A Message from "Lifetime Anal Bitch"

Basically he acted like a bitch after recieving a one week ban. Both Lee and Xfear were banned from the site at one point, and they didn't fly off the handle like that.
Basically he acted like a bitch after recieving a one week ban. Both Lee and Xfear were banned from the site at one point, and they didn't fly off the handle like that.

Shit, Lee was banned for a while wasn't he? Like a year? Or was that prison too?
Lifetime original movies proudly presents Tori Spelling starring in Anal Bitch.

Based on the true life events of young Shalimar James and his fight to win back the wrestling forum he truly loves. Co-starring Meredith Baxter Burney as D-Man and Judith Light as Slyfox696. Rated TV-14. Check you local listings.
Lifetime original movies proudly presents Tori Spelling starring in Anal Bitch.

Based on the true life events of young Shalimar James and his fight to win back the wrestling forum he truly loves. Co-starring Meredith Baxter Burney as D-Man and Judith Light as Slyfox696. Rated TV-14. Check you local listings.

Tori Spelling? Would have drawn more if the lead had been Lindsey Lohan.
Lifetime original movies proudly presents Tori Spelling starring in Anal Bitch.

Based on the true life events of young Shalimar James and his fight to win back the wrestling forum he truly loves. Co-starring Meredith Baxter Burney as D-Man and Judith Light as Slyfox696. Rated TV-14. Check you local listings.

He mentioned Black Dynamite and I in the PM, so I demand I be played by Denzel Washington and that Ben Affleck play Black Dynamite.
Don't worry the portrayal of an albino African American is easily feasible by Affleck.

I on the other hand regardless of how much melanin is in my skin have a character fit for Denzel Washington.

ZRise is being played by James Hong for no other reasons except that James Hong is the greatest actor of all time and should be in every movie.

Black Alt-Sully was written out of the movie due to his inability to accept that Bill Lesnar = Truth.
ZRise is being played by James Hong for no other reasons except that James Hong is the greatest actor of all time and should be in every movie.

Black Alt-Sully was written out of the movie due to his inability to accept that Bill Lesnar = Truth.

The man the re-dubbed Dr. Serizawa for the American release of the original Godzilla film? Being the Godzilla fanatic that I am I gracefully accept this.
I highly recommend Big Trouble in Little China if you have not seen it. James Hong plays LoPan (sp?). It's campy, ridiculousness of a 80's movie classic that still holds up today.

You can start one of those "Watching" Big Trouble in Little China threads that have become so popular.

So ******ed
I highly recommend Big Trouble in Little China if you have not seen it. James Hong plays LoPan (sp?). It's campy, ridiculousness of a 80's movie classic that still holds up today.

You can start one of those "Watching" Big Trouble in Little China threads that have become so popular.

So ******ed

Will do;).
He created another alt, just to ask me how the forums were going since he left... How many ways does it need to be said that he ban was only one week long!?

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