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A list of reasons regarding why you should stop bitching


Unregistered User
In case you were unaware, WWE has been in a PG format for a while, but it has only become the bane of the internet wrestling fan's existence since about 2008. It would seem most wrestling fans long for the days of blood, random acts of violence, cursing, and TNA (By which, I of course mean tits and ass, not Total Nonstop Action. Nobody wants that).

However, I can't help but think of all the amazing moments this new time period dubbed by many to be the "PG Era" has given us. On top of moments, we've seen the birth of some tremendous superstars. Here, let's take a look at some of the moments, feuds, matches, and superstars that we have seen since 2008.

Royal Rumble 2008- John Cena makes a surprising return

I marked out. And I'm sure I wasn't alone. This was before I made the fateful transition to becoming an internet wrestling mark, so maybe there was some evidence of his return that I was unaware of, but I was extremely happy to see him. And he won the rumble. My favorite superstar, at the time, came back on a surprise and won the Royal Rumble. I think this was a terrific moment brought to us by PG WWE, and it didn't need any blood, sex, over the top violence, or cursing.

Wrestlemania 24- Ric Flair's last match... kind of

Is it any suprise HBK delivered a spectacular match, despite working with a way over the hill Ric Flair? And is it any surprise that the man who helped make wrestling what it is today managed to make it one of the most emotional matches anyone has ever witnessed? This is surly, one of the most heart wrenching matches in the history of wrestling, even if Ric Flair would be back in the ring two years later.

Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels

Another terrific feud involving The Heartbreak Kid. This was a little less PG than usual, as there was a match at The Great American Bash (it was still great and patriotic back then) where Jericho made Michaels bleed profusely. However, it would have been an amazing feud with or without the blood.

The Introduction of a new diva, and one of the most beautiful divas to date, Natalya Neidhart

I couldn't help myself.

SummerSlam 2008-The Undertaker returns and beats Edge in one of the most intense Hell in a Cell matches ever

It was a long feud that had grown tired, sure, but the match itself was awesome. Lots of weapons, and Edge spearing Taker through the cage was awesome.

The Rise of Jeff Hardy

It was late 2008 when Jeff Hardy really started his atmospheric rise to the top of the food chain in WWE. True, he was months away from championship gold, but the fans loved him, and he was getting in more and more high profile feuds, as evidenced by the fans voting for just him to face Triple H on Cyber Sunday for the WWE Championship, rather than a triple threat between these two superstars and that guy who dances with Santino Marella, which is clearly what the WWE wanted the fans to vote for. He would go on to win the WWE Championship at Armageddon.

The Rise of Randy Orton

It was obvious going into Royal Rumble 2009 that the WWE had big plans for Randy Orton. He was getting atomic level heat, and was the head of his own stable of second and third generation superstars. With the help of his lackeys, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, he was able to secure a title shot at Wrestlemania, where he would face Triple H.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, Part 1

You know it, your momma knows it, even Kim Jung Il knows it was one of the greatest matches ever. It was so good, it warranted a sequel, which while not as good as the first, was still much better than Rocky II.

Chris Jericho/Rey Mysterio Feud

Who woulda thunk a feud over the Intercontinental Title would be so compelling? But the feud wasn't really over the IC title, was it? What it was really about, was the raw, unadulterated contempt and hatred these two men seemed to have for each other, one going as so far as to attempt to ruin the others image by unmasking the other.

CM Punk becomes a major player in the WWE

True, he had won championship gold before, but his victory at Extreme Rules when he cashed his MiTB briefcase in on a newly crowned Jeff Hardy marked the beginning of a new CM Punk. This was not your father's Straight Edge Superstar, this was a much darker, mean, and patronizing Punk. He put down everybody's favorite fuck up, Jeff Hardy, and forcefully took away his championship mere moments after he won it in a grueling ladders match with the sadistic Edge. It became immediately obvious over the next few weeks that this was not the friendly neighborhood Punk we all knew and loved.

The Miz faces John Cena at a pay per view, thus beginning his rise

That's right, at The Bash (when it wasn't so great nor patriotic), The Miz faced John Cena after weeks of calling him out. The Miz was an annoying, snarky, arrogant motherfucker, and he was damn good at getting heat. Of course, John Cena made a fool of him, but being in the same ring as John Cena can only be good for your career. I believe you and I can agree that The Miz can prove this to be true.

