A Makeover


With alot of complaints about stale superstars..My question is, Who in the WWE do want to see get a complete makeover. Basically pick who you think is stale and give him a new gimmick, maybe a new look, theme song, etc. Heres mine...

Alex Riley

Yes im reaching out and picking A-Ry. What looked like would be a huge rise to the top and great years to come for A-Ry quickly turned to jobbing and Superstars matches. Once he turned face, he really didnt have a gimmick. I say turn him heel again and bring that cocky brass heel. When he was on NXT, His gimmick was a young former Varsity football player. He was real cocky. Bring him back to this. Change his god awful song. Then my idea ive had since A-Ry first started with the Miz is a tag team with a heel Ted Dibiase. Two young, cocky, good-looking , rich heels. Theres no doubt that WWE needs tag team and this to me is a perfect one. Him and dibiase win the titles. Then later they break up but keeping A-RY heel. He can move on a showcase his talents as a mid-carder. While all this happening it gives him time to work on his in-ring work also. I think it could be a good move for Alex Riley.

What do you think of this idea? Who in the WWE do you think is stale and needs a new gimmick?
I say The Miz. Just look at the guy. He is not the greatest in ring worker, he cuts a decent yet forgettable promo, and the wwe officials have gotten over this guy in a real hurry and he is now in deep shit.

The fact of the matter is that the miz is no longer over or relevant and with this character he has, he will be stuck in the upper mid card and never have a title reign EVER again.

So what do you do? Make him a face, give him a gimmick and send him to smackdown. Yes smackdown. The lack of faces on smackdown is astounding. Once you pass Orton and Sheamus, the Big Show is the next real formidable face. People already like the miz because they loved seeing him rise from rags to riches and beat john cena at wrestlemania, so have him turn face and be somewhat insane. Not a smiling face like sheamus. I can see it now. He has the catchphrase. Next thing you know, "I'm the Miz and I'm Awesome" can be the next "If you Smell what the Rock is Cooking."
Daniel Bryan. Well not a makeover, but at least a tune up. I've always said with the jacket and beard he definately looks like a biker. take someone like Tyler Rekks or anyone WWE is confident in from FCW and make a biker posse with DB as their leader. Make AJ the girl that puts up with all his manipulation and abuse and then put him into a storyline with a guy AJ has a "crush" on and wham, you have something slightly relevant that DB could work with other than the "I point to my title and say YES" gimmick.
The Miz needs a new gimmick, because his awesome gimmick has become super dry and boring.

Right now the best thing for him is to go to Smackdown, make himself relevant again, and possibly win the WHC a few times.
Jack Swagger....

I say buzz his hair short, have him grow out a 5 o'clock shadow... keep him from ever talking and let him just dominate matches with his superior wrestling ability.

He needs to start being real intense... hell give him the mouthguard too, sure it's an even bigger rip off of Kurt Angle than he already is, but who cares? It's a great model to use.
I choice is Kofi Kingston. He needs something new to put him over. A new look, maybe a heel turn, just something we haven't seen. I think Kofi has all the talent in the world but just can't seem to get over the way he needs to so he can look like a main contender. I'd like to see him drop the whole boom gimmick and pick up something new and more serious. Make him look as if he actually has a shot at winning a world championship. Kofi already holds victories against major talent like Chris Jericho, Christian, and The Miz. He can put on a great match. I say this needs to be his time to make it or else he will be stuck as Shelton Benjamin #2.
As a few others have said, move Miz to Smackdown. I really like the Miz, but has gotten very stale. Face turn, Smackdown, WHC.
I'm gonna say Ted Dibiase. I really like Ted but I think he just needs something new. He can't keep fighting Hunico every week. He needs a new look, not sure what he could do. Maybe grow his hair out or stick with facial hair. And he needs to get on the mic more and give himself a true identity. I originally thought back when he was with Legacy that he was going to succeed and Cody Rhodes would be the one who would lag behind but it was the very opposite. Cody is going to be a World Champion in the near future and Ted is stuck in lower midcard status. I think Ted needs a good IC Title run. Something to get him noticed again
Definitely the Miz. I disagree with one of the posters above saying he is no longer over, as he still garners a reaction from the crowd, it's just the stuff he is being given, and his work has been poor as of late.

