A Way to Make Garrett Bischoff Good?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I’m sure many people have an opinion on Garrett Bischoff, and that is that he sucks and should just go away. but I have an idea on what could make Garrett Bischoff good.

turn him heel.
Garrett to me already seems like a cocky little brat. I bet he could play a heel better than a face.

I also know the perfect way to do it too, have him turn on Hulk Hogan. it was Garrett Bischoff as referee Jackson James who helped Hogan from the attack of Immortal and his father Eric Bischoff after Hogan lost to Sting at Bound For Glory. ever since then Garrett has been a face going against his father Eric Bischoff. we heard that Garrett had a trainer, and that turned out to be Hulk Hogan. there could even be a good reason for Garrett to turn on Hogan. Garrett can say that all this time he thought Hogan was trying to help him, but in fact Hogan has been trying to help himself, and how Hogan only cares about Hogan. Garrett can say he finally saw what his father was saying all along, that Hogan was selfish and only out to help himself stay in the spotlight.
this could happen on an episode of Impact Wrestling. Hogan would have to agree to this, but TNA could have Garrett turn on Hogan to where Garrett was able to beat down Hogan so bad that Hogan had to be carried away on a stretcher. since Hogan doesn't really have a use on TV, this could also be a way of writing Hogan off of TV. then heel Garrett can say he did something no other wrestler was able to do, and that was end Hulkamania.
this could maybe also help get Sting involved and away from any angle with Roode. Sting could come down to finally help Hogan, but too late.

I'm sure many can see that Garrett really isn't all hat good inside the ring at wrestling. not only could he play a heel better, but he could use the help of his father Eric Bischoff as his manager who can help with interference in matches to get wins. TNA could even form a tag team with Garrett and Gunner. they could team and eventually get into a tag team title match. maybe they could even come up with a name based on how both of their first names start with the letter G.

it feels like TNA is really trying to make Garrett Bischoff a face and for fans to like him, but it feels more like people don't like him. instead of trying to go against that, embrace the hate and make Garrett a heel like he should be, similar to his father Eric Bischoff.

Eh, I can definitely see the merit in what you're saying, but I already hate having him on TV, the last thing I want to see is him grow in prominence by being managed by his dad which would probably lead to him being booked more and moving further up the roster. I'd much prefer they just have Gunner kill him and be done with it. Or just give us some feel good moment with him and Hogan ending Gunner/Eric and be done with it.

The common theme here is, be done with it.
yes Garrett definitely sucks bulk amounts of cock, but the only way I could stomach having to see him on our screens would be as a cocky heel.

Have Hogan being ganged up on by some guys and have Garrett come out for the big save, only to turn and affilliate himself with the guys pummelling Hogan. Have Hogan carried out on a stretcher and not seen on Impact for a long time. Force Garrett into a heel faction where he is a part of a group that can hide his weaknesses and let him talk and be a smalmy prick. Limit his in ring time to house shows to hone his craft, and do not have him actually wrestle a match for numerous months, this gives the kid alot more time to better his inring performance and have people pay to see him finally get his ass kicked by somebody handpicked by Hogan when he returns. Money could be made of the kid, if booked with half a brain and given time to develop
What they should do is show him a bunch of videos of Shane O Mac's spots and say here, if you have the balls to do this stuff, we can run with you.
Garrett Bischoff is greener than goose shit. The best thing for him would be to go to OVW and learn to wrestle. He needs to become a FULL wrestler but TNA aren't doing that. Sometimes it makes me believe that Eric and Hogan do have some grip on the creatives. Instead of Garrett Bischoff, I'd be happy with some time given for the X-Division or TV Title being defended. The only thing to make Garrett Bischoff relevant will be to send him to learn the art.

Your idea is good. It'll be good for Garrett to turn heel and side with his father. The end of Hulkamania thing would be good but I prefer Crimson can get a better rub from that not Garrett.
Well, to me i think he may do better as a heel being Eric son and all, but first i don't want to see him in the main event right now or on tv awhile after this storyline is done. He's decent being a green wrestler and if he wants to do this, than he should start at the bottom just like everyone else did on the roster. He should go to OVW, than after that work house shows for awhile than work his way up to IW. He would know that his dad stroke didn't get him there and know that he did it on his own or it's going to be in the back of his mind "Would i made it without my dad?"

