A Missed Opportunity at Wrestlemania 27


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok I don't know if this has been done before if it has been done before please excuse me.

Now let's start by saying that I am a big Edge and Christian fan and have followed their careers since the start. I was really happy when Edge beat Cena and won the WWE championship and then even happier when Christian won the WHC.

Now to my question at EC 2011 Edge retained the WHC in the elimination chamber match and he was heading to wrestlemania. ADR had won the RR and was challenging Edge for the title. At the same PPV we saw the return of Christian and leading to WM he was involved in the storyline for the WHC.

So do you think the WWE could have left Christian beat ADR in the match they had for the number one contender's spot at mania. We could have seen two of the best in the ring facing for the WHC at the grandest stage of them all. The WWE didn't have to do enything because they have a big history and they could both be faces. Just imagine the match they could have had, a match that one day may be called a classic.
It would have worked and only been a great classic if they did go with a ladder match at Wrestlemania. Alberto Del Rio put on a decent match with Edge at the beginning of Wrestlemania 27 but the crowd was also biting it a bit, they weren't really wooed into ADR Vs Edge, but Christian Vs Edge would have been phenomenal if done correctly. Good post man.
I think in hindsight it definitely looks like they should have went for Edge vs Christian, but I mostly put that down to Vince not pulling the trigger and letting ADR fulfil his 'destiny' by winning the title at WM.

I really think that shot his character in the foot, had they done that and let ADR go on a JBL type run I don't think we'd be having this thread.

But they didn't and so I have to say that I agree with you. A Christian vs Edge title match, especially with a Ladder involved, would have been the better choice
If they had known that it was gonna be Edge's last match then I think they would definitely have gone for him vs Christian.
Wouldn't of said much for the Royal Rumble match if the winner wasn't even on the card, but yeah, Edge vs Christian is a match alot of people would have rather seen, me included.
From what I've read, the plans going into wm27 were to have christian added to make it a triple threat match, have del rio win that match and then edge and christian were supposed to have the "feud of the summer" and that all changed pretty quick when a week before mania they knew that would be edges last match. It would have been cool to see the match at mania, but if edge never got hurt there was going to be an edge and christian feud last year. Sucks we never got to see it
Move on mon frere, Mania 27 was 13 months ago it was the proverbial stepping stone for 28; now from what I read at the time about storylines and what not my personal stance is that WWE should have had Christian come out with Edge like he did but right before the match have Teddy come out and announce since Christian pinned Alberto before Mania that allows Christian the opportunity to be involved in the match; so we're getting a total surprise and nice one at that.

And since Edge was retiring I would have had Christian win the belt, whether that be Edge doing the job and having Rio basically bitch for the month that he was screwed and do the Extreme Rules ladder match.

I liked Edge, I thought he was inovative and did a lot for WWE, his persona changes were perfect he capitolized on every opportunity so getting the send off he did was pretty cool and unique especially for wrestling since the boys rarely get that sunset ride off, but WWE could have had Edge put over Christian in his final WWE bout, which would have set up Rio/Christian again and nicely for the belt and not felt like it was put together.
I think they should definitely have had that match. If they would have known it was Edge's last I bet they would have. Talk about a great way to go out for Edge.
of course in hidsight that seems liek a great idea. But at the time there was no way for that to even happen.

remember, at the time
- wwe was pushing ADR hard, so why would they have taken his number one contenders spot from him and why would they take him out of one of the main event spots at mania?
- wwe wasnt high on christian as a main eventer. He won the WHC only bc edge retired. he had a great summer, but a short one at that. WWE hasnt let him run as a true main eventer. hope fully they will when he returns.
- by the time they figured out edge was going to retire after WM27, it was entirely too late to put christian in the match. to throw him in at mania, then have him lose to edge in a three way doesnt really do anyone any good.

