Missy: Krypto always told me she was really mean, the same kind of mean I was. I guessed she’s changed, I guess I’ve changed….


Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Isabel Stone walks out from backstage with her hands placed on her hips. She flips her hair and flashes a smile at the audience before strutting down the entrance ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 152 pounds, Isabel Stone!

Isabel Stone’s normally chilly demeanor has all but vanished as she makes her way down the entrance ramp, smiling at the fans and even slapping hands with the few that reach out for high-fives.

Klamor: I liked Izzy Stone better when she was an ice princess. This newfound warmth doesn’t do anything for me.

Serra: I for one am happy to see Izzy Stone smile so much lately. Usually you only see her smile after she’s slapped candy out of child’s hand or desecrated a national treasure.

Stone climbs into the ring between the bottom and middle rope and ascends a nearby turnbuckle. She nods at the crowd a few times before hopping down and waiting for her opponent.


Fallout comes out from backstage and starts making a beeline towards the ring.

Anderson: And the challenger: from Pripyat, Ukraine, weighing in at 255 pounds, Fallout!

By the time Anderson has finished her announcement, Fallout has already climbed into the ring and goes to the ropes on the opposite side. He grabs the top rope and shakes it violently before stomping over to the corner.

Serra: There’s no doubt that Isabel Stone is tough, but Fallout is as dangerous as they come in WZCW.

Klamor: And he’s coming off a loss to Saboteur on last week’s Meltdown. Fallout is generally pretty cranky, but I’m guessing he’s flat out pissed coming into this match.

Fallout is a ball of energy in his corner, bobbing left and right while shaking the ropes on either side of him. Isabel Stone seems to be ready too as she shakes her arms loose and rubs her fists. The referee senses the tension, and rings the bell to start the fight.

Fallout walks deliberately towards the middle of the ring, but Stone can’t wait. She pounces at Fallout and harasses him with elbows and chops. Fallout covers up, but he still takes some damage as Izzy continues the attack. Stone backs Fallout into a corner and uses this advantageous position to whip him across the ring into the opposite corner. Stone charges at him and connects with a corner spear. Fallout staggers out of the corner and falls to the ground where Stone makes the cover.



Kick out!

Stone pulls Fallout back to his feet and throws him into the ropes. She throws herself at his feet for the first rebound and then leapfrogs him for the second rebound. On the third rebound Stone leaps up into the air for a crossbody… but Fallout catches her and hits her with a backbreaker! He stays on top of Izzy for the pin.


Kick out!

Fallout gets back to his feet very quickly and starts aggressively stomping away on Stone. Fallout shows few signs of changing his strategy, so the ref pushes Fallout back and issues him a warning, allowing Stone to slowly get back to her feet. Fallout pushes past the referee and grabs the recovering Isabel Stone from behind, dropping her with his Mushroom Cloud Russian Leg Sweep! He immediately climbs up the nearby turnbuckles and stands on the top rope. Barely a second passes before he leaps off the top and hits the Critical Mass elbow drop on Stone. He plants a forearm in her face when he makes the cover.



Kick out!

Fallout can’t believe his eyes as Stone kicks out of not one, but two of his signature moves! He gets to his feet and starts arguing with the ref.

Serra: It looked like Stone was going to take control early, but Fallout has mounted a serious comeback.

As Fallout berates the ref, Stone has gotten back to her feet, but she seems dazed. Fallout sees this out of the corner of his eye and he turns his attention back to his opponent. He stomps towards her and hits her with a European uppercut that drops her to a knee, and Fallout finishes the combo by throwing a Superkick at Izzy… but she ducks under it and catches Fallout’s outstretched leg! She stands up and flips Fallout onto his back and floats over for a cover.





Serra: Stone was a heartbeat away from stealing this match with the surprise pin!

Fallout tosses Stone off in the nick of time and rolls onto his stomach. Both he and Stone are slow to get up, but Fallout makes it to his feet first. He stutter steps towards Stone, whom is on one knee, and throws an elbow at her face. Izzy absorbs the blow, but springs up to her feet and hits Fallout with a bitch slap, prompting a very warm response from the audience. Fallout grabs his face in pain, but quickly overcomes it and connects with another elbow!


Izzy connects with another bitch slap!


Another elbow!


Another bitch slap!


