Aftershock 10

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

The crowd is hot as we open up Aftershock and head straight to the announcers table to see Becky Serra and Johnny Klamor.

Serra: “Good evening and welcome to Aftershock, a very special pre-Kingdom Come edition!”

Klamor: “In preparation for the big show we have five action packed matches and we are going to hype the pay-per-view by looking at two of the matches on the card, the TLC match for the tag team titles and the Elite X match.”

"These two matches feature eight genuinely good guys with not a bad bone among them. They want to have the best matches possible and come away with the gold."

Serra: “Well, well, well, Aftershock just got a hell of a lot more interesting.”

Klamor: “Blade is teaming up with his protégé Mick Overlast to face the newly formed Team Australia, Justin Cooper and Joseph Greaves!”

Serra: “Neither of the Sons are on the Kingdom Come card and that riles them deeply. Not that the Australians are happy to be missing either.”

Klamor “So I have to ask why Blade is out here now. I’m not complaining but...”

Serra: “He must have something interesting to say.”

Blade picks up a mic from ringside.

Blade: “I’ve got an announcement about the future of the Sons of Destiny. Now it’s a well known fact that Mick and I were supposed to be part of the main event tonight. It’s a damn shame that we are on this show and not Kingdom Come but the result would be the same. I am not in 100% condition, which is the minimum that I expect of myself, so I will not be performing here tonight.”

The crowd boo in reaction to this.

Blade: “I’ll expand on this later but I have found a more than suitable replacement.”


Overlast stands at the top of the ramp, looking unhappy with his mentor.

Mick: “Normally I would stand besides you, as an ally who would do anything you asked of me. But Blade, you are not the man who formed this dominant alliance with me. I demand that you tell me who the replacement is so I don’t make a huge mistake in tagging with someone that you have chosen. I don’t expect a repeat of the Scott Hammond fiasco.”

Blade: “Mick I don’t really care if you are happy or not because in choosing this partner, I went back to my past. Like Scott, I have had wars with this guy. We’ve bled together and caused immense pain to each other. Tell you what Mick, let’s meet him now.”


Mick gives his new partner a quite filthy look but Phoenix is happy. He nods at Overlast and ignores the discontent from Overlast. He gives a thumbs up who leaves the ring with Overlast nattering in his ear about how unhappy he is.

Klamor: "Well that's a real development, I'm with Overlast though. Phoenix is "

Serra: "You could argue that Overlast isn't on Phoenix's level."

Klamor: "Yeah, let's see how that goes."
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.


The new music hits and the crowd awaits the debuting superstar. Mason emerges from backstage walking slowly to the ring. He removes his shirt once inside and a few of the female fans in the front row let out a collective whistle.

Anderson: Introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 235 pounds, Joe Mason!

Serra: Joe Mason making his debut tonight, looking to impress early.

Klamor: Sounds like he already impressed a handful of the female viewers with his rather impressive physique.


Anderson: And his opponent, Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 285 pounds, Derek Jacobs!

Jacobs makes his way to the ring, exchanging some harsh words with some of the fans. He hits the ring and stares down the ref for a few seconds before ascending the turnbuckle to some boos.

Klamor: Speaking of guys with impressive physiques, look at the specimen that is Derek Jacobs. Just a mountain of a man.

So far he has been unable to translate that size into a win though and will look to change that tonight.

The bell rings and the two circle each other before Mason moves in. He ties up with Jacobs but Jacobs throws him aside. Mason charges in and Jacobs simply throws him to the ground. Mason bounces up and comes back yet again. He manages to get behind Jacobs and tries to roll him up for a quick pin, 1...and Jacobs easily kicks out.

Serra: Mason, who is no small man, is having a bit of trouble early with Jacobs' size. He easily powered out at one there.

Klamor: Can't teach size Becky and Jacobs has it and then some.

They tie up again and Mason isolates an arm, twisting it around and hitting an elbow smash. He continues to work the arm, as he follows Jacobs to the ground. He places a knee in Jacobs back and he pulls back on the arm. Jacobs flails his free arm, trying to find something to grab. Mason continues to wrench on the arm, focusing solely on Jacobs tied up arm. With his attention elsewhere, Jacobs is able to grab a handful of Mason's hair. He uses his intense strength to free his other arm and is able to flip Mason over onto his back.

Klamor: Scary strength from a scary man.

Serra: All I saw was cheating.

Jacobs wastes no time in picking Mason up. He picks him up over his head, holding him there, before slamming him down hard. He follows up with a quick elbow drop. He measures up and hits another. He then takes a few steps back and hits a big leg drop. He goes for the pin, 1...2...kick out by Mason. Mason tries to fight off Jacobs as the big man picks him up, again aided by a handful of hair. Jacobs whips Mason into the ropes and readies for a big boot but Mason is able to catch his leg. He turns it into a beautiful dragon screw and the big man is back on the ground. Mason grab Jacobs, who is still holding his leg in pain, and pulls him to his feet. Jacobs tries to back away but a quick throat thrust puts the big man down to a knee. Mason looks over his shoulder and ascends to the top rope.

Serra: Matches are won and lost in the blink of an eye up there. Lets see how it pays off for the rookie.

Mason seems to stall upon hearing the cheers of the crowd as they anticipate a high flying move. The split second hesitation is all it takes as Jacobs latches his hand onto Mason's throat. The rookie struggles but it no match for the power of Derek Jacobs. He choke slams him down hard, hooks the leg, 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Derek Jacobs!

Jacobs refuses the ref and raises his sore arm, rubbing it a little before mouthing "Pay me" into the camera.

Serra: So the big man Jacobs pick up a big first win with an amazing choke slam off the top rope.

Klamor: With raw power like that I may just have to hire Jacobs to work security for my public appearances. What a monster.


Leon Kensworth is walking backstage when he stops, having reached the locker room of Team Australia. He knocks on the door and Justin Cooper answers.

"Justin, can I have a quick word?" Cooper sneers but Leon carries on regardless. "You make your debut appearance with your new partner Joseph Greaves today on Aftershock but your opponents have changed. How will you be able to adapt?"

Cooper shakes his head and moves away from Leon. Joseph Greaves takes his place.

"Same question Mr Greaves."

"It's quite simple. The High Society needs to be aware that we are just superior. It doesn't matter if it's Blade and Overlast, Phoenix or Blade or the Cookie Monster and the Karate Kid. Team Australia are going to prevail because we are better than them."
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


A small portion of the crowd pops as The Masked Gentleman emerges from the back, looking rather dapper in his top hat and cape, twirling his cane.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Paris, France, weighing in at 175 pounds, The Masked Gentleman!

The Gent takes his extra attire off and hands it to the referee before he walks to the corner, acknowledging some of his new fans at ringside.

Serra: The Gent, looking for back to back wins, after defeating the much larger Derek Jacobs last week.

Klamor: Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then Becky, and from the looks of both those masks he must have been very lucky to see through both of them.


Anderson: And his opponent from Zhengzhou City, China, weighing in at 185 pounds, Hunter Jackson!

Jackson emerges from below the stage in a seated position to some cheers. He makes his way to the ring once the lyrics hit.

