A Legacy Type Return?


Championship Contender
I thought the team of Dibiase Jr Rhodes and Orton could've lasted longer than it did. I wouldn't mind seeing another version of it under a different name. It would be the perfect time to hit the reset button on guys like Rhodes, Bo Dallas and Axel (which consequently would reset Sandow as well). All of those guys are kind of floundering right now. On top of that, what better way to bring up Charlotte as a manager on TV, while still being able to wrestle on NXT (or even in WWE if they want).

If WWE continues with factions like New Day, The Authority, maybe a returning Wyatt family, this new 2nd Gen faction would be a nice addition. If they are heels, it gives Reigns a new set of people to feud with if they try to recruit him. On the flip side, if they are faces, it gives Rollins a new set to feud with.

Rhodes would get a chance to be the leader of a faction before breaking out on his own again, Dallas and Axel would be taken more seriously individually or as a team and Charlotte can go off on her own, conquering the divas division while still being a manager.

What do you think?
There's only one issue I see with that and that's that they have no charisma on their own/as their own characters. It would be hard to carry this on if they can't talk as a group. Bo Dallas' promo ability correlates directly to his gimmick. Would be work representing a group based around Legacy...if you want them all Bolieving maybe... If not than no.
Perhaps this can work if any two of these lads replace the J&J Security for Seth Rollins and when Seth moves out of the Authority, he can form a own stable by himself and pretend to be the aspirant Shield. That could possibly worth with the Charisma and mic skills of Seth Rollins and I guess Cody Rhodes and Curtis Axel can really work together.

In my verdict, Seth looks apparently naked without the title around his waist and no security on his sides. So this may can work for a brief amount of time at least.

It's not going to get over. Legacy did crap all for anyone involved not named Orton, and that was really due to the success of the Viper character happening concurrently.

Rhodes is jobbing in latex and face paint, and Dibiase is gone, and does anyone even remember Manu? Or Sim Snuka of Deuce and Domino fame? Yeah.

Your Dad being a wrestler doesn't make you a great heel. If anything the reaction people have to second generation stars is one of nostalgia for the parent. People want to get support these guys based on their lineage, especially if they're the progeny of a beloved competitor.

Cody was great when he divorced himself from his heritage. Undashing Rhodes was his finest work. His first character and Stardust have been underwhelming, and those were the ones that really touched on his family.

Legacy was about Orton, it may have been about getting the other guys over, but it certainly failed miserably. At the end of the Evolution faction, Batista went over Triple H. Droves of guys that went through The Four Horseman went over Flair. Nobody went over Orton.

The point I'm trying to make is that it's all in he booking. Why put wrestlers together? Why bother if they're just going to wind up jobbing like 3MB. The Shield was made up of the guy with the look, the guy who could cut the promos, and the guy who could wrestle. All three were capable of those things, but they made up for their weaknesses. Hunter Hearst Helmsley wasn't getting over as a heel, so they paired him with Shawn Michaels.

Rhodes doesn't need anyone. He's super over, the Cody chants are over, and he'll be insanely over when he turns face. Likely that will happen Monday. RIP Dream.

Cody doesn't have any deficiencies that Axel or Dallas would make up for. Unfortunately they're all not on WWE's priority list. If they were put together, they'd be a job squad.

Factions are awesome. You're absolutely right, the more the merrier. There's a lot of top tier talent coming up from NXT that are going to pass by Axel, Dallas, and likely poor Cody. Of the three, he's world championship material. A more likely outcome for future stables will be a faction made up of NXT guys.

It wouldn't be an NXT faction, so much as a faction of three to four guys moving up at the same time. I'd do a group consisting of Finn Balor, Hideo Itami, Tyler Breeze, and a greener guy like Baron Corbin maybe.

Good thought on factions, they add a ton of value setting up relationships and storylines for the characters for years to come. Your new Legacy would most likely fall flat. A reunited Wyatt family is more than probably a good thing. Some think it's a step backward, but their split was a misstep in the first place.

Factions are sweet.
Those three guys are very bad choices for a faction in my opinion. The Legacy was built off of people who WWE saw as future WWE Champions. They invested a lot of time into Cody and Ted by sticking them into the main event with Randy Orton, and giving them huge wins over the likes of DX.

Axel and Dallas are probably 2 of the top 3 "joke" characters in the E and Stardust isn't much better at this point. I see them jobbing a whole lot if this were to actually happen.
There's only one issue I see with that and that's that they have no charisma on their own/as their own characters.

I disagree. Axel was getting Axelmania over and Bo can work an audience, even with a cheesy gimmick

Axel and Dallas are probably 2 of the top 3 "joke" characters in the E and Stardust isn't much better at this point. I see them jobbing a whole lot if this were to actually happen.

