ADD or Awkward Slow Moments

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
So I don't know if I just have ADD, but whenever I watch WWE these days we seem to get in these awkward slow moments where I'm just like.. what the f**k are the wrestlers doing?

For instance I critized John Cena for overselling the weakest punches, then I sit there looking at Miz... looking at Cena... crawl around like a wounded duck.. cool.. I get to watch someone.. watch someone...

Same with Taker/HHH when they'd do their 2 minute sells.

Same with every Last Man Standing Match where the referee literally takes like 60 seconds to count to 10.

Same when Kharma debuted.. I was like.. why the f**k you walking so damn slow? Taker is faster than you!!!!!!!!

Michelle McCool.. frozen in fear... big black woman coming at you.. just stand there and stare at her.. even though you had 10 minutes to leave the ring..


You don't get those awkward slow OVER DRAMATIC moments in TNA.. thank god.. unless Pope or the Knockouts are wrestling.

Don't get me wrong, I like over dramatic crazy moments... but I hate over dramatic slow boring moments...
You can control these things you idiot.

Why is there always some ****** who posts who is always oblivious to the point?

"It's scripted.." but that doesn't mean that the wrestlers have to walk around like their fucking stoned.
Well I'm not criticizing the wrestlers.. I'm criticizing the script writers.. or whoever may be responsible for the slow awkward moments that completely make me lose interest in whatever is happening.

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