Randy Orton becomes the biggest monster in the WWE

Not in a Kane sense, but in a sexually molesting your woman sense. It was around this time that Randy Orton went off his rocker, and started doing what those voices in his head would tell him to. He handcuffed Triple H to a ring pole while he hit a huge DDT on Stephanie McMahon, and then kissed her while she lay unconsciously. It was disgusting, mortifying, and yet, I couldn't look away.

Batista turns Heel... and is actually good at it

I don't like him one bit, but I know others do, and I won't say he's not good at what he does, because that would be untrue. He got pissed at Rey Mysterio when Rey broke up a pin attempt to preserve his chance of winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Batista took exception to this, and spent the next few weeks beating the shit out of a man half his size, which coincidentally is technique number 3 to get massive amounts of heel heat. Batista would go on to be the best heel to wear a suit since Chris Jericho did a few months earlier.

Kofi Kingston/Randy Orton mini-feud

I loved it. Seeing Kofi with an attitude was fucking awesome, and they provided some really entertaining matches. Kofi would ultimately lose the feud, but was not buried by Orton by any means. On the contrary, seeing him come close to getting the better of Orton made him look more legitimate than ever.

Sheamus beat John Cena for the WWE Championship

It shocked everyone when John Cena jumped... errr was pushed off the top rope and crashed through a table courtesy of Sheamus. At first, many people believed it to be an epic botch, but it was indeed how the match was booked. This marked the beginning of Sheamus' rise to becoming one of RAW's top heels.

The Ted Dibiase/Cody Rhodes face turn went horribly wrong, resulting in the phenomenon known as Randy Orton being a tweener (because he's still too much of a dick to be a face)

When most young superstars rebel against their slave driver of a mentor, it is the young guys that the crowd gets behind. Unfortunately, people seemed to look at it as the screwing of Randy Orton, rather than the triumphant rebellion of DiBiase and Rhodes. On the bright side, things have turned out great. Randy Orton is know getting thunderous pops everywhere he goes, Cody Rhodes has adopted a new gimmick that is getting him major heat, and Ted DiBiase gives Maryse an excuse to come to the ring wearing a little number that shows off her cleavage. I don't know whom I'm most grateful for.

ECW Ends/NXT Begins

ECW needed to end, and NXT needed to begin. Finally, those of us that aren't total losers could watch some of the WWE's young talent. (I of course kid, I don't think you're a loser because you watch/pay attention to FCW, I just think you could make use of your time better, like by trying to not be a total loser). While some argue it's just as successful as ECW was, I would argue it's a much more entertaining show, and it's only a matter of time before it becomes even more popular. Additionally, it gives these young performers a chance to wrestling in front of a real WWE crowd, and against real WWE superstars. What could be better experience than that?

Shawn Michaels retires

The Heartbreak Kid broke more hearts on Mach 28th 2010 than he had over the course of his entire life. At Wrestlemania 26, it was the streak vs. the career, and the streak won out. In a rematch of last year's top match, The Undertaker once again outwitted Shawn Michaels, forcing one of the all time greats to retire from wrestling. His exit was that worthy of a king, and I hope for his sake, he doesn't sully that poignant moment by returning. Quite frankly, I think Shawn has better things to do, like spending time with his family, and telling people to accept Christ as their savior with Sting.

The Extreme Rules Poster becomes an IWC Meme



Jack Swagger becomes a legitimate superstar

Jack Thwagger won the World Heavy Weight Championship after cashing in his MiTB briefcase, and would retain it against Randy Orton (cleanly) and Big Show (by DQ), before losing it in a Fatal 4way match where he wasn't even pinned, prompting him to go on an ankle breaking rampage. Pretty bad ass.


Probably the most feared faction in wrestling since the NWO, and one of the best things to happen in wrestling in a long time, the Nexus angle has delivered more surprises than I can even begin to enumerate. Feuds began, friendships were broken, and unlikely allies came together to get rid of the Nexus threat. They just took a serious blow last Sunday, but I doubt that those Nexus armbands are going to be gone anytime soon.

