After the Unification, then what?


Dark Match Winner
I'm going to spend as long as I can on this post, to make sure that I make it as best as possible, it will be long, so expect to take possibly ten minutes or so to read. If not, then don't worry about it. All serious responses with as much depth would be appreciated, as well as comments.

Obviously, with the womens title being unified at the Night of Champions, as well as the brands coming to a close to make one single brand; at least as it stands at the moment. I want to know where everyone thinks we go from there, who will be released, who shouldn't be released, and if wanted to, why? I haven't really made a true depthed post, this being my first. I hope I don't disappoint.


After The Unification Of Brands

Main Eventers - Big Show, Chris Jericho, Christian, CM Punk, Edge, Jack Swagger, John Cena, Kane, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Sheamus, The Miz, Triple H, Undertaker, Wade Barrett.

Mid Carders - Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy, MVP, R-Truth, Skip Sheffield, Ted DiBiase, William Regal.

Tag Teams - Heart Dynasty, Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov [ ? ], The Uso's, The Dudebusters, Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer

Womens - Beth Phoenix, Eve, Gail Kim, Jillian, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Maryse, Melina, Michelle McCool, Natalia, Tamina.

Barely Used or Future Endeavored - Alicia Fox, Bella Twins, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Darren Young, David Otunga, Ezekiel Jackson, Finlay, Heath Slater, Hornswoggle, Joey Mercury, JTG, Justin Gabriel, Luke Gallows, Mark Henry, Michael Tarver, Primo, Ranjin Singh/The Great Khali, Rosa Mendes, Shad, Tiffany, Tyler Reks.


Titles After Unification

WWE Championship - I'm not sure if they will fully get rid of the World Heavyweight Championship, but I'm sure they're going to keep the WWE Championship regardless.

Intercontinental Title - I think it will take it's place as the main secondary title, out of the two.

United States Championship - I know it will not be considered this anymore, but I do believe that it will become some sort of a Television title, at least from what I've heard, Vince is wanting one.

Tag Team Championships - Obviously it's been settled.

Women's Title - Obviously settled at NoC.


When it comes to the WWE Championship [ Top Tier Wrestlers ], I believe that the obvious will happen, Big Show, Chris Jericho, Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Skip Sheffield, The Miz, Triple H, Undertaker, and Wade Barrett will all be in the "Elite of the Elite".

The Intercontinental Title [ Tier 2 ], will have Alex Riley, Christian, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Drew McIntyre, Joe Henning, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Ted DiBiase.

The United States Title [ Tier 3 ], or some sort of Television Title [ Tier 3 ], involving the likes of Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, and William Regal.

The Tag Team Championships, in which I will NOT throw two people together just because I like them in efforts to "save" their career in my eyes. This will remain legit. The following are Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer, The Dudebusters, The Heart Dynasty, The Uso's, and finally Cryme Tyme because they had great chemistry with each other and people already know who they are. Who cares if they fueded each other, see any team from the past as a perfect example. In my opinion, I do not believe that they had a reason to be split.

The Women's Title, which in hopes will be made better in due time, including Beth Pheonix, Eve, Gail Kim, Jillian, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Maryse, Melina, Michelle McCool, Natalia, Tamina. Which to me, still could be cut down even more-so.

Thus again, leaving Alicia Fox, The Bella Twins, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Darren Young, David Otunga, Ezekiel Jackson, Finlay, Heath Slater, Hornswoggle, Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows, Mark Henry, Michael Tarver, Primo, Ranjin Singh/The Great Khali, Rosa Mendes, Tiffany, Tyler Reks without anything to do other than to collect paychecks or to be fired.


Seeing as if the titles would be figured like that, what do you see happening? Obviously some people will be lost in translation and will possibly lose their jobs; but how do you fair when it comes to the title picture? Do you see specific people rising up? Do you think that there will be too many people and could be cut down even more? I'm waiting to see the general opinion of everyone. Now, given those. Do you think my comments are completely ignorant and I wasted my efforts? Thanks for your time.
first of all ezekiel jackson is injured right? hence him not being seen around lately... and im pretty sure he was getting a push before his injury so yeah.

anyway im really happy with all the titles being unified, i would like to see all the titles being defended at every PPV so that they bring back some of the prestige to them. this could definately work since there will only be 4 championships (or 5 if they do that television title you mentioned)

the brand unifaction will be good too, im pretty keen to see some new fueds and with just the one roster things will be kept pretty fresh

