A question about the whole Sting Deal?


One more for the good guys
Everyone got all hyped up about his cryptic tweet on twitter and now it's being said that it was all along the reveal for his involvement in WWE 2k15. Why is everyone acting like this is, well brand new news? Ever since they announced 2k15 several months ago, Sting's involvement was known from almost the very beginning? Im confused on whether people just don't pay attention or if they are just trying to make this a new kinda deal?
People are talking about Sting again because of that "cryptic" tweet. Whether the tweet is just leading to a 2K15 commercial remains to be seen, but you're right - that is old news. We know that Sting signed some sort of deal with the WWE though, and at least I'm hoping that it will lead to a HoF induction in 2015.

If the Stinger does go into the WWE HoF class of 2015, then the WWE would want to familiarize their audience with Sting (since a lot of the younger fans don't know who he is). The 2K15 news is what everyone's harping on, because they're hoping there's more than that (myself included). If it is the 2K15 commercial that's going to be shown tomorrow night, everyone's hoping that Sting will at least appear on live WWE in some capacity to help promote it. It might not happen (the signs are pointing to a "no"), but some are still grasping at straws (again, myself included).
People are just getting overexcited. Can you blame them? Sting coming in would be a big deal to many.

I'd imagine that about a third of the WWE audience knows of Sting. Making him the bonus character piques the kids' interest right away. The DVD then hits in September. WWE keeps dropping Sting clips and mentioning his name (like they gradually started doing last year) into early 2015. Then, come his debut in February for his feud with The Undertaker, the whole audience knows about this guy.

Given that Sting hasn't been relevant since the late 1990s, WWE has a task on their hands. They're going about it the right way, and Monday's 2K15 announcement is the first major step.
Because people get excited over nothing these days. Look at Star Wars - people flipped out when they announced the original cast was going to be in it even though everyone pretty much knew it would happen. After that, they showed a pic of the Falcon and again people flipped out but if you are getting Han Solo, you are getting the ship so why the excitement? People are trained to get excited over anything now and do. Moment you saw Sting talking about Warrior, you knew they had some deal in place.
Everyone got all hyped up about his cryptic tweet on twitter and now it's being said that it was all along the reveal for his involvement in WWE 2k15. Why is everyone acting like this is, well brand new news? Ever since they announced 2k15 several months ago, Sting's involvement was known from almost the very beginning? Im confused on whether people just don't pay attention or if they are just trying to make this a new kinda deal?

I think it's a combination of a lot of things. They don't pay attention, some are bored with the product and want to see some changes, and others have wanted to see Sting in a WWE ring for a long time.

I really would have preferred that he had come a lot earlier, because I don't know what kind of storyline they could put him into with the Undertaker kind of not around anymore. But anyway if he comes it will be interesting I hope, and if he doesn't well he doesn't. But it is really kind of old news but as usual the IWC carries on like it's a breaking story and tries to breathe some life into it every once in awhile.
Everyone got all hyped up about his cryptic tweet on twitter and now it's being said that it was all along the reveal for his involvement in WWE 2k15. Why is everyone acting like this is, well brand new news? Ever since they announced 2k15 several months ago, Sting's involvement was known from almost the very beginning? Im confused on whether people just don't pay attention or if they are just trying to make this a new kinda deal?

There has been no official announcement of sting in wwe2k15 which is why people think the tweet will be about the game
People are just getting overexcited. Can you blame them? Sting coming in would be a big deal to many.

I'd imagine that about a third of the WWE audience knows of Sting. Making him the bonus character piques the kids' interest right away. The DVD then hits in September. WWE keeps dropping Sting clips and mentioning his name (like they gradually started doing last year) into early 2015. Then, come his debut in February for his feud with The Undertaker, the whole audience knows about this guy.

Given that Sting hasn't been relevant since the late 1990s, WWE has a task on their hands. They're going about it the right way, and Monday's 2K15 announcement is the first major step.

People are getting excited? News to me. Everyone seems to not be in the slightest. Because as we all know, it's more than likely for game or dvd.

