AF22: Carnival of Carnage vs. Grizzly Bob & Jimmy Flynn

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the Frog
Carnival of Carnage made a statement last week by assaulting Thrash backstage and putting him on the injured list for the upcoming round. Now, they look to win their first official match as a tag team. Their opponents are the returning Jimmy Flynn, who is looking finally break out of the lower card, and Grizzly Bob, who sent shock waves through the WZCW universe as he crushed Donny J and absorbed his contract. This match is sure to be exciting.​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​
The WZCW cameras go inside the hotel lobby of an unknown hotel in Omaha, Nebraska where we see WZCW's newest tag team Carnival Of Carnage and Brent Blaze's good friend, Alexis Jade.

Alexis: What the hell do you think? There are three of us. Two are guys. I am a woman. You are going to sit here and ask if we want one bed, or two? Are you serious? We damn sure aren’t all sleeping in one bed. That’s…

Brent Blaze yells from the other side of the room.

Brent: Alexis!

Alexis: Yeah?

Brent: What’s he saying?

Alexis: Give me a second!

Alexis turns toward the clerk.

Alexis: Let me see… We will take one double bed, and one single. Kay?

The hotel clerk is obviously jumbled.

Clerk: Um… Okay. But, it may help to get one of our special rooms. They have one king size bed, as well as a twin. You and…

The clerk looks at the two guys in the background as they crush cans from a nearby vending machine over their skull.

Clerk: You and the lucky one over there can share a bed, while the not-so-lucky man sleeps in the twin.

Alexis: Does it look like I am in a relationship with one of them? Ain’t nobody said we were together! Who are you to assume such a thing?

The clerk smiles, as if has realized something.

Clerk: Well, they could always share the bed, if that’s what you are getting at.

He gives Alexis a wink. Alexis, frustrated, leans in making sure the man hears her clearly.

Alexis: We will take one double bed, and one single bed. How hard is this to understand?

The man, now slightly frightened, types a few things in on his computer. Dustin Hunter runs up.

Dustin: Hey Alexis, can we hurry things up? I gotta take a piss.

Alexis looks at Dustin, ready to reply.

Alexis: This dip shit doesn’t know how to properly do his job. Back when I worked at the Pamhton Inn, I could have cleaned my rooms, and did this job on the same night. People are just getting stupider and stupider, I swear.

Brent joins his friends, holding a small bag of chips and a drink.

Brent: These Cold Ranch Toridos are sickening.

Blaze sits the chips on the counter, just as the clerk hands Alexis the two room keys.

Dustin: Yes! I get my own room! Hey, desk man, what range of channels do the TV’s get here? And, do the bathrooms stock lotion?

The man looks at Dustin in disgust, but remains speechless.

Alexis: Think again Dustin.

She hands Dustin a white room key, and marches toward the hallway with the other. Dustin looks down at the key, then to Brent.

Dustin: Where’s she going?

Brent: Forget about her. I know what we can do. Aye, desk man, where’s the pool?

The “desk man” directs the two friends toward the hall that leads to a pool. Hunter and Blaze both look at each other, and then begin to race toward the pool, leaving all their bags in the lobby.

Dustin: Wait, our stuff!

Brent: It’s a hotel dude, they will get it! We don’t pay them for nothing.

Dustin agrees as the two guys reach the pool, only to find out that it is closed. Brent and Dustin look at each other, and immediately start brainstorming ideas to get into the closed room.

Dustin: We can kick the door in?

Brent shakes his head in disapproval. He then looks up, spotting a man in a navy blue shirt with the hotels name in the corner. He urges the man to come to him.

Worker: Can I help you?

Brent: Yeah, you can start by unlocking this damn door. Then, you can bring my friend and I some cold ones. Just make sure you only bring a few. You don’t want this guy to start drinking too much.

Dustin looks up, shaking his head with a “nu-uh”, and a serious look on his face.

Worker: Sir, the pool is closed. It is after hours, and no one should be swimming at this time of night. Now, as for the…

The worker stops to think a second.

Worker: “Cold ones,” you will have to go to your room and order that from room service, pending an ID check.

Dustin: Did you say I can order alcohol from my bed? What are we waiting on? Brent let's go.

Brent looks at Dustin, and the two guys smirk.

Brent: Yeah let's go.

Just after they turn the corner, Brent stops while Dustin carries on. It become obvious that the two had different ideas in mind

Brent: Where are you going?

Dustin: Didn’t you hear the guy? I’m going to the room. I’m thirsty.

Brent: You can drink later! We have to get into this pool!

Dustin: But, it’s closed.

Brent looks at Dustin with a face that expresses how he wants to slap him.

