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Aftershock 13

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It's Showtime!

The show opens up with pyro as the camera spans around dozens of screaming fans. The camera spans to Chuck Myles, who is standing in the ring with a microphone. To his left stands Joe Mason with Steam Ricky, Arashi with Celeste Crimson, and Angel with Titus. To his right stands Isabel Stone with Steven Kurtesy, Darren Bull with John Constantine, and Krypto with Action Saxton and Saboteur.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Myles starts. “Welcome to Aftershock! This is the second week of the WCZW Mentorship Program.”

He looks around, his eyes spanning each of the rookies, “You have each witnessed the prowess of your mentors through Meltdown and Ascension, and tonight each of you has the opportunity to prove yourselves.”

He turns to Arashi, “Due to the altercation you shared with Krypto last week…”

He switches his gaze to the alien, “You two are going one on one tonight!”

The crowd cheers as Arashi looks unimpressed; Kryto on the other hand looks pumped.

Myles turns his attention to Darren Bull, “You picked up an impressive win last week against Joe Mason, but can you keep your momentum going? Constantine doesn’t look impressed.”

The camera pops back as the KFAD winner looks bemused, “Tonight you go one on one with Angel!”

Angel nods in agreement, as Titus feeds him words of encouragement. Myles turns his attention towards Isabel, who looks defiant.

“You’ve yet to win a single match here in WZCW; if you hope to accomplish anything here you better take your mentors advice to heart.”

Izzy looks despondent, while Kurtesy awkwardly tries to offer word of encouragement. Myles brings the microphone to mouth once more, “But tonight you have the chance to chance all of that. You’re going one on one with newcomer Jacoby Capone.”

Isabel looks determined as she tries to ignore Kurtesy. Myles turns his attention to Joe Mason.

“You’ve been down on your luck as well; but tonight you have an opportunity to redeem yourself and make some waves. You go one on one with newcomer Josh Young.”

Darren nods as Myles walks right up to his face, “And Mason… your match is next.”

Myles drops the microphone and leaves; the rest of the rookies and mentors follow, leaving Joe and Ricky in the center of the ring. The two embrace the fans before Ricky wraps his arm around Mason and begins to talk strategy for Mason’s upcoming opponent.

Serra: Joe Mason has a ton of upside with having a legend like Steamboat Ricky in his corner. You can only hope he will take advantage of an opportunity to work with him. But Josh Young appears to be a very promising up-and comer.

Klamor: Serra, I can tell you right now, if I don’t fall asleep during this match it would be a miracle.


Josh comes out right when his music starts to play. He stares at the fans while standing on the ramp. He slowly looks down, then, after a few seconds, he sprints to the ring, and slides inside.

Anderson: And his opponent from Detroit, Michigan weighing 201 pounds, Josh Young!

He gets up onto the second ropes, and raises one arm above his head. He goes to the other turnbuckles and does the same thing as he stares down Joe Mason.

Once both Young and Mason meet in the ring the bell rings to signal the start of the match. Josh is the first to extend out his hand in hopes of a friendly but competitive match. With a bit of reluctance Joe looks over to his mentor to ask what to do but the pirate simply shrugs. In response Joe simply shrugs and shakes the hand of the rookie Young.

"Ugh, that is soo cheesy…If I got a nickel for every time two chumps agree to a handshake the both of us would be sitting in the hot-tub on the top of my penthouse suite."

”Never going to happen Klamor”

After the handshake, Joe Mason decides to return the sportsmenship with offering to start the match with a lockup. The smaller Young, while not his natural fighting style, goes in for the lockup. With a bit of struggle, the two go back and forth until Mason overpowers the high-flyer and locks him up with a hammer-lock. Then Joe Mason quickly transitions the hold and releases a full-Nelson suplex! Tossing Young across the ring, Joe then goes for the pin. 1…2….Kick out by Young.

"Joe is making it evident he is the better technical wrestler. If he can keep Young on the mat he may finally get his first win."

"Kick me whenever these two clowns stop being boring."

"Can’t I just kick you anyway?"

"Not unless you pay for it toots."

Joe picks up the staggered Young and moves him to the ring post and sets him up in the Tree of Woe. His mentor, Steamboat Ricky cheering him on seeing his rookie going on the attack early, Mason collects up some speed before charging at Young who is tied up into the post. But before Mason can land the high knee, the flexable Young lifts himself up as Mason’s knee hits solid onto the turn-post. Mason staggers from the pain in his knee, the young rookie Young now goes onto the attack and jumps from the top rope, wrapping his legs around Mason’s head and throws him in a Hurricanranna! Young quickly kips up and runs to the ropes and hits a springboard moonsault. After he lands on Mason he hooks the leg for the pin. 1….2….Kickout!