Fallout throws one last elbow, but this time Izzy blocks the attack and drives her palm into Fallout’s nose! Fallout grabs his face and howls in pain as Izzy bounces off the rope and takes Fallout down with a crossbody scissors chop! She gets to her feet slowly but makes up for it by hustling to the corner and climbing to the top rope. The crowd gives a loud cheer as Izzy flies off the top rope looking to connect with a diving headbutt that she calls Crash Course. She plummets down towards the mat where Fallout lay vulnerable, but at the last second Fallout rolls out of the way and Izzy gets a faceful of canvas. Fallout crawls towards Izzy and rolls her over for the pin.




NO! Kick out! Izzy got her shoulder a nanosecond before the ref’s hand came down for three! The match continues!

Fallout gets to hiss feet as quickly as he can and scoops up Isabel Stone. He hooks her leg and pulls her above his head before dropping her with Half-Life. There is no sign of fight from Izzy after she is slammed to the mat, and Fallout makes the cover.




There is no last moment kick out this time. Fallout slowly gets to his feet and raises his hands in the air.

Anderson: The winner of this match: Fallout!

Serra: Stone seemed to have the support of the crowd in this match, but I doubt that will make the beating she just took hurt any less.

Klamor: Fallout was a man possessed tonight, and he showed no remorse when it came time to finish Isabel Stone off with that vicious Half-Life.

Stone stirs in the ring as Fallout marches around the ring pumping his arms in the air.
Backstage, Steven Kurtesy is getting prepared for Krypto's wedding; as a former mentor of the program that brought Krypto, he feels a sense of pride in being there. Chastity knocks on the door, and Steven looks over his shoulder to see who is there. Once he sees Chastity, his guard immediately comes up. He squares up to her, almost ready to fight. He puts his fists down, but keeps his guard up.

KurtesyWhat do you want?

Chastity's eyes immediately begin to well.

Chastity:To help you.

Kurtesy gives a derisive laugh, and rolls his eyes.

Kurtesy: Right, of course, and why should I believe you?

She begins to cry a little, and looks Steven in the eyes.

Chastity:The doctor is too forgone; he's seeing things. And if I can't talk reason into him... You need to stop him. For all of our sakes... For my sake. Steven, you need to stop him. And I need to help you.

Steven softens a little, and almost goes to hug her. He stops himself, and asks in a soothing manner.

Steven:What can I do?

Chastity:Not here... Meet me in the boiler room. I can talk there. He isn't here, I promise... But it isn't safe to be seen with you. Just... Meet me in the boiler room.

Chastity briskly walks away, wiping tears from her eyes. Steven sighs deeply, and goes back to preparing for the wedding.


Anderson:The following contest is scheduled one fall!


Anderson: Introducing First, from Parts Unknown, weighing 190 pounds, Ramparte...

The Catalyst stands on the ramp observing the arena, breathing in the boos generated by the fans while clutching his cane in front of him. Once content, he hands his cane over to Morley. Morley, shaking a little, exits. Ramparte slowly and sensually walks down the runway, pausing to "breathe in" some more.

Serra:This guy gives me he creeps.

Klamor:Why does it always have to be the creeps we get? We had to get Zeus, then Fallout, now this?

He slides into the ring, turns his back to the camera, and sits down. He holds onto the middle and bottom rope, laughing maniacally as he hangs upside down, waiting for his opponent.

Anderson: His opponent, from Stephensville, Texas, weighing 190 pounds, The Warblade, Theron Daggershield!

Theron makes his way out to the ring, though looks a little unsteady, as he walks out. The red, yellow, and purple lights show a little lack of confidence, as he walks down to the ring. His trademark poses seem a little wobbly, though the fans still seem to love him. Without his dice, he just rolls into the ring, almost seeming lost.

Klamor:Speaking of weird...

Serra:Weird or not, his success speaks for itself; back to back wins over Dr. Zeus and Matt Tastic is nothing to sneeze at.

Klamor:Yes, but he had those dice, then. Without them, he's nothing.

Katie Sheppard admonishes Ramparte, who is now upright. She calls for the bell

Ding, Ding, Ding

Ramparte begins the match, with a quick Thesz press! He's starting quickly, as Theron tries to throw him off. Theron manages to get him off, but Ramparte keeps him down, placing his legs around his neck and beginning a scissors chokehold.

Serra: Someone really needs to control him, now!

Klamor:Theron's going to need to get his bearings; Ramparte is going to try and keep him on the ground. Dagger can't keep like that.

Sheppard administers a five count, ordering for Ramparte to release the hold. Ramparte slowly abides, laughing all the way. He stands over Theron, and slaps him in the face. Theron struggles to get up, and drags himself up using the ropes. Ramparte starts running directly to Daggershield again, but Theron ducks at the last second, back body dropping Ramparte right over the top rope! Ramparte lies on his back, in absolute pain, and struggles to get up. Theron looks outside, and sees an opening. He bounces off of the ropes, and attempts a suicide dive, right out of the ring, and splashes on top of Ramparte.

