A Sign Of Things To Come?

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
So, I was reading the line-up for WWE's SummerSlam and noticed something. They seemed to have left all the Diva's off the card for the entire night, with the possible exception of Maria acting as Dolph Ziggler's valet & maybe some promos here & there for comedic purposes. There is no Diva's match on the card. No grudge matches [which don't happen], no Diva's championship bout, no Women's championship bout... zilch for the division. I thought that the WWE had at least one diva's match on every PPV card?

This is WWE's second biggest PPV & is showcasing a lot of great talent & some pretty nice matches if I do say so myself. They WWE have two options which they could have taken to add a Diva's match:

1) If the Kim/James match on RAW were to not happen for the Diva's title, this would be a shoe in for the PPV as you have two experienced veterans of the division. Both Kim & James can hold their own in the ring & have done a lot for garnering fan interest for mainstream women's wrestling. The two diva's compliment each other & would have been a great bout. This would have been the best time to make the heel change happen for Kim seeing as it on one of WWE's biggest stages.

2) The more realistic option is to host the Michelle/Melina match for the women's championship. These two are fairing a good job when it comes to terms with title feuds. It is interesting to see two heel wrestlers go head to head with each other. I know Melina is a FACE, but the way she performs in the ring compliments a HEEL performance with the ways she gets angry.

There are always the options of hosting Diva speciality matches like the Battle Royales or maybe even the possibility of the unification/champion vs. champion match seeing as how Mickie James & Michelle McCool have exchanged heated words between each other by emphasising who is the better champion. But come on, NO DIVA's match for the card?

Any thoughts?
i don't really care if im honest, im going to be paying £15 and i don't want to watch a crap divas match, i've got raw and smackdown on series link and i fast forward every divas match, they bore me, the less divas matches the better IMO.
the womans division in the wwe is practilly dead they dont use there woman right and frankly im sick of it. im sick of vince thinking that he doesnt have to worry about anything but the mainevent scene cause he thinks that all that sells a ppv when its not cause im buying summer slam for tag match ya the tlc had me interested but we just had a ladder match that was epic and im sure this wont top that one. but ne ways the woman of the wwe will never be anything than a hot piece of ass to look or a bathroom break your choice lol
I noticed that they left off a divas match and a U.S title match. It doesn't bother me any since at NOC every title was defended. The divas do get a decent amount of television time too. I think they compensated not having a divas match at Summerslam, so they had one on Raw. I don't think Vince is too high on the divas anyways. I think they should build up new feuds and create more heels.

That's the only way the divas will ever be taken seriously. The divas get no reaction when they wrestle. Turn Gail Kim heel and let the divas actually wrestle instead of this toned down crap. I'm sick of watered down wrestling and commentary in WWE. They need to stop holding back wrestlers from doing their styles of wrestling. Maybe if WWE gave the divas a voice and a brain, people will start to care about them. Instead, they let them be eye candy and nothing more.
this is GREAT!!! finally a ppv without a diva's match to bore the shit out of everyone who is watching for 10-15 minutes. Don't get me wrong, women DO deserve a place in the wrestling world, but that place ISN'T actually performing in the ring. Damn near every diva's match I have seen lately is completely horrible...and by lately, I mean in the last 4-5 years. First off, there are too many diva's in the WWE anyway. They have an abundance of diva's and with the exception of Mickie James, Gail Kim, Melina, and McCool NONE of them can wrestle. Most are horrible in the ring, so it's best to have them perform on television for free instead of having people pay $40 for a ppv and having to sit through a horrible display of a wrestling match.

I just feel for anyone who needs a beer or needs to go to the restroom and don't have the diva's match on the card so they can do so.
Yes I am a little disappointed that there is no diva match of any kind. I'm sure the reason being that Maryse is injured. As i'm sure vince would have liked to have build on that feud with mickie some more.

And also, I don't care if this has nothing to do with the thread, but because I don't have the ability to start a thread I will say it anyway. Before I start i can't believe this wasn't mentioned...

