The camera comes alive, recording what appears to be a hotel room. Triple X, in a hooded sweatshirt, hood up, sits on the chair that is the focal point of the video. It is dark in the room; only a desk lamp allows us to see the shadowy figure now in the chair before us. The camera's timestamp says it is 4:25am, backed-up by the exhausted looking X.
I figured that, as I can't sleep, I might as well do something creative. I bought this camera ages ago; I used it to document my time in Japan and Mexico. Figured that if I make it into WZCW I'd keep some sort of 'diary'. So consider this the first entry.
He leans back into the chair and rubs his face; he is clearly tired but clearly troubled, with a lot on his mind.
So, the big day fast approaches. My first match in WZCW. Am I excited? You bet your ass I am. Am I terrified? (laughs) Well, you bet your ass I'm that, too. This is the biggest opportunity I have ever got, and if you'd have told me seven or eight years ago that this is what I'd be doing with my life...nah. Sorry pal, you've got the wrong guy. That's what I'd be saying. You want a definition of dream-jobs? This is it, right here. (He looks down for a second, reflecting on his own words)
It's funny, actually. Seven years ago, this would have been the last thing on my mind. I wouldn't have even thought this was possible. Then again, to be honest, I'd probably be too stoned, or too drunk, to care. Back then I was just another waster; a guy who blamed society for his failings because he was too dependant on substances to accept his own. And I lost everything. Let that sink in for a second. EVERYTHING. My friends abandoned me, my family rejected me, and my girlfriend- (X stops, and looks away. He is clearly holding back a lot of emotion, but refuses to let it get to him) -I lost a lot, okay. And I could have remained in that hole, and dug deeper, and deeper, hoping someone would save me, but I didn't. I woke up, clawed my way out and decided to do something about my life. With my life. Fast-forward a few years and here I am, in a hotel room, at half 4 in the morning.
He takes the hood down, and leans forward into the camera; strands of his dyed-red and black hair dangle in front of his face.
Jack O'Lantern. you may or may not watch this. Either way is fine with me. But if you do, I want you to listen to me loud and clear. I watched your match on Aftershock, and read your profile. You're good. Sick, derranged and generally insane, but good. I'm looking forward to getting into the ring with you, because as sick and derranged as you are... (a smirk crosses his face) I'm just as bad, Jack. I'm not afraid of tapping into my darkside, and if you push me, you'll know the definition of someone 'snapping'. That being said, I don't wanna hurt you. Jack. I have no problem with you. I'll do enough to get the job done, and that'll be plenty. But you are in my way, Jack. That's a place you don't wanna be. Because I'm only going in one direction, and that's forward. You stand in my way, I'm going through you. X gets up, picks up the camera, walks over to the window, and holds the camera about head-height. Here we see X's piercing blue eyes, illuminated by the near-by lamp.
I'm not gonna say I'm here for one reason only. That would be wrong. I'm here for a number of them. Like many guys in this company; guys like Big Dave, guys like Ty Burna, guys like Titus, Everest, Reynolds, Cougar, even you, Jack; the list goes on. I want to be the best. Why else would I be here? But there's something you need to know about me. I climb the ropes, I dive from high places, I do stupid stuff and risk my life for two reasons. 1: because I love it. 2: Because the fans want to see it. I will go out every night and do something stupid so they have a good time and go home happy. That's what I'm all about. And for me, there's no better reason. I guess what I'm trying to say is...
He sweeps his hair back with his free hand, and stares directly into the camera; a cold, almost deadly stare that has yet to be seen from Triple X.
I am an addict. And this is now my addiction. And Jack (his stare suddenly turns into a sinister smile) I will not be denied.
The camera shuts off, leaving all of those watching with black screens. X places the camera down, and sits on the edge of his bed. He touches the pendant he wears religiously around his neck. The bad dreams, the recollections of his past that have haunted him for what seems like forever have never been as strong as they have recently. Stress, nervousness, over-thinking, there could be a million and one causes. But X knows that each one is an obstacle he has already overcome, and each one has now become fuel that drives him in the ring.
I will not be denied, huh? He mutters, as he climbs back into bed.
You're god-damn right I won't.