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Aftershock 26

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the Frog
The show begins and opens up not to pyros or intro music, but to the sweet entrance music of:


The crowd warmly welcomes the The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics, S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T.: Greetings human members of the WZCW metaphorical universe! Greetings!

S.H.I.T. appears on the entrance ramp with the WZCW Elite X Title draped over its blunt shoulder. It slowly begins to make its way down the entrance ramp. However, there is something off about his entrance. Despite projecting to the crowd, it does not have a microphone.

S.H.I.T.: S.H.I.T. has collected data on all past champions. It has determined that superstars who have a championship belt speak more on the microphone than when they do not. Therefore, S.H.I.T. has eliminated the need to hold a microphone and has installed one in its' internal structure. This is why S.H.I.T. is the best Elite X Champion of all time! Ahead of the human metaphorical curve!

The crowd pops as they seem highly amused by S.H.I.T.'s shtick. It finally reaches the ring and slowly clinks and clanks its' way up the steel steps and into the ring.

S.H.I.T.: Now locating generic post-championship win opening in-ring promo.

The crowd laughs.

S.H.I.T.: First, S.H.I.T. would like to address the long journey it has faced in the industry. Now, S.H.I.T. will list every single detail about his long two-year career in the WZCW. First, there was the surprise match against Austin Reynolds. It was a Sunday and he was wearing black socks-

Serra: S.H.I.T., honey?

S.H.I.T. stops and looks over at Becky Serra at the announcer's booth.

Serra: This crowd loves you, and I think you can spare us what is probably a very long list of details. We know where you came from, don't we crowd?

The crowd pops. We see Serra sit back down in the announcer's booth to let S.H.I.T. continue.

S.H.I.T.: Fine, but speaking of cheap pops, S.H.I.T. will now recite the name of the town we are in. Now accessing GPS calculation system!

The crowd cheers as S.H.I.T. calculates.

S.H.I.T.: Location determined. Phoenix, Arizona!

The crowd pops.

S.H.I.T.: Phoenix Arizona!

The crowd pops again!

S.H.I.T.: Phoenix Arizona!!

The crowd really pops on the third time.

S.H.I.T.: Thank you human members of the metaphorical WZCW universe. Now, S.H.I.T. will address its match tonight with great "eagerness". Error! Human emotion of "eagerness" could not be found. Therefore, S.H.I.T. will address the match in its' normal emotionless state.

Chris K.O., a former ally of S.H.I.T.. Now turned sour by the darkness of the world. S.H.I.T. has determined that he is beyond saving. Therefore, he must be destroyed!

The crowd pops!

S.H.I.T.: Dustin Hunter, one-half of the failed tag team known as Carnival of Carnage; log note #45325, the acronym C.O.C. has nothing to do with the human genitalia. Dustin Hunter has a failing record and statistically is the weakest link of the team. Therefore, he must be destroyed!

The crowd re-pops.

S.H.I.T.: Finally, Jimmy Flynn my partner. He is about as emotionless as S.H.I.T., therefor our team is built upon perfect synergy. However, should Flynn happen to turn to evil, he must be destroyed!

The crowd pops once again with laughs.

S.H.I.T.: Thus concludes S.H.I.T.'s generic post-championship win opening in-ring promo.

The crowd approves of the promo as S.H.I.T.'s music begins to play.

Klamor: Well, that was an odd way to start our show.

Serra: Indeed it was partner, but I can't help but feel like S.H.I.T. is going to make a grand Elite X Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Aftershock 26, we have tournament matches and the Elite X & EurAsian Champion in action tonight, don't go away!





Chuck Myles is sitting behind his desk at a temporary office backstage, sorting through a big stack of papers.

Myles: Jeeze, I haven’t filled out one of these contract battle royale forms in ages. Alright, let’s see what we have in terms of talent. Bobby Adams… oh great, an indy darling turned national talent, I can already hear the internet clamoring for him to get a title shot. Next we have… Theron Daggershield? What in the Middle Earth is this guy’s deal? So now all you need to get a shot in the bigs is crazy hair and a 20 sided die? Alright, well I’m sure it can’t get any weirder than HOLY SMOKES WHAT IS ON THIS GUY’S FACE?! Fallout? This guy is some sort of freak. I do not look forward to working with this guy. Alright, who’s next?

Myles puts down the stack of papers he has and picks up a new one.

Myles: Alright, this guy looks fairly normal: Joey Sexton. Let’s just take a look at his history… and that’s a lot of sexual harassment lawsuits. Who hires these idiots anyway? Sheesh. And what the hell is this guy’s deal? Dr. Coberer? We have too many doctors in this company, and none of them seem interested in helping people. And last but not least we have Anthony Corvus, who appears to be a Batman wannabe.

Myles drops the stack of papers on his desk and buries his head in hands.

Myles: It’s gonna be a long year.
We return from commercial break with the six participants of the Contract Battle Royale in the ring, apart from Dr. Coberer, who is circling the ring, stalking his opponents.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is an over the top rope Contract Battle Royale! Any wrestler who sufficiently impresses management will get a full-time WZCW contract!

The crowd applauds the new faces as Selena Anderson exits the ring. The bell rings and the battle royale is underway. Fallout goes for Corvus, attacking him with stiff forearms and kicks. Sexton struts towards Theron Daggershield and gives him a shove, shouting “nerd!” at the Warblade. Daggershield responds with a big elbow smash that catches Sexton off guard. With Sexton in the corner, Daggershield goes to work, with Bobby Adams joining in as they try to push him over the top rope. After teetering on the top rope for a moment, Sexton kicks his way out and gets his feet back on the mat. He hits Adams with a hard elbow, which sense Adams reeling, before Daggershield runs at Sexton, only to be caught with a Snap Powerslam. Sexton gets up and thrusts at a couple of women in the audience, a smirk on his face, to boos from the crowd.

Klamor: Is Sexton doing anything for you, Becky?

Serra: I find him about as creepy as Coberer.