Serra: Jackson started off his run here in WZCW with a win but has since fallen on hard times. He will be looking to turn it around tonight.

Klamor: I'm not surprised. I have said it from day one, Jackson is too much of a coward to succeed. He won't even start fights.

Serra: I believe that is part of his training and philosophy, not being a coward.

The two exchange a quick hand shake and then back off, circling each other. After a trip or two around the ring and a few feints the two finally tie up in the center of the ring. Jackson gets the upper hand and whips his opponent into the ropes. The Gent rebounds and Jackson leap frogs him. The Gent hits the ropes a second time and Jackson takes him down with a quick leg lariat. The Gent pops back up and the two lock back up. Gent gains the upper hand this time and sends Jackson to the corner. Jackson charges out of the corner but The Gent catches him with a throat thrust on the way in.

Serra: Some quick offense being exchanged early.

Jackson regains his wits and the two tie up again. The Gent pushes Jackson into the corner. The ref comes to the corner to break them up and The Gent sneaks in a slap on the way out. Jackson takes a moment to grab his face and The Gent takes advantage with a quick knife edge chop.

Klamor: I felt that one, and so did the entire arena from the sound of it.

The Gent gets in another, and then another chop. The crowd gasping with each one. The Gent points to and smiles at a rather attractive blonde in the front row as he winds up for another chop but Jackson ducks it and reverses position. He goes to work with some quick, short shots and kicks until the ref pulls them apart. The Gent charges but Jackson takes him down with a dropkick, followed by a cover, 1...and a kick out.

Klamor: Its going to take more than that to keep a WZCW star down, even if he is some masked creep.

Jackson works The Gent with some stomps as he makes his way to his feet. The two tie up again and Jackson tries to whip The Gent into the corner but he is reversed and is thrown hard into the turnbuckle. The Gent charges but Jackson gets a foot up. The Gent staggers and Jackson hops to the second rope and grabs The Gent around the neck. He pushes off the ropes and twists, hitting a near flawless tornado DDT. Jackson goes for the cover, 1...2...kick out again. Jackson kicks The Gent back down and heads to the top rope.

Serra: Looks like Jackson is going to fly. Big risk but big rewards are often found on the top rope.

Jackson leaps, turning in mid air as he hits a big frog splash, straight into the cover, 1...2...kick out again. Jackson grabs The Gent and tries to pull him to his feet. The Gent fights back and makes it difficult, but Jackson knees him in the gut and throws him to ringside. Jackson looks to the fans and then takes a few steps back. He takes a running start for a suicide dive but The Gent side steps at the last moment, sending Jackson crashing to the floor. The ref begins his ten count as both men struggle to their feet.

Serra: Both men struggling to their feet, neither wants to get counted out.

Klamor: I'd love it if both men could be counted out.

The Gent staggers to his feet, Jackson to his knees. The Gent gets a running start and hits Jackson with a clothesline, gaining the upper hand. He rolls Jackson back into the ring and climbs onto the apron. As Jackson gets to his feet, The Gent springboards in with a beautiful kick, putting Jackson down. He hooks the leg, 1...2...and Jackson just gets the shoulder up. The Gent picks Jackson up and hits an elbow to the back of his head. As Jackson is doubled over, The Gent signals for the end and ascends to the top. He goes for the Guillotine Leg Drop, but Jackson moves out of the way. The Gent manages to land on his feet but struggles to stay on balance. Jackson takes the opportunity to go back up top.

Serra: This fast paced, high flying style is sure to please the fans.

Klamor: It does make the match at least watchable for me.

As Jackson steadies himself up top The Gent throws himself into the ropes, crotching Jackson. As the male fans let out a very audible gasp The Gent takes a running start at the doubled over Jackson. He leaps and connects hard with his running curb stomp, sending Jackson crashing from the top rope to the ground. He pulls Jackson away from the rope, hooks the leg, 1...2...3!

The bell rings and The Gent takes a bow before the ref raises his arm

Anderson: Here is your winner, The Masked Gentleman!

Klamor: I said it last time and I will say it again, what a move! If he can stop wearing ten masks to the ring, this kid has serious potential.

Serra: An impressive showing yet again from The Gent, who continues to impress early on in his career.


Holmes’ face turns blood red as he runs over to where Dave is and begins swinging at him from over the top rope. Dave watches him from below as he smiles and takes a few steps back. Holmes is absolutely furious as Dave begins to slowly walk up the entrance ramp. All of this has camouflaged a crawling X who has made his way behind a fuming Holmes. A quick hook in-between the legs and Holmes feels his feet escape from underneath him. His back hits the mat as his legs curl over his torso, preventing him from escaping his position.


Anderson: Here is your winner, and new WZCW Elite “X” Champion, Triple X!

X pulls away from the roll-up as the crowd is jumping up and down. Holmes rolls onto his stomach as he clinches his hair in disbelief. We see the ref bringing X the belt as he grabs it and exits the ring underneath the bottom rope. He jumps up onto the barricade and dives into the crowd while clenching the WZCW Elite Championship to his chest!

Connor: Oh my gosh! Cohen , can you believe this? Cohen? Can you speak?!?

Scumm reaches out for something, anything to help him rise to his feet. Waiting is Overlast who grabs the arm and hoists Scumm to his feet with all his might. Still with the arm in his hand, Overlast draws Scumm back into him with a vicious clothesline. Scumm’s in trouble as Overlast drops to his knees, wrapping his arm around Scumm’s throat; Dragon Sleeper! The crowd is firmly behind Scumm, but also very vocal about their dislike for Overlast also. The referee asks Scumm if he wants to give in, but the reply is a firm no. Scumm tries to fight out of the dangerous predicament, but can’t quite do it. He refuses to give in. His body on the other hand is prepared to shut down as Scumm fades fast. Overlast nods, sensing he is about to conquer his destiny. The referee lifts the hand up and it drops down for a one count. Only two more to go. The second attempts to drop the arm succeeds too. Only one more count left. Just as the referee lifts the arm, Justin Cooper comes flying in with a shoulder block to knock Overlast off of Scumm. He frantically fires shots at Overlast to weaken him, but the skilled youngster nails a kick right into the midsection to wind his opponent. Cooper backs off as Overlast rises up and charges right at the Aussie. Cooper however surprises many, mainly Overlast, with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Having bought himself a little bit of time, Cooper backs off into a corner, looking to set up for the grand finale; Your Final Verse!

Connor: Looks like Cooper may be about to upset the odds!

Cohen: Come on Overlast!

A groggy Overlast turns into the finisher of the former Mayhem Champion. He’s poised to make the winning pin when he pushes Overlast over for the pinfall position, but suddenly his arm is caught by a partially revived Johnny Scumm. He drags Cooper over towards his and seeks to lock in the Memory Loss submission hold! The crowd goes wild as Cooper desperately flails and flounders his way around the middle of the ring, looking to avoid the devastating hold. Unfortunately for Cooper, it’s just not enough as Scumm finally manages to trap the arm and hooks his hands over the Suburb dweller’s face. The pain is unimaginable as Scumm leans back as far as he can, pulling with all his might. Cooper’s arm is very slowly (and painfully) being pulled out of the correct position. Overlast is down and Cooper cannot make the ropes, the tap out is inevitable and Johnny Scumm is going to Kingdom Come! The crowd is overjoyed!