Dustin: Oh! Right. Who cares what he said?

Brent peaks his head around the corner, checking to see if the worker is still around.

Brent:Coast is clear.

Dustin: Okay, but shouldn’t we get Alexis first? I know you want to see her in a…

Dustin looks up, realizing Brent has already rushed back to the door that blocks the guys from their destiny of swimming. Dustin sighs, and sneaks up to the door.

Dustin: We have to be quite. We don’t want to get caught.

Brent: Yeah yeah, How are we gonna get in? Obviously we can't kick the door open.

Dustin: We could climb over the fence?

Dustin shrugs and Brent has a smirk cross his face.

Brent: That could work. Lets try it.

Brent goes over to the chain link fence to the right of the pool area door and starts climbing up while Dustin keeps look out. Brent gets to the top then jumps down and sticks the landing. Right after this Dustin climbs the fence and hops over into the pool area as they look around.

Dustin: Dude look! A hot tub! I bet you wanna get in there with Alexis eh?

Dustin jokingly shoves Brent who rolls his eyes.

Brent: Not as much as you wanna get in there with Katie.

Dustin: How do you know about Katie?

Brent: A couple of weeks ago at the diner dude after you had no patience she showed up and talked to me about how she didn't like the way you are when your drunk and she asked me how you were doing.

This has clearly perked Dustin's attention.

Dustin: And your answer was...?

Brent: That you stopped getting drunk and you were doing better. Don't worry I didn't wreck your chances of hitting that.

Brent laughs as Dustin gets a little annoyed by the way Brent is talking about his best friend.

Dustin: Not a matter of "hitting that" dude, Shes been the only one who gave a damn about me for years.

Brent: Sooo... you don't wanna hit that?

Dustin: I uh...hey why are we talking? Lets go swimming!

Dustin clearly is changing the subject as he strips down to his boxers and does a running cannon ball into the pool. Brent smirks as he now knows the truth about Dustin and Katie. However he lets it go and takes off his shirt and shorts then does a back flip into the pool.

Dustin: That was lame!

Brent: I don't see you doing any flips.

Dustin: That's cause I'm not an idiot like some people on the roster who think they have to fly all over the ring and impress the idiot fans to succeed!

Brent: That's why I can't stand about half of our roster, they just suck up to the fans and think that it'll make them big stars. I don't care about the fans and look at me! I'm doing just fine!

Dustin: You have almost as much losses as I do!

Brent: At least I have some wins on my record!

Dustin: I've been a victim of creative favoring the suck ups for 2 weeks in a row!

Brent: True, true. Trash got lucky twice in a row, that's why we had to put him down like Old Yeller.

Dustin: Don't you mean Thrash?

Brent: Nope, I mean Trash. Because that's what his ring skills are about as good as!

The two laugh at Brent's joke as they swim around the pool.

Dustin: Anyway did you hear about our match this week? We got a tag match finally.

Brent: Yeah, against Jimmy Flynn and Grizzly Bob.

Dustin: Jimmy Flynn and who? I never heard of this Grizzly Bob guy. Is that the new backstage worker they hired?

Brent: No it's the guy who stole the redneck guy's contract.

Dustin: So this will be his first real match?

Brent: Basically yeah.

Dustin: Then I guess we will have to give him a nice "welcome" to the company.

Dustin gets an evil smirk on his face as he gets an image in his head.

Brent: But what about Flynn? He beat you last time.

Dustin: That was pure luck. This time I'm out for blood with him.

Brent: So to recap, you're gonna bloody Jimmy Flynn and kill Grizzly Bob? Jeez leave some fun for me!

Dustin: Fine, fine. We can both kill Grizzly Bob and you can make one of them tap out to the Screamo hold. Sound good?

Brent: Works for me.

The two laugh as they plan out how they're gonna win their match this week. However before they can do anything else we see the same hotel worker from earlier walk into the pool area.

Worker: Hey! Didn't I tell you guys the pool is closed?!?!

Brent: And we care why?

Worker: Because now under hotel rules we have to kick you gentleman out.

Dustin: Fine we will get out of the pool, don't forget to deliver those cold ones to room 112 though!

Dustin and Brent get out of the pool and scoop up their clothing.

Worker: No, I mean we must kick you gentleman out of the hotel.

Dustin drops his clothes and walks over to the worker.

Dustin: Oh yeah? Who's gonna make me leave?

Worker: Sir, I don't want any trouble.

Dustin: Well you got trouble by kicking us out! Now I'll give you one last chance to save yourself from the worst beating of your life by letting us stay here.