Now if you want to talk about people being excited, think back to all the talk about him facing Taker. Now that had interest.
Name one time Vince ever signed somebody and not be able to make decent money off them via in-ring action? Lex Luger signed in 1992 to solely participate in the WBF Bodybuilding, he had no intention of wrestling but when his business went bust, Vince had to utilise Luger to make money off what he had paid him.
There is no way Sting gets any Hall of Fame treatment or be made a huge deal of without Vince getting something out of it in return
Sting may pop up in the odd dvd, but he wont have his first WWE match in his late 50s and put somebody over.
clearly if he is a part of the game and on the network sting obviously has some sort of a deal in place with wwe noone here knows what the deal is or if he will or wont wrestle but for my 2 cents i think he gets the hof and a wrestlemania moment out of it which he richly deserves there are few names in this buisness that carry his history and legacy and i say he has earned it no matter his age and those who dont feel that way watch all the other matches but i wanna see sting in wwe
People are just getting overexcited. Can you blame them? Sting coming in would be a big deal to many.

I'd imagine that about a third of the WWE audience knows of Sting. Making him the bonus character piques the kids' interest right away. The DVD then hits in September. WWE keeps dropping Sting clips and mentioning his name (like they gradually started doing last year) into early 2015. Then, come his debut in February for his feud with The Undertaker, the whole audience knows about this guy.

Given that Sting hasn't been relevant since the late 1990s, WWE has a task on their hands. They're going about it the right way, and Monday's 2K15 announcement is the first major step.

Sting was TNA Champion quite a few times and constantly one of the top guys in that company for the last decade or so. I realize that's not even close to the same level of "relevancy" as he had in WCW in 1997, but it's not like he disappeared off the face of the earth. While TNA has never gotten it's ratings close to those of WWE or WCW's back in the day, it's not like nobody is watching. There's an audience and I'm sure most wrestling fans know about it, even if they don't consistently tune in.
Problem is Sting signing now isn't that big a deal. The modern wwe audience won't know who he is and anyone who is a fan followed him to TNA so they are not going to flip out. Sure he is the last major guy from WCW not to join but WCW closed out 15 years ago so it isn't like Sting left them to join Vince. He does still have some name value but it just isn't as big a deal as it would have been a decade ago.
I strongly disagree that the modern WWE audience won't know who he is. Between the WWE network, the internet, youtube, etc. it's really easy to be familiar with things from the past.

It's not really a "you had to be there" to know who Sting is. Bret Hart got a huge pop in 2010 and he hadn't been on WWE/F TV since 1997. Sting will get a huge pop too if he ever appears on Raw.
Sting will definitely get a big pop. If not mistaken, didn't I hear the crowd cheer when Sting's face showed up in the advertisement? He's arguably one of the greatest of all-time.
Sting will definitely get a big pop. If not mistaken, didn't I hear the crowd cheer when Sting's face showed up in the advertisement? He's arguably one of the greatest of all-time.
The crowd tonight for sure got excited thinking he may appear live then got a little upset once they realized it was just a commercial (lol).

I think Sting can bring a good pop and regardless of the situation and his age he will still be fun to watch on TV at any capacity.

As far as the money making.... Vince will make his money off the Sting name. Heck, WWE is already selling Stinger shirts on their wweshop.com at the moment.
hmm why do we think WWE is now showing the best of Nitro before Raw on the WWE Network now?
Why do you think Ric Flair is brought back?
Hogan is in WWE also.
These guys can all vouch for Sting's ability and can "put him over" in promos, vignettes etc.
Sting will more than lilely end up in a feud with a younger guy like Bray Wyatt if and when he debuts in ring in WWE, he wont be putting guys over and he wont be put in matches with Undertaker or any other washed up guys who cant go anymore.
The second that video promo played on Monday night, the crowd immediately erupted. Kind of odd if no one knew who Sting was. Oh... that's right.... they ALL did! That was one of the loudest pops I can remember and the feeling of disappointment when they realized Sting wasn't actually in the arena was very apparent. Can we all just accept the fact that Sting is a huge star and is known by the vast majority of current wrestling fans. The false story of him being unknown and irrelevant is getting old.
I have been thinking about this possible match with sting and taker

Fact both men are old and past there prime
Fact this will not be the most technical match in the world
Fact 5/10/15 years when both men at there best this would of been a match of the century easily
Fact taker lost the streak makes you doubt who would win cos no way would vince let wcw biggest star end the streak of WWEs
Fact even tho it wont be a great match it would still draw in wrestling hardcore fans and not just wwe tna roh etc ... too and be a sure fire money maker
Fact sting last few matchs in tna wernt great and taker at wm30 was awful looked soo bad and am a big taker fan one my fave of all time but I hated seeing him look that bad
Fact I still wanna see the match it still be epic to see 2 of the biggest stars in wrestling history in same ring I could die a happy man if I saw that match

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