Tell me, why Cena was rko'd on raw after going through a grueling match, but was miraculously on his feet fighting everyone in less than two minutes. he didn't even hold his head to sell the rko when the show was going off the air. What the fuck are they tying to do, make orton look completely inept and his finishing move as much of joke as the walls of Jericho. And speaking of jericho he's one half of the tag champs and he loses to one attitude adjustment with no stfu. Good job making jericho and Orton look real bitch going into a major ppv vince.

And if any of you are smart, you will make a thread out of this instead of the stupid 'what if', 'your favorite finisher' and the ever so redundant 'why austin and rock should come back' thread.
Maybe they should just scrap the hole diva thing. at one point it was good. but in my opinion when Chyna and Sable left it started to go down hill. and when Lita and Trish left that was the end. People are just tired of seeing the same women going for the belt. switch it up. It's a shame. the TNA Knockout's have left the Diva's in the dust. the only reason that i think the even have two belts. is the fact that the have few left. they scrapped the European, Hardcore, Light Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, and now they've combined the Tag Team have been combined. lets face the WWE just aint cutting it.
I'm glad there is no divas match at SummerSlam. I don't see anything in the divas divison worthy of being on SummerSlam right now. I hate when WWE just throws something together to get the token diva match on a ppv. There isn't a match on the card that I would pull in favor of a divas match. The one that probably would be pulled is MVP vs Swagger. Would you rather have a random divas match than MVP vs. Swagger at SummerSlam? I wouldn't. Don't worry. I'm sure the divas will be back on ppv next month.
I'm not too torn up about this personally, and I'm a huge divas fan. Maybe we'll get some kind of summer bikini match or something to hold us over. There have been PPV's without women's matches, so it's not like this is a first.

Plus with Michelle still not being 100%, I knew smackdown wouldn't have a diva's match on SS. And with Mickie & Gails less then perfect match on RAW, + with the feud not even started yet, I understand why they might leave off a diva's match.

I'm pretty sure once Gail & Mickie's feud begins, and starts getting good, or when Michelle is 100% healed, we will have our women's PPV match. Until then, it makes sence.
Well Freddie Prince Jr. did say he was going to start summer slam early, and that meant the USA and Divas titles would be on the line that monday night. So, there is no chance that they would have another title match for both of them.

As for the women's championship, I'm assuming Michelle McCool would fight Melina because she's returning. If not (which i won't be surprised) then this might be the end of women's wrestling.
Oh no!! There isnt a Divas match?? When will I take my bathroom break...

No seriously, there is not a single Divas match they could put together that would make the card more interesting unless Lita and Trish come back for one last match with each other...
I don't mind the diva's, but honestly one or two decent females wrestler's, and one or two decent females on a mic, can't support a whole divison. As has been stated most of the divas are shit wrestlers, shit on the mic and shit at everything EXCEPT being eye candy. However I for one and I feel many other men and some women would agree, I don't really care about diva eyecandy right now, I more interested in the wrestling part. So if more than few divas could learn to wrestle and wrestle well and put on entertaining matches I wouldn't have a problem watching them.

I do have a problem watching a crapfest like even the Mickie/Gail match on Raw, when they could of had another match with wrestler's who know what they are doing and out on a good show. Don't get me wrong, I love Gail and Mickie both, but after the crapfest I saw on Raw, I hope to God that was only a one time thing, because they are two of the best females in the WWE and if they start putting on crap matches, then the divas will be even worse.
It would be great to have a decent diva's match on Summer Slam but to be honest there isn't anything worth getting upset about. If there had been a decent feud or something leading up to it then I would be surprised but nothing has been set up so why have a match with no build?