yes we missed out on an edge/christian mania match but thats in hindsight. at the time it wasnt the reality.
Nice idea, but this would never have come to pass.
1) It was too late to put Christian in the match, which they only would have done had they known it was Edge's last match, which they didn't know until fairly close to the event, I believe.
2) You guys are talking about a ladder match for Edge's last match. It'd be his last match before retiring because he was TOO HURT TO WRESTLE EVER AGAIN. It was dangerous to put him in another match, let alone a LADDER MATCH.
Sorry if that offended anyone, it just seems glaringly obvious that a ladder match was never an opportunity to miss.
I think that ADR deserved the push not just winning the rumble and losing the match at mania to christian but I would have booked Edge Vs Christian at extreme rules if edge had been able to compete christian was too late returning would be better if they gave it time and build up a shawn michales ric flair type feud love\hate relationship.But thats just my opinion.
I was at WM 27 and ADR vs Edge was decent nothing special like it could have been with Christian in the mix i think a triple threat would have been nice and that way WM 27 could of had its big memorable moment where Christian was seen as WHC. Instead of this however the only two lasting memories we have from WM 27 is The Rock giving Cena the rock bottom, and while I know it help set up WM 28 it should not have been the main lasting memory from a WM the other memory comes from taker and Triple H watching Taker being carted out on a stretcher. But i digress as i said yes it was missed opportunity not having Christian in the WHC match as it would have made a more memorable WM 27.
This is 100% the reason I think that WWE did not know it was going to be Edge's final match until AFTER WrestleMania ... or very close to.

There is NO QUESTION there was money to be made in a Christian vs. Edge feud and it would have churned out a truly epic match. The WWE knew this and I think that they were heading in that direction in the long haul ... only to see Mr. Copeland walk away early due to horrible circumstances.

In hindsight, I am sure that Christian, Edge and the higher ups all wish that they had known and they could have booked this differently, but it went this way ... and forever it will be coulda, woulda, shoulda.

Of all the fans and CEOs and bookers that this might bother, I promise you, Edge and Christian are the ones most disappointed that they never got to do this feud with a big time match.
i think that was the plan for this year's Mania. Edge kept saying he only had another year or so and was hoping that Mania would be in Toronto this past year for his last match against Christian. I think it was just bad timing.
In hindsight yes that would have been a great match, I mean, edge and christian are 2 of the best to have ever wrestled in the wwe, i think what happened to christian could have been avoided had him and edge put on a phenomenal match at wm 27, i think christian could have beat del rio at extreme rules and could have had a better reign cause the wwe would have seen just how over christian was, plus christian would have been more of a babyface cause his best buddy had just left, then all these people want to see christian succeed edge. He could have had a feud with del rio, and orton for that matter, instead of the wwe freaking out and screwing christian over. I mean the del rio vs edge match was good (cause edge was in it, but del rio couldn't hold a candle to either christian or edge), but christian vs edge would have been better plus christian would have been even more over after the match. Would have bben a better situation (or so i think anyways).
I'd say there was a missed opportunity at Wrestlemania 27. It all depends on how many people knew the severity of Edge's injuries and how much time was left before Wrestlemania by the time they found out he had to retire. Alberto had already won the Rumble so he had to get a World or WWE Championship opportunity. If the WWE knew Edge would be having his final match, then Christian deserved to send him off more than anyone given their history and friendship.

Christian could have been put over by Edge to win his first World Heavyweight Championship in a memorable match that still gave Edge a proper farewell. Where does that leave Alberto? They could have put the WWE Championship on Cena and had him face Del Rio. This leaves Miz without a match, but I am sure many of us are not going to complain about that. That would also put our Royal Rumble winner from that year in the main event, where he belongs. This scenario could have worked but I suppose we will never know.
im glad it did not happen as Edge was not in any physical shape to have the classic match he would have wanted to have with Christian. Edge worked a nice snug slow paced match in his final match, Edge went out perfectly. Remember when Christian vs Edge happend before, it bombed badly due to their similar styles, I think WWE made the right call on this one.

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