"Finally some sort of spunk. This match won’t be a snore fest after all."

"Josh Young is showing some spunk. But he will need to be more consistent if he wants to win this match."

Both manage to get up after the failed pin attempt. Josh goes for kicks, first hitting Mason in the leg and to the mid-section. Mason catches one leg but Young hops up and sends the other foot to the temple of Mason. But fortunately for Mason he ducks under it and wraps Young into a kneebar. Mason begins to contort the knee in hopes to equalizing Young’s speed. Steamboat Ricky is cheering in joy and pounding on the mat, yelling almost like Cobra Ki instructor from Karate Kid. However, Young makes his way to the ropes and grips on tight. Mason refuses to let go of the lock until the count of 4. Then the ref got between the two and split them up. Once the count was broken, Mason charged at Young, but instinctively Young pulls down the bottom rope, throwing Mason over the top, sending Mason for an ugly tumble. Young then grips onto the top rope again and uses it to launch himself over the top rope in a Corkscrew Plancha, landing on Mason.

"What an exciting set of moves by Young!"

"Yeah yeah, I hate to say this but this makes me miss Triple X on Aftershock."

Young, who is back in control drags Mason back into the ring. Young stands on the apron and readies himself for his Springboard phoenix splash, but on the way down, Mason rolls himself out of the way. Young hitting nothing but the mat, Mason then rolls back over and grabs Young’s leg and goes for a pin. 1..2…Kickout! Young just won’t give up!

"Young just won’t give up!"

"He tries so hard for the fans. YAWN"

Mason looks at Young in shock and then drags Young to the middle of the ring, he then grabs Young’s arm and goes for his submission hold. But as Mason grabs hold he is caught off guard by a small package by Young! 1…..2……..3.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner by pinfall, Josh Young!

"What a spectacular match. Young’s resilience sealed him the win here."

"Oh the match is over? Oh good, that means these two vanilla midgets can leave the ring."
Anderson: The following match is schedule for one fall.


Introducing first from Atlanta, GA. He weighs in at 218 lbs. Accompany by Matt Tastic, this is Scott Williams!

Scott comes out and walking slowly, looking disapprovingly at the fans. Followed, by his mentor Matt Tastic. He then walks into the ring and poses with his arms outstretches at his sides on the second turnbuckle.

Klamor: This kid better start getting some wins or he will soon be considered a fail.

Serra: He better show us that tonight.


Anderson: And his opponent from Atlanta, Georgia. He weighs in at 283 lbs. Accompany by his mentor, Justin Cooper. This man is Logan Burnside!

Logan walks out to the top of the stage, pauses, spreads his arms wide and clenches his fists, never stopping to look at the crowd. However, he seems to be alone as Cooper ain’t there. He walks down the ramp with eyes fixed only on the ring, giving stiff, painful high fives to any outstretched arms. He slides in the ring and walks around on the knuckles of his fists before jumping to his feet and staring into the camera.

Serra: This will be interesting seeing as both men are from Atlanta.

Klamor: Hey, where is Cooper?

Both men are the ring and stare at each other, before the ref rings the bell. Matt hops on the apron and calls over Williams, but Scott just ignore and quickly starts laying some punches on Logan. However, Logan is able to ducks and hits a big boot to the back of Scott’s head. Quickly Logan goes for the cover. 1… Kickout!

Scott rolls out of the ring followed by Logan. Scott quickly goes for a crossbody onto Burnside. Williams goes inside the ring rather quickly.

Klamor: The big guy better get in the ring fast.

Holding his ribs, Logan gets back in the ring at the count of 7. As soon as he gets in the ring, Scott starts to strike the ribs by hitting some close punches. Scott grabs Logan by the head and delivers a Fisherman Suplex. Scott then goes for the pin attempt. 1… 2… Kickout!

Serra: So, close.

Klamor: That was like 2.94873!

Just then, out of nowhere comes a masked man attacking Matt Tastic. The masked man then tries to interfere in the match going with both rookies now confused. Matt Tastic however brings the masked man down and starts hitting some headshots on him. As soon as he is down Matt takes the mask off to reveal it’s Justin Cooper.

Klamor: Come on Cooper fight back.

Serra: He should get arrested for trying to assault Matt Tastic!

Both men start to brawl and soon are out of sight. They have now both left their rookies unattended for. Scott still looking to see if he can see his mentor decides to turn around and gets nailed by a big boot. Burnside then picks up Scott and hits him with the Gory Special. He goes the pin 1… 2… 3!!!

Anderson: Here is your winner… Logan Burnside!!!

Logan quickly heads out of the ring and runs to the back to help out his mentor.

Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, accompanied by Steven Kurtsey, from Pittsburgh PA, weighing in at 152 pounds Isabel Stone!

Isabel walks onto the ramp, scowling at the audience before she skips down the ramp ignoring the chorus of boos that follow her. As she gets halfway down the ramp the jeers turn to cheers as her mentor Steven Kurtsey appears and follows her to ringside.

Serra: Isabel was unsuccessful last week in the triple threat match and has yet to get win, maybe over the last week Kurtsey has been able to show the hot head rookie the error of her ways.

Klamour: I doubt it, maybe Kurtsey needs to realize he’s washed up and should let somebody else train this pretty young girl.


Anderson: And her opponent, from Portland, weighing 242 lbs, Jacoby Capone!

Capone raises his fist to the crowd and slowly removes his white framed shades and vest. The crowd boos him a little to which he shows no reaction to.

Klamour: See now this is a rookie, he had a hell of a showing last week and I wouldn’t be surprised if he won again her tonight.

Serra: You are correct Johnny, Capone did win his debut match last week but I have a feeling Kurtsey has made his rookie aware that eliminations will start soon, she needs a win.

As the bell sounds Capone and Stone lock up in the middle of the ring, Capone soon throws Stone into a corner attempting to show his dominance early on. The crowd boos as Capone taunts Isabel.

Serra: Both these rookies aren’t exactly fan favorites but I have a feeling the crowd will go behind whoever Kurtsey wants to win.

Kurtsey pounds on the apron outside for Isabel to get up fight. She slowly does giving Steven a little scowl before she locks up with Capone again. Jacob gives Stone an arm drag and proceeds to put her in a headlock. Stone begins squirming impatiently attempting to escape but Capone refuses to let go. Stone soon looks to Kurtsey on the outside who’s calmly telling her to relax among other words of encouragement. Isabel takes a deep breath and begins delivering quick and fierce elbows to the gut of Capone who eventually has to release the hold and clutch his midsection. Isabel then precedes smash an elbow in Jacob’s face knocking him down to the floor.

Serra: Well it looks as if Kurtsey’s advice just helped Isabel out a little there.

Klamour: Yeah we’ll see if she can keep her cool by the time the match is over.

Kurtsey looks pleased on the outside and continues cheering on his rookie. The fans notices Kurtsey’s action and also slightly start to get behind Stone. Isabel picks up Jacob, puts and him in the corner and goes for an Irish whip but Capone reverses sending her into the other side of the ring. He charges at her but Isabel stops him dead in his tracks with an elbow to the face. While Jacob is slightly stunned Stone climbs to second rope and hits a cross body on Capone, Kurtsey cheers as on as the ref counts 1…..2……Capone kicks out at the last second.

Klamour: Ha! I knew there was no way Capone was getting pinned by a week move like that.

Serra: I don’t know Johnny, Capone better watch himself tonight.

Isabel pounds the mat in frustration as Kurtsey tells her to keep trying. Stone tries to pick up Capone but Jacob picks her up and hits her with a scoop slam. He then delivers knee drop to head of Stone and goes for a cover 1….2….Isabel kicks out. Jacob argues with the ref for a little bit and begins to curb stomp Isabel in the corner. He drags her by the hair to the middle of the ring and then clutches her in a bear hug. The ref asks Stone if she wants to give up but she refuses but is still desperately trying to fight out in agonizing pain. Kurtsey is trying to will Isabel on and so is the crowd. Stone looks to her mentor and suddenly gains enough inspiration to begin smash elbows to the back of Capone’s head. She furiously hits harder and harder until Jacob is forced the break the hold and he begins clutching his head in pain.

Serra: Looks like Isabel might be able to work her way back into this.

Klamour: We’ll see, I still got faith in this Capone kid.

Isabel then charges at Capone, spearing him into the corner. She picks him up by the waist and hits a back bend drop right onto Capone’s head. She cover Jacob 1…2…Capone is just able to get his foot on rope. Stone gets up and begins arguing with the ref while Jacob rolls out of the ring to catch a breather. Kurtsey begins yelling at Isabel to stay focused and after a couple seconds of some not so friendly glares Stone turns around to see Capone back up on the apron, he yanks Isabel by the hair, puts her in the firemen’s carry and delivers a Samoan drop straight to the floor!

Serra: That did not look good Johnny, Isabel may be seriously hurt.

Klamour: While it may have been brilliant strategy by Capone even I have to admit that poor girl’s back might be broke.

The crowd seems in shock as Capone slips back in the ring taunting and telling the ref to count. Kurtsey rushes to the other side of the ring to check on his mentee who hasn’t moved yet. Capone begins yelling at the ref to count while Kurtsey continues to check on Isabel while trying to stall the ref from counting. The referee gives a slight apology to Kurtsey and begins the count out.


