A real question that will really stump you


Unregistered User
If God knew that Adam and Eve were going to sin and that Satan was going to rebel, why did he create them?
Because he knew he wasn't creating perfect beings. I'm almost positive he knows they were gonna have flaws, I don't have anything beyond that.
God knew that Satan would rebel and that Adam and Eve would sin in the Garden of Eden. With that knowledge, God stil created Lucifer and Adam and Eve because creating them and ordaining the fall was part of His sovereign plan to manifest. His glory in all its fullness. Even though the fall was foreknown and foreordained, our freedom in making choices is not violated because our free choices are the means by which God’s will is carried out.

Idk. Totally googled that shit. Makes zero sense but I wanted to be apart of the thread. Fuck off.
The question, in and of itself, assumes that people are victims caught in some vise or twist of fate. God simply created a world of moral order in which Adam and Eve were free agents. When he created them in his image and likeness, they were given a unique quality of relationship with each other, and also with him, and then entrusted them with freedom. This freedom included the freedom to turn away from him, and unfortunately, that is what they did. Even though God knew beforehand what Adam and Eve would do, he granted them the capacity to do as they chose. Satan was no different.

I used to really believe this, I truly did. But with all the maddening, crazy shit in the world these days, Im not so sure. It almost seems as if God was setting them up for failure. He offerred them choices, even in the Garden, but he was offerring them 5's and telling them the 10 was off limits.

If you think about things in the way of the first paragraph for too long, it's enough to drive you crazy. The second paragraph, more likely to piss you off. I was always taught not to think about it too much, because thats where faith comes in. But the line between faith and blissful ignorance is a small, yet dangerous one, especially when you see the world around you reflective of anything but a fan-fucking-tastic world that God hoped for when He created the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, and Lucifer.

I thought you didnt believe in God, J?
What if he didn't know Satan would rebel and adam and eve would sin? Think about that.


Ugh. I shudder just thinking about it.
An omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God would.
If he was all those things, couldn't he just make it so he doesn't know?

Of course you just explained why bad things happen to good people. Why would he bother to bless the good and answer your prayers if he knows you are just going to fuck up later anyway. Also opens the door for him punishing you for something that you are going to do...In 5 years.
I don't believe in God, a god, or any sorts of deities, LSN. I just wanted to try to find a logical response. Moon Knight's was the closest, but then he's no long omnipotent and all knowing and what not.
If he was all those things, couldn't he just make it so he doesn't know?

Of course you just explained why bad things happen to good people. Why would he bother to bless the good and answer your prayers if he knows you are just going to fuck up later anyway. Also opens the door for him punishing you for something that you are going to do...In 5 years.

I tend to agree with you, I was just putting that out there. Anymore, Im not really sure, to be honest. Ive seen bad things happen to the best of people recently and it makes no fuggin sense. Maybe we're just to live life as we see fit and hope for the best.

And I have no problem being argued with, whatsoever.
I don't believe in God, a god, or any sorts of deities, LSN. I just wanted to try to find a logical response. Moon Knight's was the closest, but then he's no long omnipotent and all knowing and what not.

I think the best answer is there is no logical answer to the question, honestly. His was the most logical, but there will always be gaps.

Never argue with LSN. He knows his shit.

I know what I was taught quite well, and I appreciate you saying that. What i believe, a different matter. I have a hard time seperating faith from that pesky thing called logic. I believe in God. Im just not sure in what capacity.
I could deal with God being like Zack Ryder. A church of spray tans, crappy beer, and loose women? Now that's a religion I can get into.
Mother fucker, you're from Puerto Rico. All ya'll do is sit outside, tan, and drink beer.

Oh wait, no, that's Mexico.

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