A Way to bring in the Television Title!!

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Well, I'll start with what happened a few months back when Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, Bad News Barrett, Sheamus and many other top Superstars got injured and out of action, the IWC complained a lot about the lack of depth in the Roster. Now things are better than ever, TBH this Roster right now seems to be one of the best Roster with awesome talents I've ever seen (Regardless of how they have been utilized)

Now everyone wants WWE to bring back a title into the MidCard!
These are the titles many wants to be brought back..
Cruiserweight Title
World Heavyweight Title
Television Title
Hardcore Title
European Title

Many are against the idea of bringing back the Hardcore and Cruiserweight title for obvious reasons and we had discussed more than enough in the previous threads..

So, How about the Television title. A title which should be defended in the ring on all Televised shows!!

If you're okay with this idea, read below the idea I'm gonna implement to bring back the Television Title!

It'll seem more logistic if one of the Heels bring back in the Title which had been retired. My pick would be The Miz

He is one of the best MidCard heels who can get heat from the crowd so easily! So he should come to the ring with the Television Title in his shoulder and cut a promo how the WWE universe has been privileged to see an A-Lister, Movie Star, former WWE champion and MainEventer of Wrestlemania everyday on TV. So if someone deserves a Title its no one better than him. But unfortunately no other title worth his value so brings in his personal Television title and ready to defend it!

For a few weeks he should be defending it successfully by using his heel tactics or cheating or by disqualification. Then someone worthy defeats him for the title and should continue on with this..

What do you think of this idea? What are your suggestions?
I truly don't understand everyone's obsession with bringing back various titles. The WWE has only been able to competently book the belts they ALREADY HAVE for about two weeks now.

Also, no one gives a shit about the miz.
I only want to see them add a TV title if they unify the US and IC belts first. That way, we have a ME title(WWE HW Championship), Upper-midcard/on the way to ME title(Unified IC/US Championship), and lower-midcard/proving ground title(TV Championship). Otherwise, no.
I truly don't understand everyone's obsession with bringing back various titles. The WWE has only been able to competently book the belts they ALREADY HAVE for about two weeks now.

Also, no one gives a shit about the miz.


Don't people realise that WWE has had to put the Midcard titles on its 2 Major Babyface Superstars to give them both some relevance? Why ask for yet another one so Axel, Slater and every other jobber can hold it??

What WWE should be doing instead is trying to slowly develop some personal feuds as time goes on.
Ambrose vs Harper hasn't been promoted well enough, lMO, but it is a feud that has potential and involves 2 guys who just might click well given their abilities, and both are in limbo at the moment.
I have absolutely no interest in another title on Raw and Smackdown, especially the Television Title. WWE, IC, US and Tags are more than adequate. A TV Title is another title WWE will forget about and that fans won't care about.

The only other suggestion I have is a 'Network Title' which is only defended exclusively on the WWE Network. That could work but it should never be defended on TV.
Bringing back an old championship, or just including another championship, does absolutely nothing for anybody. There are five championships in the WWE at the moment, and they've just got their shit together on two of them. I tend to find more title belts equals less prestige to the ones already existing. Guys need to want to fight for what's available, rather than introducing other belts to compete for. Don't over-estimate the abilities of WWE booking to allow for another championship to get guys to feud over either.

And yeah, the general consensus is that nobody cares about The Miz anymore (whether anyone ever did is also up for debate).
Why would someone proclaiming to be an A-List Hollywood "movie" star be so in to a "TV" title?

Shouldn't he create like a Hollywood Title or a Movie Title? Miz is so pompous that he should bring out The Miz Title. Plus, TV is kind of getting outdated. What about the IPad Title or the Illegally Streamed Internet Title? Those seem more fitting in 2015.

There is no need for another competitive belt. There are probably too many now as it is. King Patrick will love this idea though.
Why would someone proclaiming to be an A-List Hollywood "movie" star be so in to a "TV" title?

Shouldn't he create like a Hollywood Title or a Movie Title? Miz is so pompous that he should bring out The Miz Title. Plus, TV is kind of getting outdated. What about the IPad Title or the Illegally Streamed Internet Title? Those seem more fitting in 2015.

There is no need for another competitive belt. There are probably too many now as it is. King Patrick will love this idea though.

I'm not sure whether this is a sarcasm or not but this is directly a shot at me.. But this kinda sounds funny lol!
I always thought TV title didn't sound prestigious at all. It's also the Information Age, and don't expect a crappy $9.99 joke, but more and more people are watching the product on tablets, smartphone, and computer. TV title sounds antiquated to me.

We already have two titles, both with proud lineages. I don't see the point of amalgamating them just to add a new meaningless lower card title.

Take the concept behind a TV title, that it's defended every week, and add it to the U.S. Title. Cena is already doing it with his angle right now. Why not have Cena politic in storyline for a "land of opportunity rule" or "U.S. Titles must be defended if on American soil."