Kurtsey still continues to yell and clap as long as he can to try get Isabel up.


Stone still hasn’t moved as Kurtsey is beginning to have a worried look as face.


Capone continues to taunt Kurtsey in the crowd in the ring having no remorse for what he’s just done.


Isabel begins wiggling her arm slightly looking for something to grab on. Kurtsey notices this and begins clapping in Isabel’s ear to wake her up.


Stone makes it up one knee clutching her back in head, she looks to be a bit dazed and out of it. Kurtsey directs her to try to get in the ring but when she tries to get her second leg up she stumbles down onto the floor again clutching her back in pain.


Capone yells for her to stay down and the ref to count faster. Stone is not moving on the floor as Kurtsey begins worrying again.


Capone gets in the face of the ref telling him to count faster again but ref tells him to back off.


Isabel uses the steel steps for leverage to make it to her feet but she’s still not moving fast enough to break the count.


Jacob begins worrying she’ll break the count and grabs the ref telling to count, the ref shoves him back telling him not touch a referee. While he is distracted Kurtsey scoops Stone up and throws her under the bottom rope breaking the count.

Klamour: look at that cheater Kurtsey!

Serra: He had to help his mentee out.

Jacob becomes enraged, he charges at Stone but she hits him with a upward smack to nose knocking him down to the ground. She gets up on the second rope and hits a elbow drop to Capone’s midsection, she goes for cover 1….2….Capone is just able to kick out. Isabel looks to the ref in anguish, exhausted. She begins throwing a temper tantrum, smashing her fists on the ground, yelling at the ref. Kurtsey gets up on the apron trying to calm her down but Stone gets in his face and they begins arguing. Capone gets up and smashes Isabel in the back sending her into Kurtsey knocking him off the apron. Capone then maneuvers her into the Cobain’s Shotgun.

Serra: He dropped her right on the neck!

Klamour: That move was just vicious, I love it!

Capone goes for the cover 1…..2….3!

Anderson: And here is your winner, Jacoby Capone!

Jacob forces the ref to raise his hand then quickly exits the ring when he notices Kurtsey coming his way. He continues to taunt the crowd as he walks up the ramp leaving a broken Isabel in the ring with her disappointed mentor.

Serra: Stone came ready to fight tonight but in the end her short temper cost her the win.

Klamour: I told you, Kurtsey just can’t teach this girl. Capone doesn’t even need a mentor to win, that guy is the future.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied by Celeste Crimson, from Yokohoma, Japan, weighing in at 225lbs, Arashi!

Arashi steps out from behind the curtain and gives Celeste a foul look as she follows him. He steps onto the ring apron and shakes his head at Celeste as she tries to enter. He walks over and leans against the turnbuckle as he awaits his opponent.

Serra: Arashi, undefeated in his short run here, but he seems content to ignore his mentor.

Klamor: Why should he listen? He is on a roll and Celeste is one of the biggest underachievers in the company.


Anderson: And his opponent, being accompanied by Saboteur and Saxton, from Out of this world, weighing in at 200lbs, Krrrryptooooo!

Krypto walks onto the stage looking confused. Saxton appears behind him and gives him an encouraging pat on the back and shoves him toward the ring. Saboteur stays at the top of the ramp playing a handheld game until Saxton summons him with a powerful SUCKA!

Serra: Possibly the man with the most to gain from the mentor program, Krypto will look to pick up a win tonight.

Klamor: Not a chance. Look at his mentors, they barely care about him.

Celeste tries to give Arashi a few last minute words of encouragement but he ignores them. Saxton and Saboteur give Krypto a few words of advice before they turn their attention to Saboteur's game.

The bell sounds and Krypto quickly darts at Arashi. He ducks under an attempted clothesline and bounces off the ropes. Arashi misses a second clothesline and Krypto rebounds a second time before hitting a low dropkick on Arashi. He hits a few stomps on Arashi before he is able to stand. The two trade a few punches before Krypto again decides to run the ropes. This time Arashi uses a knee instead of a clothesline, and it connects square to the face of a ducking Krypto.

Klamor: Arashi outsmarts the alien there.

Serra: That knee may rattle Krypto back to thinking he is human.

