AF20: Dustin Hunter vs. Jimmy Flynn

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

The opening contest of Aftershock this week will be featuring Jimmy Flynn, a man who has fallen on hard times, taking on Dustin Hunter, a man was has an obsession with Thrash. Whilst nothing is on the line for either of these men, a win in this match will get the ball rolling as we get closer and closer to the Lethal Lottery. Unfortunately for Hunter, his choices in WZCW could see Thrash involve himself in some fashion although Flynn's condition after the Ladder match may not be at 100% by the time Aftershock rolls around.

Deadline is Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per request thread.
Saturday, March 23rd 2013.

We open to the inside of a restaurant in South Detroit where WZCW superstar Dustin Hunter is sitting on this cold Saturday night.

Dustin: I'll have a captain and coke.

Dustin places his drink order with the waiter to get him to leave him alone and then checks his phone and sees its 7:00 PM. He sighs deeply and dials a number then puts the phone to his ear. The phone rings multiple times but no answer and it goes to voicemail.

Dustin: Uh hey Katie it's 7:00 and I'm at the restaurant and you're not here. Let me know what's going on. Alright bye.

Dustin hangs up the phone and gets his drink from the waiter. He takes a big sip of it then places it down on the table. Ten minutes later still no sign of Katie, Dustin is now on his third Captain and Coke.

Dustin: This is pissing me off.

Suddenly someone walks into the restaurant that catches Dustin's attention, However it's not his friend Katie but instead fellow WZCW superstar and new found friend, Brent Blaze. Blaze walks over to Dustin with a smirk on his face and sits across from him at the table.

Dustin: What's up bro! Long time no talk!

Brent: I told you she wasn't gonna come. I told you she wouldn't talk to you again until you sobered up.

Dustin: She's just late that's all.

Brent: Yeah, Keep thinking that. You know I can save you, There's a reason you haven't won anything yet in WZCW and I have. My mind is clear from addictions, Addictions like alcohol that you are struggling with.

Dustin mumbles something under his breath that isn't picked up by the cameras mic.

Brent: I didn't realize how bad your addiction was until last week when you brought that bottle of Champagne to celebrate with. Then you invite me out to a bar and you had so much to drink you could barley stand! If you wanna beat Jimmy Flynn this week you gotta focus!

Dustin: I'm already focused!

Brent: No your drunk, Like you are every day.

Dustin: At least I know how to have fun.

Brent: As do I but I don't need to get drunk to do it. It's called drinking in moderation Dustin! Christ you'd think with the family history of addiction you come from you'd know about moderation!

Dustin: Whatever.

Dustin gets up from the table, Clearly annoyed at Brent for the lecture and he walks out of the restaurant. Less than a minute after he leaves we see his friend, Katie Smith sit down at the table with Brent Blaze.


Monday, March 25th 2013

The WZCW cameras see Dustin Hunter walk past a sign that says "Welcome to Eastport, Maine".

Dustin: Jimmy Flynn, What a nice place you live. Perfect for a goody too shoes like yourself. Such a quiet place.

We now know Hunter is in his opponent of this week, Jimmy Flynn's hometown. Hunter walks into a high school that we can only assume is the high school Jimmy Flynn went to.

Dustin: I hear your famous in these halls. How special.

Dustin takes a plaque off the wall that has Jimmy Flynn's name on it.

Dustin: Well guess what kid? Nobody cares about what you've done in the past!

Dustin takes the plaque and throws it into a trash can near by. He then walks into the schools gym and looks around.

Dustin: This is this only place you feel safe I bet. You clearly can't feel safe in that ring knowing you have to face The Nightmare this week. Flynn, You will be the first to fall prey to this Hunter, This week is the beginning of my domination of this company.

Dustin walks out of the gym and a minute later out of the school.

Dustin: Am I in your head yet Flynn? Does it scare you that I invaded your town and even the place your glory days happened? Just wait until our match, Because I have every intention of crushing your dreams! I am your worst nightmare and soon you will realize that! Soon everybody will realize that!

Dustin walks off the school grounds and the camera fades to black.

A loud moan is the first sound that Leon Kensworth hears when he enters the Medic’s room. His person of interest, Jimmy Flynn, is getting his leg looked at by the doctor after his brutal ladder match with Grand Mystique. The pain that Jimmy feels as the doctor works on his leg is painted across his face, his eyes scrunched and biting his lower lip. The medic looks up at Leon, then back down at Flynn, who turns his head and spots the interviewer.

Jimmy: Welp, that happened

Leon shakes his head, as Jimmy attempts to sit up and turn towards his interviewer. The doctor, still trying to work with Flynn’s leg, sneaks around and tapes a bag of ice to his knee. Kensworth motions towards the bag, seemingly concerned about Jimmy’s leg.

Jimmy: Ehh, I’ll be fine. You wanted an interview, so I’ll give one.

Leon shrugs, and raises his microphone, preparing to start.

Leon: You sure you want to do this now? If you want, I can come back-

Jimmy: Nah, let’s do this.

Leon sighs, and then brings his mic up to his mouth.

Leon: Jimmy, you just went through one of, if not the most dangerous match of your career, as Grand Mystique took you to your limit in a ladder match. What is the condition of your leg after that match?

Jimmy looks down at his leg, slapping his thigh.

Jimmy: Well, Leon, that leg has never really been at one-hundred, but I felt it was close before that match. Now, I ain’t quite sure, but I will go out and keep on keeping on.

Leon looks at the doctor off screen, and then continues on.

Leon: Then, seeing how this was your first roulette round, how did you think it turned out, overall?

Jimmy chuckles, shaking his head.

Jimmy: Me personally, I don’t think I came out that well. But, it was very interesting. Aftershock was overly stacked up, and hopefully I can get back on my hot streak soon.

Jimmy breathes in deeply, before turning his attention back to Leon, his face cold as stone.

Jimmy: I have to say, I haven’t had the best last couple of weeks. First, my failure in the battle royal, now this. I’ve been on the decline, sad to say, but, I have a good feeling about this week.

Leon suddenly turns his attention to the door, as a backstage hand requests his presence for a minute. Kensworth excuses himself and walks out to the hall, while Jimmy turns and looks at the doctor.

Jimmy: Well, whatcha think?

Before the doctor can respond, Leon returns with a piece of paper.

Leon: Sorry about that, but I was given news about next week. Jimmy, it’s been announced that you’ll be facing off against fellow rising superstar Dustin Hunter. Thoughts?

Jimmy rubs his chin, gathering his thoughts.

Jimmy: Dustin Hunter… wasn’t he in the battle royal a few weeks ago?

Leon nods.

Jimmy: Hmm, this could be very interesting. Well, then, Mr. Hunter, see you on Aftershock. If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Kensworth.

With that, Flynn gingerly slides himself off the doctors table and limps out of the room as the scene fades.
The scene reopens in an empty field, the silence of the area calm in the sea of trees around it. A few twigs are snapped as Jimmy Flynn emerges from the trees, his limp much less noticeable than it was in the previous scene. Jimmy sighs, and then leans up against a tree.

Jimmy: This is one of my favorite places, a nice change of pace from the hectic world of wrestling. But this time, I’m not here to relax.

He moves away from the tree, and walks more into the field.

Jimmy: Dustin Hunter, you may walk into our match thinking that this will be easy. Even with my leg, I am a bigger fight than you realize. I will be the hammer, going harder than you will be able to keep up with. You better be ready to dance, because The Devil’s Dancer is comin’.

Flynn walks back into the trees as the scene fades to black.
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