A Serious Debate: Gimmick's on the Line!!

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
This is the second topic on my series "A Serious Debate". Apparently, my first topic got a lot of negative comments than positive but its still entertaining to see various opinions through the debate!!

Monday night on Raw we are gonna see a stipulation match some of us never heard of and some of us have never seen in a long while. Its for the Miz gimmick. Who gets the royalty to keep The Miz Entrance Theme, Robe and more importantly the Sunglass, between Damien Sandow and Mike Mizanin!

This debate is about few questions:
1) Who do you think will win this match and will get to keep the Miz Gimmick and who do you want to see?

2) What would be the future of them both if either one wins the match?

3) What if Mike Mizanin loses his gimmick? What persona will he take if he loses this gimmick?

I'm having a strange feeling that Mike is gonna lose his gimmick at least for a while to Sandow. Because he won't be on the TV for a while to film his movie with Paige (Apparently for the same reason why Paige is written off TV). What the future holds for both Damien Sandow, Mike Mizanin and THE MIZ gimmick?
They dropped the ball with their feud anyway. They should've dropped the comedy more and more each week and they should have had a personal feud leading to a match at WM that would've elevated Sandow to new heights. This whole Sandow not wanting to give up the Miz gimmick is pretty stupid and this whole "Miz's gimmick on a pole match" just makes something that should have been serious and provided both guys' character with more depth into a complete joke.

I don't see them really taking Sandow seriously anymore ( even tho he was deemed to be Triple H's pet project when he first started ) so I don't know where he is gonna go after this. Prolly still having meaningless feuds in the mid-card. If only guys like Sandow would receive as much attention from Vinnie and the boys as Roman Reigns does. Sandow can cut a killer promo but atm he is becoming a complete joke and comedy act. I guess he's just gonna be another star that WWE completely misused.

In terms of the Miz. While I do like the guy, his feuds have been pretty bad and he himself is pretty much a comedy act at this point. I really enjoyed the Miz who did the backstage promo with "Everybody ridiculed me ..." and then when he had that awesome promo with MVP. That time was awesome. Now? Not so much. Granted, his new Hollywood heel persona, he executes it well, but it's not something that can be taken seriously and sad thing is, he is not ment to be taken seriously.

WWE have grossly misused both guys and it's a damn shame.
I would liked to have seen the match settled on a bigger stage than a comedy filler match on RAW, Considering the potential of a guy like Mizdow this could have been his biggest memorable feud so far which could have been a breakthrough moment for him, Should be getting pushed to main event level next, but if this is the limit of plans WWE has for him for what could be his best feud I could see him becoming a jobber again within a couple of months although I do think he will win the gimmick in this match but once Miz returns again from the movie it will probably be like the whole match or tag team never happened and Miz will go back to his old solo gimmick again. Thats my prediction anyway but I hope I'm wrong.
The WWE has pretty much told us the outcome of this match. Miz is going off to film a movie and will be gone for a few weeks or more, so it's pretty obivous who is going to win. Nice going there creative. If Sandow doesn't win, then I'll be shocked.

That being said Damien Sandow is a good wrestler and a great promo artist. He doesn't need to take over someone else's persona to be popular. Besides what is this going to do to the Miz's character. He's spent the better part of his WWE career creating heel and being a natural heel, and they want to give it to Sandow. The guy gets cheered everytime he walks out, what a waste. I've no doubt that the Miz when he returns can get the heel heat back, but this is lazy booking at it's best.

It's hard to believe that with everything that Sandow brings to the table, they can't come up with something for him. The only thing the guy does is imitate other people. He does it well, but he needs to be his own person, not a shadow of someone else for a few cheap laughs.
I'm not sure how they have promoted this match but I like the idea of guys fighting for more than just belts and to see "who better?".

My problem is that having not watched much lately I haven't seen how The Miz feels about this. I need to know that while he is overly confident that he can't lose to Mizdow that Miz also really values his gimmick and would be devastated if he lost it.

On this note I really regret that WWE went for the "personal assistant on the line" route for the Bella's feud instead of putting the Bella look on the line as well. I would have loved to see one of them as a blond or a goth or a redhead or any other new character.

I'd like to see guys fight over signature moves. I'd like guys to fight over whose match gets the "main event" spot on a PPV. I like to see them fight over a manager.I'd like to see guys fight over who gets to the tag team partner. I like to see guys fight over a spot on a roster.

The point is, I want guys to have more than pride or a win to fight for. But the wrestlers need to show me that they care so much for what they are trying to win or not lose. I don't know if Miz and Mizdow have effectively done this.

Edit: to those saying this match is a forgone conclusion, I don't see why Miz being off TV for a little bit means he has to lose his gimmick.
Before the news of Miz's departure I was looking forward to this match. The possibility of a complete character double turn could be hilarious. With Miz leaving by Extreme Rules I can't find much to get excited about in the match. I hope there are long term plans in place for handling each going forward and not some wing it week to week concept.
On this note I really regret that WWE went for the "personal assistant on the line" route for the Bella's feud instead of putting the Bella look on the line as well. I would have loved to see one of them as a blond or a goth or a redhead or any other new character.

A simple shuffle away from the "personal assistant" would have done wonders for the match and feud. I had mentioned to some buddies this should've been a hair vs. hair match. I am not sure the E would pull the trigger with such a drastic change to the their "top baby dolls" but it would have made for an interesting set of events.

