A new era of wrestling is upon us


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the shit has just hit the fan. Their has just been a superstar cleanup and the writer of smackdown is gone. It looks like Vince is becoming head of creative, and their is no Linda McMahon campaign to worry about. Things are about to pick up and if this mondays raw is a indication of whats to come then sign me up.
... the layoffs happen every year, those whom Creative has nothing for gets released.

Some will be back, some won't.

Vince McMahon re-signing his contract as CEO of WWE isn't really all that shocking either. Vince has been the head of creative more or less since the company took on the organization it has had for the past twenty-odd years...

This isn't a "new era". This is business as usual.
Well, the wording of the contract is interesting. The fact that he's being noted as the "creative director" is quite interesting. It could be nothing, but it could also bring about change in the direction of the show(s). However, the release was of a Smackdown writer, not a Raw one, so Im not sure how that ties in. Everything has had to go through Vince for approval in the past anyway, so im not banking on there being much of a change. I expect much of the same.
Im gonna agree that this isn't anything special to make a big deal of yet. Just 4th quarter cleaning and refinancing if anything. As much as I would like to see some big changes within WWE from Mainevent talent, creative approach, more adult realistic themes, overall look of the show, etc.... it aint likely to happen anytime soon. WWE has to stay PG for their business partnerships with companys like Mattel and advertisers....
the shit has just hit the fan. Their has just been a superstar cleanup and the writer of smackdown is gone. It looks like Vince is becoming head of creative, and their is no Linda McMahon campaign to worry about. Things are about to pick up and if this mondays raw is a indication of whats to come then sign me up.

I must say I love yer optimistic outlook on all this... unfortunately its just an annual thing. I mean I could be wrong but this sort of roster clean up usually takes place tops every 6 months. As for VKM and his contract extension that's kind of routine too.

Now I however think this spring cleaning of sorts opens things up in a positive light though... I mean with the whole youth movement in full force... I really can't see why the wwe doesn't try maybe uhhh... I dunno... something that has been mentioned before plenty of times... doing an NXT tag team season?
Id say more of the same. It does happen every year. The only thing I would disagree with is what TheMAinEvent said about advertising. I dont think PG era has anything to do with it. Mattell has made action figures since I was a kid and WWE never had a promotion problem when it was TV14. I solely see the PG era because of Linda running for senate, but I sadly dont see them going back. Vince never really like hardcore wrestling. IMO they need to find a medium between PG and Attitude Era, some of that stuff was ridiculous chairshots, no count outs, blood, run ins in almost every match. Bottom line its just wrestling keep it simple and original. I would definetly be in favor of some revamping though.
Just more cuts, it's not a grand new era. Although Big Dick Johnson is gone, who was a Smackdown writer, when he wasn't dancing half nude with DX. Not the head though, I think the head writer is still Michael Hayes, from what I've read.
this isnt gonna be a grand overnight change back to a more 'hardcore' style of programming or a return to attitude if you will. few months ago they cleaned house & f.e.'d more talented people (helms, benjamin, james- etc) & no grand change happened.

this is the time although where vince can start slowly building more of a different product. 'the winds of change are blowing' as wade barrett puts it. thats a great line from one of the best prospects we have seen in a while. no more campaign is a plus, but wont ultimately reconstruct the wwe overnight. those who were let go this week werent blowing anyone away with mic skill or ring talent. so not a huge deal...

but in the next year we are gonna start seeing small changes slowly taking effect. a new main event scene is upon us. miz, sheamus, barrett & the rest of the new guys are here & have proven themselves as worthy. great presence & mic skill. these are our future stars & we will never again have another 'attitude era' but what they are gearing up for looks promising. within the next few years wwe's biggest stars of the last 10 years or so will be gone or rarely have matches at all(taker, hhh, show, kane, mysterio, jericho) so cena\orton & the new stars will have giant shoes to fill. but in the past year we have seen a 'new blood' revolution in the wwe. & they are slowly turning the tide to a more serious, heel oriented product. over time we will see a turn back to a little more violence & very personal fueds turning into great all out battles. never again back to what we remember, but vince is creating a new kind of monster. one that will turn wrestling on its head& carve a new mountian from the landscape. all in time. the change has already begun.

remember- hes not vince russo & dixie carter. he dosent have to recycle the same 5 storylines year after year or tweet about 'changing' the business every week that ends up a let down. wwe isnt on top for nothing & will continue to be the standard.
Change? huh? ...change? ... I hope so because the PG era is too watered down! I would love to see more of what I saw this past Monday on the old school edition of Raw!!! Hope Vince change up a couple of things and bring back more of an edge to the programing since Linda lost in the election!
Hmmm, i dunno bout you's but he owns WWE, why would he be having to sign contracts for himself :p Least thats what i thought til i read up on public traded companies, so he owns a majority of the shares but doesn't own WWE, so the mythical Board of Directors they referenced during most of the attitude era could techically fire him. Haha wouldn't that be something.

"WWE has come to terms with the release of the McMahon's we wish them well in there future endeavors"

onto attitude, i'm steering towards Triple H is in control atm and they do seem they are hinting towards more attitude again (which is his style) promo's, backstage segments and commentry have hinted that a new era is on the horizon. Bout time....

though they don't need extreme "attitude" they just need some fresh twists on old ideas and stop shoveling out sub par uninteresting writing, booking and matches. Doesn't have to be anti establishment, blood, extreme violence to still be entertaining.
Hmmm, i dunno bout you's but he owns WWE, why would he be having to sign contracts for himself :p Least thats what i thought til i read up on public traded companies, so he owns a majority of the shares but doesn't own WWE, so the mythical Board of Directors they referenced during most of the attitude era could techically fire him. Haha wouldn't that be something.