The worker clearly is at least a little scared as Brent has walked up next to Dustin.

Brent: Trust me. you don't wanna piss this guy off.

Worker: I'm sorry...but...but you have to go! Please take your clothes and leave the hotel.

Dustin: Well, I warned you.

Dustin now grabs the worker by his shirt and throws him into the pool! Dustin tries to dive into the pool after him but Brent grabs the arm of Dustin to stop him.

Brent: Better to get kicked out of the hotel then go to jail.

Dustin: I don't care, this guy is gonna pay for ruining our good time!

Dustin breaks free of the grasp of Brent and dives into the pool! The worker quickly swims away as security runs into the pool area just as Dustin is chasing the worker around the pool area with a pool skimmer. Security sees this and quickly tackles Dustin and Brent.

Security now escorts both men out of the pool area and then out of the hotel.

Dustin: I want my clothes you fucker! You ain't making money off me by selling my clothes on eBay!

Security now throws Dustin & Brent their clothes than slam the doors to the hotel shut.

Dustin: Now where are we gonna go?

Brent: Good question.
About an hour has come to pass since Brent Blaze and Dustin Hunter were kicked out of the hotel for breaking into the pool area. Dustin and Brent have remained silent while sitting outside the building. The noises of the city night are heard here and there; cars passing by with the occasional horn, young teenagers running through the streets, and the tons and tons of cats. Finally, Brent decides to break the silence between the two.

Brent: I can’t believe you got us kicked out!

Dustin: The hell you talking about! I wasn’t the one running around like an idiot doing flips into the pool!

Brent: No, you were the one screaming at the top of you lungs, singing that stupid Thrash song!

Dustin: At least we agree on the stupid part.

Brent: True.

Dustin and Brent begin to walk away from the hotel, where Alexis sleeps comfortably. They take a few minutes to let the steam from there short debate fade away. Dustin sees a man lying in the corner, shopping cart beside him and stuffed bear in hand.

Dustin: Hey, you… Where’s the bar at?

The man makes no movement. Dustin gives him a slight kick. The teddy bear rolls out of his hands, and the man lets out a large snore.

Brent: Dustin, quit kicking the homeless man.

Dustin: He needs to learn to answer me. I’m Dustin freakin’ Hunter.

Brent, whispering: Zero and 5.

Dustin: What was that?

The two continue walking down the dark, cold street.

Brent: Nothing. And, you don’t need no damn beer.

Dustin: Shit, I was going to go with whiskey. It’s been a long night.

Brent: Shut the hell up, man. We need to get going.

Many moments pass by, and we find the two continuously strutting down the sidewalk. They began to slow down, and decide they aren’t getting anywhere. They turn back, and head toward the hotel, passing the homeless man once more.

Dustin: Let’s find a place to crash. I’m exhausted. Are there any more hotels?

Brent: Are there any more hotels? You realize we are in Omaha? This is the largest city in the state of Nebraska. There are hotels everywhere.

Dustin: Yeah… Well pick one!

Brent: Do I have to do everything?

Dustin, whispering: You are the one who got us kicked out in the first place.

Brent: What was that?

Dustin: Nothing, how much money do you have on you?

Brent checks for his wallet.

Brent: Damn, I left it in the truck after the show. What about you?

Dustin: Mines in my pants! In the poolroom! Dammit! I must have dropped them when the dickface threw my clothes at me.

Brent: What the hell we going to do now? And, more importantly, why the hell you walking around in your boxers?

Dustin: I didn’t realize it! That’s the last thing on my mind. There is too much shit going on. Everything from Katie to losing every match I’ve had in WCZW! I just need a fucking drink man. Then, maybe we could sleep with the homeless guy and not feel so bad about it?

Brent: No. Not happening. I am… No, we are the Carnival of Carnage! We are the future of not only the tag team division in WZCW! Not only the future of WZCW! But the future of the wrestling world as a whole! I will not be saturated to the point where I must sleep near a homeless man. I will not do it. Nope, not happening. We are better than that. You are better than that. Get your head out of Katie’s ass. Get your mind off of drinking. That is not the answer to any of your pity problems. Don’t let losing be a reoccurrence. You can’t continue to lose and expect to survive in WZCW. Come on, man. We formed this friendship for a reason. We are not just a tag team; we are friends. We decided to combine our attitudes for a reason. It is for the benefit of both of us. We got this, Dustin.

Dustin continues to walk, saying nothing. Brent has pinched a nerve of his newly formed tag team partner. Dustin continues his udder silence while the two carry on. Brent’s new arrogant attitude problem seems like it could cause a problem with t he friends. Brent thinks nothing of what he has said, but his mind fills with other things including his upcoming match in WZCW. After thinking about the up and coming bout, Brent stops. The two have reached the hotel once more.

