Admit it


Unregistered User
You're all just at least a very, VERY tiny bit afraid that Rapture will occur tomorrow.

I had to drive into New York City today to help my dad move some samples for his job (he sells ceramics and kitchen appliances and whatnot), and we were listening to the various radio stations on the way to the city. Not one DJ went more than 20 minutes without making some sort of reference to the Rapture. They were playing songs like, "It's the end of the world as we know it," "Losing my religion," and, "Spirit in the sky." One radio station does a thing where they play three songs with a common theme and the first caller to correctly guess the theme wins. I knew before it even started that the theme was going to be rapture, and sure enough, the first song that plays was, "Spirit in the Sky." I didn't even bother listening to the next two, but my dad and I guessed "Knocking on Heaven's Door," "Highway to Hell," or, "In the Presence of the Lord."

Why is this on everyone's tongues? Because everyone, no matter how logical or rational they are, is just a little afraid. All those atheists that are throwing Rapture Parties in hotels and restaurants, they're a little afraid. All the fervent Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and any religion in between, they're a little afraid.

Just admit it, there is a very tiny, miniscule part of your conscience that is afraid that tomorrow might be the last day you say your Ned Flander-esque neighbor as he magically floats up towards the heavens.

Am I afraid? No, but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a little tiny part of me that finds itself entertaining the possibility. The logical and rational part of me knows that it's not going to happen, but a very small part says, "Hey, ya never know for sure."
I can say, with 100% conviction, that I'm not worried about this. Not at all.

Besides, what's the worst that can happen? "God" takes away the simple folk? Please -- have at 'em.
Scared? Why would I be sacared?

And yes, i do know for sure. Well at least, I know for sure these people are wrong, for various reasons. However, the rapture, were it real, may very well be tomorrow. Or today. Or next thursday.
I have it on good authority that tomorrow is safe. God wouldnt want us to miss Rock -vs- Cena.
Alright so here's the truth, with all joking aside. I wear a cross, I have religion within me. Do I believe in the Rapture tomorrow? 99.99% no. Why? Because in almost any bible/religious text there has ever been - it clearly says NO ONE WILL KNOW THE EXACT DATE/DAY/TIME when this event will happen.

Which makes me 99.99% sure this loon in Oakland is purely out of his mind and only hoping he's gaining ratings.

Now, that 00.01% of me that stands on the opposing side.. why is that? Because anything is possible, and I believe that term.

As far as being afraid of The Rapture? No. If random people "disappear" and it happens to be because of the Rapture, and I'm not one of them, then I'll know I still (apparently) have 5 months left before the official "ending" of the world. So there is no need to go ape shit tomorrow if I don't float into the sky. There will be reason to go ape shit in October, when the second part of this theory comes true.
Scared? Why would I be sacared?

And yes, i do know for sure. Well at least, I know for sure these people are wrong, for various reasons. However, the rapture, were it real, may very well be tomorrow. Or today. Or next thursday.

This is more what I'm getting at. We're rarely forced to face our mortality (well, most of us, NorCal and other servicemen and women might be an exception), and this is what Rapture is doing. Most of us (the logical ones anyway) know that it's not gonna happen, but the spirited ones also think, "but what if?"

I don't care if Rapture is tomorrow. I've long said that if the "one and only God" only chooses those who strictly follow the bible, hate gays, Jews, Muslims, anyone different from what their leaders tell them is normal, then I don't want to follow that God. However, the possibility of mass death in the face of a religious phenomenon does get you thinking about what happens to all of us after we die. This is a question I consciously don't bother asking myself, because the answer is impossible to find, but sometimes you get to wondering...
I don't worry about things that are out of my hands. If I did, terrorism might be a big issue for me.
If it wasent for this forum i would have no idea there was rumors of the rapture coming no one in Ireland has any idea of the possibility of the rapture being tomorrow.

Am i worried? hell no by the time its 6 oclock in america ill be smoking some joints with some freinds. The rapture will be the last thing on my mind.
You made fun of me for thinking, for a tiny second, that a fake commercial was real.

Because there is solid proof that those commercials are fake. There is no telling when or how the world as we knot it is going to end. I tend to think it's going to be though an eruption of a super volcano that blots out the sun causing massive crop and plant failure which in turn destroys eco-systems and breaks the food chain. After the world's food supply rapidly depletes itself, the desperate will turn to cannibalism, the fighters will look for any sort of food, and the defeatists will save themselves the struggle and kill themselves. Sad, but plausible.

Or we'll just blow ourselves to shit with advanced weaponry, there's really no way of knowing, and therein lies the thought behind this thread and Rapture. It's forcing people to deal with the reality that some day all this will end, whether it's by nature, human, or a divine act.
I'm with Will, about 1% of me is terrified. The rest is subdued and calm and rational.

