A Question For The Triple H Haters

WWE is going to stay in its funk until Triple H, Shawn Micheals, and The Undertaker hang up their boots. It almost seems like if one of those guys say "I don't like him" then Vince goes all parrot on their asses and says "I don't like him either". It's led to nothing but stagnation as those guys do anything they can to protect their spot even though it doesn't need protecting anymore. They're always going to be main eventers for the rest of their careers. This isn't the 90's anymore and they have no reason to still be holding everyone else back.

Triple H was actually held back during the second half of the last decade instead of preventing other guys from coming up until around two thousand when Chris Jericho was almost ready for the title. I know he cheated as much as he could to extend the reign but that stuff happened after he took it back from Paul Wight who turned out to be a flopping holder at any way who actually took it from Triple H. Still, if he had not been built up with the "McMahon-Helmsley faction" and with DX, who would respect him as the don that he portrayed later?

Come on. Who offers ransoms of one hundred thousand dollars to capture Goldberg? I did not even actively follow the stories of wrestling in that year but hearing about it let me assume that he had lost the belt at the time and I was right because it just showed the love which the character gave to being the hardest wrestler to beat. Booker T on the other side was suspended for violating the policy of wellness, Kevin Nash just could not be healthy for a big term after rejoining with the "nWo" and Goldberg eventually chose to leave so perhaps letting them keep the belt for extended times was not the best option. I don't even want to bring up what Benoit did.

Also, Randy Orton was not buried by being the youngest champion to hold that title and just would not give the same effect of establishing Batista as the next temporary face of the company as Triple H did with the three continous losses to him at the events of Pay-Per-View. I know he and Goldberg only took it for almost one month or for almost two months but they were not made to look weak because of the shorter times as champions. Bill had hardly lost anyway and the losses of him in WWE were countable. Randy accomplished a record which is still not broken yet as of the time of this text being posted and he moved on to try to do something he had not done by trying to end the legacy of Undertaker since he already enjoyed being the young unexpected carrier of the World Heavyweight Title and wanted to take on the phenom before he was too aged.

If anything happenned, I think that the quick loss of the title helped him to become a more rewarded and beneficial superstar later during the middle portion of the career. Even though John Cena was injured, Randy seemed almost ripe after taking the belt from him until temporarily sacrificing it to Triple H who caused both of them to take advantages from the earlier history between them by bringing up that Randy would not knock him off and actually helped him to retain the belt. These less noticeable stories only made things seem more important to the brilliant maniac of Orton who just snapped and stopped distinguishing between right things and wrong things to get a taste of being the champion again. He had to develop Legacy, defy the somewhat authoritative figures of McMahon and let friends be wasted to get what he wanted again after he could not keep it with righteous means. If this summary sounds familiar, check the evolution of the game because Triple did almost the same things to become and to stay as the WWF Champion and actually served as a model for emulating on the quest to the gold.

By reading the complaints and by recalling episodes from the era of attitude, I can see that Jericho and Kane sure were held back but that does not mean that Triple H put countless people down to stay as the champion of heavy weights. He may have been involved in several main events but less people were hurt because of it than most fans would assume.

As a question on the side, I wanted to know what "burnout4200" meant by reasons for holding people back during the nineties.
As a question on the side, I wanted to know what "burnout4200" meant by reasons for holding people back during the nineties.

It's a bit hard to explain. Early nineties they weren't as established as they are now. As time went on they had to fight to hold onto their spot while big names like Austin, The Rock, etc. became huge stars. I guess I'm saying at that point in time they had a damn good reason to fight for their spot because there was alot of competition for it. Now they've had their characters built for 10-20 years. It would be impossible to make Triple H credible as a mid carder. So at this point in time they have no reason to fight. They'll have their spots and their legacy no matter how many new main eventers come up.
I suppose those ideas are correct although Triple H did step away from the belt briefly during the days when Steve Austin was a heel of the "Power Trip" to even reclaim the Intercontinental title two more times and to somewhat help in developing Jeff Hardy to learn how to wrestle more but since these moments were not frequent enough I could understand how fans would be sick of him at main shows. I do agree to an extent that he certainly has no business in keeping spotlight on him as much as he does because he is not the main draw of the company but I meant that he was also a bit justified in drawing out feuds during earlier years of this decade in attempts to build that desire of seeing someone take the belt from him.