Arashi waits for Krypto to stand, stalking him. Krypto wobbles to his feet. Arashi starts to go to work with right hands. Krypto is still wobbly from the knee but tries to fight back, to little effect. He throws a kick out of desperation but it is easily caught by Arashi, who whips him down with a dragon screw. He then takes a few steps back and hits a twisting elbow drop to his downed opponent. He goes into the cover, 1...2...and Krypto kicks out. Arashi lifts Krypto to his feet and wraps him up and hits an excellent exploder suplex. Instead of going for the cover Arashi lifts Krypto back up and hits a fisherman buster. Arashi lifts him up again and sizes him up before he hits a discuss forearm to Krypto's head. Arashi again forgoes a pin attempt and lifts Krypto to his feet. Celeste can be heard trying to get Arashi to attempt the pin, but Arashi is having none of it. He walks over to the ropes and starts to argue with his mentor.

Serra: Looks like Arashi's distrust of his mentor is causing him to lose sight of this match.

Klamor: Celeste and her, ahem...assets can be distracting.

As Arashi finishes his arguing he suddenly finds himself on the receiving end of a dropkick. It isn't enough to put Arashi down so Krypto springboards off the ropes with a kick straight to Arashi's midsection. As he is doubled over in pain Krypto hops to the top rope and hits adiving legdrop across the back of Arashi's neck. He goes for the pin, 1...2...and Arashi gets his shoulder up. Krypto stays on the attack with punches as Arashi gets to his feet. Krypto grabs Arashi and Irish whips him to one side of the ring while he runs to the other. He springboards off the ropes with a cross body. He falls into the pin, 1...2...and Arashi is able to kick out. Krypto looks to his mentors for advice but they are still wrapped up in Saboteur's game.

Saxton: Get him sucka!

Krypto shrugs and turns around in time to duck under an attempted kick from Arashi. Krypto rolls up the off balance Arashi, 1...2...and again Arashi is able to kick out. Krypto slams his hand on the mat frustrated before he stands up. He waits for Arashi to stand and runs and hits a tilt-a-whirl head scissors take down that sends Arashi out of the ring. Krypto readies himself for a suicide dive when he stops dead in his tracks. He quickly runs over to the corner is mentors are in.

Saboteur: Take that Space Invader! Try to take over my planet will you.

Saxton: If there is one thing that Saxton hates it's damn alien suckas trying to take my planet. Kill them jive turkeys.

As Krypto looks at his mentors shocked, Arashi hops back into the ring and rolls up Krypto, grabbing a handful of his tights, 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Arashi!

Saboteur and Saxton look up from Saboteur's game as Krypto pleads his case with the ref. Arashi has made his way to the top of the ramp as Celeste scolds him for using the tights, but he brushes her off as he raises his arms victorious.

Serra: No! Arashi had a handful of tights, he cheated to win.

Klamor: It's only illegal if you get caught Becky. Smart tactic by Arashi to take advantage of the distracted Krypto.

Serra: Regardless it will be interesting to see how this plays into the relationships between the mentors and their understudies.
Anderson: Ladies and gentleman this match is an elimination handicap match!


The music hits and The Beard storms out to a big pop and spins around with his arms out to both sides. The big man slaps at his hairy chest and cracks his neck as he looks to bring the pain.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Beardstown, Illinois, weighing in at 285 pounds, The Beard!

Beard slams on the stairs as they echo throughout the arena as he charges up. The Beard stops on the apron and smiles to the crowd as he leaps over the top rope. The Beard heads right to the ropes as he strokes his beard to the crowd’s liking before jumping down and pulling down on the ropes before the match begins.

Serra: What a nice ovation for The Beard making his return tonight!

Klamor: He has to face not one, but two men tonight and pin them both in order to win. Just who in the back did he piss off?


Grimm appears at the top of the ramp and puts his hands up in the form of an X and drops them. He starts walking to the ring in a slow motion and gets in the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first from Wallachia, Romania weighing 285 pounds, Grimm!

Grimm stands in the middle of the ring, looking up into the bright light. He rips off his bandana and strips his jacket and as he glares at the Beard on the other side.

Klamor: Look at the size of this man! He even towers over the Beard!

Serra: The Beard is going to have his hands full tonight.


A reddish yellow light, the color of the sun, slowly illuminates the stage showing Vega standing there with his long and swaying trench coat. His head is slightly tilted and he's donning a sly grin on his face, soaking in the moment before walking down the ramp.

Anderson: And his partner from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 175 pounds, Vega!

Vega jogs up the steps and gracefully enters the ring. He whips his arms down, allowing his long trench coat to slide off his shoulders and down to his hands before whipping it right out of the ring. He then calmly walks to his corner and takes a seat on the top turnbuckle to either wait for his opponent, or for the match to begin.

Serra: What an opportunity tonight for this young man; he was unhappy with the results from last week, put this is his chance to really make an impact.

Klamor: He’s a conman Serra, don’t be fooled! I bet he steals this match tonight.