Anderson: Your winner of the match and number one contender for the Elite X Championship; JOHNNY SCUMM!

Scumm raises his arms in victory, the people still cheering. He looks to get to his feet and as he does so, Triple X, with the Elite X Championship on his shoulder, makes his way onto the top of the ramp. He applauds his opponent and points at the massive “Kingdom Come IV” sign dangling above the ring. Scumm notices it too and nods, signalling that he wants the belt around his waist. Once more X applauds before taking his leave. Soon afterwards, Scumm does also.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Chicago Illinois, weighing 245 pounds, Joe West!

Joe West walks slowly down the ramp sipping some water and glaring at the crowd. He gets in the ring and waves his hand to the ref as if he was going to hit him.

Klamor: A tag team that just didn't work out. Tonight, these two are going to vent out their frustrations.

Serra: We're gonna find out tonight just who truly is the undisputed king of hate.


Anderson: His opponent, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 186 pounds, this is The Destruction... Darren Bull!!

Darren comes out playing with the zipper on his jacket and playing to the crowd as he heads to the ring. He climbs the turnbuckles and comes down, but as he does so, Joe spits water at his face.

*Ding Ding*

Joe begins pounding on Darren hard with heavy lefts while Darren staggers with his jacket still on. Darren manages to back off a bit to take his jacket off, but before he can finish Joe goes back on the attack 1... 2... 3... 4... heavy rights land to Bulls face driving him to the corner. But Darren uses the jacket still tied to his arms to tie up West and tosses him to the turnbuckle.

Serra: This match is starting with all cylinders.

Klamor: Well Becky, when it comes to tag teams splitting, there's always a sense of proving you are better than your former partner. We're seeing it tonight.

Darren begins to kick the cornered Joe West in the gut as he falls down lower with each kick. Once on the floor, Darren backs off and finishes taking off the jacket while playing to the crowd. Joe drags himself up using the ropes, but Darren rushes to the turnbuckle and delivers a hard Spinning Heel Kick to Joe sending him right back down to the ground. The blow gets the crowd alive as the cheer the action on.

Klamor: See, they're pulling out all the stops to prove who's superior.

Darren picks up the groggy Joe and sizes him up. He goes for a Fisherman Suplex and bridges upon impact. 1... 2... *Kick-Out* They both get on their feet and begin to exchange blows again. This time, Joe starts to get a flurry. Lefts, rights, even kicks find their mark on Darren's body as he becomes more and more defenseless after each blow. Joe finishes with a kick to the gut and then the scoops up Darren in a Torture Rack. After a bit of yanking and wrenching the hold, he rushes across the ring and swings Darren in the air and drops him with a Neckbreaker. Joe turns to cover Bull with a hook on the leg. 1... 2... *Kick-Out*

Serra: Wow. With each blow, you can feel them getting more and more intense.

Klamor: Getting a win here is very important if these two want to go into singles competition, Becky.

Joe gets up to grab Darren, but Darren rolls out of the ring instead and backs up. Joe is quick to pursue and goes after him, but after a lap around the ring, Bull gets back in and runs across, bouncing off the ropes. Joe follows and stops in the middle of the ring. As Darren goes for a Clothesline however, Joe ducks leading Darren to the ref who gets knocked down. Almost instantly Joe rushes out of the ring as Darren looks at what he did. Joe nabs a chair from under the ring but stops before he heads in the ring to scout the situation. Bull spots him and heads towards him and tries to grab him. Joe swings the chair, but misses due to Darren pulling back. Darren taunts West by pointing to his head indicating his clever thinking.

Klamor: Smart move by West, but very nice of Darren to see the chair shot coming. This match is walking into very dangerous territory.

Serra: I guess you were right. They are pulling out whatever trick they can for the win tonight.

Joe stays outside still holding the chair, daring Bull to come out. Darren rushes the ropes to gain momentum as Joe gets into position for a chair shot. As Darren reaches the ropes Joe swings, but Darren flips into a handstand and bounces off the ropes. As Joe misses the wild swing, Darren now vaults over the top rope and Clotheslines Joe coming down.

Serra: What a blow!

The ref begins staggering in the ring as well as both Darren and West.

Klamor: Whoever gets up first will have a major advantage in this match.

Darren tumbles down trying to get up, but Joe gets in the ring. He goes across the ring and holds himself up on the ropes as the ref starts to get up. Darren grabs the chair and heads in the ring. He sets himself up to hit Joe with the chair, but the ref cuts him off. The two argue with the chair tugging and pulling. Darren pulls it off the refs hands but as he does so, Joe comes by and springboard off the ropes with a Flying Sidekick straight to chair covered face of Darren Bull.

Serra: Isn't that a disqualification?

Klamor: Not at all, Becky. The chair just happened to be in Darren's face.

Joe tries to go for the cover, but the ref interferes due to the chair. He discards the chair from the ring as Joe rounds the ring waiting on the ref. The ref checks on Darren and helps him up asking him if he's OK. A bit of blood can be seen dripping from his face. He staggers and tell the ref he's OK, but as Joe gets near to capitalize, Darren shoves the ref towards Joe who catches him by reaction. Darren quickly goes towards them and sneaks a hard eye rake without the ref seeing. Darren pushes the ref out of the way again and Thesz Presses Joe before pounding him on the mat.

Serra: These two are willing to bend whatever rule they can to win tonight.

Klamor: It's the atmosphere. This match means so much to these two men and by all means, Kingdom Come is just around the corner. Tonight these two need to do whatever they can to steal the spotlight and by God we're seeing them doing it.

Darren stops and gets up to play to the crowd while also sweeping out the blood on his head. Joe staggers up and Bull goes back on the offensive with hard right hands. He takes Joe to the ropes and bounces him off, as Joe picks up momentum, he leaps in the air and delivers a Dropkick to the off-guard Darren. Joe gets up and analyzes the situation, contemplating his next move. He heads to Darren and locks an Armbar on his left arm. Darren scurries to get to the ropes as Joe yanks on the arm. The ref asks is he wants to tap, but Darren yells NO. He eventually reaches the ropes forcing the rope-break on the hold.

Serra: I'd say the damage has been done. That arm is in bad shape.

Darren gets back up leaning on the ropes and bracing his left arm. Joe goes back on the attack, but Darren shoots with rights to fend him off. Joe then rushes Darren but Darren this time uses his right arm to guide the rushing Joe, sending him through the ropes and to the outside. Rather than capitalizing though, Darren gets on one knee in the middle of the ring, bracing his arm after all the heavy damage.

Klamor: A damaging counter by Darren Bull and he can't capitalize on it! The injury to the head and now the arm, the damage is just starting to pile up now.

Joe is on the mat outside on the ground nearly out cold. The ref begins to count with Darren still clutching himself, unable to capitalize.



Serra: This could be Darren's big break! But can he capitalize?



Darren finally snaps out of the pain and gets on his feet as Joe finally begins to show signs of life.


Joe drags himself to the ring mat and uses to pull himself up.