Klamor: The idiot's doing even more risky moves than normal. What's he thinking?

Serra: I wonder how much Daggershield is feeling like himself.

Daggershield walks around outside of the ring, urging for the fans to cheer. He looks to Ramparte, who is slowly getting up. He beckons for him to get up, and runs to spear him into the turnbuckle post. But Ramparte moves, and Theron goes shoulder first into the post. Ramparte sees this, and picks up Theron. He rams his shoulder into the post again, and pulls him back, to do it again! The crowd hisses at Ramparte, who soaks in the boos. His attention is turned to a pretty girl, seated at ringside, before he rolls back into the ring. He attempts a cover.



Theron just kicks out! Ramparte backs away, and sits cross legged, awaiting Theron to get up. Theron seems in pain, and Ramparte almost feeds off his pain. Theron gets to his knees, but Ramparte takes his arm. He looks like he's going to attempt a springboard single arm DDT! A move like that could dislocate Theron's shoulder!

Theron is able to push off Ramparte off, however, and push him into the corner. Theron runs and connects with a clothesline, but hit Ramparte with his injured shoulder. He holds his arm in agony.

Serra:Theron really seems to be making a lot of mistakes in this match

Klamor:Any more like that, and he could do permanent damage.

Ramparte climbs pushes away Ramparte, and climbs the second rope. He flies off and attempts a double axe handle, but Theron catches him with a dropkick. Ramparte falls to the mat again, as Theron, still holding his arm, tries to capitalize.



Two count only! Ramparte gets his shoulder up, as Theron attempts to climb the top rope. But his arm is so hurt, that he can only climb with one arm. Ramparte is able to recover and catch Theron, before he comes off the top rope. A few jabs has Theron crotched on the top rope, and Ramparte lifts Theron onto his shoulder. He lifts up Theron, and places him upside down in the turnbuckle. He hooks his legs up to the tree of woe, and starts stomping Theron's face. He runs to the other turnbuckle, and charges at Theron. He runs knee first into Theron, who falls to the ground, writhing in pain. Ramparte goes for the cover



No, just barely kicked out! Ramparte looks as though he's getting frustrated, but seems distracted by Katie Sheppard. He gazes at her, which allows Theron the chance to roll up Ramparte

1, 2, th- no, kick out!

Ramparte barely kicks out of the roll up, and stomps on Theron again. He signals that he is through with Theron, and sets him up for the Cataclysm! He lifts up Theron, who is able to use momentum, and turn the move into a hurricanrana!

Klamor:What?! How did he do that?

Serra:Theron's lower body strength allowed him to work up to Ramparte's neck, and execute a perfect hurricanrana.

Theron sees that Ramparte is laying in perfect position for the critical hit! He runs over to the turnbuckle, and bounces off the turnbuckle, twirling in the air and connecting! He hooks Ramparte's leg!




Theron uses the ropes to get up, as Sheppard goes to raise his uninjured arm.

Anderson: Here is your winner... Theron Daggershield!

Serra:Unbelievable, even when he made so many mistakes, Theron still gets the win!

Klamor:Yeah, but his luck is quickly running out! And when it does, he'll find himself on the wrong side of the fall.

Serra:Both men looking good, and if this match was had ten times, they may just split. But tonight, Theron is the better man.


A disgruntled Saboteur walks into the locker room to see Krypto fumbling with some concealer to hide some of his pimples. He walks up and smacks it out of his hand before picking him up by the collar.

Saboteur: So you’re getting married huh?

Krypto: Yes I am and why are you so angry?

Saboteur: You’re getting married and it seems you forgot to invite the one person who stuck with you through thick and thin. The person who molded you into the superstar that you are today, the man that is responsible for the success you’ve had. How could you not invite me to the festivities Krypto?!!

Krypto: To be honest….you have always been the human definition of a jerk to me. The way things have been going lately it seemed like you had bigger fish to fry.

Saboteur: I do have bigger fish to fry! Like catfish, gefilte fish, Vance Bateman fish, clown fish, that fish from Finding Nemo-

Krypto: I think that is a clown fish.

Saboteur: Shut up! I’m just hurt you didn’t invite me is all.

Krypto: Fine, I got a special job just for you Saboteur, something that I’ve been told is the most important part of the wedding.