Kane wins a MiTB briefcase, and a few hours later, the World Heavyweight Championship

Seriously, that was cool. I'm not a Kane mark, but there are plenty out there, but I think we can all agree Kane deserved it. It's nice to see someone who works his ass off and is ridiculously loyal to the company get rewarded like that.

The Miz wins a MiTB briefcase

Need I say more?

Daniel Bryan returns

Once again, it's a situation where nothing else needs to be said. Nothing else, but FUCK YEAH!

So there you have it. Anyone who bitches and moans about the PG era, kindly shut up. The PG Era has produced great shit, just like any other era of wrestling. If this isn't enough for you, then there really is no pleasing you, and you should probably just stop watching wrestling.

I'm prepared to get about 20 responses saying, "I HAVE A RITE TO MY OPINION, AND MY OPINION IS THAT WWE SUX!!!11!!1ELEVEN!" and frankly, I don't care. Your opinion sucks, but I encourage you to post it anyway.

Furthermore, if I left anything off of this list, please feel free to add anything you think is worthy of being on it. I know I'm not the only one who isn't bothered by this PG shit at all, and I hope you enjoyed this post.
This is like saying North Korea is a nice place to live only because you've been to the capital. While PG WWE did have good moments, like the ones you mentioned (minus Natalya, because she's not being used much as a wrestler) the overall product still sucks. Bad writing is just bad writing. A lot of good things WWE did turned into turd polish (Natalya & Gail Kim coming in, Kofi's "push", Brian Kendrick's "push", Orton's push turning him into an asshole backstage, same with Rey)
Buddy, you just got a shit load more respect from me since that Rock thread. :)

I think the Attitude Era was great. It was awesome. But, some people seem to forget this quote:

All Good Things Come To An End

I like the PG era. I think all the reasons you listed up were good. No, great. WWE is doing so good right now. I think any IWC members who just like to complain and give criticism to the WWE should just shut the hell up. Like I said in another thread, use your intelligence for positivity.

All the IWC wants is more, more, more. They're spoiled brats who don't give a shit about any good things going on in the WWE and focus on all the bad things. Seriously, there was this thread about how WWE's PPV's don't feel the same because they are too bright. Yes, I'm serious. Someone complained about WWE's setup. All I have to say to that is, WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT THE SET?

Don't get me wrong, I think giving criticism is good. But not 'WW3 IZZ SHOO KIDDI33!!" How about criticism about how younger wrestlers or even older wrestlers can improve in their in-ring or mic skills or whatever. But no, they complain about how WWE is way to kiddie and that there has been nothing exciting for us in the last couple of months/years. Well take a good look at JGlass' post. There's plenty of good/exciting things there. I don't care if I get bashed by people. Or even get red repped. I just put my opinion out.

BTW, I enjoyed your post, JGlass. :D

EDIT: Christian vs Edge in Canada. Just because I'm Canadian, I'm huge marks of both, that match was awesome and I totally jumped up and down like a kid when I heard Christians music. (I know, nerdy.)
As I said in an earlier post.....the PG-era doesnt bother me, as it is how it was when I first started watching as a kid. I have always seen the overuse of blood and (don't get me wrong, some of these have been awesome) cage, TLC, hardcore,...etc. type matches as gimmicks. I think they need to be around, but not every match, not every pay-per-view.

We all grow differently as fans, and all have different aspects we like. But, I think constant use of the above "gimmick" matches and angles makes them lose their luster.
I enjoy the current product I just think a few things like occasional blood could make the current WWE better. I think it tells a better story in a hiac match when a guy is sporting some blood just my personal opinion. Like I've said a thousand times I think WWE has to walk on egg shells because of Linda's impending senate race, But lets not go to crazy the current product is real decent and there's currently a lot of great talent so from this point foward my bitching about blood and chair shots to the head ends. WWE is the best wrestling company in the world TNA has all these things we bitch about and TNA still sucks ass. SO lets appriciate what WWE does and has done forever and that's entertain us.
No good sir you are not the only one who is open-minded and actually likes wrestling and doesnt try to disect every fu***ng flaw it has and blame it on a harmless PG rating.
Excellent thread by the way.
This doesnt belong in this thread but i gotta say that Christian vs Edge ( On the RAW that was live in Canada ) was a freaking wrestlemania caliber match.And just their history together, made the match that much better.

