A Real Family.....The Wyatt Family


Pre-Show Stalwart
Do you think it was a coincidence that RYBACK was fighting Bo Dallas on Raw when Bray attacked or could this be WWEs way of uniting Bo & Bray in a brand new Wyatt Family Stable?! Would you like it if they joined forces?! Would you bring Rowan & Harper back into the fold?!
I think despite them being related Bo and Bray should stay as far apart as possible in terms of alliances, whilst it may be a cool thing for them as a family it is not for wrestling because neither character has any real similarities and if Wyatt gets his family back it should be 2 physical stars not a small guy with no real strength. Should the Wyatt Family reform, yes, Wyatt needs it, Rowen desperately needs it and it could benefit Harper but is not essential. The issue comes when booking it, they had there opportunity during the Rumble when it was just the 3 of them in ring but decided to continue with them as singles guys. So there is no logical way to book and that is mostly because the separation wasnt logical. But when it comes down to it Bray Wyatt is the leader of a cult which has no members and that needs to change, whether it is Harper and Rowen or 2 guys from NXT he needs some members of his cult
If it is a guy from NXT I'd want to see Baron Corbin join because he's a big, physically imposing guy who already looks like he could be related in some way to the Rotunda (or Rotundo?) family. I'm pretty sure he isn't but there is some resemblance there. Just have Wyatt say he's a cousin or something.
I do think it was a coincidence, however in the future, I'd be all for Bray and Bo joining forces. Not right now though, as I kind of like Bo Dallas's gimmick and don't think it's gotten stale yet by any means. Especially since he's just coming back from injury.

I thought the Wyatt Family was split up far too prematurely. It hadn't even come close to running it's course for me, personally. And look at what's happened to Rowan. He's become irrelevant. Harper has done well on his own, but I just think it would benefit Wyatt so much more if the family reunited. His gimmick is a cult leader. So what good is a cult leader without a cult to lead? It's supposed to appear that he has brainwashed people into following him and believing that he is the light. Plus, of course it gives Wyatt an edge in feuds and matches to be able to win with outside interference. I hope they come to their senses on this one and bring the Wyatt Family back, even if it's with new members.
i've changed my mind on this. i think the wyatt family breakup happened at the right time. i think the formula of 3 monsters on 1 over and over with the face winning against all odds was done to death. the break up didn't do any favors for harper and rowan, but i don't think bray is any worse because of it and i don't think his solo character would be better today had they stayed together longer.

i'm by myself in wanting bray and bo to join as a family now. i understand bo's current gimmick doesn't fit but bo's current gimmick has gone as far as it can. at least when he was finding goofy ways to win it was funny. as far as i'm concerned creative should do whatever they want to find bo some other gimmick. maybe bray toughens him up with some hard love. i don't know. i'd at least consider teaming them though.
I think it's a coincidence and just a way to put Wyatt against Ryback. Mind you he's never really needed that in the past has he? Bo Dallas and his gimmick will eventually run it's course, and they will do one of two things with him, repackage him or future endeavor him. Putting him with Wyatt is just delaying the inevitable. It's been mentioned in the past that Vince McMahon isn't high on him.

Part of the whole issue of the Wyatt's, is that we were never really given a reason as to why they split up. Well other than Wyatt letting them go. Letting them go from what exactly? What they should have done to help all three along, would have been to have them start infighting among each other, then have the big blowout and split up.

No wonder Harper and Rowan haven't really done well, they were always seen as Wyatt's followers and now they are just sort of floundering with no real reason. So it would make no sense at all for them just to come back together.
One thing I really didn't care for is Bo Dallas rocking the goatee. Bo Dallas will draw more heat as a clean shaved person. Bo and Bray look too much a like and should be completely separated from all things that are wrestling related because the IWC want them together, but I think they are individually better alone.
So, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's not a coincidence. Has anybody noticed the difference in Bo's gimmick since his return? The beard? The darker looks and tone? It's definitely much more sinister than when he left... now why would that be? Logic dictates that WWE is getting him ready for something... usually WWE doesn't randomly tweak somebody's character without a reason. Bo was already a heel before he left, so they're not trying to turn him. I could very easily be wrong, but call it a gut feeling; Bo Dallas will be a follower of Bray Wyatt. I can see WWE portraying them as legitimate brothers. I don't think it's just Bo either...

Ryback faces Harper on Smackdown and I have a very strong feeling he'll go up against Rowan on Raw. It might take a while, probably past Payback, but I sniff a reunion.
It might not have been a coincidence, and a joining of the Rotundo boys might be salvation for Bo Dallas' career.

I believe Bo might as well stop BO-lieving..... because his gimmick is shot. Yes, he still makes a lot of noise as he comes down the aisle, but to say he's experiencing a lack of success once he hits the ring is a severe understatement.

To underscore this, look what happened to Bo when he approached Ryback, who is no ball of fire himself.....as much as WWE management might want him to be. Bo was crushed.....fast.

If Ryback is (disappointingly, imo) the guy Bray Wyatt has been talking about lately, it could be seen as retribution if Bo is to join his real-life brother and help take out The Big Guy.....and that's just for starters.

Are Bray and Bo different? Hell yeah, they are....but it could be really a kick to see Bo become a Bray follower; the contrast between the two might really prove interesting. Which is to say....no, I wouldn't want Bo to change his personality to join Bray.....I think it would be great if he stays the way he is....and let the chips fall where they may.

Bray Wyatt needs something different. Hell, he wasn't even on the Extreme Rules ppv.....and isn't that the first one since he joined the company that he's missed?

Time to give him a team to lead....starting with Bo Dallas.
Personally, I would love the idea of Bo Dallas being recruited into the Wyatt family. It's not like Bo has exactly been setting the world on fire with his current gimmick. The who BO-lieve thing has gotten old and stale a long time ago, so something new, anything actually, would be a step forward for him. His win loss record is hardly stellar either, so seeing him align with someone else and actually start winning matches, I can't see the harm in that.

Regarding Wyatt, he's basically a cult leader with no followers. So seeing him actually convert someone to his side makes sense as well. He keeps talking on and on and on (and on) about his message but up until now, absolutely no one seems to be buying it. It would be fitting to sway someone who is positivity overkill, the ultimate positive thinker, a true Bo-liever, over to the dark side. I think both guys could really benefit from the relationship.

I'd like to see Luke Harper and Erick Rowan rejoin him as well. They tried to go on their way independent of him, and now get lured back under his spell. A true dark faction, I think there could be some legs in that storyline.

All they would need then would be the addition of a sister Abigail, and the group would be complete. One of the NXT girls could probably be used for this role as well.
Citing Vince not being high on someone is asinine cause there is no way anyone would actually know that. Considering he is on TV every week, Vince can't possibly be that low on him atleast.

I think it is coincidence. They have never linked them together since FCW days, in different gimmicks. Makes no sense for them to link them on TV as actual brothers. The BO-lieve thing could eventually work its way to Wyatt but I doubt it.

I do think its stupid that Wyatts whole gimmick is him being a cult leader and he has no visible/tangible representation to give to the fans to prove that he is. Without the actual followers with him, like Harper/Rowan were, he is just a guy who is ripping off Jake Roberts promos, which is a shame, cause Wyatt is amazing.

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