Saboteur: I’m listening….
Backstage, Theron Daggershield is rummaging through his belongings, trying to find his sword.

Theron: Where is it? Come on, it has to be somewhere! I know I packed it.

Daggershield stops searching, and scratches his head, looking around the locker room.

Theron: Come on now, maybe I can find it right-

Theron continues mumbling himself, as he searches for his sword. A hulking figure walks into the room, chuckling.

???: Well lookie what we got here.

The camera pans to Fallout, holding red dice in his hand, as Theron looks at him with rage.

Fallout: Missing your sword, boy? I know you happened to... Misplace these some time ago. A shame, really... You look half a man without them. And considering you weren't much of a man to begin with-

Theron: Cram it. You think you're some monster... But you're nothing compared to what I've faced.

He lunges at Fallout, and starts throwing wild blows. Fallout returns the favor, and they start brawling. Security comes to separate the men, as Chuck Myles enters.

Myles: Hey! Hey! Not like this!

He gets in between both men, holding his arms out as Theron and Fallout stare at one another.

Myles: I'll give you two a chance to fight, if you really want. And it'll come real, real soon. But you two aren't fighting in my locker room; you two do it in my ring.

Fallout leaves, with a smirk, escorted by security. Theron puts his head in his hands, and starts packing up his bag, to leave.


Missy and Amber Warren can be seen putting on the final touches to Missy’s makeup as she prepares for her wedding.

Missy: How do I look?

Amber: Fantastic, however I got a match tonight and I hate to bail on you but it’s really important, you know tag team title contender ship stuff. So if I’m not out there by the time those wedding bells ring congrats and I’ll be sure to make to the after party.

Missy: Thanks Amber.

Warren then quickly makes her way out of the locker room in preparation for her match just as Missy remembers she forgot something.

Missy: Shoot! I forgot I’ve got no one to walk me down the altar. With Mister passed away and Alhazred god knows where I might just have to walk alone….

??? : I can walk you down.

Missy flinches at the sound the voice coming from behind her as she realizes whoever it is has been in her locker room the entire time.

Missy: Who are you and why are you here?

??? : I’m just a person willing to help you’re uh, predicament.


Steven Kurtesy stalks down to the boiler room, for his meeting with Chastity. He is cautious, but determined to have this information. He walks into the bowels of the boiler room, with machines whirring around him. Steven tip toes, and finds a lone television, sitting in the dimly lot room. He walks up to the television, and reads a box.


Steven opens to the box, and sees a videocassette. He sees a cassette player, within the television. Whoever left this for him intended for Steven to use the VCR. He pops open the tape, and watches static on the screen. When the static subsides, Dr. Zeus' face can be seen, in the darkness of an outside area. He is looking down, to the ground, and begins to speak.

We've come near to the end, Kurtesy
Soon, we'll do battle for the last time, you see.
On the eve of Apocalypse, I need to explain
Before I send you back to your fiery domain."

Dr. Zeus looks up, almost somberly.

coming after you never filled me with glee,
I remember when we near chummy, Kurtesy
But all of that had to be ignored
You were just a job sent to me from The Lord.

Dr. Zeus' anger begins to rise

But then you broke my child's crib, Kurtesy
Something I admit I took personally.
And I struggled, and struggled, so to The Lord I prayed
And he said... An eye for an eye... Your debt be repaid.

Zeus flashes the blowtorch, to show he is in a graveyard. The audience witnesses a massive amount of dirt dug up, with a shovel sticking out. Zeus walks over to the dug up grave, and shows the name of the tombstone;

Jasmine Kurtesy

Steven is absolutely despondent, as he watches Zeus hover the fire over his mother's grave. He can only watch, as Dr. Zeus continues his work.

I'll rid her of her demon, like I'll do to you
And when it's all done they will be one last thing to do.
Say your last rites, and give you peace.
Burn the remains, to give you release.

Kurtesy watches in horror, as Dr. Zeus lights his blowtorch, and throws it down into the grave! Zeus watches with a scornful eye, as the flames rise higher and higher, out of the hole.

So Apocalypse, I won't feel bad; I'll have fun.
When I've burned your remains, and you are done.

Zeus walks away, as Kurtesy, with tears in his eyes, starts destroying machines in the boiler room. He starts punching boilers, not allowing the heat to distract his rage. He throws the TV, and it explodes with a shatter. After laying waste to the room, Steven sits down, and begins to openly weep.