With just one world title and 10 + possible contenders im pretty happy, i think that longer title runs will become more frequent, something im looking forward to

im hoping that the tag division can be remade within the next year, a lot of the teams at the moment im not overly fond of, but given the right chance i think this can work
im not a fan of two people being thrown together, but i think a few more then 5 legit tag teams is needed,

after being unified this is going to be a really fun division to watch, there are a lot of fueds between mid carders we are yet to see, and a lot of talent behind them all, once again im hoping the the title reigns are fairly lengthy

lets hope to god that we get some decent women wrestlers from season 3 of next
i dont really care much for this division at the moment so im not going to say much else

this will be a good one for the younger or low card people on the roster, most of the next guys, people like santino, kozloff, yoshi tatsu and the rest... just to give them something to do, they can have the title change often to give new guys a go at holding a championship to see how it looks, or to give other guys a chance to see if they can make it to the mid card or ME

personally, i would change the United states title with the IC title, because to me the US title has always been the cooler of the two, thats just my opinion tho.. i just think it sounds better and its easier to say
i love the idea of new feuds and changes to the wwe (ex:sheamus dq loss to RKO has happend 100 times now). although i fear for my favorite wrestler (john morrison) and other mid card guys living in the midcard and not getting their push because cena and a few others will be on top and the other world title would be gone.
There would have to be a lot of fat trimming if the title unification goes ahead, especially in the Divas ranks, with NXT season 3 basically looking like they are trying to find some good looking replacements that can wrestle.

As for the titles, I agree with most of the OP selections. I'm adding a seperate group for "Star-makers", those upper tier guys that don't need the belt, and would be best used fueding with guys below and above them to get them over. In a crowded roster, and a lot of guys going for fewer belts, the established guys would have to do a bit of this to keep people (including themselves) relevant.

WWE/ World Heavyweight Championship: Edge, Cena, Orton, Meepy McSheamus, Skip Sheffield (Batista 2.0), The Miz, Punk, Barrett.

Star makers: Big Show, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker, Mysterio. None need the title, all add credibility to a fued with someone not as over as they are.

IC Title: Alex Riley, Ezekiel Jackson, Christian, Rhodes, Bryan, McIntyre, McGillicutty, Morrison, Kingston, R-Truth, Del Rio, Ziggler and DiBiase.

US Title: Bourne, Slater, Gabriel, Henry, Tarver, Hardy, Chavo, Finlay (**) and Regal.

Tag teams: Hawkins and Archer, Dudebusters, Hart Dynasty, Usos, Kozarella, Khali and Hornswoggle (see * below).

Women's title: Phoenix, Eve, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Maryse, Melina, Michelle McCool, Natalia, Tamina.

The FE list: Alicia Fox, The Bella Twins, Chris Masters, Darren Young, David Otunga, Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows, Tatsu, Primo, Rosa Mendes, Tiffany, Tyler Reks, Jillian.

* It's PG. We all hate Hornswoggle and Khali with the fire of 1000 suns. But Hornswoggle is over with the kiddies, and Khali makes the WWE decent coin in India. They're not going anywhere.

** Guys like Finlay, Henry, Hardy, Chavo etc could be FE, but I see them as a valuable commodity. They will all get released, one day, (except for Finlay since he trains the Diva's, he might have already retired from in ring competition for all we know) but they still serve a purpose as jobbers to the stars/ getting younger guys over.
Eventually, they will go the Hardcore Holly/ Val Venis route, the undignified veteran's exit, but not yet.
i love the idea of new feuds and changes to the wwe (ex:sheamus dq loss to RKO has happend 100 times now). although i fear for my favorite wrestler (john morrison) and other mid card guys living in the midcard and not getting their push because cena and a few others will be on top and the other world title would be gone.

You've also gotta look though. Out of the list of main eventers that I posted, the one's that are going to be gone in the next 5 years, I'm going to mark out. The field of 11, isn't nearly as big. Big Show, Chris Jericho, Christian, CM Punk, Edge, Jack Swagger, John Cena, Kane, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Sheamus, The Miz, Triple H, Undertaker, Wade Barrett.

It's a given that those from the mid-card and lower mid-card will be pushed, however I fear that those that are being pushed up currently - and fast, are being done so quickly due to others wanting to leave sooner rather than later.
Too bad WWE still hates Christian's success in TNA. Would love to see him as WHC/ WWE Champion. A more realistic choice would be the MIZ, because he is AWESOME. Really.

