A WZCW Christmas present from me to all of you


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I'm only bringing this up now because I want to write a Christmas story starring the cast and crew WZCW which I won't do without permission from the handlers (and creative for the NPCs). If you don't want your character to be used then let me know and I'll make a note of it.
A story about a selfish rich man with no Christmas spirit who gets visited by the ghosts if Christmas, past, present & future in order to make him not so much of a douche on Christmas.
I give you permission to use any and every character. If anyone says no, they hate Christmas. Nobody hates Christmas. Except me. So don't use my characters or I'll fly to the US, one way ticket, find your place of residence, knock on your door, wait for you to answer and hug you for trying your best to restore my faith in Christmas again, you beautiful bastard.

In other words, I give you permission to use any of my characters.
I don't mind you having Lynx in it. If you want to have Doreen appear make sure she talks in third person. I'd rather Theron not be in it as he is still overseas.
That's not gonna be a problem. I wouldn't be able to get the Theronisms down enough to do Theron justice so I was gonna leave him out.

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