A way of getting Ryder in, and Ziggler main eventing

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So most of us seemingly are thinking that Dolph Ziggler is a main event guy, and that it's time for Zach Ryder to win the US gold.

I have an idea that accomplishes both.

Zach Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler - US title match on RAW.

CM Punk runs in, helps Ryder defeat Ziggler, because he wants RAW to be fun again, and Ryder is that.

Backstage Ziggler and Swagger confront Johnny Ace about this, stating its beyond fair and demand the result is reversed. To make amends, JL gives Swagger & Ziggler a shot at the WWE Tag Team championships. They accept, because they will both get gold.

In a backstage interview between Air Boom and Zig Swag, but who should rock up, but Ryder/Punk holding their respective titles. They bully Zig Swag into a triple threat title match, and Air Boom being fighting champs agree, as do Zig Swag.

In this match, Ziggler is seemingly about to win after a super kick to Ryder, but Punk runs in hits a GTS and Ryder bounces up to finish off with the RuffRyder. BAM tag team champions.

Punk and Ryder hold all the gold, and would make Ryder/Punk the most over tag team in years, and an exciting one.

This would give Ziggler a legitimate gripe with Punk, and reason to fued for the WWE Championship. It could also slow build to Wrestlemania given that ADR would be entitled to his rematch at TLC. Then it's the rumble, which is the road to wrestlemania.

PUNK vs ZIGGLER, I believe is the best possible title match the RAW can deliver without Cena available etc.

Thoughts/ criticisms?
'... because he wants RAW to be fun again...'

Eh??? I don't quite understand how that could be a logical backstory in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand me: I like the idea of Punk v. Ziggler, the storyline's gotta be more than a severe twisting of Punk's words.​
Zack Ryder again huh? *yawn

If that were the case just have Mason Ryan cost Zig Man a title match after a Swagger interference. Have Ziggler state he wants to move to bigger thinks and challenge Punk. More logical sceneario IMO.

I see him losing the belt to Mason Ryan for some reason. WWE is notorious for teasing, but not giving fans what they want too soon.
Yeah but Ziggler cant just all of a sudden decide he wants to fight Punk. There has to be a reason why.

Ryder has been getting massive pops, so the 'wanting to make raw fun again' would be an easy angle to do this.

I dont understand why Ryan would help somebody else win the gold... Whats the benefit to him, as a face he should think he can beat anyone for the gold.
Yeah but Ziggler cant just all of a sudden decide he wants to fight Punk. There has to be a reason why.
Ziggler is the type of character that would do just that.
He's cocky and full of himself. It's very easy to imagine he deciding that, after losing the US Belt, he should stop caring about it and go after bigger things. His mic work is also good enough to make this work (not to mention Vickie's).
Why do Punk and Ryder need to hold the tag belts exactly? I don't follow that to be honest.

If Punk costs Ziggler the belt, surely that's enough of a motivation for Ziggler to move on to Punk? While Punk and Ryder are over with fans, I just think the tag belts as well as the ME and Mid-Card titles would be over-kill and essentially lead to "shoved down our throats" comments. The tag scene in WWE isn't so bad that they need the WWE Champion and Ryder to join up and insert themselves into it.

Punk/Ziggler has potential to be a good match, but I just don't get the tag team aspect. Seems pretty pointless.
I'd cut out the tag title part but I would have Punk cost Ziggler the match. You could set it up by simply having them bump into each other in a backstage segment and mouth off. Ziggler could even claim that Punk's Best in the World line is a joke since everyone knows he's the best in the business right now, have Punk insult him and turn his back for Ziggler to jump him.

Keep up the argument between them leading to TLC where Punk costs Ziggler the US Title to Ryder and Ziggler can move into a short main event program for the Royal Rumble. I wouldn't even be adverse to holding this match off and having Ziggler win the Rumble so we get Punk vs Ziggler for the WWE title at Wrestlemania, in fact that would the perfect match to couple Rock vs Cena at the top of the bill
Why does Rhyder need the help of CM Punk to get over? Countless amount of times we have read where wrestlers are pushed too soon, we even recently had a thread discussing worst champions and a lot of them mentioned were guys that were pushed too soon. Now we are discussing that Dolph needs to be in main event and Rhyder needs to be US Champ? So just drop the belt to Rhyder and not care about bringing importance to the US title?
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