We cut backstage to Backstage Bob, who is sitting in the cafeteria eating when the camera pops in

Bob: So I'm not here to pitch how you should download the WZCW app, but if you haven't you should seriously consider it. Aside from backstage exclusives, you get first access to breaking news, including a special report later this evening about a superstar making his return at Apocalypse to compete in King For A Day, as well as another exclusive report about King For A Day and other must have information.

Bob holds up his phone to show that he has downloaded the app, just as Facecrush McSpinesmash shoves him out of the way and grabs an entire turkey leg off the catering table.
Chuck Myles can be seen in the ring as it is decked out for the wedding ceremony. Facecrush and Backstage Bob can be seen in tuxedos as well as Myles himself. Musicians are playing harps as well pianos and other and a nice white wedding carpet has been rolled down the entrance ramp.

Serra: The whole crowd in attendance tonight is certainly in anticipation for WZCW’s first ever wedding! Even you have to feel love is in the air tonight Klamor.

Klamor: I’m still baffled this wedding has been allowed to happen. Is inter species marriage legalized now? Why is this chick even marrying a weird like Krypto anyway? She’d be much better off with a man such myself.

Serra: In your dreams Klamor.

Myles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to a very special event here tonight on Aftershock. An event I wasn’t too keen on upon my first introduction to it but recently I’ve realized just how great this could be not only for the couple, not only for the ratings, but you the WZCW universe!

The fans cheer at Myles praising of the fans in attendance.

Myles: But before we get to the soon to be married couple there’s one man I need to introduce first. Due to us not being able to find someone to marry the leading couple last minute, we’ve acquired a person that is not bound to any church, or even bound to the laws of nature. He is the The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics, S.H.I.T!!!!


The fans cheer loudly as the Mechanical monster known as S.H.I.T appears on stage in a tuxedo of his own specially made to fit his mechanical frame. He makes his way down the ramp and upon entering takes the microphone from Myles.

S.H.I.T: Greetings human members of WZCW universe. S.H.I.T. would like to inform any members of the audience as well as bystanders viewing through any form of media that it has analyzed and collected data through all the forms of the bible that the machine could get its claws on is very equipped to perform this ceremony. However it does not wish to offend anyone through the scripture it has chosen to use. Any and all complaints will be noted, however almost all will be ignored, that is all.

The robot hands the microphone back to Myles.

Myles: Well um thanks S.H.I.T. Now, to introduce to groom, he is the Extraterrestrial sensation, the interstellar Rockefeller, the brother from another planet, from Out of this World, Krrryptooo!!!!


The lights go out in the arena and the spotlights swarm the crowd as the alien known as Krypto appears in the middle crowd wearing a tuxedo and dressed to the nine’s. The alien as soon carried towards the ring by various members of the audience as he crowd surfs while high fiving as many fans as he can. Upon being put over the barricade he sprints around the arena high fiving all the other fans, as well as Becky Serra, the time keeper, the camera men, and even the announcer before hopping in the ring and hugging everyone inside.

Myles: Krypto calm down buddy, I know you’re excited, I know you’re full of energy but I’ve got another surprise for you. An old friend would like to say a few words before you indulge in your special moment. Everyone, coming live via satellite from somewhere in China, Action Saxton!


The crowd goes nuts as Saxton appears on the titantron with a grin on his face, he quickly signals to cut off his music and quiets down the fans as to not overshadow his little green friend and mentee.

Saxton: Krypto you smooth green sucka you. I never thought you’d get married to a chick from this planet but I’ll be the first to admit you proved me wrong sucka. While I know I haven’t always expressed this to you but you’re actually a pretty cool cat. Not Saxton cool, but in my book you’ll always be better than Armando Paradyse.

The crowd laughs a long with the chastising of the former employee for old times sake.

Saxton: I truly wish your marriage the best of luck sucka. Now before I go where’s my man Saboteur?!

Saboteur: Here unfortunately…

Krypto’s other former mentor Saboteur can be seen walking down ramp looking very disappointed. He can also be seen carrying a basket and sprinkling flowers on the ramp as he walks to the ring.

Saxton: Saboteur….are you the flower girl fool?!

Saboteur: Yup, that was the important job that Krypto had planned for me, definitely what I deserve for mentoring him that whole time.

Saxton: Oh this too good!

Saxton laughs very aggressively which leads to him knocking over the camera in place killing the satellite feed.

Myles: Well I think it’s time, ladies and gentlemen, the bride to be, Missy!


The crowd cheers but is soon stunned silent almost shocked at how beautiful the alien’s bride is as she walks onto stage being accompanied by….Diabolos.

Serra: Is…is that Diabolos?