The aforementioned Coberer is now crouching on the steel steps, watching the action with a sick smile as he waits to pick his moment. Meanwhile Corvus has taken control over Fallout, nailing him with kick after kick in the corner. Adams grabs Corvus’ leg from behind and tries to lift him over the top rope, but Corvus is holding on to the top rope. Adams gives one last push to Corvus to try and eliminate him, but Corvus holds on and lands on the apron. Fallout blindsides Adams with a Clothesline. He picks Adams back up and pushes him into the corner. Fallout takes a few steps backwards before running forward and hitting a Dropkick, which catches Adams square in the jaw. Fallout gets out onto the apron and waits for Adams to get up. Fallout springboards off the top rope, only to be caught in mid-air by Corvus, who has hit a Springboard Elbow of his own! Corvus gets up and pulls Fallout up with him. Adams and Corvus grab Fallout by the mask and throw him over the top rope to the ground outside. Moments later, Adams grabs Corvus’ legs and lifts him over the top rope! Corvus bounces off the apron and onto the ground!

Serra: Both Corvus and Fallout have been eliminated!

Klamor: That Adams tries to act like he’s such a good guy, but he’s as bad as everyone else!

Serra: It’s every man for himself in there, Johnny!

Adams looks to the other side of the ring, where Sexton is in control of Daggershield. Sexton hits a big back Suplex before picking him up and lifting him up and placing him on the top rope. Sexton climbs up the ropes and begins to do a grinding taunt, but Daggershield slips through Sexton’s legs onto the mat and pushes Sexton off the top rope. Sexton hits the crowd barricade and collapses to the floor! Sexton looks completely dazed as a referee tries to explain that he’s eliminated, but a confused Sexton begins to grind up on the referee. A couple more referees come over and manage to direct Sexton towards the entrance ramp.

Serra: Even when he’s barely conscious, he’s perving on anything that moves…

Inside the ring, Adams and Daggershield are looking at Coberer, trying to persuade him to come into the ring, but Coberer won’t budge. Adams whispers something to Daggershield, who smiles and nods. The two men slide under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring, surrounding Coberer. Coberer looks from one opponent to another until he has no choice and gets into the ring. As Daggershield gets back into the ring, Coberer viciously attacks him, hitting some shots to the head before applying a Nerve hold. Daggershield screams out in pain before Adams makes the save, kicking Coberer and breaking the hold. Adams backs Coberer into the and begins to knee him in the gut over and over. With Coberer completely winded, Adams and Daggershield grab him and throw him over the top rope.

Serra: Coberer has been eliminated!

Klamor: Wait! No he hasn’t!

Adams and Daggershield begin to battle it out, unaware that Coberer has just about hung on to the top rope, his feet dangling just above the floor. Coberer manages to get his legs back onto the apron as Daggershield lifts Adams up onto the top rope. Adams is hanging on for dear life as Daggershield pushes and heaves Adams, desperately trying to eliminate him. Coberer gets back into the ring and goes for his two remaining opponents, lifting Daggershield over the top rope, causing both Adams and Daggershield to fall out of the ring to the floor!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Dr. Coberer!

Adams and particularly Daggershield look annoyed with themselves as they watch Coberer slink out of the ring and head up the ramp. As he reaches the top of the ramp, Chuck Myles comes out, smiling and a microphone in his hand.

Myles: Ladies and gentlemen, after a quick discussion backstage, we are delighted to announce that all six of the participants will be offered contracts with WZCW!

This seems to lighten the mood of Adams and Daggershield as the crowd applauds the decision.

Serra: Welcome to the six new additions to the WZCW roster!

Klamor: Glad to have them on board, there's some real potential in there!


The titantron goes black as we see a single light swinging across what appears to be a dark, empty room where the only thing is someone sitting in the corner of a wrestling ring, unable to see their face. He stands up and exhales slowly, with sweat blowing from his mouth. A series of montages involving the competitor and an unknown opponent wrestling each other, with the mysterious competitor winning at every occasion with unique mat skills and submission holds, causing the opponent to tap out. The scene transitions back to the man breathing before he begins bouncing up and down in slow motion, letting his arms go loose as if he were preparing for an upcoming match.

The camera backs away until nothing is on the screen except for the following numbers:


As the arena plunges into darkness, the crowd boos heavily for the arrival of The Sacrificial Altar. David Whitman, D.C & Mason Westhoff all enter out at once with Grand Mystique coming out last and by himself. They slowly walk down the ramp as a unit, ignoring the crowd responses as they keep their heads focused on the ring.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Sacrificial Altar!

Serra: We're not scheduled to have the entire Sacrificial Altar out here tonight - looks like they want to address the crowd.

Klamor: I'd like to hear what the winning team from Kingdom Come has to say. They've yet to make an official statement to the crowd.

All four men enter the ring with Mason Westhoff demanding for a microphone. One of the ringside assistants obliges and gives to him. The lights are on but the arena is still dimly lit, just enough for the Altar to see what is happening in the crowd. As the music dies down, the crowd continues to boo the biggest stable that WZCW currently has active. All four men are standing in a line with D.C & Whitman on the outside and Westhoff standing next to the Grand Mystique.

Westhoff: Ladies and gentlemen... the Grand Mystique.

The crowd boos heavily as Westhoff hands over the microphone to Grand Mystique whilst bowing slightly. He takes it from Westhoff and he forms back in line.

Mystique: For those of you who fail to recognise our superiority, let me refresh your memories. We are the ones who triumphed over the faithless Mikey Stormrage and his band of degenerates who called themselves the Strikeforce, a team of operatives who attempted to take down the Sacrificial Altar. We were successful in doing what our creed dictates and brought all of those who fought against us to their knees. Kingdom Come will be forever known as the night that the Sacrificial Altar walked out of the War Games as victorious, highlighting the new beginning to which the Altar shall engulf the masses and eventually, everyone in WZCW.

The crowd boos heavily for the pact that Mystique has promised.

Mystique: Anyone who is willing to stand in our way may do so at your own peril as the example I have just provided you is enough to deter any sane being. And for those that think the loss David Whitman and the Grand Mystique suffered at the hands of Amber Warren and El Califa was enough to promise hope, don't believe what your deceitful eyes tell you as losses such as these are unimportant in the eyes of the Almighty. He has a plan for the meddling Warren & Califa who won't walk away from this victory so easily.

Mystique pauses for a moment, letting that threat sink in.

Mystique: Tonight, Aftershock will bear host to a turning of the tides, marking what happened on Meltdown as an oversight because Brother Westhoff & Brother D.C will take what is rightfully theirs: the chance to conquer anyone who believes they deserve an opportunity at the best, destroying anyone in their way from advancing through the Gold Rush tournament. Krypto & Beard will feel what true pain feels like should they defy the Almighty and stand in the Sacrificial Altar's way.

