Abyss, Yea or Neigh?

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Dark Match Jobber
So I've been watching TNA ever since it first appeared on basic cable, on FSN. I've watched the company grow over the few years as well as wrestlers. There are a lot of wrestlers i rewally like in TNA, and then there's Abyss. I never liked him as a wrestler/gimmick. I don't know why. But I kind of feel like he's an old Kane rip-off, but not as good. I'm never really amused when he wrestles or cuts promo's. He's just one wrestler who has never impressed me, and I don't really think that he should be one of the top guys. But that's just my opinion, what does everyone else think about him?
Abyss is a fantastic hardcore wrestler. I'm unsure of the gimmick too but regardless the man under the mask can go. Not to mention that I think he pulls off the Abyss character well, whether the character is necessary is another matter, but it sets him apart. I also gotta admit, when I first saw him i thought of him as a Kane rip-off but as you watch him wrestle you forget all that. It grows on you and you start to appreciate all the huge differences between him and Kane. As for his promos. Uhhhm, what promos??? The dude has never opened his mouth excpet to let out a roar. I wouldn't attack him over his promos, he does what he's supposed to do. What else can we expect?

Whatever the case, when its all said and done, he will go down as one of the best hardcore wrestlers of this era, if not one of the best ever.
I definitely don't see a Kane rip off at all. Unlike Kane, this dude can wrestle. Not taking anything away from kane, he is a great big guy, but he just can't do half the stuff that Abyss does. He does have some odd mannerisms, but other than that, he is probably the best big guy in the business...
Yes, Abyss is half the gimmick of Kane. On the flipside, though, he's three times the wrestler than Kane is or ever was. The guy can move with a purpose and his finisher is one of the coolest in the business, for my taste. He can sell like it's second nature, and his adaptability to different styles in the ring can have him work with anyone and he makes it look credible. Whether he's going against A.J. or duking it out with Rhyno, me can make them look credible, while still retaining his aura of dominance. He's a bit of a throwback in the character department, having to have Mitchell do all of the mouthpiece work for him, but I don't mind. They're a good fit together. All I can say is that TNA better hold on to this guy.
Abyss is the greatest big man ever. For his size he has great ability. Kane is a piece of shit compared to Abyss. Abyss puts everyone his size to shame. I bet Vince gets a damn orgasm watching Abyss. Abyss is Vince's wet dream. Abyss can't do anything wrong. I'm not a big fan, but I respect him a lot. Shame on you Robbs for doubting Abyss.
First of all, Abyss really isn't that big. They say he's 6'8" but he's no taller than 6'4". Aside from that, I have no problem with Abyss. He's not a great wrestler but he's not pathetically boring either. He's fun to watch in hardcore matches. Do I like the gimmick? No. Gimmicks like his are the reason why a lot of Japanese fans (the most intelligent wrestling fans in the world) laugh at American wrestling. Does he do a good job of selling it? Yes. His negatives counteract his positives...I don't mind him
Personally I think he started of as a Kane knock off, but he's evolved into his own character. I like Kane but Abyss is far superior. Kane has a habbit of blowing spots and he very rarely (These Days) has decent matches. Abyss' matches are often overbooked but at least their entertaining. I dont think Abyss should ever win a world title because I dont think gimmick wrestlers need titles. I think if they have a gimmick similar to Abyss' and Kanes you should be able to get over on gimmick alone.
abyss is everything kane should have been. so if anyone feels he is a kane rip-off then fine but he took the gimmick and improved it, not just copy it. he and mitchell are great together and abyss is a decent big guy wrestler.

besides you guys would seriously rip him up if you saw him wrestle as good ol' Eric Justice! under that mask is a guy who no matter how mad he tries to look he still looks happy (kinda like Lashleys problem) and he has these super rosy red cheeks and a pale face...tna did a great job putting a mask on him and giving him a manager. check out some of eric justice's old nwa wildside matches!

he was in tna for a minute without the mask as eric justice way back in tna early days.

more info:

I agree with some of the above posts, Abyss is a great wrestler for a big guy, and as far as being a Kane ripoff is concerned, it's obvious to me that he takes elements of Kane's character as well as Mankind's, but he still portrays Abyss in a way that makes the character unique. While I have to say that Kane does a better job of portraying an 'evil monster' than Abyss (in my opinion), the latter is more exciting to watch, whereas the former's matches are stale and boring, and wrestling ability is really what it comes down to for me...
Abyss is great. He's not doubt a top 5 big men of alltime.

As for the Kane ripoff, he's not really. He's got the same blueprint, but not the same gimmick. It's like using a blueprint to build a Blockbuster and then using that same blueprint and building a Sports Check.
I'll i can say is TNA needs this guy. He is a big guy, but he is small enough to be able to get around n his hardcore matches, what can i say he's awsome. There's no doubt that if wwe got their hands on this guy that they would destroy him. I thank god that TNA got him first.
i doubt wwe would even want this guy..if he popped in his head in wwe everyone would think he is just an image of an old mankind....wwe wouldnt want abyss he is jus like mankind they wouldnt play that angle again so i thank god that he is in TNA...
abyss is a great performer, an O.k Character, but an outstanding big man, and a great hardcore wrestler. the only problem i have with abyss is, his sells dont seem natural, i just dont like the way he bounces around the ring like his is trying too hard to sell the moves. His offense always looks great just his sells look tacky and overdone.
they better make abyss the champ soon or he will go to the wwe he could play the role of mankinds son and fued with someone like batista
He is not a rip off of any one character, he is more of a fusion of all the monster big guys who came before him, with Mankind blended in. I don't like the gimmick because every aspect of it basically has been done before, there is nothing original to it (in my opinion.) He is a good wrestler though, don't mistake what I am saying.
Abyss is excellent in the ring. Unsure about his mic skills as he never uses them at all.

