Aces & Eights Or The Shield


WWE & TNA each have their own functioning heel factions right now. TNA has Aces & Eights, which seems to be something of a Sons of Anarchy/nWo themed heel faction. The WWE has The Shield, which is currently comprised of three wrestlers who view themselves as seekers of justice with a very heel friendly take on justice. Which one of them do you prefer or think is better?

Both companies have taken completely different paths with their respective factions.

TNA is well known for doing the sort of faction wars/power struggle storyline to the point of bland repetition. With Aces & Eights, they've gone a different route by keeping the identities of virtually all the members of the group a secret. They all wear various hoods and/or masks that hide most if not all of their features. Their M.O. has been very similar to the original nWo in the sense that they gang up on one or two wrestlers and attack them, generally using objects like hammers or steel pipes, in order to inflict "injury" upon them. Devon has been revealed as being the Sgt-At-Arms of the "club" and has been the literal voice & face of the group for several months now. As with other angles like this, Aces & Eights have targeted or have been targeted by most of the top babyfaces in the company.

The WWE doesn't do factions all that often. Aside from Nexus a few years ago, the last significant faction they had, if I remember correctly, was the Corporate Ministry back in the late 90s to very early 2000s. The Shield is different in the sense that it's comprised of three completely new faces to WWE audiences. Unlike Nexus, who had appeared on WWE television for months as part of the NXT program, The Shield members were unknown to most audience members. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns are three NXT wrestlers who've made a big splash in a short amount of time. They've attacked everyone on the WWE roster from lower card guys like Santino & Zack Ryder to main eventers like John Cena, Sheamus and Randy Orton. They're dressed in something that looks pretty similar to riot gear worn by police, without the shields & helmets and guns of course. They made their debut at Survivor Series by beating down Ryback and costing him the WWE Championship in a triple threat match with CM Punk and John Cena. Their only motive seems to be punishing those they feel are part of a huge injustice in WWE.

For me personally, The Shield is far more entertaining and has been booked to near perfection thus far. As I alluded to earlier, we've seen the nWo themed power struggle so much in TNA that it feels extremely stale. The group also has virtually no star power as Devon is, for all intents and purposes, the leader as of now. Devon just doesn't have the ability in the ring or as a character for this role, in my opinion. Aces & Eights have also looked consistently weak in TNA with strange booking. TNA wants fans to view them as a threat, yet they lose almost every match they have. The ones they do win are won only through substantial interference. They do fine in beating someone up when it's half a dozen against one or two, but it's opposite when they get in the ring to wrestle matches. It's hard to see them as a threat because of that. Aces & Eights have been around for about 6.5 months and it's just gotten so stale and lackluster that I don't see a bright future for them, especially with Sting returning to play the role of TNA's white knight & savior once again.

The Shield have only been around for about 6 weeks but WWE has done with them thus far what I think TNA wanted to do with Aces & Eights. The Shield come off like a dangerous threat to the roster not only because of their pack like mentality, but they show up unexpectedly when they attack. The few times we've heard them talk, they've done really well, especially Ambrose & Rollins. While The Shield is still very young, they've become strong heels that've generated a lot of heat. They were given a chance to elevate themselves at the TLC ppv in a six man TLC match against Team Hell No and Ryback. They took the ball, ran with it and spiked it. It was a heavily physical match that went to the near 25 minute mark. The Shield got the clean win in a basically a no DQ match without resorting to outside help. It was also done in a way to protect Ryback and the stock of Team Hell No. To me, the WWE has accomplished more with The Shield in those 25 minutes than TNA has with Aces & Eights in the 6.5 months since they made their tv debut.

I'm not saying that The Shield can't be screwed up as things go along. It hasn't been thus far though and everything about them, again thus far, just feels much fresher, more energetic and all in all is better than Aces & Eights.
I prefer the shield because the people in Aces And Eights are mid card guys I don't care for.

and also cause it's so obvious who the leader of Aces And Eights is.
Aces and Eights was interesting at first but it has drug out for far to long with little to no pay off and even when the pay off does eventually come I am sure I am going to be disappointed by the outcome especially if it involves Eric Bischoff or anyone related to him or Hulk Hogan.