Darren intercepts and grabs him by the hair and pulls him up using his right arm. However, Joe grabs his left arm and drapes it by dropping down to the floor. Darrens arm whiplashes and drives him to the middle of the ring as he clutches his arm again in pain. Joe gets back in and kicks Darren in the gut and places him for a Powerbomb. He lifts him up in a crucifix, but Darren slips out. He shoves Joe to the turnbuckles and clotheslines him. He climbs the ropes going for the Awesome Punishment, but as he leaps, Joe shoves him off to the ground. He quickly clutches and lifts Darren in another crucifix. This time he wrenches the left arm and pulls down on it. He drops Darren down with his West Airlines.




Anderson: The winner of the match... Joe West!

Serra: Good grief! They hit each other with everything they could. What a match and what a win for Joe West!

Klamor: Think about it, Becky. Joe is a guy on the rise.

Serra: He said he's going to retire!"

Klamor: He's crazy and he'll be back. When he does, he will go up on the card while Darren is going to have to try to recover from another defeat.

Joe has his hand raised by the ref as he looks at the damaged Darren Bull laying on the mat.


Phoenix is walking backstage. He shares a wry look with the camera.

"I've made it very clear that it was Kingdom Come or nothing for me. But when Blade of all people called and gave me a chance, I wasn't going to turn it down. I'm not even sure Blade understands what it means to perform for the fans but I'm here because whether having 5,000, 10,000 or 100,000 fans to perform for, doing it for them is all that matters. Overlast may not understand, Cooper and Greaves certainly don't but if I'm the only one in the ring who appreciates the fans, then it's fine by me."
The following match is scheduled for one fall!

On his way from Jacksonville, Florida, he weighs 240lbs, the Cinderella Man, Jason Armstrong!!

Jason Armstrong’s music is the first to play as Jason emerges from the curtain. Armstrong walks through the curtain and stops at the top of the stage. He looks around at
the crowd before making his way to the ring. The crowd gives Armstrong a decent pop.

His first opponent from Portland, Oregon, he weighed in at 210 lbs, Uncle Anderson P Styles!!

As his theme song hits, Anderson P Styles slowly walks down the ramp down the ramp with a towel over his head as he's fixing up his tape, acknowledging the occasional fan from time to time.

And finally, his opponent from Manilla, he weighs 210lbs, Daniel De La Cruz!

As soon as his theme is heard, he jumps out to the ring slapping hands with the fans at ringside. As he gets in the ring, he goes to one corner of the ring and says a short prayer before he gets on the ropes and throws his hands in the air pumping up the crowd.

"These three rookies all have real potential. Armstrong has been impressive in defeat against some high calibre opposition in the past."

"Armstrong is the favourite here for sure."

"So Styles and De La Cruz will look to use a win here to boost their chances of a Mayhem Title shot!"

The bell rings as the three now begin to circle in the ring. Their eyes constantly meeting with one another before Cruz is the first to stand in the middle and extends his hands to shake with his opponents, the MMA veterans: Styles and Armstrong are reluctant to shake but drop their guard to shake hands with Cruz and each other. After they all shake, the three are quick to jump back into their defensive stances.

Serra: It is great to see the three competitors plan on keeping this a civil match.

Klamor: Do you watch wrestling? Give these guys 5 minutes.

Cruz continues to be the one to push the envelope and is the first to attack. He sends a quick elbow to Styles that catches him off guard. Armstrong sees the opportunity and instinctively joins in with Cruz and begins striking Styles. Armstrong and Cruz work in unison to swing Styles off the ropes. As Styles makes his way back to Armstrong and Cruz, the two have a miscommunication and prepare for two different moves. Armstrong was ready to catch Styles for a hip toss, but Cruz had a drop kick in mind. The dropkick drops Styles, but as Cruz goes back up Armstrong grabs him in hits a snap suplex! Armstrong goes for the cover. 1………..2…...Styles makes the save!

Klamor: Wow I am mistaken, took them a whole 30 seconds to turn on each other.

Serra: They were never a team in the first place, Johnny.

While Cruz struggles with getting his air back from the suplex, Armstrong and Styles spar in the middle of the ring. Styles locks up a side headlock on Armstrong, but Armstrong uses his technical prowess and spins Styles to lock up his back. Armstrong tries to go for a German suplex, but as Styles gets lifted up, Cruz flies in a Crossbody, knocking both men to the ground! Cruz quickly pops to his feet and raises his hands high in the air, showing the audience he still has fight in him!

Serra: Say what you want about Cruz, but he has heart.

Klamor: Heart doesn’t win wrestling matches.

Cruz quickly makes his way and pulls Styles off of Armstrong and goes for a pin. 1….2…Kick out! Cruz quickly pulls Armstrong away from the outside of the ropes and goes for a pin. 1…2…Kick out! Cruz looks up at the ref in disbelief before standing up and going to the corner. He prepares himself for his finisher, the double jump moonsault on Styles! Styles is completely helpless but before Cruz can even jump onto the turnbuckle Armstrong grabs Cruz and locks him into his signature submission, the Crossface Chickenwing! Cruz tries to make it to the corner, but Armstrong uses his strength and pulls him back. Cruz was about to tap but to his luck, Armstrong trips over the fallen body of Styles!

Serra: Holy cow! That is crazy lucky for Cruz, he was just about to lose this one.

Klamor: Hah! More like Armstrong’s luck has once again proven to be non-existent.

Armstrong is vividly angry with what just happened. Styles and Armstrong are once again standing toe to toe, but instead of exchanging hold, they are now exchanging punches. The two got back and forth with powerful swings. Armstrong swings a powerful punch that manages to rock the iron chin, he is met with a pele kick to the head by a resilient Cruz! Styles finally stumbles and falls to the floor. Armstrong and Cruz are running on fumes as the two once again meet in the ring. Cruz goes for a strike, but Armstrong ducks underneath it and grabs the waist of Cruz and picks him up for a Gutwrench Powerbomb! Armstrong goes for the pin. 1….2….3…! Armstrong picks up the win!

Your winner by pinfall, Jason Armstrong!


Just as Becky Serra says those words, Hunter Jackson does find life. He’s striking The Local Talent anywhere, and anyway he can. The tables have turned. Jackson has found some energy, where as The Local Talent has lost some. The American Shaolin Warrior understands that he needs to make a tag quickly and tries to back TLT into the Shaolin Jacks corner. But with an opponent trying to do the opposite, Jackson has inadvertently turned this into a test of strength with the 6’ 4’’, 265 pound TLT: a war which he is unlikely to win. The two men are locked up in the middle of the ring, until TLT manages to find the energy to whip Jackson into the BLT corner of the ring. Without hesitation, The Local Talent hits a picture-perfect splash on the cornered Jackson.

Klamor: If that Irish whip didn’t knock him silly, that splash certainly did.

The Local Talent signals for the end: a Muscle Buster. The crowd are once again on their feet as he lifts Hunter Jackson’s 185 pound frame up to the top rope to set up his devastating finishing manoeuvre. With Hunter Jackson firmly perched atop his shoulders, TLT moves away from the corner, only to be tagged out by The Beard! The Local Talent hits the Muscle Buster! As if that wasn’t enough, The Beard climbs to the top rope! He’s going to do it! Jumping off of the rope, The Beard becomes... The Flying Beard! Beard hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3!

