I don't know about you, but it gets boring after a while in eternity. I'm a Christian and all, but I don't see the benefit of boring yourself to death living in a perfect world for eons and eons.
So tell me what it was like living forever in a perfect world. Oh wait, you haven't? Didn't think so.
A common misconception is that it will be boring living forever. What makes you think we will be nothing forever? Do you have any idea what it will be like to have perfect health, actually using our brains to the fullest? There is still so much we don't know, but will be able to learn when we live forever. I would tthink living forever as perfect humans would be a better option that the way things are now.
When doing Bible criticism, do not assume what cannot be proved with reasonable certainty.
Like, for instance, the tale of Satan somehow tempting the serpent to tempt Eve to tempt Adam to eat the fruit giving both of them knowledge of good and evil. It is not mentioned anywhere on any biblical text, period. Stop spinning stuff where stuff don't exist.
Haha, wow. Do you actually read anything? First off, I never said Satan tempted a serpent, I said Satan used a serpent to tempt Eve.
Now, get your bible out, and read the account of Genesis 3:1-5. Serpents don't talk by themselves. Nowhere else in the bible do you read of an animal talking, outside of God opening the mouth of a donkey Ba'laam was riding found at Numbers 22. So someone had to make that serpent talk.
And notice Genesis 3:4. There is where the first lie was ever recorded. Now turn to John 8:44. Jesus described Satan as a liar and "the father of the lie".
See how a little effort into studying the bible can connect the dots there? So, yea, no assumptions here.
And isn't an angel created by God?
And where is it said or even implied Satan was once an angel?
Again, if you paid attention, I said God did not create Satan, as in the evil spirit he is today. He created the angel, that ended up becoming Satan. Again, study of the scriptures will help you understand this point.
Deuteronomy 32:4 says that God is perfect in his activity. You would agree God is perfect and everything he does is perfect.ould a loving God, who is perfect inevrything he does, make a mistake or knowingly create an evil spirit like Satan? Doesn't make too much sense. Looking at other scriptures such as Joshua 24:15 show us that created his intelligent creatures with free will. The demons are a perfect example. The bible clearly tells us that they were once perfect angels who chose to side with Satan. With all this information, its not hard to understand that Satan was once a perfect angel who chose to go against God, not created evil by God.