Lol. Rosita from TNA wrote a message saying how much she loved everyone just in case.
Well, it's currently about 11 A.M, Saturday May 21st on Chatham Island in New Zealand, and 10:20 in Auckland, so in 6-7 hours we'll know for sure.
My mom and I were talking about this on Wednesday, I believe. She was telling me how the pastor at her church was predicting "sometime in the year 2012" the Rapture would take place, and sometimes, she really feels like God is coming for his people sooner then later. I mentioned that tiny little thing that was engrained into my head through my first 18 years of life about noone knowing the day or the hour, and my mom mentioned something about "signs of the time", and talked about the weather.

But it has had me thinking, and the first thing I thought about was my own mortality, and how I would handle it. I do believe in God, I just think it will be a life-long journey in trying to figure out to what capacity. I think about some of the old hymns such as "Just as I Am", and try to think of a God in that fashion. That as long as I come to him, he'll accept me for who I am, flaws and all. So if something like a Rapture were to take place, and heaven would be a place of no more sufferring and no more sorrow, the idea of Rapture happening tomorrow sounds like a pretty good idea, not one of fear whatsoever.

Besides, what's the worst that can happen? "God" takes away the simple folk? Please -- have at 'em.

Im not calling you out, by any means. I hate religious debates on a wrestling forum, and Ive had far too many already. But can you elaborate on what you mean by simple folk? Is it those who just have blind faith in God without utilizing common sense in their day to day decisions? Im just asking out of curiousity.

I don't care if Rapture is tomorrow. I've long said that if the "one and only God" only chooses those who strictly follow the bible, hate gays, Jews, Muslims, anyone different from what their leaders tell them is normal, then I don't want to follow that God.

You and I have talked God before, so Im fairly sure I know where you stand on the idea of "God". The God you described is the antithesis of a God Id want to follow as well, and sadly, it's that EXACT God that people believe are going to come Rapture them tomorrow, or in 2012.

But my question for you is this: Is there an idea of "God" you would want to follow? Suspending disbelief of course and operating on the assumption there isa God, of course.
Am i scared the world will end?
Yes, do i think its tomorrow? no
lets count all the DDays we were suppose too have 1 in 94,99,2000, now, 2012 thats 5 times what makes this any different ?
I think it's safe to say we know for sure that it's not going to happen. It seems odd for this guy to be able to figure out when Rapture is going to occur by United States Eastern Time, when there was no United States nor time zones back when the Bible was originally written. Additionally, the Bible itself claims that Rapture will be totally unpredicted, so to think a human device like mathematics will be able to predict such an event is nothing short of ridiculous.

This thread isn't about the supposed Rapture, it's about being afraid about dealing with your mortality, which is what thinking about Rapture is forcing people to do. I honestly think it's just a stunt that this guy is pulling to try to get people to go to church. I guarantee you that there are a whole bunch of people that are going to pray tonight that haven't prayed for a long time, and perhaps when they go to bed with everything fine on Saturday night, they'll decide that they want to go to church on Sunday so that when the Rapture really does come next time, they're prepared.
I doubt it'll actually happen, I think a lot of us are getting worked up about it to have something to play with. I'll b e checking the news about 2 or 3 A.M. to see if anyone's hit the heavens out of New Zealand yet.
No, I'm not scared in the slightest. There's nothing I can do about it regardless of when it happens so there's no use of me worrying about it. It would suck if a bunch of people commit mass suicide because they think Jesus is coming back. But I don't think we have anything to worry about.
But my question for you is this: Is there an idea of "God" you would want to follow? Suspending disbelief of course and operating on the assumption there isa God, of course.

I don't think there's any one way I can answer this question. But I'll start by answering the question "Would you want to believe in a god?" And I think the answer is no. I think one reason atheism makes the most sense to me is because being in control of ones own life and destiny is how I believe the universe operates. To think someone set certain events in place, even if they were ages upon ages ago, they would still indirectly effect me and I don't believe that that's how things operate.

But if I was to believe in a god, what would it be like? I'd want it to be a god that gets involved, that inspires people to treat each other with dignity and kindness, expresses the belief that all should be treated equally, prevents disease, famine, and natural catastrophes from effecting the poor, and inspire universal peace. After all, what's the point of having godlike powers if you aren't gonna use them?
I might have been scared if it wasn't for that minor detail that the rapture should have already happened many times already. In fact, the guy who said that the rapture is happening tomorrow was wrong once. And the fact that in the eastern half of the world, it's already May 21st.

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