IC/US/ TV should be a work horse who has the stamina to wrestle and put on a quality performance. I like Kofi but a more realistic choice would be Teddy Jr. He could bring the Million Dollar Championship back.

Does anyone even care about the Women's title anymore? Havent seen Tamina wrestle yet but Neidhart should get a good run. Though she is not as hot as Kelly Kelly.
I cant see Justin gabriel being released/unused.He would make a great midcard champion and has the high flying ability to tag with Evan Bourne for the tag titles.

Theres definate trouble on the horizon by uniting the brands as look at your main event listings.There are way too many egos and it would cause more trouble than anything good to come of this.Youve gotta assume Taker retires next year but do you think the other guys would be happy with Triple H ruling over 2 shows instead of just the 1 show again ?
Now, while I asssume that this thread is written in the assumption that there will be a brand split, I really cannot see it happening. Why on earth would WWE be investing so much time and money into building and developing new talent in their company with FCW, NXT, Nexus main eventing their second biggest PPV of the year etc. if they were just going to unify the brands and basically bury whatever they have done over the past 12-24 months? The only titles which made any sense to unify has already been unified, the tag team titles, because WWE just does not promote tag team wrestling anymore and even at that, the champions aren't involved in any feud at all at the moment, and the only way they'll get a match at NOC is against a thrown together team in McIntyre and Rhodes!

Honestly, I refuse to believe 100% that the Divas/Womens titles will even be unified come NOC and they'll have the match finish in a such a way that the titles are not unfied, and if they are, there won't be one belt and the titles will be re-split in the following months. Think about it, here they are potentially introducing 8 new divas with NXT season 3, and all of a sudden there's only one title for them to fight for??? They already struggle to find tv time for 70% of the divas as it is with two titles on two on earth would they manage to fit in even half of the NXT season 3 divas in if they were to further dismantle the divas division? It's basically a smaller version of the clusterfuck that the main roster would become should they unify Smackdown and Raw.

In your list, you have eleven main eventers. ELEVEN. Think about the TV time it would take to utilise these guys alone. It leaves very little to no time at all for any mid-card/Divas/tag team action and no feud development/character development whatsoever for anybody outside of this list, it simply would not make for good televison, it will not make for good talent development and all in all, it would make absolutely no sense whatsoever, when you think about from the direction the WWE has taken over the last 12 months.

The wrestling industry is built on a system that has been maintained for over one hundred years now. The main event scene is only as good as the undercard builds it up to be. You couldn't have been excited about what NWO were up to on WCW without the lower guys like Guerrero, Dragon, Kidman, Benoit, Mysterio and Jericho (for example) were doing to keep your interest in between, to help build that pop for when Goldberg would come out to spear Nash for instance. You couldn't have been interested in what Austin/McMahon were doing if not for the undercard exploits of guys like The Brood, Shamrock and the exceedingly good tag team divison at that time. The main event has to be just that, the main event and a company cannot have eleven main eventers. It doesn't fit in with professional wrestlings history and basics to have a main event scene with eleven guys, especially if they were all involved with fighting for one championship. The most you can have at any one time is 5 and maybe 6 at the most, two guys feuding for the title and the other four involved in separate feuds, and even at that, it is stretching it. Look at RAW, the main event scene is too clustered and they have to fit them all into one storyline just to give them some sort of TV time.

Lets give WWE creative the benefit of the doubt here for a second and not criticise for the sake of criticising. What they are doing at the moment in general, is catering for the FUTURE of their business. How do you cater for the future? Give younger talent TV time and in-ring time to allow the fans to familiarise with their characters and grow with them. They are restructuring the company to build itself to grow with the younger viewership that is there right now and it WILL grow out of this PG era. What they are doing at the moment is hooking in new, younger viewers to grow with new, younger talent and maintaining the brand split is an integral part of this.
I think the OP shows exactly why brand unification is a horrible idea.

Look at the main event list. There is a dozen or so guys in that top list. How do you expect any stars to emerge when there are so many people in the top rung of the division.

Imagine there had only been 1 World Title when John Cena was emerging in 2005. Would Triple H have given him that rub? Would Cena have even got to that level? Yes we'll never know but without the split we may never have seen the Cena we know today.