A face turn could definitely do it, but I just can't see him teaming with Cena or Punk against a team of heels. I don't think a heel turn is the right move, yet.
I'll take Tyson Kidd, since I see loads of potential in the guy. Being a smaller, technically sound wrestler, he'd likely need to be a heel in order to get anywhere big in the WWE. Give him a gimmick that gets under people's skin but without being too much of a coward. I'd like to see his ability in the ring be emphasized more than anything. Make him the guy who's better than almost everyone and is more than happy to tell you about it. I know that may sound similar to Dolph's current Show Off gimmick, so something else would be needed to differentiate him. I think back to Brian Kendrick's last WWE run, and how well he pulled off being a cocky young heel. I see the same potential in Kidd.

On the Miz, I do believe a face turn would do a lot for him, just not yet. He has the potential to be a hugely over face in WWE, but the angle needs to be done right. Find some situation to make him look sympathetic and milk it for all its worth. If done right, they should have a new main event face and merchandise seller on their hands.
I'd have to go with several others and say The Miz. I've enjoyed The Miz overall. Quite frankly, he's someone that I think has gotten a lot of unjustified hate, especially over the last year and a half. I mean, The Miz will catch crap from internet fans for doing something, yet those same fans will praise other wrestlers for doing almost the exact same thing.

Since just before Survivor Series, however, The Miz has really really fallen to a level of weakness that he hasn't been on in years. Miz & Truth were built up to look like chumps during the build to Survivor Series and their match against Cena & Rock. It's little wonder that a ton of people didn't buy the ppv just to see two guys who've been portrayed as scrubs get beaten up by Cena & Rock. Since then, it's just been downhill for Miz. He no longer seems fresh, he doesn't have nearly the same level of heat that he used to and things probably aren't going to get any better for him anytime soon because of the botched spot with R-Truth on Raw a few weeks back.

At the very least, I think Miz needs a change of scenery and will probably be traded to SmackDown! during the next WWE Draft. His character also needs some changes done to it, in my view, in order for Miz to ultimately regain the ground that he's lost. It doesn't have to be anything particularly dramatic. All in all, I think Miz would greatly benefit if his character was simply much more aggressive and generally less cowardly. They've done as much as they can with the Miz as a cowardly arrogant heel I think, so maybe showing another side of Miz is the way to go. Keep the opportunistic aspect of him, and introduce a little cowardice sometimes, but crank up the aggression & intensity factor.
Big Show.

I've had it with this happy-giant stuff. Watching this guy jumping up and down like a rabbit when he enters the ring is just...awful. That happy-go-lucky stuff should be reserved for 190 pound guys like Evan Bourne.

I want the intimidating WCW-Giant back. The guy who sendt shivers down your spine when he slowly walked to the ring.

He's played off this Cryme Tyme crap forever. It was crap when it started, and I can only assume it's crap now because I do not watch Superstars. I imagine a big part of the reason he is on Superstars is because his gimmick is crap. Did I mention he had a crappy gimmick?

After Wrestlemania and perhaps the draft, I'd like to see JTG reinvented as more of an athlete (think Shelton Benjamin/MVP). You can still reference his previous gimmick and lifestyle, but openly have him put it out there that his life of crime wasn't getting him anywhere in life (a bit cheesy, yes). JTG can say he wants to start gettin paid the right way. He could even invoke a little Eddie Guerrero by having him "lie, cheat, and steal" during matches. Translate his criminal mentality more towards his in-ring work. He realizes winning matches is the best way for him to make the most money. Simple as that.

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