Brent: We can’t just keep walking all night.

Dustin: Well, we cant really go back in.

Brent sits down, leaning against the rough brick wall of the hotel. Dustin follows this gesture.

Brent: I was thinking, and it seems like this match maybe easy compared to what’s to come. Just think, Grizzly Bob and Jimmy Flynn pale in comparison to teams like The Empire and The Sacrificial Alter. We need to take our time with this match. We need to use it as a practicing ground. We need to learn from it, and take from the match what we can. Of course, we will go for the victory, but this match means more than that for us. Its our debut; the debut of the Carnival of Carnage. We can’t be taken lightly, and we must prove ourselves early on.

Brent stops, and turns his attention to Dustin. Dustin’s head is tilted back, and eyes shut. He has already fallen asleep, passing out from the twos long-winded day. Moments later, Brent does the same.


Alexis: Hey, what the hell are you doing? Get up!

The scene has quickly changes to a morning scape. Dustin Hunter and Brent Blaze lay on the concrete, slightly leaning on one another. Dozens of people pass by as the two awake.

Alexis: I can’t believe you two managed to get kicked out of a hotel! I talked to the clerk, and you’re both banned from this place. And, I don’t even want to know why. Just, forget it. We need to get going; we cannot be late for yall’s big match tonight.

Dustin and Brent stare at each other for a moment, then back at Alexis.

Alexis: We need to get you both cleaned up. I am not riding in a car with two scums. There was a shower in the rooms, but you can’t control yourselves long enough to stay. So, were going to have to go to the truck stop around the corner.

Brent: Lets get going! I’ve got a match to teach this guy how to win.

Dustin stares at Brent.

Brent: Well, its true.

Dustin thinks for a second, and then nods in agreement. Both men look back at Alexis, and then to Blaze’s truck waiting in the parking space near the curb.


The two superstars race to the car, while Brent pushes an older man out of his way, trying to get to the front seat before the other. Both men reach the truck at nearly the same time, but quickly realize the doors are locked. Alexis laughs, and slowly paces to the truck. She unlocks only her driver side door, and climbs in. Starting the vehicle, she rolls the windows down.

Alexis: If you think you are getting in this vehicle smelling like that, you got another thing coming.

Alexis tosses a few coins toward Brent and Dustin.

Alexis: A bus should be pulling up any minute now. Just tell ‘em to take you to the truck stop. I’ll pick you two up in an hour. See ya!

Alexis squeals tires as she hits the gas. She peels off into the distance, leaving Brent and Dustin to fend for themselves in the big city.

Dustin: Now what?

Brent: We wait on the bus, I suppose. I feel disgusting. I need that shower, and trust me; you do too. Alexis said she would meet us there in an hour. Its going on 10 now, so she will probably be there by 12.

Dustin thinks about Brent’s statement.

Dustin: Wouldn’t it be 11?

Brent: She is a female, Dustin.

Dustin: Ahh, I see.

Brent: There’s the bus! Lets go!

Dustin and Brent race to the bus stop. Brent begins to jump in front of the people waiting to pay their fifty-cent fee. Dustin follows. The two climb the steps, bumping into multiple people on the way.

Brent: Two tickets to…


Brent shakes his head, nearly doing a face palm.

Brent: No, driver, we need to go to the truck stop. It should be right down the road.

The driver looks up at Brent, and then down at the coin bucket sitting on the floor. Brent drops the four quarters that were thrown at him by Alexis into the bucket. Dustin and Brent march to seats in the middle of the bus, passing a familiar hobo with a nametag of Joe stickered onto his jacket, clutching a teddy bear. They sit next to a family of three, one being a rather large woman, holding the hand of a younger girl.

Women: Calm it down, Alana! We gots to get to the office and get des’ food. Shut it up now, ya’ hear me?

Brent and Dustin try to ignore the situation, and begin a conversation of their own.

Dustin: We better hurry up. I need to get this shit done. I’m ready to taste the taste of sweet victory. I am ready to destroy these hooligans. Remember how we were talking about our match this week? How we are facing Jimmy Flynn and that new guy?

Brent: Yeah? What about it?

Dustin: I really need this win man. And, I know we have been arguing a lot in the past few days. I know we won’t always see eye to eye. I know we may get tired of each other here and there. I just want to make sure that when we are in that ring, that we work a one unit. We need to work as one in order to win. Yeah, I’m not the best guy to give advice about winning, but I have been a fan of wrestling for as long as I can remember, and if there is one thing I know, its tag teams. When looking back at all of the great tag teams in this business, you have to look at how they coincided in the ring. Any of the greats, you name ‘em, they worked as a unit. They won as a unti. We have to do the same.