Yes, I like the idea of one World Title (it doesn't automatically make the title more important). But there are other ways of building both belts to feel important, it just needs to be booked better.
Now, while I asssume that this thread is written in the assumption that there will be a brand split, I really cannot see it happening.

You're doing it right.

It's basically a smaller version of the clusterfuck that the main roster would become should they unify Smackdown and Raw.

You're doing it right, again.

In your list, you have eleven main eventers. ELEVEN. Think about the TV time it would take to utilise these guys alone. It leaves very little to no time at all for any mid-card/Divas/tag team action and no feud development/character development whatsoever for anybody outside of this list, it simply would not make for good televison, it will not make for good talent development and all in all, it would make absolutely no sense whatsoever, when you think about from the direction the WWE has taken over the last 12 months.

You're doing it wrong, and this is why. I posted those 11 people in the list with people that have placed themselves in the "Elite of the Elite". However, you seen what the other guy said, with the "Star Makers". Just because there are that many people there, doesn't mean that they are automatically fighting for the title every month. With a brand unification, this would also help booking so if they can't appear on a Monday night, then they can go to Smackdown that week, also giving prestige to Superstars on a weekly basis, not just to be the same routine of lower mid-carders that hardly anyone cares about.

The wrestling industry is built on a system that has been maintained for over one hundred years now. The main event scene is only as good as the undercard builds it up to be. You couldn't have been excited about what NWO were up to on WCW without the lower guys like Guerrero, Dragon, Kidman, Benoit, Mysterio and Jericho (for example) were doing to keep your interest in between, to help build that pop for when Goldberg would come out to spear Nash for instance.

You're doing it right again, I'm no longer disappointed.

The main event has to be just that, the main event and a company cannot have eleven main eventers.

And before you could make it two for two, you give me the facepalm of the day. Obviously, you haven't seen TNA recently. [ Before anyone makes this a thread about TNA, don't even start. I was using them for a prime example. It may not be done efficiently, but it's still being done. ]

Look at RAW, the main event scene is too clustered and they have to fit them all into one storyline just to give them some sort of TV time.

It's hard to give them face time when they comedic segments that makes little to no sense and doesn't even condone a laugh from the people with the best-worst sense of humor.

Lets give WWE creative the benefit of the doubt here for a second and not criticise for the sake of criticising. What they are doing at the moment in general, is catering for the FUTURE of their business. How do you cater for the future? Give younger talent TV time and in-ring time to allow the fans to familiarise with their characters and grow with them. They are restructuring the company to build itself to grow with the younger viewership that is there right now and it WILL grow out of this PG era. What they are doing at the moment is hooking in new, younger viewers to grow with new, younger talent and maintaining the brand split is an integral part of this.

Younger talent will be needed and will be utilized. I have little doubts in Vince, business wise. However, this wasn't me trying to say this is how it will be done for the company, even though I was telling you what you were doing wrong. This was more of a "See what people think should/would happen."

I think the OP shows exactly why brand unification is a horrible idea.

This is one of the things I was hoping would be said. I'm 50/50 on the idea.

Look at the main event list. There is a dozen or so guys in that top list. How do you expect any stars to emerge when there are so many people in the top rung of the division.

You know when you really have to pee at the club? So you go there to take a leak, and when you finally find yourself in the area with the bathrooms what do you see? A line of people. You wait your turn. I know that seems like a douche bag thing to say, and to do. But, Vince and the WWE are on top as the major wrestling brand in the world today. You stay with him and if you show the dedication, you get rewarded. You think you aren't being used enough? Go to another company, become a world champion making less money than most mid-carders in the WWE. Having less face time than most that fight on WWE Superstars, unless you are a well known WWE reject already. Until someone comes up and challenges the wrestling scene, Vince has all of the leverage in the world to his employees. There aren't any Monday Night Wars anymore.

Yes, I like the idea of one World Title (it doesn't automatically make the title more important). But there are other ways of building both belts to feel important, it just needs to be booked better.

