Advice on a job


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
So I went to an interview today. It is for selling and helping customers upgrade their cable and phone to a bundle package for AT&T. Now when in the interview the man interviewing me seemed to be very unprofessional and slipped cuss words at least 20 times which didn't bother me but it just didn't seem right for an interview. This job would be 100% commission which scares me. I am invited to attend a 2 day class starting tomorrow but i'm really thinking about just looking for a job elsewhere. I really need some advice because this would be my first job. What do you guys think?
it sounds like one of those jobs where you have to apply very pushy selling techniquies in order to achieve your "sales target", how much do you actually know about the job you've had the interveiw with?
Well i guess there's no harm in doing the training course if you have nothing better to be doing just don't sign anything until the course is finished and your happy to work with them, but don't let them pressure you into signing anything
it sounds like one of those jobs where you have to apply very pushy selling techniquies in order to achieve your "sales target", how much do you actually know about the job you've had the interveiw with?

I had one of those, lasted two weeks of 12 hour shifts 5 days a week for training. I saw three people make a sale in that time.
The second shortest job I've ever had was selling insurance on commision, when you needed paper there was this fat lady that tried to make you queue up and explain why you needed it. A girl made a mistake on something, cant remember what, not a big deal, and the manager who was a very stressed looking baldy man reduced her to tears with shouting, and not the kind of "get a grip love" kind of tears you normally get from those situations.

-EDIT- *Random tangent* I just remembered me and my mate made him a cup of tea and spat in it repeatedly, not something I am particularly proud of but it still makes me laugh nonetheless, that and citing my reason for leaving as "your a fat bald cunt, who probably cant get a boner, and you take it out on the girls around here" to which my mate added "did he mention your fat?" it went something like that anyway. In my defence I was younger then and not particularly witty. I'd probably think of something cleverer now, although I wonder if I'd actually say it. Sometimes I wonder if it was unnecessary, but oh well */close random tangent-EDIT-

Great fun.

But yeah, go to the training thingy, and if its not for you its not for you.
Before tomorrow I suggest you start Googling some terms to see if you can get a definite of the position.

My initial guess is that they will give you some names and addresses of their phone customer (sometimes outdated info) and have you go door-to-door trying to get people to add more services like you said. Basically soliciting. It is also possible it may be cold-calling but I don't think that is 100% commissions.

The fact that the interviewer was unprofessional and not sharing much information is usually a bad sign. Your decision should be based on what you have to lose or gain. You may turn out to be really good and therefore successful with the job. It may be a waste of your time. It may just lead to you having a really funny story to tell your friends in 20 years. Jobs and careers are tough, especially in this economy. You have to decide what is best for you. All I know about you is that your mother may be a wolf and your father may be satan. Anyway, best of luck.
it's probably Vector or cobra group anyways.
What is the name of the third party group?

You're not working for AT&T.
It's probably a shitty business like Vector, much like what Lee said. This is a basic rundown of their scam:

You go to a training session/workshop/information briefing or whatever they call it, and you aren't payed. They basically tell you you're going to be selling something (usually knives), and that it pays extremely well (based on your performance), they'll tell you how some summer kid made $20,000 in two months, and how it'll be one of the greatest experiences of your life.

Then they single you out at some point, usually pulling you aside and say you have a real talent, or that you look like you would be a natural to make you feel special. Skip ahead, you have to buy from them their demonstration kit of whatever they are selling (how they make money), and encourage you to give them names, addresses, numbers to family/friends, which they can use or sell to other people for profit. They also encourage you to practice your sales pitch to people you know, because they know that it's a decent chance a family member will buy something to try to help out.

It's a huge fucking scam, and honestly, if after the interview phase they want you to go a workship/briefing in which you aren't paid, that's a big red flag. I would just nix this opportunity because it's likely bullshit and look elsewhere.
The fact that you don't know the name of the company should set alarm bells off already.

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