Brent, getting agitated at the obnoxious family to the right of them, agrees.

Brent: You’re completely right. You do need this win.

Dustin: That’s all you took from that?

Brent: No, I took that you want this tag team to work. You want us to go on to be one of the greatest tag teams in professional wrestling’s history. And, we will. I know we can, and will. It’s a matter of time my friend. It’s a matter of not if but when and how. Together there will be no team who can stand toe to toe with us. Grizzly Whoever and Jimmy Fool, they aren’t friends. They don’t know how each other works. They have never been in the ring together like you and I. We are the real deal, and no matter if it’s these two impurities this week, or The Bearded Gentleman or SaboSax next time, we are the next big things. And if this snot nose kid doesn’t shut up she will be next.

The cow of a mother hears Brent’s last statement.

Women: What'd you juss say ‘bout my daughter?

Brent reiterates his statement.

Brent: If your daughter doesn’t shut that disgusting little mouth of hers…

Driver: Hey!

This gets Brent and Dustin’s attention.

Driver: This is your stop!

Brent turns back to the women and her child as he stands up. He says nothing and walks off the bus along side Dustin.

Dustin: Good thing they got you off of there.

Brent doesn’t reply as the two enter the truck stop gas station. We fast forward to a scene outside of the building. Truckers are coming and going. The two fresh faces of Brent Blaze and Dustin Hunter step out of the double doors. Brent comes out first, cleanly freshened and wearing a brand new t-shirt and jeans with his sunglasses covering his face. Hunter, similarly dressed like Blaze, follows. Just as the men exit the building, Brent’s F-150 rolls up, engine rumbling. The window rolls down, and a familiar face shows.

Alexis: You boys look a whole lot better. Hope in, we have a show to get to.

Dustin and Brent climb in the truck, Brent taking over the driving. Dustin looks at Alexis as she circles the truck to get to the passenger side. They stare each other down. Neither enter the truck, nor budge one bit until Dustin slowly makes an attempt at the front seat.

Alexis: Don’t even think about it.

Dustin climbs in the back, as Alexis gets her way. Multiple clicks are heard, as Brent’s foot smashes against the petal. The truck roars off into the distance.
The ripples in the water disturb the calm of the lake, the quiet piercing, the trees surrounding the blue barely moving. The camera pans up, as a fishing lure soars into view and quickly out again, making a small splash off screen as it lands in the water. The camera moves more, as we see the source of the lure on a small wooden dock just off the lake. Jimmy Flynn, small smile on his face, reels in his lure slowly as he looks over at the other man on the dock.

Jimmy: You see why I like this place now, Grizzly?

Grizzly Bob, Jimmy’s partner, laughs loudly as he casts out as well.

Grizzly: Yep, I do. This is probably just what we needed.

Jimmy nods as he prepares for another cast.

Jimmy: Yea, some rest and relaxation, and Cathance is the perfect place for it.

The two continue without talking for a while, the wind filling the silence between the men. Jimmy looks out at the lake, sighing, while Grizzly looks on.

Jimmy: You know, as much as I like it in WZCW, it’s a shame I don’t get to do this often.

Grizzly nods his head, approving of Flynn’s comment.

Grizzly: I know, I prefer my cabin.

Jimmy quickly pulls back on his rod, then allows a small noise out of his mouth.

Jimmy: Dangit, almost got one. So close.

On the other side of the dock, Grizzly pulls back as well, but he continues pulling until his lure returns.

Grizzly: Stupid weeds…

Flynn laughs, piercing the former silence that held the area.

Jimmy: I know what you mean, this lake trolls a lot. But it’s rewarding in the end-

As if on cue, The Devil’s Dancer has to pull his rod again, and has to start pulling harder.

Jimmy: What was I sayin?

He continues as Grizzly chuckles behind him. Jimmy pulls one last time as a large fish pops out of the water and lands on the dock, flopping on the wood.

Jimmy: See? Rewarding.

Flynn removes the fish from his line, then tosses it back into the lake. Flynn looks up and breaths in deeply.

Jimmy: I love this place. It’s the opposite of the life I have, peaceful, quiet and calm.

Grizzly chuckles behind him, his gaze drifting over the water, and smiles.

Grizzly: I’m starting to like it too. It’s a nice place up here.

Jimmy smiles, then shakes his head.

Jimmy: You know, sitting here, I can’t help but think about our week coming up.

He sits on the dock, leaving his line out, and after a few moments, Grizzly joins him.