I couldn't agree more with you, the booking has become progressively worse. It does seem as if they just collect paychecks and say "Ohaiguise, let's have this fight happen this week. BUT! Let's leave the crowd like a girl that's known as a tease. We'll get them really worked up, get it out, and then just walk away. Dissatisfied and lonely.
I'm not sure if anyone touched on this yet, but I don't think the brands will be re-merged. I think the champs will just be aloud on either brand. And thats the way it should be. No roster cuts are necessary.
You're doing it wrong, and this is why. I posted those 11 people in the list with people that have placed themselves in the "Elite of the Elite". However, you seen what the other guy said, with the "Star Makers". Just because there are that many people there, doesn't mean that they are automatically fighting for the title every month. With a brand unification, this would also help booking so if they can't appear on a Monday night, then they can go to Smackdown that week, also giving prestige to Superstars on a weekly basis, not just to be the same routine of lower mid-carders that hardly anyone cares about.

Yes, but even still, with eleven guys of main event calibre and giving them the time to have these feuds, you're automatically giving too much TV time to this side of things, and nothing else has a chance to happen. Not forgetting that the "second tier guys" you mentioned wouldn't have a chance to progress, which means that after a TV title/IC title reign, they would HAVE to move down the card, and not up, because the main event is too cluttered. Even with an extra two hours a week, you're splitting feuds between smackdown and raw which is basically what you have at the moment, except there's a structure in place that is sustainable.

And before you could make it two for two, you give me the facepalm of the day. Obviously, you haven't seen TNA recently. [ Before anyone makes this a thread about TNA, don't even start. I was using them for a prime example. It may not be done efficiently, but it's still being done. ]

Now while I appreciate you do not want to turn this into an anti-TNA thread, I have to reply in some way, considering you said I gave you a facepalm! To be honest, with that comment, you gave me the facepalm of the day, because by illustrating TNA you basically showed why it can't work. You yourself said it's not being done effectively with TNA, and there's a reason for that: it shouldn't be done! They struggle so badly to fit everything in and have a good television product because they have so much to fit in that it becomes cluttered....and this would still happen if they had more tv time too, because they can't give certain guys all the time on one show and another set on another show and expect it to work and feel like there's continuity. (Unless they cut the roster drastically or put in a brand split too, neither of which will happen there)

It's hard to give them face time when they comedic segments that makes little to no sense and doesn't even condone a laugh from the people with the best-worst sense of humor.

Yes, well that comes down to booking and not the way talent is distributed.

Younger talent will be needed and will be utilized. I have little doubts in Vince, business wise. However, this wasn't me trying to say this is how it will be done for the company, even though I was telling you what you were doing wrong. This was more of a "See what people think should/would happen."

But I really don't see how it can be utilised in the setting you have provided us in this scenario. There just wouldn't be the time.

Please don't think I'm arguing with you for the sake of it here, and I really hope nothing I said in my post came across as an insult to you or your idea, your post was well thought out and the way you presented it is exactly how it would be.

However, if it were to happen, in my opinion, it would be a huge mistake and just does not fit in with the whole business structure of the last 18 months or so, which from a financial point of view, has been a success...and as I have said in other threads, that is and always will be the point of professional make money. And when being done properly, it does make money, much like WWE is doing at the moment, with the brand split in place.
First of all, besides internet rumors, who officially said that the world titles would be unified and the brand split is coming to an end? I've only seen the tag and women's titles being unified. And I see why since there aren't enough teams to warrant 2 belts in their division. Why assume this elaborate post will happen when nothing has been announced?
Please don't think I'm arguing with you for the sake of it here, and I really hope nothing I said in my post came across as an insult to you or your idea, your post was well thought out and the way you presented it is exactly how it would be.

However, if it were to happen, in my opinion, it would be a huge mistake and just does not fit in with the whole business structure of the last 18 months or so, which from a financial point of view, has been a success...and as I have said in other threads, that is and always will be the point of professional make money. And when being done properly, it does make money, much like WWE is doing at the moment, with the brand split in place.

Not at all. I'm actually enjoying this as my first "debate" on here. I hope you didn't think I was being a smartelic either. I have a weird way of stating my opinion at times. Regardless, I see where you're coming from, and I do agree, however I hope you see it from both sides as I do from your opinion.

First of all, besides internet rumors, who officially said that the world titles would be unified and the brand split is coming to an end? I've only seen the tag and women's titles being unified. And I see why since there aren't enough teams to warrant 2 belts in their division. Why assume this elaborate post will happen when nothing has been announced?

For the sake of discussing it, to see what would go wrong, and how it would go wrong. To think of the good, and the bad. It's a discussion, buddy.
My biggest fear is that new stars will not be made because of the unifications. If you think about it the same guys will still all be featured. If John Cena isn't feuding with someone for the title, he isn't going to feud with a Dolph Ziggler-type for the Intercontinental Championship he would end up feuding with someone else, taking time away from guys like John Morrison and Kofi Kingston who need it.
You need less main eventers in your little plan. The best way to have it would be less main eventers, a lot of mid-carders and then a couple tag-teams.

