A real question that will really stump you

Back to the God/god conversation, I have a friend who believes that the first moment in time is god. Like, wherever time begins, that exact moment is god. He believes that everything is predetermined through like, one massive continual butterfly effect, it's pretty interesting, but I forget what it's called. I think it's determinism.
Mother fucker, you're from Puerto Rico. All ya'll do is sit outside, tan, and drink beer.

Oh wait, no, that's Mexico.
We're tan-impervious.

That isn't the same place?!?!

No mustaches here.
Actually I believe that Puerto Rico is an old wooden ship that was used during Civil War times.
Yup Currently setting sail to New Jersey. To kill the Jersey Shore cast, greet the Triad and slap you silly. I'll be there as soon as I sow the giant hole on the sail.
I also believe it's mostly a matter of faith and therefore has no logical answer as we would understand it. To try to explain, to the best of my ability, what I believe, I'll say this: GOD knew human beings would sin, but he also knew he would grant forgiveness for those sins, if you truely sought it out. The people that truely ask for forgiveness shall recieve it and be accepted into the kingdom of heaven. Those that do not, won't.
The Big Bang is god, in the sence that the beginning of time is god.
If that's not the case, god is science, Tesla or someone of importance like him. We were all created from atoms, matter, chemicals, and all that other good stuff:) Nothing else.
Knowledge ruined paradise and ignorance is bliss. Pretty much sums up the book of Genesis.
He clearly did it for his own amusement. It's simply the most logical answer. We are assuming this all powerful god runs the universe and any surrounding universes, and since we are assuming that we obviously have to take into account that Earth is simply a dot on the universal map, and this god has many different planets and shit to attend to. Essentially making planet earth an old save file on a GTA game, or something along those lines. He clearly did it for fun, shits and giggles.

Most everyone here is looking at it like the universe revolves around earth and we are the center of everything; but that couldn't be further from the truth, we're one of a million different ant farms out there, and to think that that we are the all important ant farm is just silly.

If there really is an all mighty being, than I can assure you that it was all just for fun.
Here is another one, why would god create a planet that will end once the sun explodes?

My guess is he isn't real :gasp:
Here is another one, why would god create a planet that will end once the sun explodes?

My guess is he isn't real :gasp:

Don't ruin my beautiful thread of Theology (Theo's finisher) with you're ignorance. This is an easy one to answer, God wanted to see shit explode, and can you blame him? Besides, if all goes according to God's plan, we'll have figured out inter-dimensional travel long before that happens.

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