"WWE has come to terms with the release of the McMahon's we wish them well in there future endeavors"

onto attitude, i'm steering towards Triple H is in control atm and they do seem they are hinting towards more attitude again (which is his style) promo's, backstage segments and commentry have hinted that a new era is on the horizon. Bout time....

though they don't need extreme "attitude" they just need some fresh twists on old ideas and stop shoveling out sub par uninteresting writing, booking and matches. Doesn't have to be anti establishment, blood, extreme violence to still be entertaining.

Sorta. Vince and his family are the majority shareholders so they determine who is on the board of directors and could call a vote to change that board. Everyone important in a big corporation has a contract-- it provides security to both Vince and the WWE corporation.

I'm not sure I see a full change yet. All I see is shaving off the waste. There really isn't a single wrestler released today that I'll miss.
Just more cuts, it's not a grand new era. Although Big Dick Johnson is gone, who was a Smackdown writer, when he wasn't dancing half nude with DX. Not the head though, I think the head writer is still Michael Hayes, from what I've read.

Actually the head writer is Finlay... which is why he's been off tv for the longest time.

Anyway, yeah the clean up is nothing to worry about... just wwe doing more cleaning. However, what did shock me is that Vince is signing a contract. I could've sworn that he owned the place... why would he need a new contract if he owns the WWE?
While certain things have changed, many of it has begun before the releases of the wrestlers and the writer.

Nonetheless, the wrestlers being released doesn't really have any effect at all. They were released because they had no impact, actually.

It's cool that Vince got to re-sign his contract. Great deal for him. They get his talents, he got the company. Solid negotiating.
Do you think that Vince negotiated with himself? Leaving voicemails and sending e-mails to himself asking for stipulations...interesting..

As for the "New Era." Nope. Just the annual end of year clean up to help skim some money off the books. Wouldn't be shocked to see any of those people back in the E at some point next year. I however am sad that Shad's gone. I'm a HUGE Shad fan and was really hoping he'd learn how to talk. Maybe he'll show up in TNA...or maybe he'll go back to hustlin'. Who knows!
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Anyhow, you would notice that none of these released talents have been used on the big 2 shows so it's no surprise that they are gone. They were lucky to have hung on to WWE paychecks for this long. The only one with any potential is Luke Gallows, but even he is a run of the mill monster-heel with nothing special going for him. His best role was the Imposter Kane.

Vince has a sweet gig, probably gave himself a hefty raise with all the extra money he saved by trimming the fat lol.

Not the end of an era, or beginning of a new one. Just simply cutting out the people who aren't really doing anything to contribute to the product. Time to start gearing up for the "Road to Wrestlemania".
Actually the head writer is Finlay... which is why he's been off tv for the longest time.

Anyway, yeah the clean up is nothing to worry about... just wwe doing more cleaning. However, what did shock me is that Vince is signing a contract. I could've sworn that he owned the place... why would he need a new contract if he owns the WWE?

Well Michael Hayes has been SD head writer for several years, and he's still listed in that role on Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_Wrestling_Entertainment_employees#Creative_writers

And Finlay is still listed as a trainer.
I really don't see much of a change happening before wrestlemania. Just trimming the fat like others have said. The biggest changes we've seen in WWE over the last few years is the annual "draft" between the two shows. That and NXT. After wrestlemania, it would be great to see WWE move away from the PG era.
Speculation will always be among any hiring, firing, or pretty much any decisions at all. Who knows if the wording in his contract has any meaning or if it is just another way to describe the things Vince has control over.

We can speculate all we want to, but I guess time will tell if dman was right on with his post, or if he just wishfully jumped the gun.

I am not much of a complainer, but some changes would be nice. Last Monday's Raw was definitely great and hopefully it is a sign of things to come. But as I said, only time will tell if this means anything.

And real quick, the hirings and firings happen every year. Some guys develop different roles then they had when their contracts were signed. So sometimes things are restructured after a release and we will probably see a few of them back in one way or another.
What I would personally love to see Is Kurt Angle coming back or some gimmick where somebody cannot be pinned(i'm looking at you Big Zeke), or somebody actually stand up and whomp Cena(when he comes back). I watched an old Kurt Angle vs Cena promo and was really impressed when Angle threw him out of the ring after a beating and an angle slam.
I wouldn't say the things that have happened recently indicate a new era. The superstar releases are nothing more to me than a little bit of fall cleaning. This usually happens about twice a year in the E and most casual fans have no idea that wrestlers are even released.

I will agree with the OP when you said things are getting good. I've been a cynic of the WWE since PG began and even before but recently I find myself being entertained. To me personally I like the way the storylines are going. They essentially reinvented Cena as a face which I didn't think could happen and the Nexus storyline as a whole has been pretty unpredictable. I really think creative has stepped it up big time and this year's Road to Wrestlemania looks to be the best one in a while.

As for Linda's campaign being over, the WWE will remain with a PG rating. They're in too deep now with advertisers and their fan base to all of a sudden turn back to TV14. However, I have noticed since the Senate run came to a close that the WWE is letting a lot more stuff slide. The language is a little spicier and the content seems to be a tad edgier as well. I mean it was bleeped out but John Cena clearly said Karma's a bitch last night on Raw. You know that wouldn't have been allowed while the campaign was going on. While they won't be getting rid of the PG rating they'll definitely be pushing the PG boundaries a little more than before.

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