I’m so confused; it’s like a bad acid trip.

Diabolos seems to be really friendly and comforting towards Missy as he leads her slowly down the ramp. Krypto is partly confused by the pairing but is too mystified by his soon to be wife’s beauty to do anything. Diabolos soon leads Missy into the ring before entering himself. He hugs her and glares at Krypto before joining Saboteur, Facecrush, Bob, and Myles in the best men area.

Facecrush: Facecrush feels you are familiar…

Diabolos: Shush!

Krypto and Missy meet together in the middle of the ring as they both meet eyes and both can’t help but smile as they enjoy their moment in the heart of WZCW. A “you’re getting married!” chant breaks out is soon quieted down as S.H.I.T. begins the proceedings.

S.H.I.T: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the eyes of the WZCW compatriots to join together this…alien and woman in the holiest of alien/human matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted by God in paradise, and the potential higher power that looks down upon Krypto’s species. These two persons come now to be joined. Therefore if any man can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else forever hold his peace.

Diabolos: I can’t watch this! I thought it would be easier but I just can’t!

Diabolos then leaves the ring and sprints backstage wiping his eyes while everyone in the ceremony and in the crowd is very confused.

Krypto: Who was that guy?!

Missy: Just an old friend, just an old friend….

S.H.I.T: I believe this is where rings are exchanged.

Bob scrambles to pull out the ring from his pocket as he hands them to Krypto, who proceeds to gently and somewhat sensually put it on Missy’s finger.

S.H.I.T: Do you Missy; take Krypto as your lawfully wedded husband?

Missy: Yes, yes I do.

S.H.I.T: Do you Krypto; take Missy as your lawfully wedded wife?

Krypto: Yes…but not before I do something first. I’m sorry to interrupt you S.H.I.T and I didn’t plan on doing this on your special day honey but there is a man, a man I’m sure has been waiting here tonight waiting for the perfect moment to try to ruin this special occasion. A man who has been trying to terrorize me and my soon to be wife; well wherever you are Mr. Big you can come on out so we can settle this once and for all!


The crowd waits in confusion as they do not recognize the music, nor the big blocky man who walks out on the stage with a lemon propel water bottle and microphone in hand.

Klamor: What is going on?!

Serra: I don’t know but whoever this man is has a bone to pick with the Krypto.

???: Oh so you don’t remember me? That’s understandable; I’ve changed quite a bit since you WZCW fans last saw me. A girl I used to know once told me I wasn’t “big” enough to stand out in a crowd. Actually that girl was you Missy, and after I finished my WZCW career I took your advice into consideration, and now I’m much bigger than you or your strange little husband can handle.

Klamor: Who is this guy?!

???: No more aliases Krypto, I want the whole world to know who destroyed you, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s about damn time Joe West makes his return to WZCW!

Serra: Who?

The fans are still quite confused, as they don’t remember who this former superstar is.

West: No? Nothing? Not ringing any bells? Best of the West? Beat Darren Bull a few times?!

*We don’t know you! CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP! We don’t know you! CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!*

Myles: This guy was a former WZCW jobber who accomplished nothing, security get him out of here!

Krypto: Hold on, let him say what he needs to say, I’d like to know why he’s back.

West: I’m back because while I was at home I got sick at the thought of watching a freak like you gain the adulation of these worthless fans and win the girl of my dreams while I had nothing to show for it! Chuck Myles likes to say I’ve accomplished nothing here, and you’re right I haven’t, but I was only here for what a few weeks? Krypto you’ve been here for a year and have only managed to win a competition full of nobodies. Your legacy in WZCW will amount to nothing but a flash in the pan weirdo!

The fans boo as Krypto looks down in shame at the tongue lashing. The alien’s best men attempt to step in, Myles goes to say something on the mic, even Missy is ready to throw down in order to honor her man but they are all stopped as Krypto gets back on the mic.

Krypto: You’re right Mr. West, I haven’t accomplished much here on my time in this planet. I haven’t been a part of a long reigning tag team like Saboteur, I’m not a great Elite X champion like S.H.I.T. I’m not in charge of my own show like Chuck Myles, and that’s been weighing on my mind a lot; Which is why I’ve come to the decision that as of now I’ll be leaving WZCW.

The crowd sighs and boos as West develops a smirk on his face.