Well another thing to add ( although u pointed out miz and others ) is the youth push where we see great talent rising from the low-card and mid-card.Guys like Evan Bourne,Ziggler, Hell..Alberto del Rio(which from reports on the internet is getting good heat and has a FREAKING Submission finisher!!! you gota love him only for that.).

Now we have Tamina and Natalya who can fkn WRESTLE,and Tamina looks in awesome shape.It the sense that she looks strong and fit and has some muscle not fkn Kelly "cameltoe" Kelly.

Cant think of anymore right now but im sure there are more.

O and btw i love wrestling so much that i only need 2 guys who are RELATIVELY ok on the mic aka Dolf ziggler and Rey misterio to put on a hell of a match and im just fine.

I have a proposal for people who are so blinded by the attitude era.Go watch a porn ( for some tits and ass ) then go watch a Rambo movie ( for some action ).Then watch Banned from Television volume 1 for some ******ed nonsense violence.Your good to go.
This is like saying North Korea is a nice place to live only because you've been to the capital.

I have never seen anything on this forum make less sense.

While PG WWE did have good moments, like the ones you mentioned (minus Natalya, because she's not being used much as a wrestler) the overall product still sucks.

Sucks? No way. You might not like it, but it doesn't suck. RAW is still pulling in a decent audience on USA, the WWE is doing okay despite the economic climate, and as a fan, I'm not to upset with the product at all. There's never a time where there isn't at least two compelling feuds, and there have been more and more interesting superstars. In fact, unlike the attitude era, I'd argue that there are more interesting performers than there are uninteresting performers. But then again, I'm easily entertained.

Bad writing is just bad writing.

You say bad writing? I say Nexus. End of story.

A lot of good things WWE did turned into turd polish (Natalya & Gail Kim coming in, Kofi's "push", Brian Kendrick's "push", Orton's push turning him into an asshole backstage, same with Rey)

Kofi's push isn't over. Do you really expect him to become a super star over night?

Natalya is still getting tons of visibility with The Hart Dynasty, and it's only a matter of time before she becomes a force in the woman's division. She was a force in that diva match a few weeks ago. As for Gail Kim... she sucks.

Brian Kendrick doesn't suck, but he's not cut out for the WWE.

Two things regarding Orton and Rey...
1) How did they become assholes backstage? I haven't heard any evidence of this besides Rey's contract dispute and wanting time off. But Rey is constantly wrestling injured, so I think he deserves that time off.

2) Who cares? They are better on the mic than ever, better in the ring than ever, and they are really in touch with the fans. Randy Orton has made a ton of appearances, and Rey is great with the kids. Who the fuck gives a shit about what they are doing backstage?

Oh, and to the poster above this guy: I thought of it, but I didn't include it. While it was pretty cool when it happened, it wound up being pretty uneventful, but it certainly was awesome when it finally happened.
I have to agree..

All the crappy , and boring things from the attitude era don't seem to make youtube..

So it's fairly easy to "go back and remeber how awesome it was" when you don't have to sit through all the comedy segments and jobbers back then..

Edit: The IWC is full of people who complain because when you agree threads get boring.. So somebody always wants to complain..

If you put a message board with this kind of activity back in the Attitude Era you would have people disecting every thing bit by bit as well, talking about how "Steve Austin only know's 4 moves" and how the rock can't wrestle..
I guess in Reno's mind good writing is Lita showing her tits while having fake sex with edge amirite?If you really think hard and DISECT the Attitude era like the PG era you will find a lot of ******ed stuff.U probably will say that for those ******ed scenes and whatnot there was a Rock and a Stone cold ,a Heel triple H, a Goldberg, A shawn michales or w/e to save the day.I say Nexus , Sheamus(YES Him DAmnit!),I say fkn Daniel Bryan , I could say a lot of thinks but granted there were more interesting characters back then, the product now is just fine and WWE should not be bashed for trying to create new stars and testing the waters and trying to help their wrestlers to perform safer.(Like narrow-minded people who bashed(still bash mb) the banning of chair shots to the head )
Have you noticed in most (90%+) of these memorable moments (which I don't agree with most of them; just my humble opinion) which occured in between two years, happend in PPV events. I mean except for Natalia, Kofi/randy feud and batista heel turn (which I hated), all happend in PPV events. However, in attitude era or even ruthless aggresion we had alot of Raw memorable moments or even smackdown.