Things seem to feel better if they are worked for hardly and sometimes after a long time in examples of delayed gratifications. I mean I just remember how he battled Rocky so much between 1996 and 2000 and he usually got the better results from him but when Rocky took the title after Wrestlemania Sixteen, a sense of accomplishment was more apparent since he had gone over a hump and had defeated a hard combatant similarly to how Bret Hart took the belt from Yokozuna after not being able to defeat him for almost a year unless I am mistaken about who the hitman won it by.
Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is IrishCanadian25. And today, I am taking on Tenta. Think of me as Triple H. I fought my way to the top of the Wrestlezone forums and I have no intention of leaving unless someone kicks me off the mountain. Think of Tenta as a random mid-carder. Maybe after this altercation with me, you'll all know him even better. Or maybe I'll bury him. Let's see.

I'm tired of being held down by your politics, man :)

Sid should be getting the push to Admin!

I know where you're going with your Wrestlemania point, so let's just stop you right here, and really anlyzed things here.

Wrestlemania 18 - defeating Chris Jericho and ending his feud with Stephanie.

A feud in which Jericho was completely ignored. It wasn't Jericho VS. Trips, it was Trips VS. Steph. That should never be the case. It more or less affirmed to the fans that Jericho didn't matter, and that people should just focus on Steph and Triple H.

Wrestlemania 19 - defending against Booker T in the "undercard" title match.

It was Raw's main event. Still, to me, considered a main event, at least for Raw's side of Wrestlemania. Note: Shouldn't that tell you how well his run with the belt was going? Not only was he not the main event, but three matches went on after this one. I can understand Angle-Lesnar, and probably Austin-Rock, but there's no way Hogan-Vince should have happened before this match. Period.

Wrestlemania 20 - putting Chris Benoit over via submission

IC, you're a very smart man. I know this to be true about you, and if we're using this analogy of Triple H to you, it works. Trips is a very smart man himself. While he throws around power, he's also smart enough to know, for the mosr part, when something isn't particularly smart.

And you know what wouldn't be smart, IC?

Going into the capital of all things Smark, Madison Square Garden, and cleanly pinning the over face who's had a cult following with the smarks since he's debuted.

I'll call Triple H many things, but one of them is not dumb.

Wrestlemania 21 - putting Batista over

Yes, he put over his good buddy. So?

Wrestlemania 22 - putting Cena over via submission

This one, I'll agree. Triple H saw the writing on the wall, and knew it was Cena's time.

So Triple H, the man who buries people, has 2 wins and 3 losses in these 5 Wrestlemania title matches. TWO of them, he lost by tapping out, quitting. There is no finer way to put another man over than to give up the World Title to him in the main event at Wrestlemania.

Well, even if you don't give validity to my beliefs on Benoit, Batista, and the like, then again, here's my plea. I don't have a problem with his win loss record, because it would insinuate he does jobs well. My problem is the fact that he's at or around the title picture at seemingly every point for the past six years. This DX stretch is the only time I've seen him not challenge for a title. Wait, strike that, he was just in the main event at the last pay per view.

The match against Booker T wasn't the Main Event. Lesnar / Angle was.

Sigh.... Fine, the Raw main event/

The match with Jericho was a result of Triple H returning from major surgery, and being one of the most over guys on the roster. You could even argue that Triple H / Jericho had the main event stolen from them by Rock vs Hogan.

I'd actually argue that Rock-Hogan should have had the main event. Yes, I know, but that was an iconic moment. One of the best in Wrestlemania history. If the Rock had stayed in the business, it could have meant more than Andre Hogan.

The three matches here in which he was the clear main eventer, he lost.

Again, I gave my analysis here.

That is because Benoit was stale with the title, and people were more enticed by Triple H. So, the feud with Eugene got more pops than Benoit vs Kane did. BY FAR.

