Administrator Interview - Observation


Excellence of Execution
First of all, D-Man, I still have your thread to do. But you've been gone, and now I'm gone, so hopefully that will get done by this weekend.

However, in the meantime, this is something fairly easy. What I want is the three of you to tell me who you think our two best Moderators (regular or G-Mod) are, and why. Also, I want to know who you think are our two worst Moderators, and why. Finally, I want to know which two regular posters you think are the best candidates for a future Moderator spot, and why.

Keep in mind, that everything said here stays here, so don't be afraid to hurt anyone's feelings. Also, you can use ANY criteria to base your opinions on, including how often they're hear, how they treat posters, if they get along with Staff, etc. Additionally, I want to know your opinions of best and worst RIGHT NOW, not long-term. So, for example, don't say CM because he USED to give a lot of Infractions, because he doesn't do that anymore.

Fire away.
Best mods as of right now:

KB Without a shadow of a doubt he's the perfect mix of infracting and discussion

Norcal for the same reasons as listed above

D-man, X, IC aren't on as much as they used to be and neither am I, plus I'm working on becoming more discussion based than infracting as I think Ferbian does enough of that for us :p


CM Need I say more?

I can't pick another worst, Becca/Lariat/FTS have stepped down and everyone else does their bit.

Regular spots

How Dave is not a mod now I do not know, he works his fucking socks off.

I can't think of another regular who deserves it to be fair, it would be worth giving Ty/Phoenix/Doc another section or so to do.
My choices for best mods would have to be:

KB - It's quite obvious that the guy is almost ALWAYS on here, posts quite frequently, drives tons of discussion, gives incredible reviews, is always thinking about improvement within the forums, and is always infracting everywhere. The guy's an animal.

Norcal/Lee - I'm really torn between the two.

Norcal is one of my good friends and is really on here quite a lot. Meanwhile, he does a ton of cleanup control and posting within the forums. However, I feel that most of the posting that he's been doing lately has been short, sarcastic, and borderline-abrasive to some users. I just think that G-Mods should always set an example for other posters when giving their thoughts in threads. Also, they should still do their part to start threads in places besides the Cage and Bar Rooms. I really haven't seen Norcal starting many threads, but I could have missed them.

Lee is very similar to Norcal, in my opinion. Although he hasn't been on as much as he used to, as of late, he's still all over many non-spam sections and spreads his thoughts throughout the forums. His posts always bring good insight to the subject and always provide enough information to set a good example for other posters. Plus, he does his share of cleanup. His sarcasm and abrasiveness towards other posters is mostly in the spam-friendly sections, but then again, who's isn't?

Therefore, both of these guys are about equal in my opinion. Where Lee lacks in being on here enough he makes up for in his posting and all-around duties when he IS on. And even though Norcal hasn't really shown how great of a poster he can be lately, he still comes on here more than enough and really puts the work in when he's here.

My choices for worst mods would have to be:

Honorable mention:
CM - Totally obvious. But he's stepping down, so I guess it's unfair for me to list him here.

...but if I really had to choose two others, I'll start by saying that this is more like choosing the worst of the best. I honestly think all of the fat has been cut as pertaining to mods. That being said, I choose:

Tastycles - It hurts to mention him because he's really one of my favorite posters. But where the heck has he been? He's been on quite seldom and I haven't seen him infracting outside of his section at all. When he does come on he doesn't post nearly as much as he used to. Not to mention the fact that he NEVER creates new threads in his section. The GWD section used to be very limited in subject matter that you could make threads out of. Trust me, I know. But since we combined it with WWE vs. TNA discussion, he should have a MILLION ideas for threads in his head. After all, I honestly believe he is one of the forum's best posters. But, I feel that talent is being wasted.

Xfear - It's probably not a surprise to anyone that I'd choose him, considering that he's never been a big fan of mine. I find that we disagree on just about everything and I truly go out of my way to avoid him in every section. When he and I start in about a subject, he takes the low road every time and automatically resorts to his usual abrasive and negative nature. I feel that is he didn't spend so much time cutting everyone down and spent more time giving people a chance he could be the best mod on this forum. Instead, he chooses to constantly fight with authority and his peers. Considering the fact that we don't get paid for this job and our reward for doing it should be having fun and meeting new friends, I don't feel Xfear has any interest in this and doesn't believe in teamwork very much. Teamwork is all we''ve got... without it, we've got another Sidious on our hands.

My candidates for future mod spots are:

Dave - I agree with Lee 100,000%. Why the fuck is this guy NOT a mod yet? He does everything that we ask him for. He reports posts so he obviously knows our rules. He creates plenty of new threads. He's active in every section. The guy is the #1 choice for mod in any section, in my opinion.

CH David - This kid get unnoticed WAYY too much. He's always on our forums, is an incredibly nice guy, loves wrestling, posts in all sections, but is truly a gem in the sports section. He knows our rules, follows them, NEVER gets infracted for anything, gets along with everyone, has paid his dues, is always asking myself and others about how he can improve, and really cares about the forums. As far as I'm concerned, that's all the qualities required of a mod plus more.
Probably going a bit outside the box here but what else is new for me?


