A New GM for RAW

FOTH 3:16

Occasional Pre-Show
With Regal gone and McMahon not a real GM,I was thinking RAW could use a new GM.With SmackDown! having Vickie and Teddy Long on ECW,The A Show of the WWE is being left out.So what I was thinking is Batista and HBK could be continuing their fued one night on RAW and Vince could come out and say,''Let's have RAW's new General Manager take care of this.And.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! the Nature Boy comes out.
What do you guys think?
Yeah it can be greats to have the Nature Boy as the gm since he retired from wrestling in atleast get an chance to see him act as the gm it can be great I think or if not I hope he brings back Eric Bischoff I used to hate him in start to miss him I hope he bring him back. How about Shane Mcmahon and Stephanie? they can be good gms too. but I think Vince aint going to think about haveing no gm right now probaly til few weeks from now but who knows it might make one.
I'd say any chance of a RAW GM will have to wait until after the draft at least. I think Ric Flair has the best chance out of any of those options mentioned above, simply because he has nthing else to do at the minute. Shane and Stephanie both have other jobs in the company to take responsibility for so I don't see them taking the added responsibility of a RAW GM, even if in my opinion, they'd do a better job than Flair.
While it would be nice to see Ric Flair back on TV, I don’t think making him the Raw GM at this moment is the best option for two reasons:

1 - He hasn’t been off TV that long (only 2 months). They say ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’. We need a lengthy Flair absence (minimum 6 months) so that when he does show up again it will be a nice surprise.

2 – I just don’t see the Batista-HBK feud continuing. I’m not sure what either man has left to prove to the other. Shawn showed that he’ll do whatever it takes to win at Backlash. Tista made good on his promise to hurt HBK at One Night Stand. Their feud started over Michaels retiring Flair then went in a slightly different direction, and the storyline doesn't center around Flair as it stands now.

With Million Dollar Mania and the upcoming draft, I think McMahon wants to be in charge for the next few weeks. Also, it’s my belief that William Regal will resume his GM duties (sooner or later upon his return) and he should be back in late July. So it really wouldn’t be worth appointing a new GM for such a short time period.
Having Flair come back as GM only works if he is a heel gm and HBK and Batista form a stable, a heel stable.

They stop fighting each other because Flair says so, so they fight everyone else. Other than that, I like bringing in Bischoff or Heyman. If that infamous Heyman article was a shoot, the story is written in one promo.
Is there any chance that Ted Dibiase Snr would get the role? he's been more prominent on the show lately since Regal's suspension, and they could easily write him into the storylines. maybe he's paid vince to gice him the job so that he can get his son to the top? He'd be a great heel GM but who knows what goes on in the creative department.
Mrpaul, I actually like your suggestion of Ted DiBiase. The storyline you propose is certainly believable to older fans like myself who remember the Million Dollar Man...If he can buy his own championship belt, certainly he could "buy" the GM spot to elevate his son. Its not far-fetched at all. Of course, the fact that it is believable automatically disqualifies it from ever happening, lol

What I suspect will happen is that the WWE will either just wait it out until Regal's 60 day suspension is over, and he returns to his spot, or they will just name an interim GM to fill in until he is back. Given the airtime he has been given, I wouldn't be shocked to see Rodney the Piper, as Santino might say. He can act as either face or heel at any given moment, which, can be used to surprise us fans every now and then.

I do think Regal will definitely get the job back as soon as he is able to though, so any GM named will only be a temporary one.
I think that maybe The Million Dollar man MAYBE a good GM, but something tells me no. First they have to have his son go through some matches by himself (or with a tag team member) then have him take over. But there is Regal. He will come back and probably take over as GM once again, the only question will be how, but that is not important right now. Would there be anyone out there that could be a great choice as GM, even temporary?
I suppose the vacant General managers position will be filled after the draft.
I'm guessing that RAW will get somebody capable of running the show as a draft pick.
Kinda like how Teddy Long and Paul Heyman were drafted a few years back.
Or like Regal and Austin, a wrestler from past or present could do the job.

Heres 5 that I think could be the new GM for RAW.
Ted Dibiase Sr - Has a good shot at being GM. Would get a decent reaction and could cetainly talk the part. I'm just not sure that Junior would benefit from being in Daddy's shadow, he needs to first make it on his own like Orton did.

Joey Styles - Caused a lot of upset when he was replaced as announcer meaning he would get a huge pop, has good knowledge of wrestling business and can cut some good promos aswell.

Jimmy Hart - I just like this guy so I thaught he deserved a mention, A great manager from WWE past, I think he is too much of an old fashioned character thou, and would not move the show foreward.

Chris Jericho - Why not? Kurt Angle was GM of Smackdown at one point. Certainly would be a bold move and an interesting choice for GM. Y2J is one of WWE biggest personalities, can get people over, keep people entertained and handle things in the ring if he has to.