I'd like to see guys fight over signature moves. I'd like guys to fight over whose match gets the "main event" spot on a PPV. I like to see them fight over a manager.I'd like to see guys fight over who gets to the tag team partner. I like to see guys fight over a spot on a roster.

This is a major issued with the current product. Complete lack of imagination. Even many fans believe it should be two serious competitors just going for a W that ultimately has everything to do about a championship. This is why we see so many "bring this title back" threads/conversations. The best feuds of all time happened when shit got personal and fans could invest in the drama.

Edit: to those saying this match is a forgone conclusion, I don't see why Miz being off TV for a little bit means he has to lose his gimmick.

The news of Miz's departure doesn't disappoint me because him leaving means an automatic loss. It disappoints me because I would like to see this program continue. It has been a refreshing bright spot from the normal formula we see far to often. Miz winning would be great. The Movie Star takes his gimmick and rides off to the bright lights of Hollywood only to return a bigger d bag than ever.
I think the fact that we didn't see Damien Sandow with a new theme and gimmick the Monday after Raw proves one of two things: creative thinks there's still ground to cover with Miz v Mizdow; or they have no idea what to do with Sandow. The Miz elements of Mizdow aren't what got him over. There's nothing about sunglasses, robe, and "I Came to Play" that got Mizdow over. The charisma and comedic timing of the character coupled with a desire for him to turn on his heel employer is what got him over. Now that he's turned face, why does he need The Miz's accoutrements?

I agree with George Steele's Barber, Miz taking time off doesn't conclude a Mizdow victory. Miz and Summer Rae are co-stars in the movie, she likely should be taking time off to support the film as well, therefore her turning on Mizdow is highly likely.

My personal opinion, I'd have Miz cheat to win, then write him off TV with a Sandow ass kicking, nothing too rough, seeing as he's a face. Sandow keeps Summer Rae and starts to be himself, find a new theme and new tights.

What WWE will do: most likely Mizdow wins and the Miz becomes Mike Mizanin.

Mizdow wins: Miz becomes Mike Mizanin. He'll leave TV for a while to do his film stuff, then return as Mike with his original WWE theme or a new piece of generic music. He'll likely wear plain tights, something with a classic wrestling look.

Miz returns begging Mizdow for a job, the tables are turned and Miz is Mizdow's assistant. Eventually Mike schemes his way back to becoming the Miz, and this angle does nothing for anyone except garner a few chuckles.

Miz wins: I think this is the better option for all involved, although if the above option runs its course by MITB, I might be able to stomach it. Miz wins, definitely dirty, possibly with a Summer Rae turn. Sandow won't be able to look for revenge as Miz will be gone, but he dusts himself off and has to find a new character.

Intellectual savior won't work as a face, they need to let Sandow be Sandow, he's already connecting with fans. Hopefully he doesn't go back to impersonations, as there's not a lot of gas in that tank either. Maybe he can become a Mach Man impersonator and form a new mega powers with Axel? Joking, it's been done, don't do it WWE.

Damien Sandow is over, and as bored as a lot of us our with the gimmick, the casuals love cheering for Mizdow. It will be interesting to see if any of that changes with Miz gone, seeing as a lot of what was beeing cheered was Mizdow turning on Miz. WWE needs to let Sandow find his own character, he's a former MITB winner (although for the secondary world title), he's only 32, and Triple H is a fan (both trained by Killer Kowlaski), so Sandow has a lot of upside, and a lot going for him.
I rejoined the wrestling community as Sandow became a costume wearing jobber. I hear all the time how great he was on the mic and that he could generate good heat. Now that he has a following again I doo hope hevlosescand gets to return to his own gimmick.
I can't see Miz losing his Miz gimmick... probably not something to admit on this forum, but I remember watching The Real World Challenge a while back... like way back, and Mike Mizanin was using the Miz gimmick then, even though he wasn't a wrestler. This was like 99 or 2000. It was actually pretty cool to see him tell everyone "The Miz is going to be World Champ one day."

Anyway, yeah it's kayfabe but still... I don't see it happening. I'm hoping Miz pulls this one out and gets the hell out for a few months, so Sandow can move on. Mizdow was pretty sweet... time to switch it up.
Or...and hear me out here, Mizdow loses tonight. Say some heel interferes, I don't have anyone in particular but Mizdow moves onto them. Adjusting his gimmick, each week he can tell everyone how much he misses being their Mizdow but now he's just Sandow until finally Miz returns costing Mizdow a match to say...qualify for the Money In The Bank match? This reignites the feud and the Miz can now use his new movie role as a way of saying I'm an actual star. That can be when the feud gets personal

That being said, most likely Miz will lose and debut a new gimmick which will once again make him look like the Miz(and by that I mean awesome) and Mizdow will start fading into obscurity.
I already know the answer now since I saw the match but to play along, they won't let Miz lose for the simple fact his movie is coming out and he has the gimmick to a extent before he started in wwe. What is Sandow going to do with the gimmick? After a few months, they would drop it anyways as it doesn't really lead anywhere. This match shows the big problem with wwe today - they can't book a simple match anymore. Everyone wants to see Sandow come out on top but him asking for the match is dumb because you know Miz will win. Sandow loses a match he asked for kills momentum. What wwe should have done was have Miz freak out and challenge Sandow to the match, saying he is tired of him stealing his gimmick and he will give him a chance to earn it. Then when he cheats, Sandow doesn't look bad for losing, Miz looks desperate and it adds to his heel character. Sandow also gets a good rub because here he got screwed over. Makes way more sense and makes everyone involved look better. Also way too simple a story for wwe.

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