You have been forewarned.

Grand Mystique drops the microphone as their music hits, causing the crowd to boo once more as all four men of the Sacrificial Altar begin to exit the ring, leaving up the ramp in a sea of darkness once more.

Serra: Strong words by the leader of the Altar, Grand Mystique.


We are backstage with Leon Kensworth where he is about to interview The Beard, who is standing next to him with a smile on his face.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with one of the competitors who is involved in the Gold Rush Tournament tonight where he will be facing Mason Westhoff in the first round; he is officially the Most Manliest Man in WZCW - The Beard! Beard, I have to ask, considering the Sacrificial Altar just won one of the most brutal matches in WZCW History, Mason Westhoff must be gleaming with confidence and looks to be the favourite heading into this match. How do-

The Beard puts his hand on the microphone, interrupting Leon as he pushes it closer to his face to respond.

Beard: Mason Westhoff is the favourite to win this match? I'm not surprised Leon, I've never been considered as the favourite in any of my matches. A lot of people thought that Grizzly Bob was going to defeat me at the WrestleZone Weekend and I proved everybody wrong. Many people didn't believe that I could be a champion and yet I've etched my name in the history books as being a Tag Team champion. And tonight, I'm going to prove everyone wrong once again by defeating Mason Westhoff and advancing into the Gold Rush Tournament. Believe me Leon, once the dust has settled, The Beard will be the man on the top of everybody's list and everyone who has advanced in this tournament will Fear The Beard.

Thank you for the interview, Leon. It was a pleasure.

Westhoff gives Leon another smile before walking off, leaving Leon to think about what Beard had just said.
We come back from commercial to see Angel standing in the corner of the ring, leaning against a turnbuckle.

Klamor: This guy is about to be the next victim of Izzy Stone’s path of destruction.

Becky: There’s no denying that Isabel Stone has been absolutely ruthless as of late, but Angel must be getting desperate for a win.


Harrys: Making her way to the ring, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 152 pounds, Isabel Stone!

Isabel Stone enters the arena to a hot crowd that wants nothing to do with her. A sly smile crosses her face as the audience rains hostility upon her, but she just puts her hands on her hips and shrugs off the hate before making her way to the ring.

Becky: This Phoenix audience is clearly none to pleased with Isabel Stone whose behavior recently has been anything but ladylike. She stole a win away from crowd-favorite Blade whom just one week before was the victim of a match ending low blow delivered by the Ice Queen of WZCW.

Klamor: I’m looking at her now Becky, and she looks plenty ladylike to me! And who are you to judge her actions as of late? When a first round bye in the Gold Rush Tournament is on the line, you do what you have to in order to win.

Isabel Stone slides into the ring and does a quick lap before taking a break in Angel’s corner to do a little trash talking. Angel gets right back in Izzy’s face, but the referee separates the two and tells Izzy to go to her corner. The baddest chick in WZCW grins and gives Angel a taunting wink before backing up.

With both wrestlers in their corner, the referee calls for the bell… or at least he’s about to when someone interrupts him.

???: Hola? Excuse me… hola?

The crowd pops as the very familiar voice of an elderly Latina woman fills the arena. To a chorus of cheers, Mama Paradyse enters onto the stage.

Mama Paradyse: Hello? Is this on? I'm sorry, I'm here to find my baby. I no see Armando in very long time.

Mama Paradyse starts to shuffle down to the ring, asking the fans for their help finding Armando along the way.

Mama Paradyse: Have you seen Armando? Have you seen Armando? Do you know where my baby is?

The crowd starts to point to the ring and yelling for her to talk to Angel. Mama Paradyse looks at Angel and seems indifferent to him, but she shuffles down to the ring to get a closer look.

Mama Paradyse: Mr. Angel, have you seen Armando? He is your height, your weight, and your color, but I have not seen him.

Isabel Stone has her face buried in her hands, shaking her head at this bizarre situation. Angel, on the other hand, is extraordinarily embarrassed and is showing it as he looks around wildly, probably for an escape.

Mama Paradyse gets to the ring and ascends the ring steps very slowly, one small step at a time. She finally gets to the ring apron and climbs in between the middle and top rope. She starts walking to Angel.

Mama Paradyse: Mr. Angel, please help me. Mr. Angel, I…

Isabel Stone walks up to Mama Paradyse, smacks the microphone out of her hand, and kicks her right between the legs! Mama Paradyse drops to the ground and grabs her crotch, howling in pain. The crowd goes nuclear in their hatred for Isabel Stone as the most matronly figure in WZCW is taken down by a low blow. Mama Paradyse rolls out of the ring and onto the floor, and Angel starts to approach her, but with the ring cleared, the ref calls for the bell. Angel reaches the ropes and starts to exit the ring, but Stone yanks him backwards and slams him into the mat. She stomps on his chest before grabbing wrapping him up for the Scream Lock. Izzy twists the arm and locks her arm around Angel’s neck, and it’s not two seconds before Angel is slapping the mat, giving up to the wicked submission hold. The ref calls for the bell as Isabel keeps the hold on until the ref comes back and forces the break.

Harrys: The winner of this match… Isabel Stone!

Becky: I’m speechless! I thought her behavior prior to Kingdom Come was bad, but this… this is atrocious! She just assaulted a senior citizen!

Klamor: I might want to bring her home with me to have a few words with a certain neighbor that keeps running over my azaleas.

Becky: This isn’t the time for jokes, Johnny, Mama Paradyse might be seriously hurt!

Izzy celebrates in the ring briefly before exiting, stepping over the writhing carcass of Mama Paradyse on her way up the ramp as the audience lets Stone know how they feel about her.


We cut backstage and we see Dustin Hunter opening a locker inside of a locker room. Suddenly, someone grabs him on his shoulder from behind and flips him around. His back gets pressed hard against the lockers as someone grabs his chin firmly. Hunter tries to resist, but it is no use. The camera slowly reveals who it is. It is none other than the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O.

Chris: Tell me Hunter, did you see what happened on Ascension?

No response from Hunter. Chris pulls Hunter off of the locker a little bit and then pushes him back against it.

Chris: HUH?!!