By him coming straight in (doesn't matter if he's the greatest wrestler in the world) and taking a main even spot this soon in his career, and getting more tv time than some of the ones that deserve that spot more than him, just makes him looks bad. Everyone's gonna look at him for using his dads "stroke" to get him to the top, and not look at him for his own talent and his hard work getting him there.
While I think Garrett needs to go away and fast I will take a stab at this. Having him turn heel would be the only thing that could get him over however he should not be the one to destroy Hulkamania. He cant even lace up Hogans boots. Hogan cant get him over. Nobody can. Maybe have him turn on another mid card face and beat him severly but not Hogan.
I like this idea. Garrett is annoying, and I think most people don't like him because they feel his spot was handed to him on a silver platter. No wrestling promoter would push a rookie like Garrett this hard, unless he had a silver spoon in his mouth (like Garrett does). The same argument could have been made for Shane McMahon 10 years back, but Shane actually took some MAJOR risks in the ring. He actually got the fans to respect him, and didn't just assume he deserved to be in the ring. Shane worked his ass off. To me, it seems that Garrett went to his Dad and said "I don't wanna be a bad guy, I want to be a hero like Stone Cold!"...and Eric pushed for this crap storyline. Maybe that's not how it went down, but I feel like that's the likely scenario.

Garrett would definitely benefit from a heel turn, just like Shane was a heel for most of his run as an active "wrestler". It's only natural for the fans to want to boo him, and TNA is putting the cart before the horse here. He needs to get the respect of the fans before he can really get over as a face, and the best way to do that is to have him work as a heel for a while first. He definitely hasn't paid his dues (or really any dues, it seems) yet, and this face run isn't working...even with Hulk's involvement, it's just a lost cause IMO.

The idea of teaming Garrett with Gunner is my favorite part of this idea. Not only does it let TNA get another tag team going for their division, but it also lets Garrett gain some MUCH needed experience with somewhat of a veteran (in Gunner). This might also work out great for Gunner in the future, somewhere down the line he could be the one who turns face (when the team eventually breaks up). I wouldn't want that to happen for a while though, if TNA were to make these two a tag team. Let them work for the better part of 2012 as a tag team, then see where they're at. The sad thing is that at the end of this hypothetical tag team run, I can't see either Gunner or Garrett being that much more over with the fans. Who knows, though.
The best way for Garrett to get good at sports entertainment AND get the fans to respect him is he needs to ink an FCW deal and leave TNA.

Basically, if he can work his way up to a top spot in WWE, nobody will be saying it's because his dad got him the gig. Plus, he'd be a more polished sterile sports entertainer by learning his craft from the top source, rather than a being really terrible one.
I have an idea of how to make Garrett Bischoff good, you wish him well in his future endeavors. Man this kid is awful. I wouldn't waste my time with this scrub.
I have an idea of how to make Garrett Bischoff good, you wish him well in his future endeavors. Man this kid is awful. I wouldn't waste my time with this scrub.

I was going to say the same thing. If his last name wasn't Bischoff he wouldn't have a spot in TNA. The only way to make him good is to send him home.
What he needs is one of those so bad it's good style beatdowns like Kane put on Zack Ryder. Afterward during an interview have Hogan make the constipation face like John Cena did. It might not make him good but it'd make for some hilarious television.
I think the best thing Garrett could do right now is go and learn the craft of professional wrestling. He currently has little in-ring training and clearly looks way out of his depth each and every time he is on Impact.

If he wants to be taken seriously as a wrestler then he needs to learn the ropes. It will obviously improve his in-ring skills, make him safer and more confident as a performer and will help him to earn the respect of the fans and other members of the roster, who can all clearly see he is only in the position he is in because of who his Dad is.

