A Legacy Evolution

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
With me not really watching Raw as of late I'm not sure if this stable is stiil based around next gen wrestlers. I read somebody say that Batista might eb added, although I don't know if he was just speculating. Whatever, assume it's going to be a stable made up of 2nd & 3rd generation stars. With the ammount of wrestlers coming through who've had a family member in the business, should the stable stay around for years to come. That doesn't mean Orton, Rhodes or Dibiase need to remain in the stable over the years, they should grow out of it. I'm just on about keeping it around as a brand name and using it to push wrestlers to fit the specific criteria for the stable.
Evolution is missing a few features of a great stable in my opinion. 1st they need a manager. What happened to having managers? Certain wrestlers who cannot cut a promo need managers to speak for them. Shelton Benjamin would be a nice addition to Evolution. He has the in-ring ability second to no one. However, he cannot cut a promo to save his life. 2nd, and again this is just my opinion, this stable should have a leader, a muscle guy, a tag team, and an midcard guy to take the stable over when they get rid of the leader. Thus propelling this midcard guy to main event status. They need a couple more guys. Maybe DH Smith, Shelton, hell Knox sucks, but they could have used him for muscle. Putting Batista in there does not need to be done. He is already a big name & would take the spotlight away from other guys. 3rd Give these guys some gold and let them run with it for a while. A face chasing a heel champ is always better than a face fighting off heel contenders. When the face finally gets the belt its all the sweeter! 4th make sure they all watch each others back. At the beginning the nWo was all about making sure each guy won no matter what. Hogan would save the outsiders, Giant saves Hogan, outsiders save syxx. They should start letting Orton save Dibiase &/or Rhodes. Show the team is a well oiled unit. Just my opinion.
i don't see dh smith heading to legacy because he was just drafted to ecw. and tyson kidd along with natalya are on ecw: new hart foundation.....? why in the hell did they get rid of manu. does anybody recall the match manu had with batista? i thought he looked pretty damn good in that match. imagine rhodes or dibiase against batista. they'd get slaughtered! i see the legacy taking on a 4th member in 1 of 2 ways: a mcmahon, or someone from fcw. i just can't see any other way making sense. but i still firmly believe that if they had kept manu, than this whole thing would have been resolved. for a somoan heavyweight, that guy was pretty damn impressive. spring board moonsaults, running calf kicks, not too shabby.....
i just had a thought, not that this would ever happen, but what if the undertaker joined legacy? in the wwe universe he is a 2nd generation superstar with his father being paul bearer. i know a lot of people would say that it would take a lot away from legacy considering how far ahead the deadman is than they are, but taker has proven time and again that he can make anybody look like gold. plus, like everybody's been saying, legacy needs a muscle. imagine how good rhodes and dibiase could be if they worked close to the deadman for a long period of time. it'd pretty much be automatic, they'd have to end up being huge. but than again, seeing as how this is supposed to be orton's group, it'd probably take things away from him too making it look like he couldn't control his own faction. plus i'm pretty sure taker has his own shit going on. a lot of ways you could look at it. just a thought. what do you guys think?
As far as Legacy goes, they are missing a few key components. Any successful stable in the past has consisted of some kind of mouth-piece/manager or whatever. My hope is that Shane McMahon turns on HHH n Batista at Backlash, betraying the McMahon family in order to start his own Legacy as the hier to the McMahon thrown. That in itself would take Legacy to another level and make for a much more interesting story. Then they need a 4th member. I would say DH Smith. Eventually, the group disbands starting a fued with one of them and Orton..........and for the record, i think that Ted Dibiase Jr. has all the tools to become a main even guy in the years to come
Evolution is missing a few features of a great stable in my opinion. 1st they need a manager. What happened to having managers? Certain wrestlers who cannot cut a promo need managers to speak for them. Shelton Benjamin would be a nice addition to Evolution. He has the in-ring ability second to no one. However, he cannot cut a promo to save his life. 2nd, and again this is just my opinion, this stable should have a leader, a muscle guy, a tag team, and an midcard guy to take the stable over when they get rid of the leader. Thus propelling this midcard guy to main event status. They need a couple more guys. Maybe DH Smith, Shelton, hell Knox sucks, but they could have used him for muscle. Putting Batista in there does not need to be done. He is already a big name & would take the spotlight away from other guys. 3rd Give these guys some gold and let them run with it for a while. A face chasing a heel champ is always better than a face fighting off heel contenders. When the face finally gets the belt its all the sweeter! 4th make sure they all watch each others back. At the beginning the nWo was all about making sure each guy won no matter what. Hogan would save the outsiders, Giant saves Hogan, outsiders save syxx. They should start letting Orton save Dibiase &/or Rhodes. Show the team is a well oiled unit. Just my opinion.