All in all, I agree with the quote
All Good Things Come To An End
But what I can't take in PG era is one thing only, stoping a match to clean true blood (not the blade cut one)
Great thread, I mean I'm missing the attitude era but everything good does come to an end. But you have brought up some great things that have happended during the pg era (if you can call it an era yet) especially Jeff Hardy main event push. WWE has been quite simply amazing as of late and exciting. But I think WWE maybe going abit too far with the PG thing. Nexus is one of the best things I've seen in wrestling entertainment wise. So I don't mind WWE being PG because it still is great.
This is like saying North Korea is a nice place to live only because you've been to the capital. While PG WWE did have good moments, like the ones you mentioned (minus Natalya, because she's not being used much as a wrestler) the overall product still sucks. Bad writing is just bad writing. A lot of good things WWE did turned into turd polish (Natalya & Gail Kim coming in, Kofi's "push", Brian Kendrick's "push", Orton's push turning him into an asshole backstage, same with Rey)

Fucking typical, the OP brings up a multitude of reason to smile in the current WWE climate and a 4-post WZ n00b shits all over it straight away. You TNA/Attitude era fanboys need to realize one thing....WWE has always had it's fair share of crud floating around.

People forget there was more to back then than The Rock and Austin ruling the world. There was plenty of shite surrounding the good. The Attitude era was good but it was only 5 years and before that from when I started watching in 88 until around 93 (admittedly 94-96 was pants, worse than now by miles) WWF was PG then and it was awesome. It's only the casuals who wouldn't be watching if it wasn't for the sex and violence of the Attitude era who don't get this.

Mark Henry and Mae Young and that stupid hand. Billy Gunn, Val Venis and The Godfather getting pushed. Pointless, worthless stables like Los Boricuas and The DOA. Oh and Chyna as IC champ to name but a few.

WWE is doing ok right now. It's not perfect but it never has been, and there are plenty of reasons as the good poster has listed to watch WWE at the moment.

I have noticed an influx recently of new members do nothing but put wrestling down on each post. Why bother? It's depressing to read and I for one thank the OP for listing quite a few good things about being a WWE fan.

If you hate WWE you should go to TNA which has crap booking but no John Cena, lots of pointless gimmick matches,lots of blood and its TV-14 which will suit all the PG haters
Have you noticed in most (90%+) of these memorable moments (which I don't agree with most of them; just my humble opinion) which occured in between two years, happend in PPV events. I mean except for Natalia, Kofi/randy feud and batista heel turn (which I hated), all happend in PPV events. However, in attitude era or even ruthless aggresion we had alot of Raw memorable moments or even smackdown.

Let's not forget there have been plenty of great matches during RAWs and Smackdowns, I just stuck to the big money moments at PPVs. Furthermore, as someone mentioned, Bret Hart returned on RAW. That was pretty awesome. I remember skipping Muay Thai class to watch that shit, and I fucking love Muay Thai class.

But what I can't take in PG era is one thing only, stoping a match to clean true blood (not the blade cut one)

I think we can all agree that stopping a match to clean up blood is a little silly, but it hardly ruins the program.
There are things WWE does right and things that could use improvement, but over all I must be pretty happy with it, cuz I still watch it and defend it in stupid arguments
And so the war between Attitude Era bitches vs PG Defenders begin. This thread will be LEGENDARY.

The bitching has to stop. The Attitude Era is NOT and will NOT return. The company is more financially stable than ever. Just because a few angry teens and adults "hate" the PG era, it doesn't mean that things will EVER go back to that way.

The Attiude Era served its purpose which, again, was to eliminate the competition (ECW & WCW.