The Shield while not the most original concept has been done well. They have looked strong in every outing they have made, had an impressive PPV debut where they got a big win, and I see nothing but greatness in the future by all three members individually.
The Shield for me on this one. I am a bigger fan of TNA than I am WWE. This group alone has kept me watching RAW. It is something that I just want to see. Their attire is badass looking, along with their chemistry which seems to be natural versus forced like Aces and Eights. It is filled with three talented guys; I see all three having a bright future.

This story line is better than the dragged out Aces and Eights one. I was into Ace's and Eight's until I have realized that overly long build up is going to end the same way it always does. The Shield is something different and has been played out well. I am interesting to see where it goes. I just hope that it doesn't flop.
These two factions aren't even comparable.

The Shield is made up of three young talents who are no doubt future stars in the WWE, possibly even future main eventers and World champions. They're also far more exciting and entertaining to watch in the ring as all of them are great wrestlers.

Aces & Eights was interesting in the beginning to most (although I never understood exactly why), but has just become a storyline that has dragged on FAR, FAR too long and really needs to go into its final stages already. They're also made up of mid-carders or nobodies with NO real stars of interest.

When you compare the talent in both factions, there's no arguing Shield wins.
When you compare the quality of their matches there's no arguing the Shield kills Aces & Eights.
When you compare the potential for the faction and what their futures will do for the company as a whole there's absolutely no arguing the Shield wins.

Aces & Eights really needs to move forward, reveal all its members, and resolve itself or evolve the storyline already. They need to do it quick. They've become completely stale and have fallen prey to the same thing the nWo did, dragging on the faction storyline for too long and completely losing both momentum and relevancy
While I am a fan of both Stables, I would have to say that the Shield are more interesting at the moment then what Aces and Eights have been. A&E storyline had a lot of potential at the start, But TNA have been draging there heels with revealing who the members of the group are and we still only know who three of the members are. I still have hope for the storyline but TNA really need to hurry up and start delivering.
The Shield in a no contest, they are far better in ring so far and they are doing something, rather then A&8 that are, we are in control but not doing anything.... Waiting for "them" to come, zzzzzz not to mention A&8's so far are just WWE rejects that never amounted to anything when they had the opportunity. (whether thats management or talents fault)
ie Noone cares about them
The Shield has the anonymity factor working for them. Aces and 8s, to this point, has been led by Devon Dudley with Luke Gallows and Mike Knox as members. They're not using these names anymore, but this is how the majority of wrestling fans know them and what they're all about. Pretty hard to get excited about it especially when they consistently lose matches and get beat down in a 7-1 encounter with a 53 year old man. They could salvage it, but they've gone on so long that it's going to take something huge to keep it from seeming like a huge bust.

The Shield consists of 3 totally unknown guys who came in and made a real impact. Their names aren't attached to failure/mediocrity.

It could easily falter just like Aces & 8s have, but until they do, it's the better story.
Honestly, I'm interested in neither of them. So far, all the Shield have done is beat up on pretty much all the faces. I don't know what their end game is going to be, but I don't predict anything great. Aces and Eights started off intriguing but that's long gone. If they wanted to stretch this out until Lockdown, they probably would have been better off starting this angle after Bound for Glory.
The Shield by far but I don't know how to explain it in a way that hasn't already been said.

I feel like there are very few people who care about anyone in Aces and Eights. I think they had to infuse Mr. Anderson into the picture to make it somewhat interesting but I feel like that actually takes attention away from the group. It now revolves more around what is Mr. Anderson up to?

I may be nitpicking here but I could have sworn that last night on Impact the "leader" said something about them having two more members with masks still (not counting him) and keeping it that way. Yet when the group ran out and attacked there were a ton of guys with masks. It could be I misheard him or misunderstood.

