AF 5: Joe West vs. Darren Bull vs. Triple X vs. Armando Paradyse (Over the top rope)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
This is a Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match and will be contested as an over the top rope challenge.

Deadline is Tuesday, February 7th at 11:59 PM Central Time
Joe West is seen in his locker room, once again with lemon propel water bottle in hand. He looks like he’s in somewhat of a trance, a determined but very dangerous trance, almost meditating with his eyes open. The interviewer speaks softly and slowly trying to get West’s attention without attracting his anger.

Ashley: Um…..Joe?

Joe quickly turn his head, Ashley flinched and somewhat seems startled.

Joe West: No need to be afraid, I assume you’re here to interview me about me about my upcoming match?

Ashley: Yes, it’s an over the top rope challenger for a spot in the Lethal Lottery.

Joe West doesn’t answer, he has a blank stare on his face, and it looks as though he’s snapped into that trance again.

Ashley: Joe?

Joe once again sharply turns his head to look at Ashley, this time with a look of anger upon him.

Ashley: So do you have any thoughts on the match Joe?

Joe West: Boy do I have some thoughts. Everybody has been calling me generic, forgettable, the same damn cocky kid that enters the company everyday who can’t get the job done. They snicker and laugh at me behind my back; they say my name is terrible; they don’t even give me a second look. They think I am a joke. We’ll let me ask you people something (Joe looks straight into the camera.) Was it generic when I delivered one of the best damn roundhouse kicks to head of Darren Bull? Was it forgettable when I smashed his skull into the ground with the RMA? Did I not get the job done when pinned his shoulders to the mat for the win?

Joe West then looks away from the camera, and becomes somewhat a little more relaxed, even smirks.

Joe West: This is starting to remind me of my middle school days, being shoved in lockers, verbally abused; even the teachers enjoyed my bullying. In fact I remember one time in which I went down to my school’s gym. Nobody was there so I thought I was safe. I got inside the boxing ring. It was my first time in a real ring; I pretend that it was a wrestling ring. Next thing I know three boys from the football team hopped in ring and started beating me down. I was scrawny back then, couldn’t defend myself for nothing. One of them knew I was a wrestling fan and decided to repeatedly throw me over the top rope, then made a joke about what I can only assume be a battle royal. Hard to really pay attention when you have a concussion, nothing even happened to those boys, got away without so much as a detention.

Joe west then takes a drink of water from his bottle and once again looks into the camera.

Joe West: Triple X, Darren Bull, Armando, you represent those three boys. I will do everything in my power to make sure I never suffer embarrassment again. Bull you remind me of the party obsessed, no soul losers who infested my school. People like you make me sick, and I will be doing the WZCW a favor by making sure you’re not in the LL. Triple X you used to be a drug addict and an abuser of alcohol, now you may have turned your life around but kids like you made my life a living hell because I was above drinking and doing drugs to make me feel better about my pathetic life. I’d bet my money that your dead girlfriend was one of those kids; unlike you and probably the rest of your former posy she had the good sense to off herself. Maybe before stepping in the ring with me you should do the same.

Joe then begins to laugh and takes another drink of water.

Ashley: Joe do you think that was really needed?

Joe West: Shut your mouth Ashley. Armando, down all the red bulls you want,
Keep getting yourself pumped. You’re just like the kids who knew they were pathetic but kept believing their own lies and telling themselves otherwise.
All you’re doing is getting yourself ready for disappointment.
You see I am the only one who successfully won their match on Aftershock
And I will continue to.

Joe West: You three are stepping into the Wild Wild West.
There will be no cowboys, no showdowns, just the Quick….and the dead.
(Metaphorically speaking of course)

Joe West then winks at the camera and continues to drink from his water bottle.

Joe West: Now get the hell out of my locker room before you take an express ride on the West Airlines.

Ashley then leaves locker room, and Joe slowly slips into the trance once again, a blank stare, but somehow filled with silent rage.

As the camera flickers into life, we see Becky Serra standing in a WZCW interview area, microphone in hand.

Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time; Triple X.

The camera pans round to see Triple X, a wry smile on his face, hopping from foot to foot on the spot, clearly focused on the match he has later than day.