Main Eventers: Sheamus, Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker.(Assuming, Chris will take time off and Kane will retire.)

Mid-Carders: Christian, Matt Hardy, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Drew McIntyre, Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Yoshi Tatsu, Zach Ryder, Darren Young, The Miz, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, The Big Show, Kaval, John Morrison, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio

Of course, you will have upper mid carders and lower mid carders. Not all the superstars will compete on the same night. Upper mid carders are bolded.

Tag-teams: The Uso's, The Hart add people from the mid-card together, and you've got a tag-team division.

Diva's: Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, Michelle McCool, Layla, Natalya, Tamina, Maryse and Eve.

WWE Championship: It was always here. Of course, it used to be called the WWF Championship. But, it's the same thing. The Heavyweight title is gone.

World Tag-team titles: It already happened.

Woman's title: Layla or Michelle McCool will become the undisputed champion for the Womans.

Intercontinental Championship: I think they will keep this one, instead of the U.S title. WWE SHOULD add prestige back to the title. Hopefully with guys like Daniel Bryan.

Cruiserweight Title...?: It would be good for guys like Rey Mysterio and Yoshi Tatsu. It would separate them from the clusterfuck of a mid-card WWE has.

This is all my opinion. ;)
I first of all think unifying the brands is a bad idea.

What they should do is specialise the shows. Like make Superstars (since nobody watches it anyways) be the show you can find the divas wrestling, then make Smackdown the show where they build tag team wrestling on. And raw where you find cruiserweight action.

Then make the US and IC straps the championships for the shows and have the world title be defended against top contenders from either show. That way they can have the time allocated to develop a tag team division
I hope, anyway, that we will see a return of a regular McMahon character on TV. Whether its Vince, Steph, Linda or even Shane or all 4. Remember never say never in this business in terms of Shane and Linda. Although I imagine Linda probably would rather stay out of the spotlight. She might be done with WWE tv. Maybe a return of the McMahon/Helmsley faction or a different sort of Corporate faction to combat Nexus. There is going to have to be a boss or a person to answer to of some sort if they go one brand. It might be Triple H. This secret general manager thing can't go on forever. I would probably be more inclined to watch more if one of the McMahons were back on TV on a regular basis. If I were a betting man it would probably be the returns of Steph and HHH either during or after unification.

Hopefully things maybe a little more clearer to all of us once elections are over with.

I haven't watched much of WWE tv so I can't say who will get cut or who won't. I imagine Undertaker and/or Kane will probably retire at WM.
ok i think i have a realitivly good answer here it goes,
your list of me = jericho edge rey big show and taker are on thier way out yes and out of the other 10 - 15 guy's (if nobody is injured) im saying 6-8 of them will form tag teams hopefully making the tag team divison less of a joke,
and there will be 3-4 shows a week(depending what hapens with the nxt) easily enough time to fit 80-90% of the divas and superstars in,
the only thing which does worry me is the ppv's other than the rumble normally we are used to seeing 30 superstars at the most so this creates a new dilemma,
Obviously all of this is speculation over rumors that have not been confirmed yet, so people who want to shit on this should just chill out.

Now, this is all assuming that the titles are unified and the brand split ends. I love the idea if this is what goes down. Especially the ending of the separate brands. I saw someone bring up PPVs or the Rumble and less people. Let me ask you this, have you even watched wrestling at the start of the 2000s? 2000, 2001, and I think 2002 had a bunch of stars that were worth watching. With one title and one whole product you are able to get 3-4 title matches, plus 3-4 non-title feuds on the card for a PPV. You trim the fat of who sucks and your product instantly rises.

One world championship doesn't mean only Cena, Orton, Triple H, or whoever holds onto the title forever. Older guys are retiring and this forces the WWE to push younger guys. How can you do this? You put them in feuds that can be seen on PPV, and let them perform. I'd say it's a pretty basic formula. I see no downside to the unification of all of the titles and the brand split ending. Oh dear, we lost Primo!!! OH NO!!!!!! Trim the fat and put out some quality entertainment. Though I have no problems with how things are now, and this is still speculation, I'd enjoy it more with unification.

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