The Shield didn't need masks or anything. They wanted people to know who they are. They didn't hide anything. The WWE didn't have the announce team pretend they didn't know who they were.
The Shield was part of an awesome match.
I can't think of an Aces and Eights match that was on par with that.

So from a personal standpoint I say The Shield.
The storyline involving the Shield is so much better than the one involving Aces and Eights. On one side of the coin, we have a heel faction involving three (at the moment) young and up and coming guys with a potentially bright future. It is a way for guys who have great promise for the future, especially Rollins and Ambrose, to become mainstays on regular TV programming as well as PPV. While their direction is a little unclear, it can go in a number of directions which have potential. Affiliated with Punk , or ultimately to oppose him. Heyman yes or no? How will their involvement with Ryback play out. Are there more members to come and if so, who? And ultimately, after the angle plays out, they may have created some new superstars with a promising singles career.

On the other side, we have Devon, Festus, and Kelly Kelly's ex boyfriend, career midcarders without such future promise . They lose to everyone in matches and are only successful when numbers are grossly stacked in their favor and even then, an old man with a baseball bat can singlehandedly take them all out. I don't see a direction. I see a storyline which has dragged on for far too long and will most likely end in failure. No emerging crop of future talent, just a recycling of old story lines involving old talent.

Maybe ultimately, Aces and Eights will be awesome, although if recent history is any indicator, I highly doubt it. At the moment The Shield >>>>Aces and Eights.
Definitely going with The Shield. I'm starting understand the hype behind Dean Ambrose, and you can sense the potential for a bright career with Rollins and Reigns. The Shield is fighting for injustice, but at the same time, we don't know everything about their motivations. SOMEONE has to be pulling the strings for these guys, because the suspicious timing of their attacks raises questions, because it's hard to believe in the "we're just doing the right thing" stuff. The Shield VS Team Hell No and Ryback was arguably the best match at TLC, and having an upside on the wrestling side of things gives this stable a nice boost.

I've tried to keep an open mind about Aces & Eights, but TNA is really pushing it. Using Devon for the first reveal at Bound For Glory was bad enough, then they follow that with Luke Gallows, and now Mike Knox? Gallows and Knox will always be mid-card guys, the same thing can be said about Devon.

Immortal wasn't the be all end all of stables in professional wrestling, but at least they had Hogan, Hardy, Jarrett, Bischoff, Flair, and Abyss. I have no interest in watching a bunch of career scrubs parade around as this tough and supposedly bad ass biker gang, especially after having their asses handed to them by Sting and Hulk Hogan. Yeah, I'm sure TNA is waiting on another big reveal for the leader, but after watching the first set of underwhelming unmaskings, it's kind of hard to find a real reason to stay optimistic about the future of Aces & Eights.
Even though I like both groups, The Shield is currently a lot more interesting than Aces & Eights. The Aces & Eights storyline had enormous potential but TNA has really derailed its momentum a lot with the revealed members not being anyone who seems like they are much of a threat to the federation. Devon, Gallows, and Knox have all three been underwhelming revelations as members to me. My reactions have ranged from neutral to negative for each of them. They need a big name in this stable, someone who actually can come off believable as a threat to TNA. I'll keep watching but I have my doubts.