Grizzly: Dustin Hunter and Brent Blaze.

Jimmy nods.

Jimmy: Two people almost as new as we are. They’ve joined up and hope to be better together than apart. Especially Hunter.

Grizzly nods, rubbing his hands together.

Grizzly: What did you think of them? You’ve already faced Hunter, but haven’t seen Blaze yet.

Jimmy: Hunter was a good opponent, put up a nice battle, but seemed a bit too cocky for my liking.

Grizzly: From what I’ve seen of Blaze in the back, he seems the same way.

Jimmy nods, clicking his tongue.

Jimmy: Yea, they’ll put up a fight, but they need some humbling.

Jimmy turns and looks at Grizzly.

Jimmy: You ready to do so?

Grizzly nods.

Grizzly: Let’s go.

The two get up and walk off the dock as the screen fades.
The dust settles after Jimmy Flynn’s clean and polished truck screeches to a halt. Next to Grizzly Bob’s red and rusty pick-up, it makes for an interesting contrast. His sneakers and jean-shorts first emerge from the vehicle, followed by the rest of Flynn. His chest swells as he inhales the fresh mountain air. The door shuts crisply and the indentations left by Jimmy’s shoes are visible in the dusty path to Grizzly’s wooden cabin. Dawn has yet not broken through the encroaching trees, but Grizzly is already waiting on his veranda, freshly flannelled, to greet his guest. He rises to his feet and strolls over toward Flynn, extending a big, calloused palm.

Grizzly: Well, if it ain’t Mr Flynn, dropping in. How are ya, sir? It’s an honour to have you over by the ole’ homestead.
Jimmy: Thanks for having me, Grizzly. I’m just fine. Are you ready to show me what you do?
The two men lock hands, meeting each other’s gaze in acknowledgement.
Grizzly: You bet your hide. Follow me!

Flynn follows Grizzly as he arrives at an evergreen that is leaning precariously to the side of his cabin.

Grizzly: That right there is a red cedar. It was a particularly windy winter this year and now he’ll crush my house if I’m not careful.
Jimmy: But that thing’s huge! It must be ancient.
Grizzly: I know what you mean, Jim, but look at its leaves. That ole’ boy is dead. Normally, I’d feel mighty awful about cuttin’ him down, but because he’s passed on, it’s not a problem. Now, the first thing we need to do is to secure him with these here cables. How’s your throwing arm?
Jimmy’s eyes narrow as a smile creeps across his face.
Jimmy: I pitched a couple of no-hitters in high school...
Grizzly grins.
Grizzly: Excellent! I need you to hold on to these cables, while I climb the tree.
Jimmy: Yeah, hopefully you don’t make it topple!

The two share a laugh. Jimmy shoulders the rolled-up cables while Grizzly scales the tree. The sun has finally broken through the surrounding area and Jimmy shields his eyes from its sharp rays. Only after he takes a minute to appreciate the tranquillity of the moment, does he notice that his partner already made it halfway up the tree. Puzzled, but amused, the Devil’s Dancer watches Grizzly scamper through the branches, almost effortlessly.

Jimmy: You know, from here you look a lot quicker than I’d have thought.
As his remark is met by a grunt, Jimmy lets out a chuckle.
Grizzly: Oh yeah? Well, from here you look as tiny as a field mouse. Now how’s about you toss me that cable?

Flynn grabs the steel roll, holds on to one end, swings it back and forth for some momentum then he lets it rip. While unrolling, it cuts through the air and makes it into the big man’s hands easily.
Grizzly: Hell! That’s some pitch you got there!
Jimmy: I told you...
Grizzly: You sure did. Now hold on to your end and don’t let go!

Grizzly secures the cable around the tree and nestles it firmly between the bigger branches. As he makes his way down, he keeps hold of his own end. As he lands on the ground, he creates a big cloud of dust. Jimmy is left standing right where he is as Grizzly heads off into his house and returns with two strange-looking tools. Flynn notices their hooks and gears, unfamiliar to those instruments.

Jimmy: Now what, big guy?
Grizzly: These’re called ratchets. They go into the rings of our steel cable. Let me show you how we can make sure that this tree won’t fall in a direction we don’t want it to.

Grizzly hooks the ratchets around two other trees, forming a triangle. He hooks them into the cable and starts to crank the ratchet, tightening the cable.

Grizzly: You take the other end!
Jimmy: Way ahead of you!
Jimmy hurries over to the other anchoring tree and the two men tighten the steel cable. After a while Grizzly plucks the cable and it behaves like a tuned string and produces a low, but clear note.