If you ask me, (this is a message to everyone that says "Attitude Era needs to come back" and "PG sucks" people): "You need to get over the fact that the Attitude Era is gone and is not coming back. Stop complaining that the PG era sucks because in reality, you are only hurting yourself as it makes you stop enjoying descent television. You Don't like it? WATCH SOMETHING ELSE! Go on the "TNA is better than WWE" bandwagon for all I care...just stop complaining."

u do realize hat 80% of what you listed was still during tv-14
pg came in summer 2008

but anyway as much as i do miss the attitude era and wish we could experience it one more time i have accepted the fact that we will never see it again
and im ok with that the product isnt horrible and some truly great things have happened!
Anyone who hates the PG era for the sake of it being PG really needs to learn what wrestling is all about.

With that said I do sympathize with the people who want the Attitude era back and here's why. The fact of the matter is WWE was a lot more compelling to watch back in the Attitude Era, for christ sakes Val Venis was more over than 90% of the current roster and he was lower to mid card his entire WWE career, I don't recall once when Val was in a main event match.

For me the reason I like the attitude era better than todays era isn't so much because of the blood, violence and sexual themes, the product was just plain better back then. The storyline's were better, the matches were better, the main event was better, the mid card was better, the women wrestlers were better, EVERYTHING WAS BETTER and thats the truth, the ratings don't lie.

In early 2002-03 it had all those things, but the product was not very good, it just wasn't compelling TV. Now the PG era is leaps and bounds better than WWE was 5-7 years ago no doubt, but compared to the Attitude era it's shit. Stars like the Rock and Austin were there, they had story line's (like Austin vs. McMahon, Rock vs. Mankind) that people couldn't wait to see. Back in '98 you were waiting to watch RAW the second RAW ended the week before.

I will give the PG era credit because it has produced some good feuds, storylines, and have done a good job building the future, but at the same time I'm not on the edge of my seat waiting for RAW, or waiting for the next PPV. Blood and violence doesn't create compelling television, creative writing, characters people want to see and good matches create a compelling wrestling program.

Its very possible that you can make compelling episodic television in the PG era, the only thing is the PG era reminds me a little to much like the WWE in the 80's. Sure, the 80's was compelling as all hell, but they had the storylines and superstars to back it up, the characters were more interesting and the matches were better (as in they told a better story), therefore the product was better (its actually my favorite time in wrestling history). This was done without blood, chair shots and sexual themes (for the most part anyways) so it can be done.

Like I said I don't have too much of an issue with WWE being PG, but the truth is its just not as compelling and fun to watch as the attitude era was, and that by itself is probably what turns a lot of attitude era fans off of the current product because they had almost as many fans in the 80's as they did in the late 90's.
Thank-you so much for this thread. I am a long time reader of these threads and I really enjoy most of them, but I can not stand the " true wrestling fans " who bitch and complain about WWE being PG right now! I mean come on, if you really loved the sport you would know every thing happens in cycles. All of us start off as fans when we was kids loving Hulk, Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage. When we got older the E gave us Rock, DC and Austin. Now its time to start of with John Cena, Kofi and John Morrison. A few years from now it will be more adult friendly once this generation of kids grow up. And since I love wrestling, I'm fine with that.
Sorry for ranting, but enough was enough, its entertainment Damn it
ok first yes i am an attitude era fan lets get that straight.Now onto the topic at hand now i dont think that just because its pg it sucks i mean the wrestling is still awsome i just think that the story telling needs to be a bit better like one thing that i really hate is when JoMo tries to insult someone he comes with some stupid shit.Now im not saying you have to say that he is a whiny son of a bitch or anything like that as you can see in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd2zhPN5-Es you dont need to curse(ok i guess you can count piss as a curse word).Another thing is the storylines now i now Nexus,Danilson vs Miz,Kofi vs Dolph,Taker vs Kane, those are probably the only storyline that im actually interested in.Now as you can see i didnt really touch on stuff being pg i think that its mostly storytelling and the storylines out.Which mostly pionts to booking.
Still a shitty product, and i cant take your opinion seriously since youre obviously a wwe mark, as i see from your idiotic TNA comments, grow the fuck up

Did you quote the poster just so it didn't look like 1 sentence of spam crap? If your not going to even put a point across then fuck off. Plenty of other wrestling forums out there where you can spam, go to one of them.