I'm not sure what programming you were watching. I know I was watching a tasteless gimmick, that should go into the JTMFTG, and Triple H jumping in an air castle. Not captivating television for me.

The fact is, Triple H earned his spot. He was originally being punished / buried by Vince because of the MSG incident. He lost to Henry O. Godwin in a hog pen match. He lost to Mick Foley in a cage match at Summer Slam. He was decimated by the returning Ultimate Warrior. But he kept his head up and his mouth shut, and went on to be co-founder of one of the most influential factions in wrestling history in DX.

Again, I want this clarified.... I understand how he got to the main event. Now, honestly, you're shitting yourself if you don't think being a part of the Kliw didn't help, but that's neither here nor there. Yes, Trips earned his way into the main event.

And then abused the Hell out of it when he got there. That, my friend, is the contention of argument.

There's a major factor people are failing to bring up. LOYALTY. Triple H was a WCW upstart who came to WWF and stayed in the WWF. He was a loyal company guy, he did what was asked of him, and he performed. He was an Intercontinental Champion tearing down the house at Summerslam against the Rock in a ladder match LONG before he was involved with Stephanie. He has learned the business from men like Flair. He is oft compared to Harley Race in terms of in-ring psychology and ability. In the end, he's been loyal to the WWF - much the way Shawn Michaels and Undertaker have been - and as a result, in these later stages of his career, Vince looks to him as a leader.

Again, exactly how much could he really leave? he started dating Stephanie around in 1999, the same time he was getting pushed (Which, admittedly, was deserved). You know how awkward that'd make the family dinner at the McMahon house?

Shawn and Undertaker didn't marry one of Vince's daughters. But they are looked on with the same reverence by upper management as Triple H is. But nobody takes issue with that?

Well, see here's the thing, IC. For at least Shawn, people have taken issue with it. Remember, that's pretty much what forced Bret's hand at Montreal. It's what caused the Undertaker to wait outside the Gorilla Position at WM 14, to meet Shawn if he didn't do the job for Steve.

As for The Undertaker, there have been points where he's had extended stays in the mid-card. It's not the same person getting the title shot every month, as is the cas with Trips.

Seamus is being trained by Triple H. He's damn sure probably taking some lessons from him and learning his tricks of the trade. And you know what? It's working. Do you think Triple H would work out with Seamus if H's thought Seamus was lazy, or didn't care? If Seamus didn't have the "It" factor. Same with Drew McIntyre being one of Shawn Michaels' boys.

We'll have to reserve judgment of this when we have a fair anlysis of both men.

Hunter, Shawn, and Taker are respected by upper management because of their experience and knowledge. Triple H's relationships with Stephanie and Vince are truly just footnotes. They are tertiary to Hunter's talent and loyalty.

Loyalty only gets you so far in this business. Fans don't care about loyalty. They care for entertainment. And people don't find him entertaining
With austin and the rock gone, it was his time to shine, he deserved to be at the top and he was at the top of the wwe...

During these past 5 or 6 years, he has put a lot of people over...shows he is willing to lose matches, so i wouldn't call him Super...

this could now be compared to cena, every month challenging for the world titles...since 2006, this has been the same for cena...
HHH has been a company man through thick and thin. When he held the title for the four year stretch, lets face it... there wasnt really anyone that could talk and hold the title. Would you want bookah T holding it and saying how he was the "five time, five time, five time Wyah Cee Wyah champion!" or maybe have Kane (who didnt talk at all) hold the gold? HHH was an amazing competitor and gave it his all.

One thing I have HUGE respect for HHH over Rock and Austin is one fact... He has put people over. The Rock got his Hollywood ticket and basically said "screw the next generation of stars, I'm out!" Austin was limited by injuries then legal issues since apparently he can't help but beat his wives. HHH is putting over the new generation of stars now. That is why I will NEVER hate HHH.

He is willing to do what it takes to make the company succeed. Yes, I know its largely since when Vince does step down from the Chair, Steph will more than likely take his place. So HHH has to think "what can I do to keep this company profitable?" He's a smart business man... so to the haters, you hate him because of that? C'mon... lol

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