Hunter: Yes! What you did Howard, Right?

Chris eases up a little bit, but still keeps hold of Hunter's chin.

Chris: That's right Hunter. You see, the other day when Bateman told me that we were going to be partners; he told me that you might be the next me. You see Hunter, that bothered me. Because if someone like you can be the next me, then that would make me the next Titus. And I don't want to be Titus.

Chris pauses for a moment as he looks coldly at Hunter.

Chris: So, I sat and I thought about it. And then I decided, you're not good enough to be the next me.

Chris releases Hunter from his grasp as Hunter rubs his chin.

Chris: That's why I went after Howard, Hunter. Because he has all the skills to become my greatest threat. So, don't worry. We're going to out there tonight and I'm going to give you the biggest win of your career. Don't worry about having to watch your back, kid.

Chris playfully pats Hunter's chest, who still looks slightly defensive.

Chris: And then, you're going to fall right back into obscurity.

Chris sports a cocky smile.

Chris: See you out there tonight, partner.

Chris exits off-camera. Hunter begins to get really red in the face as he turns around and punches a dent into one of the lockers. He grits his teeth furiously as he swings open his own locker and reaches inside of it. He pulls out his Ringmaster Cane. The camera gets a shot from down below as Hunter's bangs shadow over his face. He stares at the cane.

Hunter: Yeah, I'll see you out there tonight, partner.

The camera slowly fades to black on Hunter's twisted face.
Anderson: The following contest is a first round Gold Rush Tournament match scheduled for one fall!

The crowd boos as Mason Westhoff is kneeled on the stage, his arms outstretched.

Anderson: Introducing first, from The Ashes of Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 238 pounds, Mason Westhoff!

He gets to his feet and heads towards the ring, ignoring the hatred from the capacity crowd.

Klamor: Westhoff was able to help his team to a huge victory at Kingdom Come and now finds himself in the Gold Rush Tournament tonight, and deservedly so!

The Beards walks out onto the ramp and slaps his chest, looking a little more serious than usual, his eyes on Westhoff.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, The Beard!

Serra: The Beard, meanwhile, bested Grizzly Bob in a Three Stages of Manliness competition at WZ Weekend!

Beards gets into the ring and the two men stare down as referee James Aubrey checks both men are ready to go and calls for the bell. Westhoff cautiously inches towards the Beard, who just stares back without budging. Westhoff tries to throw a punch, but Beard catches it and hits Westhoff with a big headbutt. On the mat, Mason is dazed as he grabs the bottom rope and pulls himself away from his opponent. He gets to his feet, looking angry as he stomps towards Beard and slaps him right across the face. This sets off the big man, who unleashes a series of right hands on Westhoff. After pummelling his opponent into the corner, Beard runs off the ropes but Westhoff drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring, to loud boos from the crowd. The Beard gestures for him to get back into the ring as the referee begins the count.

Klamor: Westhoff is smart, taking a breather while he rethinks his strategy!

Serra: He can’t be that smart, he slapped the Beard in the beard…

As the count reaches five, Westhoff slowly gets up onto the apron but the Beard charges across the ring, grabbing Westhoff by the neck and throwing him into the ring, making it look easy. Westhoff tries to escape again but the Beard doesn’t let him this time, grabbing Westhoff’s hair and pulling him up to his feet. Beards Irish Whips his opponent into the corner, before following up with a corner Splash. Westhoff stumbles out of the corner into a waiting Beard, who lifts him up into a Gorilla Press. But Westhoff squirms his way out of it, landing on his feet and hitting a shoulder block to the back of Beard’s leg. With the Bearded One down on one knee, Westhoff gets up onto the second rope in the corner and jumps off, hitting a Double Axehandle. With the big man down, Westhoff goes for the first pin of the match,


The Beard powers out of the cover! But Westhoff keeps up the attack, stomping away at the Beard’s head before sitting him up and hitting a series of elbows to the back of the head. Westhoff then runs off the ropes and kicks the Beard square in the jaw. Another pin,



The Beard kicks out!

Serra: It looks like Westhoff is trying to beat the Beard via concussion!

Klamor: Easier said than done with that protective layer of hair all over hi head.

As the Beard starts to get up, Westhoff climbs to the top rope and watches. Beard turns around and Westhoff jumps off, attempting a Clothesline but Beard catches him in mid-air! Westhoff looks terrified for a moment before he starts to hit Beard with elbow after elbow to the skull. After taking so many shots to the head, the Beard has no choice but to drop Westhoff, who quickly runs into the ropes before returning with a vicious Lariat! Westhoff goes for another cover,



The Beard gets a shoulder up! Mason gets to his feet and walks to the corner. He drops to his knees and raises his arms, sizing up the Beard for the Spear. Beard gets to his feet and Westhoff runs at him but Beard counters with a huge boot to the face. Westhoff goes down, possibly unconscious, but Beard is in no state to make the cover as he leans against the ropes, trying to catch his breath. Westhoff is now showing signs of life as he crawls over to the ropes and starts to pull himself up. Beard grabs Westhoff, trying to hit him with Poetic Justice but an elbow to the head causes the Beard to back off. Westhoff lifts the big man up and nails a hard Alabama Slam before going for the cover,



The Beard gets a shoulder up!

Serra: The damage to the Beard’s head is really taking its toll but he continues to survive!

Westhoff looks to end it, picking up his opponent and lifting the Beard onto his shoulders in an impressive feat of strength. He tries to go for the Wrath of the Almighty, but Beard grabs the top turnbuckle and won’t let go! Beard pulls himself off Westhoff’s shoulders and onto the top rope. With Beard sitting on the top rope, Westhoff goes right back on the offensive, climbing onto the second rope and hitting a series of right hands. Westhoff tries to set up the Beard for a Superplex but it’s blocked. Suddenly the Beard picks Westhoff up into the air and Scoop Slams him to the mat, all while the Beard is sitting on the top rope! He stands up straight and leaps off, hitting the Flying Beard! He goes for the pin,




The crowd breaks into loud cheers as the Beard slowly gets to his feet, holding the back of his head.

Anderson: Here is your winner, the Beard!

The Beard allows the referee to raise his hand for a moment before leaving the ring, not celebrating his big victory

Serra: Well ladies and gentlemen, we now have another Quarterfinalist in the Gold Rush Tournament!