Grizzly: Yeah, I think we’re done here. Now we get to the fun part.
Grizzly produces a fifteen-foot bow-saw from his house. After sizing up the tree and determining the best angle of insertion, he passes Jimmy one of the handles and they get to work. It doesn’t take them long to cut through a third of the tree, but one of the two men is visibly tiring.
Grizzly: Let’s... take... five. Don’t know... how you do it.
Jimmy: It’s pretty self-explanatory: back-and-forth while holding on to the saw.
Grizzly: No... I mean... the way you... just don’t... get tired. You’re tougher than a badger! Most of my old colleagues would be out to pasture by now.
Jimmy: Regular exercise, a good diet...
Grizzly: Laugh it up, funny man. But seriously, you’re a natural. If you ever find yourself out of work...
Jimmy: I’ll know where to find you.
Grizzly: Good, now let’s finish what we came here to do.

They furiously continue to chip away at the red cedar. Eventually, when both men barely can lift their arms and are just using their bodyweight to push the saw along, they hear a crack, followed by a mighty crash. The tree-trunk comes crashing down far away from the wooden cabin. Grizzly and Flynn sit down, pleased by their efforts.

Jimmy: Grizz, I think we did well today.
Grizzly: I’m spent. You know, for a rookie, you did a great job fellin’ your first tree. How’s about we go grab a cold one?
Jimmy: Before midday?
Grizzly: Sure, why not? Most folk you’ll find at this local canteen are either too nice to care or too drunk to notice.
Jimmy: But do you think it’s a good idea to drink alcohol a few days before our big match?
Grizzly: Heck, no! But ole’ Granny Brown makes the best lemonade in town. Just don’t mess with her – she keeps a loaded .45 behind the bar.
Jimmy Flynn looks at Grizzly with a doubtful look on his face.
Grizzly: It’ll be fun, man! We can shoot some pool, listen to some ZZ Top...
Jimmy: Okay, I’m in. But only if I don’t have to endure ZZ Top!

The pick-up arrives at the bar. The place is surprisingly busy for that early in the day and the blues are blaring. Jimmy allows himself a wry smile as he gets a better understanding of the sort of community that his soon-to-be tag-partner emerged from. As he exits the truck, Grizzly’s eyes narrow as he notices another pick-up a few parking spaces from them. It's rather muddy and its cargo is well-covered. Flynn could see that something was troubling him.
Jimmy: Hey, bud. What’s wrong?
Grizzly: I know that truck. Now listen here, we’re not going to look for trouble. Got that?
Jimmy: Of course, of course. Ease up a little, will you?

They enter the bar and order two lemonades. Grizzly lights a cigarette and takes a relaxed swig of his non-alcoholic drink, but Jimmy winces. Grizzly sees this and gives a little chuckle.
Jimmy: What’s in this stuff?
Grizzly: That’d be the ginger – very good for the sinuses.
Jimmy: Yeah, I bet.

At the pool table, four men are slightly drunk and arguing about a game. They are dressed in jeans and sleeveless flannel shirts. Jimmy looks over at them, looks over at Grizzly, then back at them and he nods his head. Suddenly, it makes sense. He knows he’s in chequered country, now. What also strikes him as strange, are the four rifles stacked against the pool table. No doubt these guys are hunters.

Jimmy: Are they the reason you’re upset, big guy?
Grizzly grimaces and puffs of smoke rushes from his nose, reminding Jimmy a little of an enraged bull.
Grizzly: Poachers. The skinny one’s Willy D. He’s the brains behind the operation. Caribou, bobcats, bears, anything... The goons I don’t know, they come and go. What I’ve heard’s mostly rumours, but at home I regularly hear the gunshots and the engine. The sounds come from Hangman’s Creek, mostly. I know somebody’s up to no good, but I don’t know for sure.
Jimmy: Well?
Grizzly: Well, what?
Jimmy: Well, here’s your chance! I’m not the kind of man that’ll let guys like these do whatever the hell they want. Are you?
Grizzly: I can’t just go ‘round assaulting them ‘cause I disagree with ‘em about hunting!
Jimmy: No, but poaching is illegal.
Grizzly lets out a big sigh.
Grizzly: You know, you’re right. You’re right. There’s right and there’s wrong. What those hicks do is wrong.
Jimmy: Here’s what I have in mind...
They huddle together and speak in hushed tones, then leave. After an hour or so, the four men leave as well, with smoke and liquored fumes in their wake.

The wrestlers are hidden from view, crouching from on high, behind a perched boulder at Hangman’s Creek. While Grizzly is distracted by the moss and insects on the rock, Flynn keeps a keen eye on the road, singular in his focus. Suddenly, Grizzly’s eyes flick towards the road as well.
Grizzly: You hear that?
Jimmy: No... wait, yeah, now I hear it.