People don't like seeing others being given everything on a plate without working for it, or at least showing willingness to learn. Garrett should head down to OVW and practice, and then only come back on TV when he is good enough. This just seems another David Flair to me, where a guy is thrown into a spot well before he is ready. It didn't work well then and won't work well now either.

Bischoff has potential, but he needs alot of work before he is worthy of a spot on the TNA roster. There are far more deserving and talented wrestlers who should be getting the push and focus from creative that Bischoff is getting right now.

Look, let's face it, the guy isn't THAT bad for someone who just started. He hangs in there but he's uncoordinated like anyone who just starts out. Just give that kid more time to practice, to train and to brush himself up. BUT DON'T DO IT IN THE MAINE EVENT OF IMPACT!
I don't think there's any way to make him good. Even the lame-as-bat-shit promo of him 'taking guys down with his fantastic wrestling moves. His gay sideburns. He annoys me furiously. I am actually furious right now.

Look, let's face it, the guy isn't THAT bad for someone who just started. He hangs in there but he's uncoordinated like anyone who just starts out. Just give that kid more time to practice, to train and to brush himself up. BUT DON'T DO IT IN THE MAINE EVENT OF IMPACT!

The issue with Garrett is a catch-22 (for him).

No, he isn't that bad, but at the same time that means he's not that good either, which means because of the fact he has no stand-out features (not just physical) or truly redeeming qualities, he's put into this type of position based off who he is (as in who's son he is), as opposed to who he is — make sense?

The catch-22 comes in where if his name were Garrett Sinclaire, he'd never be here in the first place, but conversely because his name is Bischoff he's already jumping hurdles just to make a name for himself.

Honestly, sticking with Jackson James might actually have been the best case scenario for him, though I suppose that may never have worked considering they brought him in by exposing him as Eric's son.
How do you go about making Garrett Bischoff look good? Take an airplane up to 30,000 feet, push him out of the door, and have a friend on the ground snap a picture as Garret is less than a hundred feet from the ground, in shit-stained britches with the knowledge of certain, unavoidable death on his face.

He'd look pretty good like that.

Seriously? Can't be done. You can polish a lump of shit. You can convince a few stupid people that shit tastes great and is good for you too. It doesn't change the fact that at the end of the day, it's still shit. Eric Bischoff hasn't seemed to realize that 1996 is gone, and people just don't give a shit about his 'family issues' on television. There is zero reason for the viewer to get invested in that feud. If you want to make Garrett Bischoff look good, assuming you cared about nothing else, you'd fire Eric Bischoff tomorrow, pull Garrett off of TV for a year, and hope no one remembered who he was when you re-debuted him under another name.

The Garrett Bischoff project is a lost cause, and has been for a month now. But a pretty decent con man has his ego all wrapped up in it, so they're going to run with this angle "Weekend at Bernie's" style.
Garett Bischoff's biggest problem isn't that he's Eric Bishoff's son. It isn't even his lack of ability at this time. His biggest problem is the fact that he's been shoved down the throats of fans BECAUSE he's Bischoff's son. Let's be completely honest about this, Garett Bischoff wouldn't be getting nearly the amount of exposure and television time he's gotten if his father wasn't among the top & most influential guys in the upper echelon of TNA Wrestling. Most people know this because, simply put, even the dumbest wrestling fan has enough common sense to spot such a clear cut case of nepotism.

No matter what Bischoff & Hogan's influence might be, they can't just simply make fans like and respect Garett Bischoff. He hasn't done anything to deserve being accepted or respected by the fans. Personally, I believe they've taken the wrong path and have tried to get Garett over based on who his father is rather than him paying his dues and actually learning his craft before being pushed in a major storyline. This guy hasn't been in wrestling long enough to have a bowel movement, yet he was competing in the main event of IW last Thursday and he was made the centerpiece of the entire show. He doesn't have the ability to justify any of what he's been doing thus far and fans know it. They know it, hence they resent it.

The best thing for Garett's career in the long run: send him down to OVW for a few years to get the training and knowledge that he needs. If he does well, maybe bring him back at some point but have him earn the respect of the fans by actually working his way up the ladder instead of being catapulted by his daddy.

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