Klamor: Who will get the final spot in the next round of the tournament? We’re going to find out next when D.C. takes on Krypto!


We cut backstage and see Krypto holding the hands of Missy in a cupped fashion as he looks up and into her eyes.

Missy: Krypto, I know you didn't defeat Alhazred at Kingdom Come V, and now you can't get revenge because he got arrested for public nudity, but the WZCW fans still believe in you. I still believe in you!

Krypto: I know Missy. That's why tonight I need to go out there completely focused. Those TSA bastards know no bounds when it comes to winning. Therefore, I can't afford to put you in harms way. Please, stay back here as I go out there and fight D.C. and try to advance in the Gold Rush Tournament. The match won't be easy, but I am going to focus and give it my all for the fans, and for you.

Missy grins from ear to ear. She bends over and kisses his massive forehead.

Missy: Go get'em tiger!

Krypto: I'm pretty sure I have a boner right now.

Missy: Aw, sick! You ruined the moment!

Krypto: What?

Missy walks away in disgust as Krypto looks confused.

Krypto: What did I say wrong?

The camera fades out on the confused face of Krypto.


Isabel Stone is walking tall backstage with a smug grin on her face having just squashed Angel and taking a little extra anger out on Mama Paradyse.

Blade: Well, someone sure is happy. What did you just do, beat up a mall Santa in front of several hundred children?

Isabel Stone smiles insincerely at Blade before she walks over to talk to her new rival.

Stone: Cute, but it’s August. If you’re going to crack jokes, Blade, at least be topical.

Stone playfully slaps Blade on the face but Blade quickly pushes her hand away and growls at her.

Blade: I don’t like you, and I especially don’t like the way you conduct business here. You may have gotten the better of me the past two times we met, but I have your number, Izzy. You and I are fighting in the tournament next week, and I am NOT going to let you steal another moment from me.

Isabel pauses to absorb Blade’s words, but then she starts laughing.

Stone: Oh Blade, you’ve been at your thieving games for too long if you think I “stole” anything from you. That win at WrestleZone weekend was mine, and I took it, just like I’m going to take our match next week, just like I’m going to take this whole tournament. Now, if you excuse me, I have more important things to attend to.

Isabel gives Blade a rough shoulder bump on her way past him, leaving Blade scowling at the Ice Queen of WZCW.
Anderson: The following match is a Gold Rush Tournament match, and it is scheduled for one fall.

The lights go out in the arena.

The crowd starts looking around the arena as they know what is coming. Suddenly, a spotlight shines on the one, the only, Krypto!

Anderson: Introducing first, from Out of this World, the Sexual Savior of the Solar System.....Krrrypto!

The camera shows Krypto diving into the audience. They slowly begin moving him down to the ring in glee.

Serra: Earlier, Krypto told Missy that he was going to come out here alone tonight and re-focus his energy. He suffered a devastating lost to Alhazred at Kingdom Come V, but can he recoup and score a tournament victory here tonight?

Klamor: No chance.

The camera shows Krypto’s happy face as he almost reaches the barricade, but before he can, his opponent’s music starts up and rains on his parade.

Green lights begin to flicker on the entrance stage and D.C. walks out through a wall of smoke. His face is one of determination as he has Grand Mystique’s message earlier in the night fresh in his mind. Failure is not an option here tonight.

Anderson: And the challenger, from The City of Angels, weighing 220 pounds, "The Future" D.C.!

Klamor: Here he is, the man who won The Sacrificial Altar victory at Kingdom Come V. The bright and shining star of this generation, D.C.!

Serra: Got a bit of a man-crush there?

Klamor: I am a fan of cultured talent.

The camera shows D.C. climbing into the ring now as it appears that Krypto is already in there and in his corner. The music dies down. D.C. finds a corner and then both of them remain in their respective corner as the referee checks on them. They each give him a nod and the referee confirms to the bell ringer. A ringing sound echos in the arena and with that the match begins.

The camera watches as both men slowly step into the center of the ring. Out in the stands we can see a David Copperfield sign that a fan is holding up. D.C. and Krypto finally get within reaching distance and Krypto goes low to try to grab D.C.’s feet, but D.C. scoots back. This leaves Krypto on all fours and in perfect targeting position for a kick from D.C.! D.C. swings his leg, but Krypto goes flat and barely ducks under it. D.C. swings his leg back and up in one motion as he drops a heel down on the lovable alien, but Krypto rolls to the left. D.C.’s heel hits the ring mat, but he uses the bounce to pick his leg back up and drop it on Krypto for a second attempt! Krypto rolls to the right! The crowd is buzzing now, but Krypto really makes them pop as he leaps off of his back and onto his feet!

Serra: Krypto is all energy here tonight!

Indeed he is. Now, back on his feet, Krypto crouches down and spins his leg to sweep out D.C.’s legs, who is caught completely off-guard. D.C. falls to the ring mat back-first, and Krypto follows up with a dropping elbow into the face of D.C.! His bony arm drives into D.C.’s face, which prompts the TSA member to roll away and climb up to his feet in anger. He clinches his face in pain and roars at Krypto. D.C. charges at Krypto but the alien meets him head on. He leaps forward and plants his feet in the mid-section of D.C. before pulling back and sending him over with a monkey-flip! D.C. lands back first as the crowd keeps going in admiration for their favorite green superstar. D.C. tries to climb to his feet, but Krypto sees it as an opportunity. He runs past the climbing D.C. and jumps up onto a second-rope that is nearby. Krypto pushes off of it and springboards back for a kick into the chest of D.C., but D.C. is already up and leaps with a pair of exploding legs! A pair of boots go into the chest of Krypto as he shoots back and lands on his side near the ropes. The crowd gasps as D.C. quickly recovers from the recoil. He runs over to where Krypto is and grabs on to the top rope that he is near. He then proceeds to step on Krypto’s chest and press down his weight while keeping balance with the ropes. Krypto tries to push D.C.’s foot off while gasping for air. The referee comes in and breaks it up. D.C. steps away for a moment and wipes back his hair as he looks out at the crowd. They boo him, but he just shrugs them off and returns to Krypto, who is still on the ground and is holding his chest in pain.

Klamor: D.C. is riding of a huge victory at Kingdom Come V. It was the sole survivor of the War Games match. If that is not impressive, I don’t know what is.