The faint humming of the engine gets louder as the vehicle approaches. Willy D gets out of the truck, followed by his goons. They pull off the sail from the back, revealing nothing but guns and dozens of antlers. Grizzly closes his eyes and shudders.
Willy D: Here kitty, kitty... Here kitty, kitty... Papa wants a new pair of shoes!

One of the goons takes out a bottle of cheap beer from his pocket and twists the cap off with his eye-socket, before leaning on the hood of the truck. While they are preparing for their hunt, the Devil’s Dancer sneaks toward the road leading to Hangman’s Creek. Grizzly stays hidden behind the big rock.
Goon: Hey, Willy, ya think it’s good idea to be lookin’ for cougars as well? I reckons dey be mighty dangerous in these here parts right here!
Willy D: Shut up, ye dumbshit! I don’t pay ye to do any thinkin’ fer me.
Goon: I just dunno if it’s a good idea to be up these here parts without one of us young un’s keepin’ the engine runnin’, is all.
Willy D: Just listen to me now, ye flea-ridden sack of piss. We ain’t worryin’ ‘bout no law. Nothin’ a good bribe won’t fix. We gots plenty of dollar to go ‘round. And if one o’ dems big cats come a-chargin’ at ye, just put a bullet right between its eyes.

Jimmy: Good day, sirs. Would any of you fine gentlemen mind telling me what you’re doing here in Hangman’s Creek, noted breeding ground for many wild and endangered species? Are those guns as well? May I see your hunting permits?
Jimmy walks up the path leading to the creek and his demeanour is seemingly cheerful.
Willy D: Who in the blue blazes is you and what’s it to ye, stranger? You’re not from ‘round these parts, are ye? If ye were, you’d know better than to stick that nose of yer’s into my affairs!
Jimmy: Believe me, sir, I wouldn’t stick my nose anywhere near any affair of yours, because it would be a “family affair” and I don’t condone that sort of behaviour.
Goon: Shit, Willy, this pretty-boy went and called you an inbreeder!
Willy D: Like hell he did!

Willy D’s goons slowly walk up to Jimmy. One of them has his rifle with him and has it trained on Jimmy, while another retrieves a long piece of rope from the truck. The air is deathly still.

Willy D: Say, son, ye know why people calls this here the Hangman’s Creek? I reckons we ought to give our guest a demonstration.
Jimmy: Before you do that, let me ask YOU something: Are you ready to dance?

As the goons draw nearer and nearer to Jimmy, a savage growl pierces the air. When the hunters look up the gentle slope of the surrounding area, they see a boulder rolling towards their truck, followed by a charging Grizzly.
Willy D: Crap! CRAP! Get that truck o’ mine out the way!

As two of the goons sprint towards the pick-up, Jimmy takes advantage of the confusion and punches the other one. They exchange blows, while Willy D has Grizzly in his sights. He shoots, but all he hits is the boulder! At last, Jimmy overpowers his opponent and punches him in the gut. He staggers, before collapsing.

The two goons arrive at the truck, but it’s still in gear and they try in vain to push it out of the way of the rolling rock. The stone collides with the truck, but not before the two poachers jump out of the way. Picking up one of their weapons, Grizzly knocks out the two grounded men with the butt of the gun.

Before Willy D can take another shot at Grizzly, Jimmy Flynn locks in the Omoplata! Willy D groans in anger and lets go of his gun in a failed effort to escape the hold. As he’s writhing in pain, Flynn eases up on the hold. The big man rests his boot on Willy D’s stomach and leans up close to his face.

Grizzly: If we EVER see you near MY woods again, Jimmy here will break you damn arm! And I’ll break the rest of you!

Grizzly clenches his fist and hits Willy D right on the jaw. He doesn’t utter a sound, as he’s passed out cold. Jimmy gets up and dusts himself off.
Jimmy: Thanks for having my back! I thought I was in hot water when they closed in on me.
Grizzly: Right back at you, Jimbo! If you hadn’t handled Willy like you did, I might’ve had my head blown clean off my shoulders. You’re a good man and I needed you today to remind me when it’s time to act.
Jimmy: You know what, Grizzly? I think we make a pretty damn good team.

Tired and dirty, the men start to walk home in the warm sunset light. Unbeknownst to them, they are being watched closely. Yellow eyes follow their movements for a long while, before finally turning back to the cave’s interior. Initially alarmed by the gunfire and intrigued by the action below, the eyes close again and the cougar returns to its deep sleep.
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