A Shame....


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It really is a shame that the Nexus angle has been so done to death in the past, with two incarnations of The Nexus as well as The Corre. With the current nXt talent, can you even imagine how exciting an nXt invasion would be on current TV?

Owens, Balor, Corbin, Itami, Crowe, arriving and laying waste as the original nexus did. Over the coming weeks they are joined by several other recent nXt alumni; Rusev, Big E, The Wyatts, Dallas. Dominating every aspect of WWE programming, to the point that the Authority calls on the only men that can save the WWE.

The Shield.

Cue biggest pop ever.
Eh, hindsight's always 20/20. Looking back on it now, it's pretty easy to see that most of the original members of the faction didn't really bring a whole lot to the table overall. Still, I do think the angle could've been handled FAR better, especially considering how epic their debut was and it remains, arguably, the best ending to a wrestling TV show I've seen, possibly, ever. It's unfortunate that they ultimately turned the entire faction into lambs to slaughter upon John Cena's altar.

As for Corre and the New Nexus, I think it was ultimately just Vince losing interest. Initially, The Corre was interesting, especially with Ezekiel Jackson as the muscle of the group; it was impressive seeing him pick up Big Show as if he weighed damn near nothing and slamming him around. However, given that Big Zeke was injury prone, things ultimately worked out the only way they could as far as he's concerned. As for the New Nexus, it had steam but, again, Vince just lost interest.

When you consider how NXT has grown and how it's ultimately become viewed as a viable alternative to the more mainstream main roster, a Nexus/Corre angle comprised of NXT talent could most definitely work because things are in place now that weren't 5 years ago. In 2010, NXT in & of itself was an experiment, one that had its share of success but one that was also hindered by Vince's love of all the "sports entertainment" stuff that went on. Now, thanks to Triple H revamping the WWE's entire developmental program, the minds that he has working with him, the NXT format, the talent that's been signed and the WWE Network, a lot of these talents are already pretty over with the mainstream WWE viewers by the time they come to the main roster.
The fact you think that's a good idea is a damn shame.

3 guys ultimately beating out 11 men. I know wrestling is scripted but that would just be too fictional.

IF they want an invasion angle then making a group like the Nexus would be bad because everyone would be comparing them to the Nexus. That always happens with a stable or tag team.

While I do think the idea of the Aurhority bringing back/uniting The Shield again, I feel it's best to use it under a different circumstance.

Bring a team from NXT managed by someone known for elevating rising stars.. Say Paul Heyman. The team then turns on Heyman when they get what they want, stardom. They managed to win the important titles claiming they run the show. During their rule they've made enemies with just about everyone. But since they are current champions it wouldn't be best for business to fire them. So The Authority sends out The Shield to handle it.

But seriously the 11 on 3 just isn't going to happen. And shouldn't. Wrestling is always being called 'fake' let's not give the haters more of a reason to think that.
The big factions rarely work. I think NWO and DX are the lone exceptions, but they fell from grace quite swiftly too. The big factions are cool for a time. They quench fans thirst for outlaws and the desire to see strong villains. But they get boring just as fast because they become too powerful and predictable.

OP's idea would make for great programming, but in my opinion, it would only be a few good weeks before the fans sour to the idea.
I like your idea of making a faction out of some of the guys in NXT. I disagree with adding guys that are currently on the roster, Big E and the Wyatts are too busy and I don't hink Dallas really adds much. Keep a new NXT faction down to three to four guys. Three evokes too much of the memory of the Shield.

The Shield will reunite, just as DX did and Evolution did (hopefully not as many and as awfully as the later nWo incarnations). Shield won't be reuniting any time soon, and that's a good thing, give it a few years.

Balor forming a group might be too close to Bullet Club for WWE's tastes, although he's the top one to lead a faction in my opinion. Why do these guys come up as a faction though? What's the logic?

When NXT was a reality show, the contestants were put through embarrassing challenges in order to win a spot on the roster. They banded together for revenge against the pros that put them through all that. Why would these guys in developmental feel they're not getting shots?

They would have to book it a bit early, have guys fail to make the main roster, that or have a group start to make fun of them for having to go through developmental. Maybe they can use Zayn challenging Cena as a launching point?

As for the OP's idea, a new NXT faction will draw comparisons to Nexus and Shield, so how do they differentiate? A Shield reunion is inevitable, and they will need enemy factions, so why not start building some now?
The OP's logic is as bad if not worse than the original Nexus and its failure. Cena was the guy who ruined the original Nexus, and now you want the Nexus ruined by the Shield? Besides the point they were all recently in NXT too. Also the fact that Triple H is the boss of NXT so why would the Authority be rivals with them?

Why not have a group from NXT come up and be part of the Authority. Kind of like a Shield 2.0 but maybe with more than 3 in the group.
Looking back on it now, it's pretty easy to see that most of the original members of the faction didn't really bring a whole lot to the table overall.

Yes, that's so. When you break it down, only Barrett and Ryback wound up being pushed hard as individuals after Nexus broke up......and even those two needed to have character re-writes after their initial efforts didn't make the grade. The rest of them achieved little of note.

Today, WWE is in the position of needing to introduce and build top individual stars .....and NXT is the place they should be coming from. For sure, there are some terrific talents coming up from there.....I think Neville is going to have a fine career.....but I believe the other guys named by the OP are going to be used in individual roles as they get to the main roster, not as a group to reign terror over the rest of the roster.

Unlike some other folks in this topic, I thought Nexus was a huge success, highlighted by their interaction with John Cena. By the time the gimmick was ended, it had run its course....and the Corre nonsense was strictly a case of overkill.

Still, if there were a huge overflow of top-level talent on the WWE roster at this point, they might have the luxury of trying another "faction" program ....but that's not what the product needs at this time....and the notion of taking guys like Itamo & Balor and burying them in a group isn't the direction the company needs to go.

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