Serra: Yes, many would say that he is the breakout star of The Sacrificial Altar.

Klamor: Many should say that, and they would be correct. He has all the skills of a main-eventer. He is a man from the past with a set of skills for the future. He is a timeless entity in WZCW.

D.C. picks Krypto up into a standing position, but then quickly tucks his head under his arm. He then puts Krypto’s arm over his own head and pulls the green alien back for a snap suplex! Krypto’s grabs his back in pain as D.C. crawls over to him and covers him for the count,

Kick Out!

D.C. quickly rises off of the failed pin attempt, but pulls Krypto’s big head along with him. Once standing, he whips the green alien to the other side of the ring. Krypto runs into the ropes and bounces off of them. His momentum carries him all the way back to where D.C. is crouching, but Krypto dives forward and over the back of D.C.. Miraculously, Krypto has landed on his feet, back-to-back with his opponent. Krypto raises his arms to cheers, but his boasting gets him a stiff European uppercut into his jaw as he turns to face D.C.. Krypto is sent spinning and falling to his knees as he finds himself leaning against the ropes face-first. D.C. takes advantage of the position and runs to the other side of the ring. He bounces off of the ropes and returns to the back of Krypto with a crossbody! The impact causes Krypto to fall through the second and bottom rope to the black mat on the outside of the ring. D.C. is left inside as he rises to his feet and peers over the ropes to look at his opponent. The referee runs up and begins to count-out Krypto.


Klamor: Krypto would of rather boasted in his reversal than capitalize, those are the very green moves we still see from the young competitor.

Serra: Was that a pun?

Klamor: No.

Serra: Oh. Okay…


The referee has now made it to four as Krypto finally seems to be stirring on the outside. D.C. is just pacing inside of the ring as he waits on the aliens next move.


Krypto is now pulling himself up by help of the outside apron.


Krypto hops up and rolls inside of the ring under the bottom rope. D.C. is quick to meet him there as he pulls the alien up once more. He pulls him close and grapples him as he prepares for what will be an exploder suplex. It seems that Krypto is still dazed as D.C. lifts up the alien. However, the move gets botched on the way up and Krypto is able to spin and roll his way into a sitting position on D.C.’s shoulders! He pulls back for a hurricanrana out of nowhere that gets the crowd roaring. Krypto reaches back for the legs of D.C. on the landing for the bridged pin,


Krypto flies forward out of the kick out and we see D.C. frantically trying to make it back up to his feet after the close call.

Serra: A beautiful reversal by Krypto there. He almost bamboozled D.C.!

D.C. and Krypto are now both standing as D.C. charges at Krypto in anger. Krypto responds by going low and takes out one of D.C.’s knees with a low dropkick. D.C. drops to the ground and rolls on his back as he grabs his knee in pain. Meanwhile, Krypto rolls up to his feet after delivering the drop kick and immediately runs to some ropes that are parallel to the grounded D.C.. He returns to the TSA member with a huge leap off the ring mat and a falling leg drop to the chest of D.C.! D.C. flinches over the maneuver, but Krypto is quick to make a cover,


Serra: This match picked up from the beginning and has never slowed down!

After the kick out, D.C. gingerly climbs up to his feet in a daze. However, Krypto is close behind as he follows with great zeal. He grabs the arm of D.C. as he finally gets to a standing position and runs him straight into a nearby turnbuckle. D.C. crashes into it, twists, and falls into a sitting position from the impact. Krypto slowly begins to back up a good ways away as he keeps a watchful eye on D.C. in the corner. Krypto raises a fist in the air as he prepares to charge the TSA member! He jumps up onto the bottom rung of the turnbuckle, and the shoulders of D.C., and executes a bronco buster!

Serra: Up and down, up and down!

Krypto finally hops off of D.C. to the roaring of the crowd. He walks out into the center of the ring and raises his hands in the air and gestures for the crowd to get even louder. Meanwhile, it seems that the bronco-buster had failed its purpose as D.C. grabs onto the ropes and pulls himself out of the turnbuckle. Krypto is completely unaware as he works the crowd. He is all smiles as he finally turns back around to face his opponent.

Klamor: SPEAR!

D.C. impales Krypto in the stomach as he takes him down with a deadly spear! The crowd is left breathless as D.C. lays next to Krypto. He slowly places an arm over the broken superstar.


The crowd pops as Krypto just barely rolls his shoulder and lifts up his arm in defiance.

Serra: He did it, he is still alive!

Klamor: The tournament hopes for Krypto just won’t die!

Immediately after the kick out, Krypto rolls back down, flat on his back, as he closes his eyes in pain and reaches for his stomach. D.C. slowly rises to his feet, but pulls the arm of Krypto up with him. He yanks Krypto straight up and into his arms for an exploder suplex that looks awkward! Krypto groans in pain as D.C. remains on the ground. He wipes his hair back as he takes a momentary breather. Then, he looks like a man possessed as he rises to his feet and stumbles towards a nearest turnbuckle like a zombie. He grabs the top ropes and leaps up onto the top rung. The crowd is buzzing now as D.C. turns in a crouching position towards the grounded Krypto.

Klamor: D.C. is up top and he is going for the Perfect 10!

D.C. holds his hands and spread out his fingers up into the air as he slowly rises on the turnbuckle. The camera shows Krypto still in pain as he remains on the ring mat with his eyes closed. D.C. bends his knees and then excels off of the top turnbuckle. He brings his limbs in, but then spreads them out as he goes to land on the torso of the Mentor Program Winner! A loud thud occurs as D.C. lands on a pair of knees from the green alien! The crowd comes unglued as D.C. flies back after the blow and lands on his back. Krypto slowly stirs as the crowd continues to cheer. D.C. is grabbing his chest in pain as he rolls and turns away from Krypto. Krypto crawls, one foot at a time, up to his feet to thunderous applause. He slowly staggers close to D.C., who has actually found himself on all fours. He is stilled turned away from Krypto as he gingerly rises to his knees. The crowd is roaring and building all the momentum that is needed as a crisp sounding Alienator shoots off of the foot of Krypto and into the back of D.C.’s neck! Like a ton of bricks, D.C. falls to his side and then onto his back. Krypto stumbles towards him and falls down on top of him for the pin,


The crowd explodes as Krypto climbs up to his feet, via help from the referee. The referee shoots his arm high into the air.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, and advancing into the second round of the Gold Rush Tournament, Krypto!

