A Serious Debate: Is there any possibility for WWE to buy TNA?

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
An another thread under my topic A Serious Debate; I guess this thread will draw a lot of heat on me from the IMPACT WRESTLING FANS. I apologize priorly if this post is gonna hurt any kind of Wrestling fans. And I hope this is the right forum to post this exact topic.

I've been thinking about this for a while, is there any conspiracy theory going around the WWE management to purchase TNA and demolish it completely out of action? They already moved the SmackDown! to Thursdays, which ultimately resulted in TNA been moved to Wednesdays now.

WWE never wanted any of the TNA's top Wrestlers into their company. But they had brought back RVD. Okay its not a big deal. Two years back they had recruited Xavier Woods who had a brief time in TNA. But with a lot of payment troubles in TNA and many wrestlers were threatening to leave the company if they aren't paid soon, WWE doesn't show any interest in TNA stars, not even for their Tryouts. Why would the WWE doesn't want to rope in any TNA stars right when there was a big optimistic and obvious opportunity to rope them in?

TNA is losing so much of their TV deals and they've been becoming so irrelevant with the casual fans. They can't run a company without any TV deals. Albeit they're having some great shows lately, they aren't attracting so many crowd. My cousin who's living in Florida told me when we visited last time that, TNA arenas are mostly empty during the start of the shows and they give away free tickets to random people passing across the arena. But I'm not sure how much true it can be.

WWE never mentions TNA and TNA doesn't exist according to the WWE Writers. Yes, Sting disappeared for 14 years after WCW was shut down. But haven't the WWE brought back the stars that they've dispised. For instance, they had brought back THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR, and also going to present the annual Warrior Award!

The only major concern about the WWE purchasing TNA and their DVDs, Video streams and library is their Hardcore Content. With the PG era around, they would never want to make the kids to watch the hardcore and bloodbath in the TNA.

In my verdict, Its just a fantasy, more like a fantasy booking. But with the TNA sinking down so deep, its almost impossible for them to get back their ratings. Maybe they can join hands with WWE and become a separate brand like ECW or NXT or something Vince's voices would say in his head.

So here are the Questions:
1) Is there any possibility if this would happen? If this happens will it looks like an Invasion angle?

2) To the WWE fans - Would you love this if happening in the near future? What will be your reaction?

3) To the TNA fans - Where do you see TNA going if they really lost their TV deal? And would you love to see TNA merged into WWE?


It's possible TNA can be purchased from WWE in the near future because it's poor direction and lack of financial. The old saying "never say never" comes to mind. WWE can add a lot of new talent to their roster, the WWE Network can have a lot of new footage for TNA fans and introduce new fans to memorable moments from TNA Wrestling, etc.
No debate necessary. If the price is right WWE would buy TNA for their video library. But it is very likely they wouldn't want much more than that. Maybe they would keep a few guys under contract but TNA would be no more than a memory. A memory you can relive for $9.99 a month.

But the price WWE would pay is probably pretty insulting to the Carters.
WWE doesn't need a single wrestler from TNA, but the video library would be a fun addition to the Network. EC3 couldn't make it in NXT/FCW, but he's the top heel in TNA. That should tell you something.

I mean, I like TNA for what it is, if they stop talking so much, stop running dumb rehash angles, and start putting their actually talented talent in the ring, but it holds no value for the WWE except the library.
WWE doesn't need a single wrestler from TNA, but the video library would be a fun addition to the Network.

I guess the library is about the only reason to consider this......but it would have to be for a song; why would WWE want to pay significant money to accomplish it? If they don't particularly care about any of TNA's talent....and don't plan to run TNA as a separate entity (so TNA's loss of money could become their own loss of money? Pah!) there isn't much reason to be thinking of this purchase at all.

When the idea of buying TNA was advanced a few years ago, I remember thinking Vince McMahon might consider buying the place simply to get a few guys like AJ Styles.....so wasn't I surprised when WWE didn't want him even when he became available? Shows what I know.

Still, if WWE could buy the place for a small outlay of money just to make the TNA years a part of the WWE Network, that might be enough reason to do the deal. After all, if TNA wrestlers are having a tough time getting paid even though the parent company has ample funds, doesn't that mean they're reluctant to keep shoveling money to a company that can't pay it's own bills? True, I don't know the inner workings of this....but something must be up, no?

In other words, now the time might be ripe to make the approach.... if WWE has a mind to pick over the carcass.
Honestly, if I'm Vince McMahon, I want to convert the "WWE" Network to the "Professional Wrestling" Network. My focus would be purchasing video libraries and documenting those libraries.
1) Is there any possibility if this would happen? If this happens, will it looks like an Invasion angle?
There is a possibility of this happening. I would hope it will look like a BETTER version of the Invasion angle.

2) To the WWE fans - Would you love this if happening in the near future? What will be your reaction?
I would love this to happen right now. My reaction will be the same reaction I had when WCW and ECW invaded the WWE, pure happiness at the POTENTIAL of a great storyline.