Your winner by pinfall, Bearded Local Talent!!

"That was some performance by the Kingdom Come-bound tandem known as BLT."

"I don't know how Becky. We didn't learn anything about how they can cope in a TLC!"

"Well The Beard showed some aerial ability and if Talent hits suplexes like he did tonight through a table or on a chair then Runn Reynolds and Strikeforce are going to feel it for sure."

The Beard walks towards Stormrage and lands a fist into his face, as Stormrage returns the favour and both men begin to trade punches in the middle of the ring. Both men continue to trade these blows until Beard hits Mikey with a back kick right into the gut. The Beard irish whips his opponent over into the corner and runs towards him, spearing him into the turnbuckles. Stormrage bends down in pain but gets up again as Beard turns around and starts to deliver elbows to the head of Mikey, one after the other, getting faster and faster. As The Beard moves away, Stormrage falls to the centre of the ring. The Beard climbs to the top rope and could possibly be looking for his finisher as Stormrage gets to his feet. The Beard jumps, but no! Stormrage jumps out of the way and manages to tag in his partner as The Beard hits the canvas and hard!

Klamor: That was a HARD landing there!

Howard has The Beard where he wants him and as he gets up gets hit with a huge dropkick, landing him down once more. Howards runs at the ropes and jumps, landing on Beard with a HUGE Springboard Moonsault! He tries for a pin;1...2..KICKOUT! No avail here as Howard is straight up and lifting The Beard up with it. Howard tags in Stormrage as he takes a groggy Beard and.... TKO! Howard runs towards TLT and knocks him off of the apron as the legal Stormrage jumps and... STORMRAGE SPLASH! The double team "Rage Quit" has been hit and Mikey Stormrage covers; 1...2...3!!

Anderson: Your winners... the team of James Howard & Mikey Stormrage... STRRRRRIKEFOOOORCE!!

Runn: So we decided to add all three weapons together and make the stipulation for our match.

Reynolds: Tables

Runn: Ladders

Both: And chairs.

The crowd goes insane for the announcement.

Austin reverses, sending West and meeting him with a dropsault. Reynolds is up and runs at the ropes again as West gets up quickly, hitting West with a leg lariat. He covers West but he kicks out at one. A smile appears on the face of Reynolds as he picks up West, knowing he has competition to work with. He whips West into the corner and follows up with the roaring elbow, knocking down West. He goes over to the ropes and tries for a springboard diving headbutt but West rolls out of the way in time, forcing Reynolds to hit canvas. West uses this time to knock Reynolds in the face with his knee, stunning him for a moment so he can lock in the koji clutch. Reynolds tries his best at reversing the move but the body positioning of West isn't allowing anything. The crowd is getting behind Austin to keep the match going as Reynolds slowly crawls towards the ropes as West applies more pressure. Finally, Reynolds gets a hand on the ropes and West does not let go until the count of 4. He gets a talking to by the ref but he ignores it as he drags Reynolds in the middle of the ring and pins him... 1... 2... kick-out by Reynolds.

Connor: Smart strategy West is employing here: wear down the hi-fliers with submissions.

Cohen: If he had some help from his partner he may have been able to do more damage to possibly achieve victory.

West is a little frustrated as he looks over to his partner who is just about recovered, not ready to be tagged in yet although West looks like he could use a quick breather. He waits for Reynolds to get up and he measures him up: roundhouse kick by West, knocking Reynolds silly. West goes over to the ropes and hits a springboard kick off the ropes, once again knocking Reynolds down. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... Reynolds kicks out as Runn breaks up the pin. West chases Runn but he gets to the apron first. West slaps Runn across the face and Ricky responds with a harder slap of his own, the crowd cheering as West turns around into a lungblower by Reynolds. Both men are down, center of the ring and are looking for their partners. Reynolds is able to tag in Ricky as well as West for Bull. Bull runs in and tries hitting Ricky but he ducks, grabbing Bull from behind to hit the Ricky Runndown. The crowd is shocked and gets to their feet as Ricky signals for the end. The crowd is cheering massively as he hits the R&R from the top rope... 1... 2... 3!

Cohen: What!

The referee signals for the bell as Ricky gets up, having his hand raised by the ref. He cannot believe it himself that he won the match just like that, retaining their titles. The ref grabs the belts and hands them both to Ricky as Reynolds is sitting up with a smile on his face for Ricky.

Anderson: Here are your winners and still WZCW Tag Team Champions; Runn Reynolds Runn!

Reynolds: Tables

Runn: Ladders

Both: And chairs.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of four-hundred and sixty-two pounds, the team of Justin Cooper and Joseph Greaves; Team Australia.


Joseph Greaves arrogantly saunters down to the ring, his arms outstretched as he does his best to ignore the jeering fans in the front rows. At the same time Justin Cooper runs down to the ring. As Greaves ascends the corner, crossing his arms and pointing with his middle and index finger, Cooper does the same on the opposite side. Both men show an arrogant grin before stepping down and meeting in the middle of the ring.

Anderson: And introducing their opponents. First, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, weighing in at two-hundred and thirty-five pounds, Mick Overlast.


The music continues to play for almost a complete cycle before Overlast emerges from the back. He pays no heed to the jeering crowd and drags his feet sulkily as he approached the ring. Instead of entering through the ropes, Overlast simply sits himself on the ring steps and awaits the arrival of his opponent.

Anderson: And his partner, weighing two-hundred and thirty-three pounds, from the Great Beyond, Phoenix.


The arena goes dark as soon as the music hits. With each time the bass hits, flames shoot into the air and the lights flash like lightning. Phoenix appears on stage and slowly scans the arena, with the lights and pyro still firing. He begins slowly walking toward the ring. He exchanges a glace with Overlast who appears thoroughly unimpressed with his new partner.

Serra: Overlast doesn’t look thrilled with the prospect of teaming with Phoenix. Obviously Blade was originally scheduled to compete here, but his announcement earlier in the evening has sent plans into turmoil. You have to question how much idea Overlast had that this was coming, and how much notice he’s had of the identity of his new partner

Klamor: Overlast is a consummate professional. He may not be thrilled about his new partner, but I guarantee he’ll make the best of a bad situation and come out swinging.

Three of the four men begin getting into position for the match. In one corner Cooper and Greaves are whispering rapidly to one another, clearly engaging in a little last minute strategising. In contrast, Mick Overlast is still sat on the ring steps, his attention apparently elsewhere. Phoenix drops a hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention, but Overlast simply brushes it away. Frowning to himself Phoenix shrugs his shoulders and rolls into the ring. On the other side, Team Australia appears to have reached a consensus and it is Cooper who takes up position in the centre of the ring.

Serra: It looks like Cooper and Phoenix are going to start this match off. Twelve months ago both men were wrestling for championship gold at Kingdom Come III, these two must be highly disappointed not to have made it onto the big show this year. Do you think that might be weighing heavily on their minds Johnny?

Klamor: I think they’ll both be looking at this match as an opportunity to make a statement Becky. Neither man has had a good year, but this is their opportunity to show the world that they still deserve to be at Kingdom Come, even if the powers that be think otherwise.