The Shield on the other hand, made a huge statement from day one and they have done so as rookies. Much like Nexus. Unlike Aces & Eights I had no knowledge on any of these guys which, while that's not necessarily Devon/Gallows/Knox's fault but that does factor into my lack of interest. These guys are also all decent in the ring. I can see a good run for each member after the inevitable split happens to this faction. The question of who leads them remains unanswered, and depending on what the answer to that is, this group's momentum could derail. At the moment they are much more interesting than Aces & Eights though, I'd rather see new guys making a huge statement as rookies than a bunch of rejects trying to come off as a threat. To those of us who saw Gallows or Knox suck in WWE, that's how we still see them in TNA until they do something to change our mind.... and Devon? He will always suck compared to Ray.
i have to go with the Shield here....Aces and Eights started off red hot, BUT then it went on too long with reveals and there's been questions on how large the group is, plus, the reveals havent been great...Brisco was seen coming for a while and same with Gallows and Knox and the shocker reveal was Devon and Tazz...hopefully, TNA does well with the VP reveal and revelas someone who we didnt expect, but anyways, to the point, Aces and Eights is kinda getting old a bit with the masks, just take them off and reveal who the vp and president for the Shield, they are 3 young guys who come across as 3 young guys who want to make a name for themselves and are...Roman Reigns isnt a great talker, but his promos are working with what he says, i'm now a HUGE Rollins fan as his promos come across as Punk like and Ambrose also is great on the mic and their in ring skills also showed me something to enjoy...i hope Aces and Eights gets back on track, but as for now Shield is better in my book because the story's better, the wrestlers are younger and in my book more skilled and finally, their goal seems revealed..i hope the Shield wins the tag team titles soon.
Both factions are doing nothing for me. Both are not interesting enough for me to care. I am not saying it is their fault, but both remind me more of Punk's straight edge society as vehicle for one superstar than a decent faction that can carry a storyline like the Nexus. At least Aces & eights have an identity, I'm still not sure what the Shield is about except to feed Ryback more.

Of course most stables are vehicles to push a superstar but can they not make it so obvious? Maybe I'm just too jaded a viewer to notice all these little details.
Well, it seems to me like this is just a case of history repeating itself, but on a much smaller scale, of course. TNA = WCW, which in turn makes Aces and Eights = New World Order. WWE = WWF, which in turn makes the Shield = D – Generation X. Think about it.

I don’t really have an interest in both Stables, but I prefer the Shield over Aces and Eights.

I feel like TNA didn’t give A&8s the credibility that the WWE gave the Shield. It’s as if A&8s skipped a few steps in the NWO formula and went from debut to NWO Elite, without establishing the core group, the leader, the surprise betrayals / reveals, and lastly, the major split into two groups, the Aces led by the “President” and the Eights led by the “VP”.

I feel like the Shield is doing just fine and the only thing I would change as of right now is adding a 4th member. Originally I was hoping for Brad Maddox and / or Big E Langston to join the group or for CM Punk and / or Brock Lesnar to lead the group. Even if neither of these 4 men ever join the group, I would still say the WWE did the Shield right.

Who knows what well happen down the line, but right now, I believe in the Shield and I usually fold A8, even if they are suited.
How about nobody wins.

Aces and Eights started off really interesting, but now it has degenerated into yet another NWO/TNA cliche' of getting too bloated with hangers on who serve no real purpose and dragging on way, way too long.

The Shield has also become a cliche'. The group could have been really interesting if they went after everybody and everything, including the heels. That would have made a much bigger impact overall. But instead, they have become a group of bros who think faces suck and that's literally it. No depth whatsoever. They're eventually going to be jobbed out to the big stars and are going to have a really tough time being taken seriously when they inevitably break the group up.
IMO, out of all the guys in WWE, 3 not so big guys beats them all down. To me that's more fiction that fact. Aces & 8's has many and mostly big guys who beat down just about every one. More fact than fiction.
A&E is the better angle. I think they should have kept the masks on longer because they looked really intimidating and i with they didn't have to wait until Lockdown to turn Bully but it's fine. Maybe AJ Syles comes back to lead the "troops" against A&E then it's going to be one hell of a storyline.

Shield has been fantastic in the ring but their promos are just too homoerotic. The way they look at each, stand together, nod their heads....eeewww
"I'm Dean Ambrose, I'm Seth Rollins" Well who cares what your names are? How did Vince approve of that lame way to end the promos?
The WWE doesn't do factions all that often. Aside from Nexus a few years ago, the last significant faction they had, if I remember correctly, was the Corporate Ministry back in the late 90s to very early 2000s.

Oh WWE does em for often than that. Between the Corporate Ministry and Nexus there were..

The Alliance, nWo, Evolution, Team Angle, La Familia, Legacy, Straight Edge Society.. and I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting.

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