3) To the TNA fans - Where do you see TNA going if they really lost their TV deal? And would you love to see TNA merged into WWE?
I see TNA going back to their roots, being an online show. I would love to see TNA merged into WWE, only to ensure preserving its legacy, by way of the WWE Network.

Let’s face it, the idea of a new Monday Night Wars is behind us. In my opinion, if TNA couldn’t pull it off, it will never be pulled off. They had a chance and by no fault of their own, blew it. The only way I can see TNA surviving, and by surviving, I mean cementing their place in history, would be for WWE to buy them and making the TNAtion apart of the WWE Universe.

With that being said, now let’s get into to my own selfish reasons. I’m watching every WWE / WCW / ECW Pay Per View, in chronological order, starting with Starrcade 1983, all the way up to Payback 2015. I’m currently on Unforgiven 2000. That means, in a few days / weeks, depending on my mood, I should be done with all of the WCW / original ECW PPVs before the end of June. I would love it if the TNA library was added to the Network, so I can watch every WWE and TNA PPVs from 2004 to present, in chronological order as well.
As long as TNA is losing money, there is not a chance in hell of Panda selling. Now, wait a second: Why would TNA NOT dump a money-losing white elephant? For the very simple reason that TNA is a tax write-off to Panda Energy. Remember, TNA is NOT Panda's primary interest. It is barely its secondary interest within the Company as a whole. It is merely a toy for Daddy's Little Girl. Nothing more nor less. Now, I doubt very seriously that Titan Towers will pick up ANYONE from TNA. And, I doubt that anyone in TNA will want to go to WWE. They could not handle the schdule that WWE runs.

Now, if TNA lost their TV deal, I see TNA retrenching, and copying what PWS does, only in the South: Go to the individual stations and buy the airtime.
I would guess WWE would just let them go bankrupt, then try
to buy the leftover part really cheap.
The best case scenario sees TNA folding, staying dead for several months, and WWE swopping in with little outside interest to buy the video library for dirt cheap. It's added niche value for The Network and could have some retail value by burnishing "Best Of DVDs" for Sting, Kurt Angle, and the recently signed Samao Joe (I doubt the very limited footage of Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, or Ric Flair would have much added value to any future sets of theirs).

Other than Angle it's hard to think of many TNA stars that would have much value in TNA....Matt Morgan is one, but the roster is thin on polished performers with name value outside those two considering that Sting already left and Jeff Jarret is on real bad terms with WWE (he's doing his own thing outside TNA currently anyway).

Remember when WCW folded WWE didn't buy the actual company.....the purchased no contracts of talent, they bought no property or holding of the company at all, they simply bought the video library (which was VASTLY superior to anything TNA can offer) and the rights to trademark some popular WCW event names like Great American Bash, Starrcade, etc. Since TNA really doesn't have any event names that resonate with a mass audience I cant even see WWE going that far with them. Given how young they are and how small the audience is, I doubt WWE sees a huge financial advantage in buying the video library, another reason why they will likely wait for the price to bottom out and buy it cheap several months from now, then add it to the Network. I wouldn't be surprised if this around the time Kurt Angle makes his return, for a short run, HOF Induction, and full "Best Of DVD" release.
The TNA video library might be appealing but that's about it.
TNA is much much smaller than WCW was- even in its dieing days- so a TNA invasion is out of the question.

Vince could promote a WCW invasion angle/PPVs despite the lack of marquee WCW names (who were sat out being paid by their time warner contracts).
WCW was a worthy long term competitor to Vince.... TNA doesn't even come close, the WWE have never considered it a serious competitor... it isn't... more like a small nuisance.

I'm not even sure if many of the top TNA names would find a home in WWE... Jeff Hardy likely, Kurt Angle might get the DVD/HOF treatment (wouldn't be pushed as a top wrestler).... Samoan Joe has wrestled for NXT- that's likely where any TNA talent would find themselves if WWE showed an interest- in the WWE third tier (or developmentals in a sense).

Does WWE really need to run a 4th brand? Doubtful. TNA would be bought for the library and to put it to rest.
Much of the TNA roster would be dialling Jeff Jarretts number.

I for one hope TNA can stick it out- despite not being a threat to WWE at least it offers an alternative for people who don't care for the big boys
It's never going to happen.. Why should WWE throw money down the toilet like that?.. They don't get anything from purchasing it except the library that probably means shit to them.

Why would any WWE fan want this to happen?.. That kills the business even more. More companies around is better for the wrestlers and the fans..
It's never going to happen.. Why should WWE throw money down the toilet like that?.. They don't get anything from purchasing it except the library that probably means shit to them.

Why would any WWE fan want this to happen?.. That kills the business even more. More companies around is better for the wrestlers and the fans..

This isn't even a little bit true. Generally, the smaller a company, the more dangerous it is to wrestle for them. The WWE has entire staffs filled with trainers and doctors. Smaller companies do not have this, and it's more dangerous for them. Now, it's unfortunate if some of these guys lose their jobs, but working for large companies internationally or in the WWE should be the only places to find employment. These "indys" have created a literal unsafe working environment.

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