IDR - The guy only has one section, but he completely owns that section. He comes up with solid threads in there and while he may be a mark he defends his positions very well. He's always around for Impact and most PPVs, he infracts pretty well and he has fit in pretty well. He's like Sid without the drama, which is a very good thing.

jmt - The guy doesn't get involved with the staff that much, but he's like a silent assassin. He reminds me of how CM used to be. jmt is the definition of a guy that does stuff behind the scenes. He gets stuff done and posts solidly here in there, mainly in mma. He doesn't causes drama and just gets his job done. What more can you ask of a mod?


Since Becca and CM are leaving soon I'll leave them out of contention as well as WZCW.

Tastycles - I like the guy, but I can't remember the last time I saw him make a thread in his sections. Now he does in fact infract/warn like a crazy man which balances a lot of it out, but since the beginning of May if I'm reading this right, he's made 4 threads in his two sections. It's kind of NoFate syndrome to an extent.

X - Pretty much what D-Man said. He leaves for like a week and a half at a time and then comes back to make holier than thou comments on stuff before leaving again. He infracts/warns a lot when he's here, but he's starting to do what Will did for a good while: pop in every now and then, do a bit and then leave. That's not good, but it's far from reaching Will's level yet.


This one is tough.

Blue Cardinal - This would be pretty much just for sports or a cleaning up deal and also not immediately as he hasn't been here an incredibly long time, but the guy is mainly on at night, has taken over the sports section and is constantly involved in debates in there. He could in the future be a good candidate for a spot in there.

Dave - I more or less have to agree with what's been said. The guy is consistently good and stays out of trouble. He's gotten better lately too and is always around. The thing I'm
I'll have to agree with KB/D-man and list X as the second of the worst mods simply for the reasons outlined above.

Also I do understand tasty started a new job recently as well hence why he does things in huge chunks.
Starting to have more agreement in this X is bad thing. He pops into the LD and says this is why he doesn't come into them anymore. I don't exactly like doing them either but it's my job to help drive discussion so I show up. Sorry we're not up to your standards.

Sorry just this is the only place where I won't have to listen to him explain why I'm an idiot for disagreeing with him.
Sorry just this is the only place where I won't have to listen to him explain why I'm an idiot for disagreeing with him.

This statement RIGHT HERE is exactly why I just avoid him on every possible occasion. There is no reason why anyone should feel uncomfortable when they disagree with someone on the forum. After all, one of its main points is to drive discussion. However, when you disagree with X, hell's fury comes along for the ride. It should never have to be like that.

You shouldn't have to work hard to get along with someone.
As usual we got another condescending post explaining why we all suck but he's right and that's all there is to it. Can't stand him sometimes. This is supposed to be good around here?
I have always thought of X as another form of Sidious. God forbid you disagree with him.

Here's a newsflash... EVERYONE is wrong sometimes. And sometimes they can be indifferent. That doesn't seem to seep through some people's thick heads.
Yeah. KB vs. X round like 183. "You bash TNA more then WWE!" "I like WWE better." "YOU'RE BIASED! NOW LEARN TO BE MORE OPENMINDED WHILE I GO WATCH PURO AND SAY HOW GREAT IT IS!"
Sorry to say it, but I love when you two go at it. You're both so fucking stubborn and it's awesome.
Oh I know. What it boils down to is that in MY reviews of the shows that I watch with MY gradings, I have personal biases such as I like WWE and have since before I can remember. X of course loves everything and has none whatsoever.

Apparently I'm the reason the Impact LDs have been getting less posts.

You know, the LDs that have DOUBLED in total posts the last two weeks.
LOL he'll say anything to prove a point. The guy will NEVER EVER EVER admit when he's been beaten. That's why I just don't even get in the mix with him. Once he enters a thread, I click the back button, unsubscribe to it, and move on. It's not worth the fight. I bet he thinks he's got my number or something.
It's absurd. I do EVERY wrestling LD here and he does like one post per month in them and it's my fault they're "dying". Right.
Here's a newsflash... EVERYONE is wrong sometimes.

Ahem...speak for yourslef. :)

Contrary to popular belief, I like xfear, you just have to understand he's not always the most rational being around.

It is also why the three of you are here in this thread and he is not.
Ahem...speak for yourslef. :)

Contrary to popular belief, I like xfear, you just have to understand he's not always the most rational being around.

It is also why the three of you are here in this thread and he is not.

The other day you made a small mistake in I think a Raw thread. It was a grammar mistake or something like that and I had a report all filled out for it. Not sure why I didn't send it.

As for X, I like him too but not when he gets on his high horse.
The other day you made a small mistake in I think a Raw thread. It was a grammar mistake or something like that and I had a report all filled out for it. Not sure why I didn't send it.

As for X, I like him too but not when he gets on his high horse.

It was probably the wrong form of your/you're. For some reason I always type that incorrectly. I know the proper usage, just don't think about it. I catch myself doing that all the time.
I'm terrible for typos and stuff the like.

So why was it we did this activity?

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