Advertising in nontraditional outlets...

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Before I get started, allow me to say that this is NOT the place to advertise anything of yours. The rules clearly state advertising is against the rules, so abide by them.

So, I was on Youtube listening to a song on a popular video. Admittedly, it was the music video for the song "Rude" by Our Name is Magic. I won't apologize for liking that song. Anyway, in the comment section there was a musician, wanting to get his music out to the world so that people notice him. So he asked them to check out his channel if the reader so chose to. Afterall, they're already on Youtube doing nothing important so why not?

Well, unfortunately the internet is full of trolls and haters. So naturally, they bashed him for not going through proper means of paying for ad space or an agent and getting people to listen that way. And I thought to myself, why?

This isn't just on that video, it happens a lot. An avid Youtuber who days video game commentary actually posts videos and allows his viewers to plug their own channels. And yet, despite his blessings people still hate on the ones who take him up on the offer. Again, the question is why?

Is it so wrong for someone to want to use the given free advertisement option and actually do it? Is it so wrong for someone with little to no money to want to save money whenever he/she can so that they can still make a living while supporting a passion? Does it bother you personally when you read these kind of advertisements?
It doesn't bother me at all when I see people post those. It's not hurting me in any way. When I was more motivated I'd "advertise" my band all on YouTube, Facebook and at one time MySpace.

I think people are just bitches and look for things to complain about. Had it not been for some of those comments I may not have found some of the bands I like. The first one that comes to mind is Future Idiots who used to post on a lot of Blink 182 videos.
Is it so wrong for someone to want to use the given free advertisement option and actually do it?

Not in my opinion and I don't see why anyone should catch any crap for it. It's like being offered a free sample of something while you're at the supermarket but then the person offering the sample gets pissed because you didn't buy it. As long as you're not breaking the law and you're actually encouraged to do so, I see no issue with it. Gotta get your shit out there to the world somehow and, besides that, it's not exactly as if it's a level playing field out there in the world. It never really has been. In the world of entertainment, no matter the genre, there can be any number of things that play a part in helping you "make it", but the most obvious one and what some consider to be the most important element these days is image. If you don't have that certain type of image that the executives for record, film or TV companies want to project, it can awfully damn difficult to even get your foot in the door. A lot of the time, they won't even give you the time of day.

For instance, let's say that you're someone trying to make it in country music. Now maybe you're a guy who has a deep, powerful baritone voice that'd make Johnny Cash sound like a sissy, maybe that voice can sing those slow & romantic ballads in such a way that makes women wet themselves, or those songs of pain & loss with such conviction that it makes the listener get misty eyed, maybe you can write songs that are catchy, meaningful, tells great stories, evokes emotional responses, any or all of the above, etc. Now, let's say that you weigh in at over 300 pounds with glasses so thick that you can't see 5 feet in front of you with them off. Any number of executives would like the fact that you're someone that's obviously talented, but they'll also very much hate the fact that you don't look like some dreamboat that'd make girlies swoon and men jealous. As a result, more often than not, you probably wouldn't be signed to the label because of it. Is it right or fair? Nope, not in my opinion. Personally, I wouldn't care if the guy looked like roadkill as long as he was talented but, then again, that's just me. Maybe he doesn't have the time or finances to hire a personal trainer or a nutritionist to design a meal plan for him or to get corrective eye surgery. As a result, he may have to try to go the less traditional route of trying to become famous through the internet. It's an uphill battle, but it's also possibly all he's got if he hopes to make it as a big league star someday.

Is it so wrong for someone with little to no money to want to save money whenever he/she can so that they can still make a living while supporting a passion? Does it bother you personally when you read these kind of advertisements?

Hell no it's not. Once upon a time, it part of something called the American Dream. Someone doing what they could to keep clothes on their backs, food in their guts and a roof over their head while striving to make a living doing what they love used to be something people admired.
The answer to both question is no it is not wrong to advertise in anyway possible, and to save money anyway one can. I am a restaurant chef, and to advertise in magazines, and radio and such is very expensive. A lot of times restaurants do not have that extra money once the food, utilities, liquor, and payroll is paid for so they look to face book and twitter to advertise what they are doing. It works really well and it is absolutely free. I have never heard of any restaurant getting ripped on for doing that so I I believe it is wrong for anyone to rip on someone for advertising on youtube. When you are starting a venture often times money is very limited, and it is a person's right to do what they have to do as far as getting the word out about their product no matter what that product is. Imo a person that takes advantage of something free is a very smart person.
I don't see anything wrong with advertising your band on a YouTube comments section of a song that is of a similar kind of music to your own. It just makes sense, and if I was in a band I would damn well do the same! You'd be stupid not to, as all it takes is for the right person to show an interest in your comment, click the link and then become a fan of your band which could lead to great things.

In my Marketing job I am involved in advertising for our company, and knowing how much it costs to book an advert in a magazine, web space, or to send out e-Shots, then of course young bands are going to try and get their name out there by utilising free methods.

Of course, things like giving out flyers, home-made CDs of your music etc will still get utilised, by why not take advantage of every opportunity out there. It isnt like they are graffiting their band name on someone's house is it? It's hurting no-one and maybe could help someone achieve their dream.
I get where people are coming from. Aren't the comments section supposed to be for comments on the video, not advertisements for yourself? The advertisements are counter to the experience people expect to have in sharing their thoughts about the actual subject at hand.

Cock Rings! Cock Rings! Cock Rings! Earl's House of Cock Rings! All the finest cock rings in the greater western Pennsylvania area. We got every size for every type, now also featuring the finest marble cock rings from the orient. Cock Rings! Cock Rings! Cock Rings! Earl's House of Cock Rings, I-80 near the Shakey's with the broken down camper deserted on the western side of the building. Cock Rings!

Wasn't that annoying? Did that have any redeeming quality? Was there any purpose to that in this discussion? Just because something is free doesn't make it right to take advantage. Is it OK to stuff all the mints in your pockets when you leave a restaurant?

So yes, I think it is wrong but honestly I don't care enough to do anything about it. I'm no internet vigilante. Comments sections are there for commentary, not advertising. I just don't why know why God and Moses didn't make a Thou Shall Not Use Free Electronic Media to Advertise Outside of a Dedicated Structure commandment.

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