'WWE Marks' are the majority of wrestling fans. Outside of the IWC not many people watch TNA. As you can tell from their poor ratings. Let me guess, you watched WWF/E when it was 'cool'. The poster puts a good thread out then you put your worthless 2 pennies in. I can't take your opinon seriously, not just as your a TNA mark, it's that you offer nothing of worth in your posts.

Oh yeah noticed you insulted another guy the same because he liked the Ultimate Warrior, see some of us have been watching wrestling before The Attitude era so have childhood favourites a bit less recent than Stone Cold. You deserve your shitty rep.

u do realize hat 80% of what you listed was still during tv-14
pg came in summer 2008

but anyway as much as i do miss the attitude era and wish we could experience it one more time i have accepted the fact that we will never see it again
and im ok with that the product isnt horrible and some truly great things have happened!

Your math is flawed. Only about 4 or 5 things I listed were pre-summer of 08. Even so, WWE was shooting for the younger audience at that point.

That said, you make a good point. The attitude era is gone, and probably won't come back, but I don't doubt that we will get a more TV-14 product in 5-10 years.

Still a shitty product, and i cant take your opinion seriously since youre obviously a wwe mark, as i see from your idiotic TNA comments, grow the fuck up

Ha. I am a WWE mark in the sense that I enjoy watching it. And idiotic TNA comments? They are dead on. Look at their ratings, nobody wants to watch TNA. WWE, on the other hand, draws. You know why? Because it's good. End of story.
Now is the WWE PG OR G???

A PG-rated tv program should be investigated by parents before they let their younger children attend. The PG rating indicates, in the view of the Rating Board, that parents may consider some material unsuitable for their children, and parents should make that decision.

The more mature themes in some PG-rated tv programs may call for parental guidance. There may be some profanity and some depictions of violence or brief nudity. But these elements are not deemed so intense as to require that parents be strongly cautioned beyond the suggestion of parental guidance. There is no drug use content in a PG-rated tv program

A G-rated tv program contains nothing in theme, language, nudity, sex, violence or other matters that, in the view of the Rating Board, would offend parents whose younger children view the tv program. The G rating is not a “certificate of approval,” nor does it signify a “children’s” tv program. Some snippets of language may go beyond polite conversation but they are common everyday expressions. No stronger words are present in G-rated tv programs. Depictions of violence are minimal. No nudity, sex scenes or drug use are present in the tv program
I know it wasn't a big match situation Jglass, but I wanted to throw in one of my favorite PG matches... and it was on the supposed C show.

Evan Bourne vs. John Morrison

This took place in April 2009, back when Morrison still had a personality. If I remember correctly, this was both Bourne's and Morrison's last match on WWECW, but both men shared such chemistry that it had the usually dead ECW crowd on their feet. And no, it wasn't just flips and spotfests that these two have gained a reputation of having, but a mix of styles that made it fun to watch from beginning to end.

It showed that without blood, sex or over the top shock value, (or even promos or a proper feud in this case,) that two talented performers can captivate a crowd to get even the most unenthusiastic of crowds excited. That's what the PG era CAN do. It doesn't always, but in my opinion it mostly succeeds.
Both companies have terrible storytelling and booking with rare brilliance, but WWE is in a transitional period with new stars emerging.

TNA is trying to capitalize on the past and people who can't let go, which is a shame, because their in ring action is awesome. They have too many PPV's and not enough shows in between to make any memorable stories leading up to matches.

That is the real problem. The storytelling, booking, and characters.
I admit, I'm a big fan of shit talking and some chair shots to the melon, but I can live without it. A lot of people on here were probably 5 or 6 during the attitude era, and all they remember was the things on youtube they can watch now. The PG Era isnt the greatest, but it could damn sure be worse.

Granted we did go from 'turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass'
'you can crumple it up and stick it up your Nexus'

So as far as trash talking goes, I would like for them to create some lines that arent corny. Other than that, I have no objections, I'm thoroughly entertained by Raw, Smackdown, NXT, and yes, even TNA. Why? Because I'm a FAN OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING.
I'm not gonna bitch about shit like that fucktard who hates PPVs because one had a yellow light, or say a company is garbage because they dont have super great ratings, I dont run Spike TV or the USA Network, huge ratings mean jack shit to me.
PG is the way it is, your TV gets more than one channel if you dont agree.

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