The bell rings as Beard and Grimm start things off. The two big men circle each other, sizing each other up. They lung for each other and grapple; after a few seconds of strain they back away from each other in a stalemate. The Beard smiles while Grimm looks unimpressed. The two men lock up once more, and Grimm uses his leverage advantage to push Beard backwards against the turnbuckle. He throws a punch but Beard ducks and pushes Grimm against the turnbuckle and starts to throw jabs of his own, taking the large man by surprise. He whips Grimm out of the corner, but he counters and sends Beard into the opposite side; he tries to follow up with a running boot into the corner, but Beard moves out of the way as Grimm straddles the top rope.

Serra: Some back and forth action from these two big men; they look to be about evenly matched, but that mistake could cost the Grimm.

Klamor: The Beard is a veteran; he can handle himself.

Beard grabs him and in a display of power suplexes him over the top rope back into the ring. He follows up with a quick leg drop and locks in a side headlock. The Grimm begins to struggle, but he makes it to his feet and shows some strength of his own as picks the Beard up and drops him with a back suplex. He stumbles forward and tags in Vega; who appears to be hesitant to enter the ring. The Beard recovers as he stares Vega down; the two men circle each other as Beard lunges forward only to have his opponent dart away.

Klamor: Vega’s smart; he’s not going to try to fight a man that outweighs him by a hundred pounds. He’s going to use his speed the best that he can.

The Beard charges forward but Vega catches him in a drop toe sending him face first into the turnbuckle. He begins to strike him with stiff kicks as Beard tries to cover up. Beard grabs Vega and pushes him away; he rolls backwards, gets to his feet and charges only to be met by an elbow to the face. He follows up with a short arm lariat and hits a big sidewalk slam. Beard goes for the cover…

But Vega gets the shoulder up. He picks the smaller man up, but Vega floats over and kicks the large man in the head. The Beard staggers as Vega begins to target his knees. He pushes Vega away but he responds with a flying lariat which takes Beard off his feet. He pushes the larger man backwards against the turnbuckle and delivers a flurry of stiff kicks to Beard’s body until the big man slumps over and stumbles out of the corner. Vega twists his arm and climbs up onto the top turnbuckle. In a display of balance he walks across the top rope, but Beard counters, lunges, and grabs the ropes causing Vega to straddle the top in pain. He falls to the floor as Grimm hits beard from behind.

Serra: Vega tried to show off and he paid for it! And now Grimm in from behind; the Beard can’t catch a break in this match.

Grimm picks Beard up and hits a backbreaker, as Vega recovers and climbs the apron. He slingshots himself to the top and lands on Beard with a splash; he goes for the cover…

But Beard kicks out. Vega reaches over and tags in Grimm. He begins to pound away on Beard with clubbing blows and whips him into the turnbuckle. He charges in but Beard moves out of the way as Grimm plows into the turnbuckle. Beard scoops him up onto his shoulder, turns, and delivers a running powerslam. He stands and starts to rally the crowd as he jumps into a higher gear. He measures Grimm and delivers a running big boot! Not finished, he grabs the taller man and nails the Poetic Justice. He pins Grimm…

Serra: Beard has pinned Grimm, but he hasn’t won the match just yet.

Klamor: This is a handicap elimination match; in order for Beard to win he has to pin both Grimm and Vega.

Vega adamantly gets into the ring as Beard looks fired up. The two opponents circle each other once more as the two engage in a game of cat and mouse once more. The Beard catches Vega and lifts him up for a slam, but he counters and hits an arm drag. Beard gets to his feet but Vega hits a dropkick to the knee, and follows with a knee strike to the face which takes the larger man down. Beard gets to his feet with a shocked look on his face; he can hardly believe Vega’s agility.

The two face off again, and this time Beard gets the upper hand and throws Vega into the turnbuckle hard. He begins to hammer away on the smaller man in the corner, until the referee breaks his momentum and pushes him away. He goes to resume the beating but Vega suddenly pokes him in the eye. He begins to work over Beards leg in the corner by tying his leg up in the ropes. The referee breaks the hold, but Vega sneakily hits a dropkick to the knee as Beard tries to recover.

Serra: Look at all this blatant cheating by Vega!

Klamor: It’s a smart strategy by Vega to wear down the larger man!

Vega twists Beard’s arm and starts to wear him down with a series of stiff kicks. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and successfully walks the tightrope and connects with a huge hurricanrana into a pinning predicament. The referee counts…

But Beard kicks out. Vega continues his onslaught; he tries to knock the Beard down with a flying lariat but it only staggers the big man. He tries again, but Beard ducks, runs, and mows him down with a flying crossbody. He begins to get fired up as he measures Vega and hits a spinning belly to belly suplex with force. He plays to the crowd and drags Vega’s body over to the turnbuckle. He climbs to the top rope and signals for the end. He jumps off and tries to hit the Flying Beard, but Vega moves out of the way as Beard crashes to the mat.