Klamor: I don’t believe it!

Serra: Astounding, Krypto overcame the man who drove the stake into the heart of Strikeforce and he is second round bound!

Krypto jumps up and down in joy as he quickly exits the ring! His music blares through the arena as he does a circle around the ring, while limping. He connects with high fives from the fans and makes his way up the entrance ramp. Missy comes out on stage and the two embrace with a hug at the top. A giant Krypto chant breaks out as the camera shows D.C. finally coming-to inside of the ring. The scene fades out as Krypto and Missy celebrate, with the backdrop of a roaring crowd behind them.


Klamor: The bracket for the Gold Rush Tournament quarter finals has taken shape, and we know what’s in store on next week’s shows. Now we go to Jack Cohen with the tournament panel!

We cut to a booth set up on the balcony of the arena, where Jack Cohen, Big Dave and Everest make up the Gold Rush tournament panel. In the background is large television screen with this image:

Cohen: Thanks, Johnny! I’m here with WZCW legends Big Dave and Everest and we’re here to discuss the happenings in the Gold Rush tournament and our predictions for the quarter finals. Guys, we now know all the matches for the quarter finals, were there any surprises in the first round?

Everest: Well I can honestly say I was shocked that Ricky Runn managed to pull out the win. He hasn’t had a great couple of months, but he pulled out a massive win against James Howard and earned his place in the next round.

Dave: I agree with Everest, Runn may be a douchebag but he got the job done against Howard. Krypto also pulled out an upset over D.C. who was on fire at Kingdom Come. This tournament has already thrown out a few surprises, and I’m sure we’ll see plenty more in the next few rounds.

Cohen: The first match we knew about for the quarter finals was Blade against Isabel Stone. These two have crossed paths a lot recently, with Stone coming out on top in two matches. Can Blade finally get the best of Izzy?

Dave: I think so. I’ve known Blade for a long time and I know he’ll be determined to get revenge on Izzy after she won the first two matches in slightly controversial fashion. Blade learns from every match, and he’ll be smart enough to not fall for her tricks again. If he gets on a good run, he could win the whole thing.

Everest: I’m not sure about that. Every wrestler has what we call a brick wall, the one opponent that we can never get through. Isabel Stone could be Blade’s brick wall. She is riding a huge wave of momentum and she might even be the favourite for the match. Either way, those two will be ready to tear into each other, I’m really looking forward to it.

Cohen: I agree with you on that! Next up, there’s Krypto taking on Matt Tastic, two men who defied the odds this week. Is this match the battle of the dark horses?

Dave: I think that’s exactly what it is. Everyone wrote off Tastic against Zeus, and he responded with a strong, defiant performance. Same goes for Krypto. These two men know how big this opportunity is, and they’re making the most of it.

Everest: For sure. But I think I’m leaning towards Matt Tastic for this match, as Tastic has always been on the cusp of greatness but has never quite made it to the top. This is a real chance for Tastic to make that final push into World Title contention.

Cohen: The next match we’ll be seeing is Mikey Stormrage against Ricky Runn. It seems that Mikey is the sentimental favourite, having become one of the most popular stars on the roster during his battles with the Sacrificial Alter. Will that hinder Runn’s chances?

Everest: Absolutely not. Say what you want about Runn, but he’s never cared about what people think of him. He won’t let the lack of crowd support get him down. Hell, it may make him even more determined, and he could overcome the odds again.

Dave: It doesn’t matter how determined he is, it feels like Ricky is on borrowed time, with all due respect to Mr. Runn. He was lucky to get past James Howard, and Howard’s best friend is not going to be stopped on the way to the finals.

Cohen: Well it’s sure to be a great match, with an interesting clash of styles. Our last match in the quarter finals is The Beard versus Justin Cooper. Cooper has become the wild card in this tournament after coming back and defeating the also returning Garth Black this week.

Dave: Wildcard is putting it lightly. We all know what Cooper is capable of when he’s on form, so I would not be all that surprised if he made it all the way to the finals. He was on his way to the top before he left the company, and he’ll want to pick up right where he left off.

Everest: That’s fair enough, but you cannot have ring rust when you’re facing a stone cold badass like the Beard. Beard took a lot of punishment against Westhoff tonight and he endured it all to get the win. The Beard is showing a new attitude, and that’s going to help him climb the ladder to the top. My money is on the Beard to advance to the semi-finals.

Cohen: Having watched the first round, any early predictions for the overall winner?

Everest: I’m going to say Matt Tastic, the dude is deserving and has been waiting longer than anybody for this opportunity.

Dave: Tastic is a good choice, but I want to see Mikey Stormrage get that title shot, it would be a great Cinderella story.

Cohen: Gentlemen, thank you for your time. Back to you, Johnny and Becky.

Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one! Introducing first, the team of Dustin Hunter and the EurAsian Champion, Chris KO!!

Dustin walks out first with his cane at hand before he waits for Chris to come out. He emerges with the EurAsian Championship held high with both hands up. The both walk down the ramp with an enormous round of boo's from the crowd. Chris climbs the turnbuckle to show off his belt up high.

Klamor: It really is a rarity to see the EurAsian Champion and Elite X Champion in opposite ends. Maybe now SHIT can take pointers from a real champion on how to be one.


Anderson: And their opponents, the team of Jimmy Flynn and the NEW Elite X Champion, the Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology, SHIT!!

Jimmy comes out first clapping his hands and presenting the new champion to the audience with a bow. SHIT emerges. Still wearing his classy tux. Title around his square-shaped waste.

Becky: The champ is looking good today.

Both men head into the ring with Jimmy holding the ropes for the champion to enter. But suddenly KO grabs Dustin's cane and hits Jimmy over the head with it!

-Ding Ding Ding-

KO quickly throws the cane away as both him and Hunter hammer down on SHIT as referee Jun Akiyama tries to get control of the match. He pulls out Chris and tells him to head for the corner as Dustin keeps hammering down the robotic champion. An Irish Whip leads to a Roundhouse Kick to knock him down for a quick pinfall but doesn't even get a one count. Jimmy Flynn still lays on the ground outside.

Klamor: Brilliant as usual by KO. The bigger champion. Isolating SHIT. Now he has no one to tag.