That bothers me. I mean, I hate it when a guy gets a push and can't speak on the mic.

I do like Abyss tho, the guy is excellent in the ring. He is in the company of Taker, Kane, and Umaga for big men who can move.
At first I wasn't impressed at all. A few years back I watched him blow a spot big time! (but hey, they all blow spots every now and then.) But over the past three years I've see him grow, and I have to say he is by far one of the BEST big men in rasslin' today. He can bump, he can sell, he can wrestle, and he is entertaining.
Yeah abyss is a kane ripoff, but he is insane in the ring. Nobody in wrestling does moves with his style. His matches are exciting because of the way he does his fighting, not cause of the "type" of moves he does. People like to nitpick at his gimmick, but who's cares what he wears down to the ring.
Undertaker said:
Abyss is excellent in the ring. Unsure about his mic skills as he never uses them at all.

That bothers me. I mean, I hate it when a guy gets a push and can't speak on the mic.

That's his gimmick. He's not suppose to talk. If he talks, it ruins his character. Look at Kane.

And he's really not a Mankind ripoff. He has a mask and he's psycho. If he's a Mankind ripoff, I'm sure I can find some people that Mankind was a ripoff of. Gimmicks are going to be ripped off. It just happens. It's not the same character at all.
DJmartyn said:
abyss is a great performer, an O.k Character, but an outstanding big man, and a great hardcore wrestler. the only problem i have with abyss is, his sells dont seem natural, i just dont like the way he bounces around the ring like his is trying too hard to sell the moves. His offense always looks great just his sells look tacky and overdone.
I do agree with you in his sells looking almost overanimated. Sometimes he reminds me of The Rock in that department. I remember when The Rock would get hit with the Stone Cold Stunner and he fly up in the air and tumble over backwards. He looked as if he'd been hit with a grenade as opposed to a wrestling move. I've come to feel that I'd rather see over-selling as opposed to no-selling, or the inability to sell, though. It's why I like Abyss ten times more than I like Kane. When Abyss gets hit or slammed it actually looks like someone did some damage to him. Kane is so immobile that he barely can move his neck when he gets hit.
I love it when abyss moves around all crazy like he does. Remember texas chainsaw 2 when leather face attacked that female disc jockey in the radio station out of nowhere. The way he moved was overwhelming and most of all SCARY. If you noticed when jeff hardy jump on top of abyss during there match from over the top rope near the audiance and abyss caught him, the audiance actually started to back up when he was carrying jeff backwards toward there direction. They were genuenly scared of him. And it was from all of that moving he was doing. lol
carson08 said:
That's his gimmick. He's not suppose to talk. If he talks, it ruins his character. Look at Kane.

And he's really not a Mankind ripoff. He has a mask and he's psycho. If he's a Mankind ripoff, I'm sure I can find some people that Mankind was a ripoff of. Gimmicks are going to be ripped off. It just happens. It's not the same character at all.

Did I say he was a Mankind rip off? NO! Abyss can wrestle, Mankind couldn't. Mankind only did insane stunts which made the fans like him.

I know its his gimmick, I just dislike it when a wrestler doesn't speak. It didn't ruin Kane. What ruins Kane is when they took his mask from him and have him lose to the likes of Umaga every time he faces him. I like Umaga, but come on. And then he loses to MVP? I mean, come on! Give Kane some wins for once.
Undertaker said:
Did I say he was a Mankind rip off? NO! Abyss can wrestle Mankind couldn't. Mankind only did insane stunts which made the fans like him.

Sorry I should have made it more clear. My post wasn't directed exactly at you (even though I quoted you so I can see where you thought that), but in general people say he's a mankind ripoff when he isn't.

As for the comment I quoted, Foley deserves a lot more credit than that. I'll leave it that so this doesn't get off topic.

So yeah, like I said before Abyss is great. Probably the best big man today(Taker is better in his prime, and maybe better now but it's very close) I hope he wins the title tonight.
Its great that he's finally tasting gold...personally I hope they can build on the Abyss character, maybe change his (terrible) theme music so something..more darker? Make his entrance more dark too and really portray him as one of the lead men of TNA (im not saying he isn't now, but having never been champion he can now be portrayed as one)... if that made sense.
Well it looks like he's now a champion. And I guess it's true what everyones saying, he does do some crazy things in the ring, and is a pretty good big man. I do agree though that he does over sell somethings, and is a lil bit over dramatic, i think. Maybe it's just James Mitchell I don't like. Anyway, I hope that he can do a good job as the Champ. I can see some good matches with him, and I hope he can be a good leader for TNA.
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