Krypto: But what I have done is show the WZCW fans, my human foes and allies in the back, and even upper management that a guy doesn’t need strong muscles like you, a marketable face, or a stable mind to earn the respect of humans all over the world and to gain the heart of the woman I love. Would I have liked those things, sure, but would I trade them all in now? No way, I’m proud of whom I am and the fun times I’ve had here in WZCW. Nothing you nor any of my detractors can do or say to make me feel ashamed of the roller coaster ride I’ve had and I want to thank all of you for being a part of it.

Thank you Krypto! Thank you Krypto! Thank you Krypto!

West: No! There is no silver lining! You’re a failure!

West sprints down the ramp and into the ring prepared to clobber the alien but slips and falls on Saboteur’s flowers from earlier; he gets to one knee and is met in the face with an Alienator! West is knocked out cold!

Serra: What a kick from Krypto!

The alien then goes to plant a nice long kiss on his wife Missy.

S.H.I.T: I now pronounce you alien and wife!

Krypto’s music plays as everyone in the ring celebrates over West’s unconscious body.

Serra: Well that was certainly something aye Klamor?

Klamor: I honestly don’t know what I’m witnessing.

The last shows we see are Facecrush hoisting up the newlyweds as they are cheered on by the roaring crowd.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, and will determine the number one contender for the tag team championship!

Klamor: Thank God, we can get back to wrestling now.


Introducing first, at a combined weight of 478lbs, The Demon Foreigners!

As the lights dim, Cuba and Kiriyama make their way on stage. Red and yellow strobe lights pulsate as the two walk down the ramp to boos. They make their way into the ring, Kiriyama crawling to the far corner as Cuba paces the ropes.

Serra: The Demon Foreigners, a young team but already with some success here in WZCW. They will go toe to toe with arguably the hottest team around tonight, so it will be a real test.

Klamor: It will be a stern test indeed, but I don't think they will be stopped. They have a near perfect mix of cunning, ferocity, and momentum right now.


And their opponents, at a combined weight of 310lbs, Los Magnificos Dragones!

The crowd takes a moment to adjust to the new theme music before they begin to cheer the arrival of Califa and Warren. The two pace around the ramp, hyping up the crowd. They then sprint to the ring and quickly ascend opposite turnbuckles. They do a tandem backflip before they high five and begin to talk strategy.

Serra: LMD, one of the hottest teams in recent memory, looking to secure their long awaited shot at gold here tonight.

Klamor: What is LMD short for Becky?

Serra: Los Magnificos Dragones. Its Spanish.

Klamor: Well in America we speak English Becky.

Serra: Uhhh, we are in Ireland Johnny.

As Serra and Klamor wrap up their bickering, Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell. Warren and Cuba start it off, with Cuba working to secure a side headlock. Warren manages to fight out, pushing Cuba into the ropes. He comes off and Warren leapfrogs, before she monkey flips Cuba. The crowd cheers as Warren pops to her feet clapping her hands. Cuba rushes in frustrated, and unleashes a series of kicks, backing Warren into the corner. Califa blind tags himself in as Cuba whips Warren to the opposite side of the ring. Califa jumps in and grabs Cuba long enough for Warren to come back and connect with a series of unobstructed jabs to the face, before the ref orders her out. Califa takes Cuba down with a Russian legsweep and hooks the leg...
Not even two before Cuba kicks out. Califa keeps up the pressure with a couple of short shots to the face before he lifts Cuba to his feet. A couple of knife edge chops to the chest soften up Cuba before Califa Irish whips him across the ring. Califa sets up for a missile dropkick, but Cuba hangs onto the ropes. As Califa crashes to the mat Cuba runs over to secure a chin lock. Califa is able to get to his feet, but the hold remains. Cuba grabs Califa around the neck and puts him down with a bulldog. Cuba walks over to tag in Kirayama who brings Califa to his feet, before dropping him with a big clotheslines. With Califa down he works over an arm with an armbar.

Serra: So what started as a fairly even fight has taken a turn to the side of the Foreigners.

Klamor: Well clearly, I mean The Dragons are only half a team with Warren in the corner.

Califa has managed to get back to his feet, but Kirayama has switched to an arm wringer. As he wrenches on it he pulls Califa back into the corner. He tags Cuba in, who connects with a stern kick to the head of Califa. As Kirayama steps onto the apron, Cuba makes the cover..
And Califa gets a shoulder up. Cuba slams the head of Califa on mat, before he tags Kirayama back in. Cuba readies a suplex, just as Kirayama flies off the top with a cross body and stays on top. Rocket to Russia connects as Cuba quickly rolls out of the ring and Prince slides into position...
Califa just manages to get a shoulder up. Kiriyama hops to the second turnbuckle and waits for Califa to stand. He connects with a spinning shoulder attack, putting Califa back to his feet before he hops into another cover...
And again Califa gets a shoulder up!