Ric Flair - would instantly over and has the right skills for the job, he has been GM of RAW before, so would fit in perfectly.
I actually dont expect a new GM and if there is a new one, I really don't want to see the anti-hero (DX, Cena or Tiple H) vs. management again. If there were to be one, Vince would get Austin or Foley because he thinks fans dont realzie they are both well past their prime.

The WWE needs strong angles and writing to right itself and I dont think the GM will get that done.
I think that maybe The Million Dollar man MAYBE a good GM, but something tells me no. First they have to have his son go through some matches by himself (or with a tag team member) then have him take over. But there is Regal. He will come back and probably take over as GM once again, the only question will be how, but that is not important right now. Would there be anyone out there that could be a great choice as GM, even temporary?

My thoughts exactly they should have Ted Dibiease as Raw GM he would make a good general manager. The best Raw GM they had since Eric Bishoff was Raw GM and we know how good he was. I think William REgal should go to ECW and become GM their he would be better then Estrada. Estrada would be better suited on Smackdown. Cause Icky Vicky got to go. (sorry Eddie R.I.P.).
I think that JBL should be the next GM of Raw. Right now, JBL looks and is portrayed as a mid-carder. He's been losing matches non-stop and he doesn't seem to be going anywhere right now. Plus, he still looks quite out of shape. By making him GM, he could develop his character more so that when he returns to the ring, he can be seen as a main eventer. He could also elevate younger guys such as Lance Cade by making them his henchman. JBL has the mic skills, the name value, and this would give his character direction and purpose, something it hasn't had in a while.
I'm all about Ted DiBiase being a GM. That music alone is enough to get people going. It sets up so many angles as well. If the rumored Multi Generational Star stable is on the way, then what perfect way of having them with a position of power as to have one of the fathers be in charge.

Let's not forget as well, DiBiase is a natural heel, arguably one of the top five heels of the last 20 years. The guy is amazing. He knows how to play a crowd and is just wonderfl all around.

I'd love to see the Million Dollar Man as the new GM, but I think we're going to get stuck with the Nature Boy, whoopy doo.
DiBiase would make a good GM but i dont think he has a contract with WWE so i doubt he is gonna get that possition. Flair wouldnt want to be the GM. so it leaves the position wide open and nobody really there to fill it. an interesting thing to do is to put Orton as GM while he is healing up and Orton can play a good heel so maybe a seat of power will give him a chance to build more heat.
I like Ted DiBiase as the choice of GM. I think they need to put a WWE legend in their, but one who could be a heel and DiBiase is just that. And if Ted Jr and the Next Gen stable happen, then Ted Sr can propel them as heels and help them work their way u[. But a completely unrealistic, but my dream choice would be Bret Hart. He could come in and "Screw" Vince's A-Show, I know it won't happen, but a kid can dream.
I'm just gonna throw this out there, but how about the former WWF Commissioner...Sgt. Slaughter!

I was just watchin old school Raw on WWE 24/7 and he debuted as commissioner and it was far more entertaining that I remembered. Even if it was just because of nostalgia.

He's still around backstage, I think, so putting him on TV temporarily until Regal takes over again wouldn't be impossible. And it would certainly be a shock to see him come out on Raw and do draft picks.

Another option could be somebody from outside of wrestling. Why can't a former baseball general manager show up on Raw or something. I think that would be different. And while it may not be extremely great it would boost the ratings for at least a few shows. And again, that's all ya need since Regal would obviously take over when he got back.

Just a few thoughts.
If they wanted it to be dramatic they would announce the new GM and the music for the 4 horseman play.. And out comes

A. Anderson

He is already on the WWE payroll and EVERYONE would be expecting Flair. Orton and a Heel Batista could form a new Evolution to run through Raw and Anderson could bring back the the horsemen to take them on (A group of young guys(maybe even Calito) with Flair as their manager)..
If they wanted it to be dramatic they would announce the new GM and the music for the 4 horseman play.. And out comes

A. Anderson

He is already on the WWE payroll and EVERYONE would be expecting Flair. Orton and a Heel Batista could form a new Evolution to run through Raw and Anderson could bring back the the horsemen to take them on (A group of young guys(maybe even Calito) with Flair as their manager)..

I love the idea for the same reason I would like to see Flair- An Evolution reunion. I am an admitted fanboy of Evolution, as I loved the angle, and the players. I'd love to see Flair as a heel GM assisting Orton and Batista run through the Raw Roster.

I also really like the idea of a new 4 horsemen to combat them. It'd sure as hell be better than DX, although I doubt that would happen with Trips over on SD.
I wonder if Ric Flair for GM is too soon. Is Teddy Long a good possbility? How about the Great Khali that would be some great entertainment. LOL Jk. All i know is that Vince seems to think that Raw doesnt really need a GM. It always gets scraped for various reasons. How about they move Long as Raw GM, Estrada as Smackdown, and bring is Styles as ECW GM. Now that would be cool. Id love to see Teddy Long holla at me on Monday nights and an OMG moment from the ECW GM

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