The Social Outcasts Or The Legion Of Losers

That was easily the worst segment on Raw in years. Seriously. I could imagine how Creative came up with it.

"Let's put together 4 jobbers that no one cares about (Slater, Rose, Axel, and Dallas)"
"Okay and let's them go over former World Champions and IWC fan favorites like Dolph Ziggler!"
"Yea and then we'll split them up after like two weeks, and no one will see them for like 3-4 months!"
"Oh man this is great!"

Dolph Ziggler should quit. He deserves so much better than this. First, he was forced to be in that ridiculous love triangle (square?) with Rusev, Lana, and Summer Rae. Then he jobs to Heath Slater clean on Raw. What has he done? He needs to just quit and go to ROH, Lucha Underground, or NJPW where Creative will actually care about him. At least he won't be forced to participate in love squares and job to comedy jobbers.

I think sometimes creative like to do unusual pairings and see where it goes. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg are one example I'll bring up. I personally thought it was a rather unusual pairing and thankfully for those two the rest is history and they went from two undercard workers to the hottest tag team during the Attitude Era and to future HOFers.

I'm not saying this new group will put them on this level but it is a good way at keeping them relevant regardless of the outcome. Who else on the roster will you give these chances to? Heath Slater is an interesting character that's a decent worker and knows how to get cheap heat.

Bo Dallas just needs a tweak to his original character, Adam Rose needed something that was a depature from his party gimmick and Curtis Axel...well...needed another chance after the failures with Heyman and Sandow. Patience is all I'll say. Regardless where Ziggler is headed, Slater getting the victory last night was probably his biggest victory to date and kind of sets the standard that they may not just be a jobber team, maybe.

I'm not going to write this off as a failed venture until I see where it goes over time. Trust me, we have seen worse. Of course in my 30 some odd years of being a pro wrestling fan, nothing will top that Dr. Claw(Inspector Gadget reference for the youngins) sounding Black Scorpion character that WCW created to compete against Sting. But that's a whole story of it's own. Low key, I'm somewhat of a fan of Slater's so I have some hope here.

As for Dolph Ziggler, I feel that ship has sailed and he has just been lost in the shuffle - at least for the time being. The concussion after his title slowed his momentum, followed by the comments towards Randy Orton generating backstage heat and him still being face. Despite how good of a worker he is, I have not enjoyed Ziggler in a face role. Ultimately him as a heel seems more natural for guys like him and The Miz because it fits their characters.
We practically all thought New day was going nowhere but look at what happened. Creative seems to be letting them, Roman and others be more themselves more so than the crap they had for them. I say that too say this. These four guys are decent workers and and a few have decent mic skills so who knows. They might surprise us. If one eventually leaves or gets kicked out for some muscle or axle becomes their arn as their enforcer you just never know. If I was betting I'd bet on failure but I thought the same of new day at first and was wrong.
There's as fairly new faction which has pretty much received a 50/50 from the fans. Social outcast. What's your thought on the group? Can they develop into a face version of new day? Who knows. After raw I'm assuming they're gonna be faces but would they be better off as heels of possibly even better as tweeners?
I personally feel they should go after any and every wrestler on the card they feel held them down. I think they have potential but personally prefer sandow, fandango,or Ryder over rose but in time that can change.
So the questions
1) what are you initial thoughts of s.o?
2) who would your group contain?
3) are they better off as faces, heels or a tweeter type group?

I personally think they need time to mesh and grow together but if booked properly which is always the problem they can get over.My group would have Slater,fandango,axel and sandow and Dallas, A more serious more aggressive side to all of them and a silent kickass side to make them all more relevant and stand out.I think the tweeter mentality or booking would benefit them most. Slater the the running for the US/ic belt. Sandow and axel a tag team along the lines of the brain buster but probably not as good going for tag belts.dallas a more serious competitor which has tremendous ability on the mic going after whatever title Slater doesn't go after. Fandango a decent discarded going after the mud card titles once Slater gets a better push puttibg him closer but not necessarily to the main event.What are your answers to the the questions? They could be a comedic act that still has a serious presence to them if you ask me. I'd have their anger and aggression come out any and every time someone made light of them or they felt held back. A better nexus/Corte with creative learning from past mistakes hopefully
The random stable always falls flat and dies pretty quickly, this is just a new 3 Man Band, it won't lead anywhere.

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