After all the Brock Lesnar threads, tell me...... Do you think he will stay or go?

Business wise, with his current set up, it makes 0 sense for him to go back to UFC. He's at the top of the mountain now in the WWE and even at his best in the UFC he wasn't the top guy. At his age, he's in his prime for WWE, especially the way they put him in a fragile box only to be let out for certain PPVs. The UFC thing seems more like a work. Dana White saying he won't talk to Brock until his contract is up also seems like a work.
I think win or lose, he stays with the WWE. He makes the appearance on RAW Monday after WM, and then we see him again on either Extreme Rules, or MITB.
If Brock was smart he'd get the best of both worlds:

Sign a 1 year extention and get paid bank by WWE for having a limited schedule. Use that time to start training and getting in shape so when his deal ends a year from now he'll be ready to head straight into a UFC training camp and prepare for his octagon return.

But thats just me..
I could see him sticking around for 1 final year in WWE. Than go to UFC the following year. He's still young so he has plenty of time to return to MMA.

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