Remember though, some of the best wrestlers/factions came from shitty gimmicks that were going nowhere. Case in point would be when HHH rebranded DX in 98:

Road Dogg before was The Roadie and 'With My Baby Tonight' Jesse James
Badass Billy Gun was tag champ, but then fell way down as 'RockaBilly'
X -Pac was the underdog 1-2-3 Kid
Hell, even HHH spent his first few years with the cheesy Blue Blood Gimmick

Just because you're saddled with a gimmick doesn't mean you're always that gimmick and just because you're losing a lot doesn't mean you can't turn it around. Ziggler was losing a ton before this past year.
Generally speaking, I was never all that impressed with Legacy. Most of the time, it seemed that DiBiase and Rhodes were there as primarily background characters for Randy Orton. Cody Rhodes has shown a lot of personality over the years, though DiBiase was just flat out, 100% wooden.

In some ways, setting up a faction based around familial connections to wrestling legends is doomed to failure, especially if those legends are highly and fondly remembered by modern fans like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig are. Even though it's a different age and the business has changed, I think a lot of fans automatically build in certain expectations for wrestlers with legendary family history and are disappointed if those wrestlers don't immediately live up to those expectations; it's partially another example of fans wanting immediate and instant gratification coupled with unrealistic views. WWE's gone that route to some degree in the past with Curtis Axel by weaving his first year in WWE around the fact that his father and grandfather are both wrestling legends; the results, at the very best, were mixed though it wasn't entirely Axel's fault. WWE ultimately made him a bit player in the Punk vs. Heyman program, which I pretty much knew was going to happen right from the start, plus Axel just doesn't have his father's abilities whether it comes to being in the ring, on the mic or general charisma. Like Sandow, it seems that WWE is content to have Axel fill the sort of role that was primarily occupied by Santino Marella.

As for Bo Dallas, I'm just not all that interested in the guy right now. I think they've long since gone as far as they can with his current gimmick and I don't see much happening for him without some repackaging. One thing Dallas has on his side potentially is time as he's only very recently just turned 25 years old; barring serious injury, there's a chance of Dallas making it later on down the line and I don't think it'd be doing Dallas any favors to get any sort of mega push too quickly or too soon.

When it comes to Charlotte, I have a feeling Vince is going to insist on taking the fact that she's the only daughter of Ric Flair and shove it down our collective throats enough as it is whenever she makes it to the main roster. At the same time, I don't know if that's a good thing for her because there are going to be enough comparisons of Charlotte to her old man no matter what. Charlotte doesn't have her old man's over the top personality, which could be a good thing as there are times in which Flair comes off as almost a parody of himself, and she's set up her own identity in NXT aside from being Flair's daughter. While her connection to him can't be flat out ignored, I'd personally prefer that it not be made the centerpiece of her character if/when she makes it to the main roster. Given that Vince either doesn't know how to book Divas as relevant as their male counterparts or isn't interested in doing it, Charlotte's time on the main roster in establishing herself as relevant and as being more than just Ric Flair's kid will be hard enough as it is.
I have to agree with JH again when he said most stables set up around family members are doomed to fail. Fans remember the father and want the same out of the child, and quite often it doesn't transpire. Then the kid has no chance at all really.

Legacy might have worked if Rhodes and Dibiase weren't treated like Orton's lackey's. Rhodes has shown flashes of brilliance, but yea Ted Dibiase was just plain horrible in the ring. One of the most boring wrestlers ever. There was no way he was gong to go far, he couldn't connect to the fans.

Just because your father or family member was a superstar means nothing to the generation coming up. Just look at Curtis Axle. He's a shadow of his dad, and seriously he's a charisma vacuum. I wonder at times how he still has a job. Axelmania was the best thing they ever did for him, it actually made him relevant for a short time.

Bo Dallas just looks too much like his brother for his own good, and that's not his fault. But he's nowhere as good on the mic as Bray Wyatt is, and his gimmick has worn out it's welcome. He is young and he might do better with a repackaging. If he stays the way he is though, he's not going far. Lower midcard at best.

Roman Reigns suffers a bit of it himself being compared to the Rock all the time. I've heard many say the Rock is a natural on the mic, what's Reigns problem. Just because one family member does something spectacular don't expect it from others.

Charlotte might escape some of it though. She is definitely her own person, great in the ring and she's a different sex, which I think makes a difference. Flair is loved and fans will give her a chance. The one thing Charlotte has going for her is she can back up unlike some of the others mentioned above.
A legacy return with Ted, Cody, and Randy wouldn't work. Cody has obviously lost his mind, and transformed into Stardust. If he does ever change back, I personally don't think he will, it'd be hard to see him go back to how he used to be. To see him go back to Legacy would be worse. Also, Randy has built himself up as a lone wolf, going back to a stable would only make it worse. The only person this would benefit is Ted because he would actually be able to wrestle in a WWE ring again.
Bah, I still haven't seen Cody Rhodes do anything interesting that has lasting power. He can switch his gimmick all he wants, it gets boring after one week. He's a decent wrestler too, he's just too boring to capture anyone's attention.

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