Dustin tags in KO who continues the attack with a series of Uppercuts before hitting a Scoop Slam and getting another unsuccessful cover. He gets out of the ring seeing the fallen Jimmy Flynn staggering. He grabs him by the head and drives him against the barricade and then The SWORD sends him over to the crowd!

Becky: That's not fair! Jimmy hasn't even been able to get in the match.

Chris re-enters the ring to keep the attack on SHIT. He pounds on him as the newer champ tries to get up. SHIT shoulder tackles KO to cause some separation and knocks KO down with a Clothesline. He charges for a second and finally a third as Dustin begins to pace on apron.

-Let's Go SHIT! Let's Go SHIT!-

Klamor: This crowd has a very dirty mouth. I certainly don't want the PTC on our backs like MTV and Miley Cyrus do.

SHIT continues the attack with a Snap Suplex. He points to Dustin before picking up KO for a Sidewalk Slam sending Dustin to pace even more angrily before pinning KO.


Dustin comes in and pulls away SHIT and stomps on him before Jun sends him back to his corner. SHIT gets up as KO crawls for a tag. SHIT turns thinking to do the same, but there's no Jimmy Flynn. He turns back to stop Chris, grabbing and pulling him away by the ankle. Chris panics and tries to reach out for the tag but is too far away. He stretches and Hunter does the same but to no avail. Instead, Chris rolls forward. Sending SHIT onto Hunter who hits him with a clubbing forearm shot to knock him down and allow the tag to Hunter.

Klamor: Hunter and our Savior, KO, are just to much for SHIT by himself. A real champion would know when to fold his cards.

Becky: No. A real champion would see the match through to the end.

Hunter comes in after staring at KO for a bit before hammering down on SHIT. He hits a Neckbreaker on SHIT before giving a sly smirk to KO. He tags KO in as is he was unspokenly saying “top that”. KO returns the smile and hits SHIT with a Clinching Slam and a pin.


The cover is broken up! By Jimmy Flynn himself! Jimmy pulls the EurAsian Champion out of the ring, but before doing much of anything, Chris thumbs him in the eye and once again connects with The Sword. Knocking Flynn down on the mat. Dustin take advantage and attacks SHIT as KO comes in, but he interrupts Dustin by shoving him. Telling him “He's mine! Go back to your corner and wait for my instruction.” Dustin, angrily but surely, complies and heads to the ring apron as Jun Akiyama pulls him away.

Becky: It seems there's tension on the team now.

Klamor: Hunter will realize it's all for the best.

KO continues the assault with several punches and a Dropkick. Sending SHIT to Dustin's corner who clubs him. But SHIT turns around and knocks him down. He turns around to meet the incoming Chris KO with a Roundhouse Kick. SHIT goes for a cover.


SHIT keeps the offense going now that it's one on one with several Uppercuts before hitting Chris' own Clinching Slam. Dustin climbs on the apron, armed with a chair but referee Jun Akiyama takes it away from him. As he goes to put it away, Dustin grabs his cane which was by a corner. Probably placed while he was outside. He goes to SHIT and knocks him down. Chris slowly gets up and Dustin swings to hit him! But KO grabs it and takes it away. SHIT crawls off to the corner as the ref tries to get ahold of the situation. Taking the cane away and throwing it off to avoid turning his back away again. As SHIT tries to compose himself, KO and Dustin stare at each other and Flynn tags himself in but SHIT is the one to attack. Not realizing the tag.

Becky: SHIT is reeling from that cane shot. He didn't detect that tag.

Klamor: He must have a relay loose. Dustin needs to stop trying to one up the Champion though.

Becky: Which one?

Klamor: Well, the EurAsian Champion, obviously.

SHIT knocks down both men with a series of dual Clotheslines. He stops for a bit measuring both guys and simulating Chris' “unsheathing” on both arms.

Klamor: What's that cardboard can thinking here? A double Sword?

Effectively, that's exactly what the cardboard robot attempts as both men get up. But KO shoves Dustin out of the way and SHIT ends up hitting his own partner, Jimmy Flynn! Dustin knocks SHIT out of the ring and Chris stands up the battered Flynn for a fourth and final Sword on him.



Anderson: Here are your winners, Dustin Hunter and the EurAsian Champion, Chris KO!

Chris demands his title to be handed to him before having his hand raised. SHIT, though stoic in his face, is clearly frustrated by his body language. Dustin slips into the ring with his cane once again and turns the EurAsian Champion. But Chris once again reaches up and grabs the cane. Chris takes it and threatens to hit him. Dustin backs off with a concerned look and exits the ring. Chris yells at him, "what are you doing Hunter, HUH?"

Klamor: Sorry, Dustin. But you're better off following this great man than trying to get ahead of him.

Dustin flees up the ramp as Chris exits the ring and distantly follows him. Jimmy Flynn starts to stagger back up as SHIT makes his way back to the ring with his title on his shoulder. Jimmy holds himself up by SHIT.

Becky: Poor Jimmy he got hit by what? Four Swords?

SHIT drops the Elite X belt and holds the groggy Jimmy. He shrugs his head in frustration and hits yet another Sword on Flynn!

Klamor: Make that five.

EMT's burst on the scene to check on the battered man as SHIT's frustration continues to be visible.

Becky: Not the best way to start your championship run for SHIT. But he was simply outnumbered here.

Klamor: Well certainly has the look and attitude down. I'm surprised Jimmy still has his head on. Oh well. That's it for Aftershock tonight. For Becky Serra, this is Johnny Klamor signing off.

Becky: See you guys next time from the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, as the Gold Rush tournament continues. Bye!

The show ends as SHIT walks up the ramp to a chorus of loud cheers and Jimmy Flynn getting out the ring.
FALKON - Segments
KERMIT - D.C vs. Krypto, Segments, Opening
KILLJOY - K.O&Hunter vs. S.H.I.T.&Flynn
BLADE - Beard/Westhoff, Contract Battle Royal, Segments
JGLASS - Stone/Angel, Segments

Thank you all for being very patient with us this round. We hope that you still enjoyed the product and we hope to get the boards up soon (tomorrow night central time at the latest). Congrats to all of the Gold Rush Advancers. It is a very different bracket than I think anyone of us thought it would be. One round, and two more to go. Redemption here we come!
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