I agree with you. However WWE story telling has been lackluster, so all I can do is agree. I don't expect this to ever happen. WWE isn't historically good with stables. Other than Evolution, DX, and maybe a few others, WWE stables consist of a main eventer with a couple of lackeys who job to stars and take finishing moves at the end of every show. Don't expect much change to this formula with Legacy. Expect Rhodes and Dibiase to get pedigreed, FU'd, superkicked, and batista bombed to hell over the next few months, and getting no retribution. They may get a muscle guy, but it won't be a Batista (future main event caliber guy), it will be a guy on the level of Ezekiel, Bam Neely, or Kozlov. A big stiff who can't sell and jobs.
What was the most effective heel group in the history of wrestling? the NWO. It started as 3 guys and built into an army of sorts against the company that employed them. They grew steadily as people joined the company and decided to switch over. Bischoff became the mouthpiece and overall manager of sorts as he was the head of the company itself. Legacy can easily follow this same format. The three of them could start a revolution against the veterans and the McMahon's and who would be the best mouthpiece but a second generation Mcmahon. I would have Shane turn at Backlash and become the manager/mouthpiece. Go with the story that he feels its his time to take control and had to take action because he saw HHH sneaking his way into what he feels is his spot. You add the Tyson Kidd, DH Smith, Natalya, Primo, Carlito, Joe Henning, Sim Snuka, basically anyone who is second generation and start a war against the veterans. Then after some turmoil you can see the group divide within itself, kinda like the wolfpac. Priceless could end up fighting with the colons, the new hart foundation could form at this point, and it could elevate everyone. Just think about all these young heels stealing titles and then retaining with the help of one another. This could even lead to camera time for their fathers with some being for what they are doing and others against it. There can even be a vince turn where he begins to believe his son is right and vince and shane are backing the youth movement of second generation versus hhh and steph. This storyline could go for years with twists and turns and be endless. If I were booking id do it this way
If anything really nailed the coffin for Legacy, it was WM25..your leader gets hit in the head with a sledgehammer..the champion has incredible odds against him..the champion has a old man and his son who honestly should retire for good (all he can do is go coast to coast..thats basically it), yet they dont show up, or make any form of impact in the main event..to me, this killed any chance of Legacy becoming successful..they were obviously playing as their fathers on WWE Legends and got too distracted, while Orton was squashed..

As for Batista joining Legacy, I'm gonna say this: Batista turns on Triple H somehow at Backlash..(I really REALLY want HHH to become heel already but we know that wont happen, he's the other reason why the main event at WM sucked! Terrible face)

This could be another rant to my disappointment to the main event..I still am partially pissed on how I've seen one of the best buildups in recent memory, and realize it was just a match full of hype...I wasnt expecting HBK/Taker quality but damn at least use the players of the storyline and get it right!
As far as Legacy goes, they are missing a few key components. Any successful stable in the past has consisted of some kind of mouth-piece/manager or whatever. My hope is that Shane McMahon turns on HHH n Batista at Backlash, betraying the McMahon family in order to start his own Legacy as the hier to the McMahon thrown. That in itself would take Legacy to another level and make for a much more interesting story. Then they need a 4th member. I would say DH Smith. Eventually, the group disbands starting a fued with one of them and Orton..........and for the record, i think that Ted Dibiase Jr. has all the tools to become a main even guy in the years to come

i completely agree with this idea...i don't know if this might be useful, but if you remember last year when vince was out and stephanie and shane got in an argument on who is running the show, that can be the reason why shane will turn his back on batista and trips thus, making orton wwe champ, and just as you mentioned, shane ends up taking over raw with wwe chapm orton at his side...i think it's the most probable way it might go down

as for the results of the draft, there can be a possibility where chavo and vicky might join in since chavo comes from a wrestling family and vicky is a hell gm so maybe shane, chavo and vicky joining legacy but mostly vicky and shane would make sense and have them both protecting legacy while orton has the title
Everyone has already said pretty much everything Legacy is missing, so I really have nothing else to add except that WWE is REALLY dropping the ball on this one. I have never been one to criticize a lot, but they need to do something. Legacy doesn't even seem like a legitimate stable to me. Something definitely needs to happen, and quickly.

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