I don't think we need to add a meaningless strap with no history in order to have the basic concept of what you're suggesting. I'm not saying TV straps are meaningless, I'm saying a new WWE version would have no lineage, no prestige.
I love this idea!! Bring every single Championship Title Belt back!! Brock Lesnar and the Bella Twins have proven that a Championship Title doesn’t have to be defended every 30 days. He did it with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title, so why not all the other Championship Titles. If it were up to me, the Championships Titles hierarchy would look like this.

WWE Championship Title
Intercontinental Championship Title
Light Heavyweight Championship Title
WWE World Tag Team Championship Title
Divas Championship Title

Nitro (formally Smackdown)
WCW Championship Title
United States Championship Title
Cruiserweight Championship Title
WCW World Tag Team Championship Title
Women’s Championship Title

ECW (formally Main Event)
(WW)ECW Championship Title
FTW(WE) Championship Title
Television Championship Title
ECW World Tag Team Championship Title
Vixen’s Championship Title

Internet Championship Title
European Championship Title
Hardcore Championship Title
Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship Title
Total Divas Championship Title

Seriously, I like it, but I don’t love it. I think the Championships, like the rest of the show, is what it is. We can nitpick all day, but when it comes down to it, you’re going to like and hate what you’re going to like and hate. Let’s just enjoy the fact that our current United States Champion is one of the greatest World Champions ever and is defending the US Title every week, like it's the new TV Title. Let’s just enjoy the fact that our current Intercontinental Champion is the most over guy in the company, like the Ultimate Warrior was when he had the workhorse Title. Let’s just enjoy the fact that our current WWE World Heavyweight Champion is actually in only his first singles Championship reign in the WWE, never mind that he was the first NXT Champion, which, in reality, equates to being the NWA Champion nowadays.
I truly don't understand everyone's obsession with bringing back various titles. The WWE has only been able to competently book the belts they ALREADY HAVE for about two weeks now.

Also, no one gives a shit about the miz.

The Miz is the sole reason why Alex Riley and Damien Mizdow were able to get over so well... Also, the guy's very great at what he does.

And while I agree that we definitely don't need anymore titles, I don't agree that the US and IC titles haven't been relevant. The US title was around the waist of Rusev, who dominated damn near everybody he stepped in the ring with. The IC title was the show stealing match for TLC, and was one of if not the biggest driving forces as to why Ziggler was able to get so over during the build up to Survivor Series.

People seem to forget just exactly what the IC and US titles are... they're mid-card titles. Daniel Bryan and John Cena didn't need to get the titles to keep that image. The only reason why they have the titles is so that at least one of the titles would be around if Lesnar had left Mania with the WWE title.
Why not just have a title for every wrestler on the main roster ? There was a recent thread about which title should be for Dean Ambrose, why not start there and have the Dean Ambrose championship be the 1st haha!!!
Or they could just give every single SuperStar a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt, complete with their personalized SuperStar side plates!! Merchandise sales will be up!!
In a way the US title could be the new TV title, seeing as both major programs are on the USA Network.

Just start referring to it as the USA Championship and have promote the hell out of it. Basically have the USA Champ be the 1 or 2 face of Raw and Smackdown. "RAW! On the USA Network! (holds up title belt)"
There are three male singles championships already and WWE is putting all of them on Main Event level stars to make them seem more legitimate.

What would the TV title achieve?
A mid-card push? That's what the US is supposed to do.
A main event push? IC.

Three tiers, three titles. When your second best title is on a seperate "brand" adding an extra title is the opposite of what you need.
I truly don't understand everyone's obsession with bringing back various titles. The WWE has only been able to competently book the belts they ALREADY HAVE for about two weeks now.

Also, no one gives a shit about the miz.

Yeah seriously! the last thing WWE needs is more titles. Personally I want to see them unify the US and IC titles so they can have no excuse on why they can't consistently book a competitive mid card.
There are three male singles championships already and WWE is putting all of them on Main Event level stars to make them seem more legitimate.

What would the TV title achieve?
A mid-card push? That's what the US is supposed to do.
A main event push? IC.

Three tiers, three titles. When your second best title is on a seperate "brand" adding an extra title is the opposite of what you need.

WWE needs to have a proper midcard championship. Since all three championships are on main event level stars, there really are ZERO midcard titles at the moment since no midcard level performer will be seen as a believable contender to any of the belts.
WWE needs to have a proper midcard championship. Since all three championships are on main event level stars, there really are ZERO midcard titles at the moment since no midcard level performer will be seen as a believable contender to any of the belts.


Haven't WWE just spent the last 5 having the US and IC Title as midcard titles? The majority of folk didn't give a dam about them!!!

Tell me the IC Champions from 2010-2015 that have gone on to be a legitimate Main Eventer in WWE ?

Drew Mcintrye, Zeke Jackson, - released
Big E Langston, Luke Harper, Curtis Axel - Low card
Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Bad News Barrett, The Miz - Mid card forever
Dolph Ziggler - potentially
Christian, Big Show - already done it

These are the wrestlers that have held the IC Title the last 5 years. This is why the IC title had very little prestige and a lot of folk didn't care about it. Bringing in another title would have the same effect...