Serra: Califa, showing great resiliency out there tonight. He just refuses to stay down.

Klamor: Easily the hardest working foreigner I've ever seen.

Kiriyama tags in Cuba and the two of them pull Califa to the center of the ring. They Irish whip Califa into the ropes and set him up for a double backdrop. Califa does his best to fight it, even getting within inches of tagging in Warren, but the two managed to pull him away. Califa keeps his wits and manages to plant both men with a double DDT! The crowd explodes as all three men are down, and Warren is dying for a tag. She jumps up and down on the apron, claps her hands, stomps her feet, anything she can to will Califa to the tag. Kiryama rolls out of the ring holding his head as Cuba crawls to his feet along with Califa. Warren is stretching, just inches from the tag as Califa leaps. Before their hands connect, Kiryama pulls Warren off the apron, slamming her face on the apron. Cuba grabs Califa, who is sprawled out in the ring, and tries to pull him to his feet. Califa kicks away, giving him just enough space to scramble to his feet. Cuba charges, but Califa slips out of the way, leaving Cuba to crash into the turnbuckle. Warren and Kiriyama are brawling on the outside, leaving Califa without a partner to tag in.

Serra: Chaos has broken out on the outside. A weakened Califa is left to fend for himself.

Califa connects with a hard chop to the chest. He follows it up with a hard right hand. He alternates between chop and punch, lighting Cuba up. Califa takes a step back and delivers a vicious roundhouse to the head. Cuba goes down like he has been shot and Califa can sense the end. He ascends the top rope and calls for Dragón de Vuelo. He connects! He hooks the leg...
Three! NO! Kiriyama had grabbed the foot of Cuba and placed in on the rope, unseen by the ref until now. She waves off the finish, signaling the match to continue.

Klamor: Heads up move there by The Foreigners to save this.

Serra: You call it heads up, I call it blatant cheating.

Klamor: Only cheating if you get caught Becky.

Kiryama rolls into the ring and begins to beat down Califa. The ref urges him to leave, beginning her five count. After a series of punches and stomps, Prince sternly warns she will disqualification him, prompting him to leave the ring. Cuba has began to stir, and begins to advance on Califa. The two reach their feet and start to trade kicks. Both men are on wobbly legs, showing the effects of the match. Cuba gains control and whips Califa into the ropes and looks for Red October. As he spins, Warren tags Califa, who eats the corkscrew roundhouse kick and crumbles to the ground. Cuba goes for the pin, as Warren hops in. As Kiriyama shouts at his partner to pay attention, Warren knocks him off the apron with a dropkick. Cuba stands and eats a jab combo from the former amateur boxer. She tries to follow it up with a wheel kick, but Cuba catches her and throws her down with a modified t-bone suplex. As Warren is down he stomps away at her spine, before he lifts her looking to powerbomb her into the corner. As he hoists her up, Warren counters into a hurricanrana that she adjusts to include an armbar. The Livewire Stretch! Cuba is in pain, his arm being stretched to the breaking point. Cuba's partner tries to break up the move, but Califa manages to sloppily tackle Kiriyama. With no help, Cuba has no choice but to tap out.

Here are your winners and the new number one contenders for the WZCW Tag Team Championship, Amber Warren and El Califa Dragon, Los Magnificos Dragones!

Serra: What a match! Califa showed great resiliency and Warren showing great awareness to overcome a strong onslaught from The Demon Foreigners all night.

Klamor: They had their moments, but The Foreigners came up just short. LMD have earned this one for sure, but I have a feeling this won't be the last time these two teams meet with high stakes.

As Warren helps Califa to his feet, the two share a hug. Warren helps Califa raise his arms to the roar of the audience. They quickly shift their attention however as Celeste Crimson walks on stage, tag title belts in hand.

Serra: What in the world, Celeste Crimson was supposed to be in England!

Crimson simply drops the titles, before she herself falls and begins to cry as the crowd and LMD are unsure of how to react. The copyright credits flash on screen as the camera shows a seated Celeste crying into her hands.

Haiku- Opening, Ramparte/Theron, segments
Yaz- Opening, LMD/DF
JGlass-- Fallout/Izzy
B-lad Buttybox- DC&Westhoff/Hyada&Corvus, giving me this stupid fucking name

There you have it folks. We officially stand on the gates of Oblivion, as Apocalypse stares us in the face. Expect the PPV boards in the next couple of days.
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