Vega takes the chance and locks in a scissored kneebar, as Beard screams in pain. He lifts himself up and starts to crawl over to the bottom rope as Vega looks on in disbelief. Beard grabs the bottom rope as the referee breaks the hold. Vega tries for the move again, but Beard kicks him off. He gets to his feet and lifts Vega for a slam, but the smaller man counters and hits him with a low blow behind the referee’s back. He rolls him up in a bridge, but ties his feet on the ropes as the referee unknowingly counts…

Anderson: Here is your winner, Vega!

Vega climbs out of the ring with a smug look on his face, as the Beard looks pissed. He stands and begins to argue with the referee who feigns ignorance.

Serra: That’s not fair, he cheated to win!

Klamor: I told you that Vega was going to steal this match! He’s a thief, that’s what he does.

The Beard runs his hand through is hair as Vega backs up the ramp with a smile on his face.
Anderson: The Following Contest is a set for one fall!


Anderson: Making his way first, accompanied by his Mentor, Constantine, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 186 pounds, Darren Bull!

Darren Bull with a Lights go out and Darren starts coming out from underneath the entrance ramp. Right behind him is his mentor, Constantine, who is carrying his King For A Day Briefcase. He comes out to some heavy boos while having his back to the fans with his arms stretched out long as possible. Constantine sort of nudges him forward to move faster. Bull then starts to walk down the ramp very slowly and has disgusted look in his face. Once he gets in the ring he shows-off his looks to the people in attendance. He then waits for his opponent while relaxing in the top turnbuckle.

Serra: With a mentor like Constantine, Bull has a lot to learn, but it's certainly going to help.

Klamor: So he has more hair on his chest than a beaver does on his whole body. Don't get me wrong, Constantine is successful, but just because he's done amazingly doesn't mean he'll be a terrific teacher, and it might not be Bull's fault, either. That kid is smart. Some' peoples personalities just don't sync up.


Anderson: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by his mentor, Titus, from Mexico City, Mexico and weighing in at one hundred and 80 pounds, The Angel!

The music hits and the Angel slowly goes out to the Stage. He kneels down on both knees and looks up and throws his arms out, accepting god in his life. Following him onto the stage as he gets up is his mentor, Former WZCW World Champion, Titus. The Angel takes a look at Darren Bull and begins to walk over there, high-fiving all the fans in the front row. With Titus behind him, he makes his way to the ropes, where he does a flip in for the fans.

Klamor: If there's one thing Titus should be teaching Angel, it's to stop doing the unnecessary stuff like that. If he had screwed that up like an idiot, he would have lost the match right there.

Serra: With the way he's been going lately, he certainly seems like he knows what he's doing, whether it seems like it to you or not.

The bell rings and the match starts. The two grapple up in the middle of the ring. With Angel seemingly overpowering Bull, Bull proceeds to kick Angel in the chest, and give him a swinger neckbreaker. With the early advantage, Bull drags The Angel over by one of the turnbuckles and goes outside the ring to give The Angel an early disadvantage. Continuing with this, he gets back up on the ring, stepping on The Angel's leg to help as leverage as he climbs the turnbuckle. With a smug grin, he takes one look back at his mentor, Constantine, before jumping from the turnbuckle with an elbow drop onto The Angel's leg. However, the Angel pulls out his leg at the last second, causing Bull to land on his elbow as he jumps to the Matt. Still in pain from hitting the ring on his elbow, The Angel takes this time to send his foot back right into Darren Bull's face, who is slightly pushed away by it.

Klamor: Terrific strategy so far by Bull. If Angel wants to win his match, he's going to have to use that leg to pull off some of his more common maneuvers like the all of his springboard maneuvers, including that 720 DDT he calls the "Gift from God".

Serra: Admittedly, this is pretty clever. This is where Darren Bull and his mentor are similar. They both know to find the Achilles heel in their opponents and use it to their advantage.

Bull still focusing on his arm, allows the Angel to get up and run the ropes, to meet him with a suicide dive. With the crowd giving applause to The Angel, and Darren Bull getting up, he steps back on the apron and uses the springboard to give his opponent a springboard hurricanrana on the outside. The Angel picks up Darren Bull and shoves him back in the ring to go for a pinfall.