Cooper and Phoenix circle tentatively, neither man keen to make the first move. Phoenix feints a leg kick but Cooper doesn’t take the bait and takes a step backward. Cooper outstretched his arms, apparently wanting a test of strength. Phoenix reaches out to accept the challenge, only to pull away at the last second. Cooper elects not to pursue, and the men go back to circling.

Serra: A lengthy feeling out process beginning this match. Neither man wants to be the one to make the first mistake.

Klamor: Or to strike the first blow. I’ve said it a hundred times Becky, you can’t win a match playing defence.

Serra: How many of those hundred times have you been proven right Johnny?

Klamor: Almost half. The theory is definitely sound.

Cooper reaches out and offers a test of strength for a second time. This time Phoenix appears to take the bait. Before the two can lock up properly however; both men attempt to deliver knees to their opponent’s gut. Neither strike lands properly and both men hurriedly back off.

Cooper retreats to his corner and tags in Greaves who vaults over the top rope and into the ring. Greaves points across the ring, signalling that he wants Overlast in the match. Phoenix turns to survey his partner, who has still yet to make it onto the apron, and is immediately caught from behind by a double sledge from Greaves.

Klamor: Sucker. Phoenix literally just fell for the old “look over there” gambit. Next Greaves should try informing him that his shoes are untied.

Phoenix is doubled over from the blow and Greaves is quick to seize the advantage. He grasps Phoenix by the hair and drags him towards the Team Australia corner. Greaves rams Phoenix’s head into the turnbuckle: once, twice, thrice, four times. Phoenix raises his hands to block the next blow, only for Cooper to reach in from the outside a deliver a swift poke to the eye. Phoenix flinches from the assault, and Greaves is able to follow up with six more blows before the referee demands a break. Greaves takes the opportunity to tag his partner, and the two men trade places for a second time.

Cooper is right back on the offence, dragging Phoenix upright and delivering a sequence of stiff European uppercuts in the corner. He then guides Phoenix into the centre of the ring and delivers a scoop slam. Cooper grabs one of Phoenix’s lags and drives and elbow into his opponent’s exposed knee. With Phoenix grounded and showing few signs of fighting back, Cooper regains his feet and tags Greaves back in.

Klamor: Team Australia making good use of those quick tags. The match has only been going for a couple of minutes and they’ve already got Phoenix worn down, whilst the men from down under remain completely fresh.

Serra: Phoenix is wrestling at a pretty major disadvantage though. He’s basically fighting a handicap match here.

Klamor: What are you talking about Becky? Overlast is right there…

Serra: …Not on the ring apron, not ready for a tag. Phoenix is having the fly solo for the moment.

Greaves mounts Phoenix’s torso and begins raining down closed fist punches upon the high flyer’s dome. The referee demands a cessation, but Greaves only lets up for long enough to position himself for a leg drop. Greaves drops a second leg across his opponent’s throat before climbing to the middle rope and springing back into the ring with a diving leg drop. Phoenix moves out of the way at the last second and roles towards his corner, where Overlast isn’t waiting. Phoenix shouts at Overlast who looks up, as if seeing his partner for the first time.

Greaves has crawled back to his corner and tags Cooper back into the match. Cooper charges at Phoenix from behind, but the luchadore smartly side steps and Cooper crashed into the corner. Phoenix cradles him from behind with a school boy, but Cooper kicks out before the referee can register a count. Both men scramble back to their feet, but Phoenix is the quicker man and he manages to deliver a stiff kick to Cooper’s shoulder. Phoenix grabs Cooper’s arm and tries to whip him off into the ropes. Cooper reverses, and then tries to catch Phoenix coming back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, only for Phoenix to counter the move into an arm drag. Cooper is right back on his feet, but Phoenix is equally quick to follow up and whips the Aussie into one of the vacant corners of the ring. Phoenix charges towards his opponent for a Stinger splash, but Cooper takes a smart step forward and then hits Phoenix with an arm drag into the corner. Cooper staggers into his home corner, and Greaves tags himself in.

Meanwhile, Mick Overlast has finally made his way onto the apron and is watching the in ring action with an expression of contempt.

Serra: Overlast appears to have finally remembered that he’s supposed to be wrestling a match tonight.

Klamor: Like I told you, he was just biding his time.

Serra: Did you actually tell me that Johnny?

Klamor: Well I certainly meant to.

Phoenix is sprawled upside-down in the corner and Greaves grabs his legs, elevating him up for a wheelbarrow facebuster. Phoenix grabs the turnbuckle to block the move, only for Greaves to elevate him up and over the ropes. Pheonix lands on his feet on the apron, blocks a right hand from Greaves, then answers back with a jumping enziguiri kick which sends his opponent crashing backwards onto the mat.

Sensing a shift in the momentum Phoenix springs to the top rope and motions for the Final Flight. Cooper comes charging along the ring apron to cut him off, but Phoenix springs towards him, flies over his head and catches him with a devastating sunset-flip powerbomb off the ring apron. Cooper lands hard on the crash mats, whilst Phoenix remains on the ring apron. He pulls himself upright, sees Greaves still lying prone in the ring and attempts a springboard 450 splash. Greaves rolls out of the way but Phoenix lands on his feet and launches himself into the ropes, only to get totally wiped out by a Greaves clothesline on the way back.

Klamor: I think Greaves was playing a little possum there. Smart move.

Serra: Even so; Phoenix has managed to level the playing field here. That was an unbelievable move to keep Cooper out of the match for a while. If Phoenix can make it to his corner this his team might actually find themselves at an advantage.

Klamor: Well he doesn’t look to be making much progress in that direction right now. Greaves just took his head clean off.

Greaves looks to his corner but sees no partner there. He then looks down to see Phoenix slowly, desperately trying to crawl towards Mick Overlast. Phoenix’s fingers scrabble for purchase on the canvas until Greaves stamps on them. Phoenix yelps in pain, but keeps trying to propel himself across the ring. S******ing to himself, Greaves grabs Phoenix’s prone form from behind and elevates him up for a wheelbarrow facebuster, only for Phoenix to counter into a high velocity victory roll, spiking Greaves down on his head. The referee drops down to count; 1… 2… Greaves kicks out, but the momentum of his escape propels Phoenix back to his feat. Phoenix staggers towards his corner, but Greaves grabs hold of his leg, holding him back.

Phoenix snaps off an enziguiri kick to Greaves’ temple, but in desperation the Australian refuses to relinquish hold of his opponent’s leg. Phoenix uses his free leg to start dragging the pair of them towards his corner, reaching out desperately for the tag from Overlast. Overlast surveys his partner with a cool expression, and doesn’t bother to reach out an arm.

Serra: Phoenix is inches away from safety. All Overlast has to do is reach out an arm and he’d be in this match.

Klamor: Overlast is making a statement to Phoenix. He’s saying “you come to me; I don’t go to you.”

Serra: He’s saying “oh gods; don’t make me have to wrestle in this match.”

Phoenix is getting closer; one final push will take him into the safety of the corner where his partner waits. He uses his free leg to kick back at Greaves and catches the Sothern Star in the face, breaking the grip on his leg. Phoenix braces himself for one final effort towards the corner, only for Cooper to appear behind him and deliver a sequence of big elbow drops to Phoenix’s back. Overlast smirks, and theatrically shrugs his shoulders.