Now X, as we all know, tonight, you’re in a huge over-the-top-rope four-man match against Armando Paradyse, Darren Bull and Joe West, with a spot in the Lethal Lottery match hanging in the balance. Your thoughts.

X stops bouncing, eyes focused straight ahead, past the camera.

The Lethal Lottey match. Twenty superstars, twenty of the best this company has to offer. One winner, headlining Kingdom Come with a shot at the World heavyweight Championship. My thoughts are…(he turns his head to face Serra)…sounds pretty good to me.

I realise, I’m still new around here and all, but I look at it like this. I’m a goal’s and objectives kinda guy; I set out what I want to do, and I go out and do it. Now I know that some guys around here take one look at me, and figure they have me sussed out. They think that I’m just here to make up the numbers, do a few pretty flips and dives to please the fans, and settle for taking my paycheck without actually accomplishing anything.

Only see, here’s the thing. A great man once said ‘If you don’t want to be world champion, then you shouldn't be here.’ Now I may come out and be all happy-go-lucky, and I may have the ambition of making sure that fans go home happy each and every night, but make no mistake. No. Mistake. I’m here because I’m good enough to be world champion. No, scratch that. I'm here because I am a future world champion. And the Lottery match is my ticket, my 'objective', and once I get into it, my goal is to become the number one contender to the world title.

Well with all due respect, X, three men will be standing in your way of that objective, and they’ll have something to say about you achieving it.

Becky, tonight I face three very different, yet very similar men, in a unique match. Now, many will look at my high-risk style and see it as a hindrance, a possible handicap to my goal. I see it as a tool. Handstands, spider-man jumping from the barricade to the ring, we’ve all seen what can be done with a little creativity, and my creativity will be the difference maker here tonight.

Is there any added pressure going up against the reigning Mayhem champion in this contest?

Armando and I share a bond, a bond of parkour and risk-taking. Now, I’ve seen him in action and he’s a hell of an athlete, but these positives don’t help the fact that I just plain don’t like him. Armando is the kind of guy who thinks that he can get what he wants when he wants, because ‘every day for him is a day in…PARADYSE!’. In actual fact, all he’s gonna get is his ass kicked over the top rope. The only added pressure is how long I choose to let him stay in the match.

And what of the other two men in this contest. Darren Bull and Joe West; two relative newcomers like yourself?

Darren and I, like myself and Armando, share something too; we both had troubled upbringings. Yet, like Armando, he also believes he can get whatever he wants, whenever he wants. And in some sad, pathetic way, he thinks he has a chance in the Lethal Lottery match, let alone getting there. Darren, all you have is the pretty face, and you think that’s gonna take you places. See how that works out for ya once I kick your nose so hard it comes out the back of your skull.

And then there’s Joe. Joe, Joe, Joe…bullied and disrespected at school, I can relate to that. But rather than rise above it and be better as a result, he became what he loathed. Only the thing is, he enjoys it so much he can’t see that. I also went down the wrong path, only the difference is, I realised what I was doing before it was too late to change. People like Joe never change. They just stay arrogant, and eventually, karma turns around and bites them in the ass. Trust me on that one, Joe.

And how do you respond to Joe’s comments about your past in his recent interview?

X stops and stares at Serra, then slowly turns so his entire body is facing the camera, a cold stare in his eyes has replaced the usual sparkle of life that resides there. Slowly, he grabs the necklace around his neck, holding it up.

She’s dead because of me, Joe. I know that, and I accepted that long ago. But if you want to open that can of worms, be my guest. Because you won’t come out the other side the same man. Hell, you might not come out at all. Because don’t think for one second that after two matches, you know what I’m capable of. You have no idea. And that should scare you Joe, and you know why? Because it scares me.

He takes a breath, and turns back to Serra.

You see, Becky, I have a little extra motivation going into this match thanks to Mr West, and that sets me apart from the other competitors. All three men are aiming to win this match for one reason; for themselves. I’m not. That’s why I'm going to lethal Lottery. I’m not doing it for me. I’m not even doing it for them. He points off camera, alluding to the audience. He stares at Becky, grabbing the necklace once more, and turns back to the camera.

I’m doing it for her.

He turns to Serra. We’re done here.

X walks away, leaving Becky slightly stunned by what she’s just heard, as the camera slowly fades to black.
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