Kick out by Darren Bull. The Angel, still trying to keep momentum on his side, decides to climb the turnbuckle, looking for a of his Dragonranas. Once on the turnbuckle, The Angel waits for Darren to get up. Once Darren makes his way up, and gets a good view of the Angel, he backs up into the opposite turnbuckle to avoid a Dragonrana. Angel jumps down to run at Bull with him jumping corner clothesline, but Darren Bull gets out of the way, causing Angel to crash into the turnbuckle. After Bull steps on the legs of the Angel again, he waits for The Angel to get his head up from the mat, before running at him with the Angel with a sliding forearm smash. Bull goes for the cover.


and a kickout by the Angel.

Serra: It's a very back and forth match between Angel and Darren Bull so far.

Klamor: "So far", but Bull knows where to attack. Unlike The Angel, who's just showing off for the fans, Bull actually has a strategy.

We see the arrogant Darren Bull simply shrug off the kickout by his opponent. Bull takes one look at the mentor of the man he's facing, Titus, and gives a laugh. After kicking The Angel into position, Bull makes his way to the top turnbuckle, as the crowd starts booing as he signals for his big move, the 450 Splash Darren Bull calls the Hollywood Hits. Darren Bull jumps for the Hollywood Hits, but Angel gets out of the way, rolling into the turnbuckle . As Bull slowly gets up from the impact of the fall, The Angel takes this time to move once again to the top turnbuckle, and as Darren Bull turns around, the Angel meets him with a Whisper in the Wind, called the God Send. The Angel once again goes for the cover.


and another kickout by Darren Bull. The Angel, certain that he almost has the victory, runs for the ropes and does a springboard moonsault. However, Darren Bull rolls out the way yet again, letting The Angel land on his face. Bull looking to pick up the easy victory, rolls The Angel onto his back and lays on top of his opponent, counting along with the referee as he leisurely pins his opponent with a smug grin on his face.


The referee notices as his hand comes down for the three that The Angel has foot on the ropes.

Serra: I thought for a second that Darren Bull had him. A good catch by the referee. We wouldn't have wanted Bull to pick up an unfair victory.

Klamor: If "The Angel" has to rely on cheap tactics like that, Bull deserves that victory much more than him.

Darren Bull, angry at the referee for his decision, tries to tell him that he made a mistake with his decision, but the referee insists that he's just following the rules. With his opponent distracted, The Angel uses this time to go for a schoolboy pin on Bull.


and Darren Bull gives a kick out. Both Darren Bull and The Angel, struggling to get up as the crowd comes alive with a loud chant for The Angel, "Let's Go Angel!".

Serra: This match has gone on for quite some time, and none of them want to back down.

Klamor: Can you blame them? Imagine having to face a man like Constantine if you lose your match. Which Bull won't, because he's playing the smart route, but it certainly keeps you motivated.

Darren Bull and The Angel. now back up on their feet, exchange glares towards one another. Darren Bull lands the first blow with a knife edge chop to the chest of The Angel, The Angel returning with a kick to Darren Bull's side. Darren Bull, still showing frustration, gives another knife edge chop, The Angel returning with yet another kick to Darren Bull's side. Darren Bull, knowing what Angel is doing, goes for a sneak attack and gives a spinning heel kick to the head of his opponent. With his opponent down, Darren Bull once again goes for a cover.


and yet another kick out by the Angel. Darren Bull, still certain he has the victory, gives Angel a still elbow to the face. This time holding both of the Angel's arms down, he goes for the pin.


and still not giving up, The Angel manages to get out of it, much to Bull's annoyance. The Angel rolls out of the ring and onto the ring apron. With a strategy, in mind, Bull runs towards the ropes to give his other big move, the springboard kick called the Awesome Punishment. However, Angel ducks the kick and goes for his finishing maneuver, the 720 DDT, dubbed the Gift From God, and looking to pick up the victory, The Angel goes for pinfall



Anderson: Here is your winner, The Angel!

Klamor: Not a bad victory for The Angel. I know Titus is a two-time former WZCW Champion and Elite X Champion, but it still can't look good on the King For A Day winner's history that his rookie's second match under him is lost.

Serra: We'll see how much it effects him pretty soon. A great effort by everyone in the match and wonderful show all together. That's our show tonight, from everyone here in Aftershock, thank you for watching, goodnight!
Who wrote that:

Echelon - Opening segment/Beard vs Vega and Grimm
Yazloz – Arashi w/ Celeste vs Krypto w/ Saxton and Saboteur
TBK – Darren Bull w/ Constantine vs The Angel w/ Titus
Ultimate Dynamite – Isabel Stone w/ Kurtesy vs Jacoby Capone
Pancake – Joe Mason w/ Ricky vs Josh Young
A_M - Scott Williams w/ Matt Tastic vs Logan Burnside w/ Justin Cooper

Thank you, of course, to all the match writers, and a big shout out to Ech for the major work down on Aftershock.
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