Serra: Phoenix was so close; still, an impressive display from Cooper to get back on his feet so quickly after that powerbomb.

Klamor: A little known fact Becky, the crash mats outside the ring actually have rather more give in them than the ring itself. Phoenix’s big move certainly looked impressive, but I doubt it did all that much damage.

The referee pulls Cooper off of his opponent and orders him back to his corner. Cooper relents, but grabs Greaves’ by the arm and drags his partner back into the corner with him. Cooper then simply reaches down and tags himself in, re-entering the ring before Phoenix can begin to think about recuperating.

Klamor: More smart tag team wrestling from the Australians; you have to admire how quickly these men have mastered the art of cooperation.

Serra: I’m not sure dragging your prone partner across the ring really counts as cooperation Johnny.

Cooper is swiftly back on the offence against Phoenix, stomping on his legs, looking to neutralise the high flyer’s aerial moves. He takes hold of both legs and uses them to hook in a Boston crab. Phoenix is still close to the ropes, and Cooper shows no sign of caring about improving his ring position, instead simply trying to inflict as much pain as quickly as possible. Phoenix manages to brush his fingers against the bottom rope, and the referee demands that the hold be broken. Cooper releases the pressure, but maintains the grip for long enough to drag Phoenix back to the Team Australia corner.

Klamor: And Phoenix is back at square one.

Cooper elevates Phoenix, whose resistance has almost completely ceased, back to his feet; only to drop him straight back down with a Devil Lock DDT. Cooper covers; 1… 2… Phoenix forces a shoulder up at the last second.

Serra: He’s still fighting; you’ve got to give him credit for that.

Klamor: You’re easier to impress than I am. I’m not handing out praise to someone just for taking a long time to lose a match.

Greaves has regained his bearings outside the ring, and Cooper takes the opportunity to tag him in. Greaves immediately sets upon Phoenix, throwing him headfirst into the corner and following up with a plethora of right hands. The referee counts; 1… 2… 3… 4… 5... before jumping in and manhandling Greaves away from his opponent. Cooper takes advantage of the distraction to choke Phoenix with the tag rope behind the referee’s back. Phoenix flails, the cord digging into his throat, shutting off his oxygen supply. More by luck that judgement he manages to catch Cooper with an elbow to the face, sending the man from the Suburbs tumbling from the apron. Phoenix takes a moment to gulp down a lungful of air, but a moment is all he gets as he is immediately struck by a running clothesline from Greaves.

Greaves motions to the crowd that he’s going to put Phoenix away. He pulls the high-flyer up by his hair, grabs his neck and twists it, then spins round to deliver a crushing hangman’s facebuster. Phoenix however escapes out the back door and finds himself behind his opponent. Quickly he grabs both of Joseph Greaves’ arms in a full nelson, then hurls himself forward to deliver a thunderous bulldog to his opponent.

Serra: Incinerator! This could be Phoenix’s big chance to get Overlast into the match.

Phoenix finally finds himself unchallenged in the ring. He locks eyes with his tag partner and slowly, wincing with every movement, pulls himself to his feet. Phoenix’s expression is a mixture of fury and mistrust, but he slowly limps over to his corner where Overlast is waiting. With theatrical, exaggerated slowness, Overlast extends his hand for the tag, and Phoenix gratefully slaps it.

Phoenix collapses on the ring apron, barely conscious as casually, still radiating disinterest, Mick Overlast steps through the ropes at last and assesses the situation. Greaves is lying prone in the middle of the ring, whilst Cooper is still on the floor outside, apparently having taken a knock during his fall. Overlast picks Joseph Greaves up, and then Irish whips him into the ropes. As Greaves bounces back across the ring Overlast stands his ground and delivers a standing shoulder block, knocking the Australian down.

Apparently content in a job well done, Overlast strolls back over to his corner, reaches down and tags in the prone form of Phoenix.

Serra: What on earth is he doing?

Klamor: Quick tags are the essence of good teamwork. Overlast is simply doing his bit.

Phoenix’s expression is one of disbelief as he gapes up at his partner. He swipes out, trying to tag Overlast back into the match again, but the man from Pittsburgh drops down to the arena floor and motions for Phoenix to get on with it.

Livid with fury, Phoenix uses the ropes to try and find his footing. Meanwhile Greaves is making his way gradually towards his home corner where a refreshed Cooper is once again waiting for the tag. Cooper enters the ring as Phoenix succeeds in finding his balance, and the two men square off and begin exchanging right hands. The crowd, reluctant for so long to get behind any of the competitors, are now solidly in support of Phoenix and cheer loudly every time he manages to land a blow. The support doesn’t appear to be helping however, and Phoenix is suffering far more from Cooper’s blows than vice versa.

A big right hand rocks Phoenix back into the ropes and Cooper takes the opportunity to Irish whip him. Phoenix doesn’t even make it across the ring, falling to his knees as soon as Cooper lets go of his arm. Cooper grabs him from behind and delivers a vicious swinging inverted DDT. He covers; 1… 2… from somewhere Phoenix finds the strength to kick out.

Cooper is not about to let up on the offence and he grabs Phoenix’s hair whilst signalling for the Final Verse. He hooks Phoenix’s arm and neck, preparing to deliver a high impact reverse STO, but from somewhere Phoenix finds the strength to rattle off a sequence of elbows to the side of Cooper’s head, breaking the hold. Not to be deterred easily, Cooper goes right back, attempting the same move a second time. Once again Phoenix responds with elbows, and this time one lands true, knocking Cooper to his knees.

Greaves leans over the top rope and tags himself in. He then scampers up the turnbuckle and launches himself at Phoenix with a missile dropkick that fails to connect as Phoenix dodges. Cooper is back to his feet and swings and Phoenix with a clothesline but Phoenix ducks under the blow, springboards off the middle rope and catches Justin Cooper with a flying Liger kick.

Serra: Incredible comeback from Phoenix. His partner has refused to help him at all and he’s been forced to wrestle what is essentially a handicap match. Not only is he still going, but now he looks like he might even pull off an upset.

Klamor: Don’t get ahead of yourself Becky. That was an impressive move, but Cooper and Greaves are still going to be the first two men on their feet.

And indeed, Joseph Greaves and Justin Cooper both manage to pull themselves upright before Phoenix. Without so much as exchanging a glace both partners stride over to their opponent and hook his arms for a double suplex. They elevate Phoenix up into the air, but in a spectacular feat of agility Phoenix manages to escape out the back and land on his feat. Phoenix turns, grabs both his opponent’s heads and rams them together. Keeping hold of both heads, sensing this may be his final chance to survive, Phoenix rests one on either shoulder, then jumps backward, back flipping over both of his opponents and dropping them both to the mat with a double shiranui.

Serra: Double Redemption! Double Redemption! Phoenix is going to win.

Klamor: He’s still got to capitalise Becky.

Phoenix does not look to be in a position to capitalise, he’s the first man to start moving following the impact, but he’s not moving fast. The impact of the double Redemption sent him rolling back towards his home corner, and he grabs at the ropes, trying to pull himself upright once more, as Cooper and Greaves begin to get back to their feet. Suddenly Overlast stretched into the ring and tags himself into the match.