Warrior, Savage, Hart, Shawn, Ramon, Diesel, Triple H, Rock, Austin, Jericho, Angle, Benoit, Edge, Hardy, Orton all held the title during eras when it actually meant something and all went on to Main Event.

While I agree with your general point I think you're being unfair to The Miz. The guy headlined Wrestlemania for crying out loud, then went off to make films with WWE studios and never recovered.

Had he stuck around after losing the championship it's entirely possible that he would still be hovering around the World Championship and would prove to be an excellent foil to a charismatic face champion (so, uh, oh.) Miz being outside of the main event is less to do with his overness (as a heel he's pretty damn over) and more to do with the fact that there are few other main eventers he could feud with. He's not in the main event because of booking nothing else.

(I should point out I don't think Miz SHOULD be in the main event, but to argue that he is uniquely the only person to headline wrestlemania to be "midcard forever" is, frankly, bullshit.)
The only other suggestion I have is a 'Network Title' which is only defended exclusively on the WWE Network. That could work but it should never be defended on TV.

That's basically every title in NXT right now.

Personally I'd rather they merge the IC & US title than add a third midcard title. They struggle enough as it is with the two midcard titles they currently have.
The only title I could see WWE bringing back is the Cruiserweight Championship, but only because of the recent high flyers. A guy like Neville or even Ambrose would do fine with that belt. With that said, if WWE chooses not to bring back any titles I'm fine with that. WWE is finally booking the US and IC title right. They aren't having Bryan losing non title matches and they're giving Cena promo time. That's what those titles needed, promos about them, their chsmpion and their challengers and fine wrestling where the champion isn't pinned by someone in non title matches.

The company that in my book NEEDS to bring a title to their company is TNA. TNA has a good sized roster, but only has a ME title, a midcard (if you want to call the X Division title that) and Tag Team titles. I feel TNA should create a European Championship (if they're allowed to) and use that as a stepping stone title for guys like EC3.
I disagree with nearly the entire opening post.

First of all.... Why bring in a Television Championship to be defended each Raw and Smackdown when Cena's US Championship Open Challenges can serve this same exact purpose? There is nothing that a Television Championship can accomplish that the US Championship cannot do. WWE needs to focus on the belts that it already has and increase their prestige. The title structure is recovering, but not to the point where a new title can get added without risking it be treated terrible and made to be less of a big deal than it deserves to be.

Secondly.... THE MIZ!? You cannot possible be serious. If anyone is going to be defending a title weekly it needs to be a wrestler who is gifted in the ring. Miz is only good for doing promos to get people to hate him. He's awful in the ring and shouldn't be getting any title shots anytime soon, let alone running a gauntlet of weekly title matches. Cena's already doing something like this with the US Championship so I'd rather see that continue. It's a great opportunity for his challengers even if the odds are in favor of Cena retaining.
Now everyone wants WWE to bring back a title into the MidCard!

Who is this everyone you speak of? Look I see what you're saying but look at the past few years; you'll see WWE has a really hit-and-miss problem going on with its midcard belts.

Remember this: Put the IC title on Rhodes and make it look like the classic belt. Belt now matters. Pass the parcel for a while and it ends up around the waist of say, Kofi or Dolph again who continue to job to the people WWE sees as actually mattering in some what. The midcard belt holders inevitably get booked to lose against the guy who threatens John Cena or Brock Lesnar this month.

I don't think the midcard belt booking is always horrible, but it often is and it's become harder to offset it with the rise of the Money in the Bank briefcase. I believe someone said recently that they considered the MitB the "new IC title" in terms of its stepping-stone function (I can't find the post or remember who said it but it was on WZ).

Adding another title to this conundrum will make the problem worse, no exceptions. They can't balance the booking of all these things. If I had my way then IC and US belts would have been unified in like 2012. But there we go.

Anyway I do like the Miz and think he's quite underrated by a lot of WZ users but I can't think of a good reason to even put any of the active titles on him right now.

I'm not sure whether this is a sarcasm or not but this is directly a shot at me.. But this kinda sounds funny lol!

Don't worry, GSB's like that all the time & we enjoy him for it.
I really liked the European Title as the lower mid-card title during the Attitude Era, with the Intercontinental Title being for the higher mid-carders. However, at the moment you have both the IC and US titles being pretty much the same level, with both being held by main event level talent in John Cena and Daniel Bryan.

With the current set up, I don't think there is the need for an additional championship in WWE, so if the lower-card title (like the European or Television Title) was introduced there would be a need to combine the IC/US titles to make one upper-midcard title. I'd be ok with that, as it gives the smaller names on the roster something to fight for, rather than just having meaningless matches with no storyline. The championship immediately adds a level of importance to matches, so alot more ways of making the match mean something, creating rivalries.

Plus, with the amount of hours of TV that WWE have- the stipulation of the TV Title should be that it's defended on TV each and every week, be it Raw, Smackdown or one of the minor shows. A title match as final match on Main Event would keep more viewers than just a random R-Truth v Erick Rowan match.

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