To everyone saying there aren't any decent women wrestlers you are wrong. There are plenty on the WWE roster it's just that there isn't enough time and effort put into getting a decent feud going between 2 good wrestlers. Hopefully after Summer Slam they will go for the Gail Kim heel turn and set up a good feud with Mickie. They need a good feud to get people interested agian.
This is a good thing. The Women they have aren't good for wrestling. They should just go out there, show some tits, shake some ass and then get off the stage. That's it.
i'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with you here. After watching the divas match from raw can you really say that it has a place on a ppv? The lack of execution and selling in the match made it easily the worst match on raw. Add that to the fact that there was no build up for a divas match and if they threw one in there now it would almost seem as though they were doing it to pitty the women's division.
This is a good thing. Yes Melina, Mickey, and Kim can pull off a decent match...but so what? The division as a whole doesn't deserve to be on a PPV, period. I'm happy that there will be more actual matches by actual wrestlers. Why should be pay to see models stumble around the ring. Be a valet n flash your puppies n make the world a better place.
Mario101 is right. It would be cool to have a good womens match on the card, but there aren't any exciting feuds that matter enough. The last 'great' womens match i saw was Trish vs. Victoria survivor series '02, and that shit was awesome! And let's face it, there are far too many of them on each roster, except ecw where there is no need for them in the ring, currently. No big deal but i wouldn't read too much into it, they will always be around. i'm just sayin'...
This definetly isn't the first time they haven't had a Diva's match on a PPV, in fact I am surprised when they actually do have one. The fact is, Diva's don't draw. Maybe it's because WWE doesn't spend enough time on them or maybe it's becuase people are simply not interested. Having Diva's on a PPV usually does nothing for buyrates or fan interest. Personally, I couldn't care less that there isn't a Diva's match on Summerslam, and I'm sure a lot of people agree with me.

By the way, here are the Diva's Matches on PPV this year:

Royal Rumble: Beth v. Melina

No Way Out: Nothing

Wrestlemania: Battle Royal, won by Santina

Backlash: Nothing

Judgement Day: Nothing

Extreme Rules: Santina v. Vickie, Hog Pen Match

The Bash: McCool v. Melina

Night of Champions: McCool v. Melina, Mickie v. Maryse

So, on the Diva's have only appeared of 4 out of the 8 PPVs this year in 5 title matches, with 2 of those being won by Santino Marella in drag. This clearly shows that the WWE doesn't really care about the Diva's division, so why should we?
Let's worry about there not being a diva's match on a PPV card when they actually get more than 2 or 3 who can actually put on a decent match. Unless I am getting Michelle McCool, Melina, or Beth Phoenix I don't want to watch. I'll let Maryse and Alicia Fox in also without cringing (Fox should get the heel push on RAW actually). Everyone else its a total botch fest.
Crikey, some people really like to shit on the division. Anyway, regardless of the match Gail and Mickie had on Raw, WWE could have very, very easily set up of a Champion vs Champion at SummerSlam - infact, I thought this was where WWE was actually heading after Night of Champions. With Michelle McCool pissing on nearly every other diva who has held the title, including Mickies beloved Trish, you had your starting point right there. Then, you had Mickie finally getting the title, and bitching back at McCool in an interview after her match from the PPV. It's funny, if WWE had aired that interview on Raw, you could have Michelle going back at her (even though she is injured, she hurt her leg, not her voice box), and then you would just need Michelle and Mickie to have some back and forth action between the weeks, attacking each other on their respective shows. It's not hard.

You know the match would be good purely based on the chemistry they both had at Survivor Series, it came so natural to them. Throw in the fact that Michelle holds a win over Mickie from Raw, and Mickie holds a win over Michelle from Survivor Series - as well as them both eliminating each other at 'mania. The history is there, the chemistry is there, both of them have now been double champions, why the fuck not?

Honestly, i'd rather see a good match between two solid workers, than a stupid battle royal. And I doubt WWE are even going to put one on because they still haven't recovered from the mess at Wrestlemania. Yes, Mickie and Gail had their downs on Monday, but why does that have to mean we can't get a womens match at SummerSlam? Triple H and Orton put on a complete shit fest at Wrestlemania, should they never get a chance to wrestle on PPV again? Like it or not, the womens division has the talent, and if booked correctly, could produce some quality matches - it's not even that hard, I just came up with something in 5 minutes, and with a little time and effort, creative could do the same.
Damn the Divas!!!!! There, I said it. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of Divas matches do suck. Most of them are glamour models and overly paid lapdancers that have little to no wrestling ability. The time they get on Raw and Smackdown are typically more than enough in my view.

Now that's not to say that there aren't some talented Divas, but most of the Divas matches are just a waste of airtime.

I'd be pleased if there was a United States Championship match on the card, or if the Miz at least is shown jumping Kofi backstage at SS or something. But the Divas...eh, no big deal.

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