Serra: What? No. Surely Overlast isn’t going to steal this match.

Klamor: Steal; what are you talking about Becky? They’re a team. Overlast had Phoenix soften up the opposition, now he’s going to finish the job. World class strategy.

Phoenix collapses to the apron and Overlast saunters into the ring. His movements are still casual and disinterested, but he’s still the fastest man in the ring as he wanders over to the still prone Cooper. He covers him and hooks a leg; 1… 2… Cooper manages to roll a shoulder. Overlast looks annoyed, but he preservers, moving with slightly more urgency over to Joseph Greaves who he covers; 1… 2… only for Cooper to lunge across and break up the pinfall.

Klamor: If you ask me the referee was mightly slow on the second count.

Serra: Should the referee even be making a second count; surely only one member of Team Australia can be the legal man at a time.

Klamor: Becky, don’t complicate things for the audience. You’ll only upset them.

Overlast slaps the mat in frustration. He cradles Cooper, who is still regaining his feat, lifts him up, holds him there for a few seconds and then drops him head first with a sickening brainbuster. Greaves lunges at his from behind, but Overlast spins and catches him with a snap powerslam. He picks Greaves up, then drops him with a piledriver that sends the Aussie into spasms. Apparently not done with his assault, Overlast returns his attention to Cooper. He lifts the exhausted Australian upright, hooks him for a suplex, and then twists in mid air to deliver a shotgun style stunner.

Klamor: Overlasting Impression. And that’s all she wrote.

Mick Overlast draws himself upright and surveys the devastation surrounding him. Greaves, Cooper and Phoenix all appear to be barely conscious. Apparently satisfied with his handiwork Overlast strolls back over to the recumbent form of Phoenix and tags his partner back in.

Overlast: You can take it from here.

Serra: What on earth is he doing now?

Klamor: He’s giving his partner an opportunity to finish the match. Overlast is a kind hearted soul as well as being a tactical genius.

Serra: Do you believe the words that come out of your mouth Johnny?

Klamor: Sometimes I surprise even myself.

Phoenix is too beaten down to even register surprise at this point. He no longer had the strength to stand, but he can see Cooper and Greaves lying prone just a few feet away. He crawls towards Cooper, slowly, inches at a time, until he can finally drape an arm over him. The crowd counts; 1… 2… 3... But the referee, remembering his job at last, drops to his knees to inform Phoenix that Cooper is not the legal man. Desperately Phoenix sets out again, crawling over to Greaves who still hasn’t moved since he was on the receiving end of the pile driver. He makes his way over, hooks a leg and the referee counts; 1… 2… suddenly Cooper hurls himself across the ring to break up the count. Overlast looks utterly disgusted at Phoenix’s inability to finish the job and he drops from the apron and heads towards the back.

Serra: And now Mick Overlast is abandoning his own partner when they’re on the verge of victory.

Klamor: I don’t blame him; Overlast won the match only to see Phoenix throw it all away by pinning the wrong man. If I was forced to team with somebody who didn’t understand how tag team matches work then I except that I’d walk out as well.

Cooper is the first man to his feat, but the referee has had enough of him being in the ring illegally and orders him out. Cooper argues, and the two men end up nose to nose. Phoenix is still draped over Greaves, but the referee’s attention is now elsewhere. Phoenix crawls on hands and knees towards the corner, trying desperately to attract the ref’s attention. Suddenly Greave’s head jerks and the Sothern Star snaps back into consciousness. He surveys the scene, sees Phoenix in front of him and sees the referee with his back turned. Greaves lurches forward and strikes Phoenix with a low blow that makes the males in the audience groan. As the referee turns back to the action he sees Greaves lifting the now prone Phoenix up by his head, twisting his neck and dropping him with a hangman’s style facebuster.

Klamor: Breaking the trend! Let’s see Phoenix come back from this without Overlast’s constant moral support.

Greaves seems uninterested in going for the pin, and instead motions to the crowd for a second Breaking the Trend.

Serra: Greaves needs to be careful here. He threw his match away last week by not pinning his opponent when he had the chance.

Klamor: Not this time Becky. Greaves has taken complete control with that move. Everything from here on out is just a formality.

Serra: I think the low blow rather helped him take control.

Klamor: What low blow?

Serra: Are you seriously going to try and tell me you missed that blatend cheating by Team Australia?

Klamor: I’m afraid I was momentarily distracted by my headset Becky, but I don’t disbelieve you for a second.

Greaves has succeeded in elevating Phoenix back to his feat, but he doesn’t stay that way for long as Greaves drops him with a second Breaking the Trend. He is about to go for a pin cover when he notices Justin Cooper signalling furiously for the tag. With an evil glint in his eyes Greaves creeps across the ring and tags in his partner.

Serra: Is this really necessary?

Klamor: For sending a message? I’ll say.

Greaves helps lift Phoenix back to his feat once more; only for Cooper to drop him with a Final Verse.

Serra: That’s enough! The match is over. The referee needs to call this thing.

Klamor: I don’t reckon they’re done yet.

Greaves exits the ring, but Cooper tags him straight back in. Greaves climbs the ring post and Cooper drags Phoenix to the centre of the ring. Greaves launches himself off the top and crashes down atop Phoenix with a legdrop. There is a sickening crunch upon impact, and blood begins to seep from Phoenix’s nose. The referee drops to check on him, but Team Australia are still not finished. Cooper holds Phoenix in a squat bear hug position while Greaves jumps off the top rope with another huge leg drop.

Klamor: Wow; what a devastating double team manoeuvre.

Serra: Don’t be impressed Johnny. This is disgusting, reprehensible behaviour.

Finally content that their point has been made, both members of Team Australia place a boot on Phoenix’s chest, pressing his shoulders into the mat. The referee drops and counts; 1… 2… 3…

Anderson: The winners of this match; by pinfall, Justin Cooper and Joseph Greaves… Team Australia!

The match concluded the referee immediately signals to the back to bring out some help for Phoenix. Trainers and EMTs swiftly hit the ring to tend to the fallen. Cooper and Greaves mount the turnbuckles in celebration as the crowd register their distaste.

Klamor: A fantastic victory for the new team on the block. They totally dominated Phoenix for the entire match. I’m predicting big things for these guys.

Serra: What about Phoenix? He battled bravely till the end, but he was badly let down by his partner on the night.

Klamor: Please; Phoenix is a loser. Overlast walked out of this match under his own power. Cooper and Greaves are walking out of this match under their own power. Phoenix is going to have to be wheeled out on a stretcher. That should tell you everything you need to know about this match.

Serra: I’ll never understand how you can come to conclusions like this Johnny.

Klamor: That’s OK Rebecca; when you’ve had fifty years experience then maybe you’ll be able to reach my level of thought.
Who wrote what:
Numbers: Opening/Backstage
Yazloz: Masked Gentleman vs Hunter Jackson, Mason vs Jacobs
Killjoy: West vs Bull
Pancake: De La Cruz vs Styles vs Armstrong
Gelgarin: Team Aus vs Phoenix/Overlast
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