A Hardy Hall Of Fame?


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Recently with the announcement of Rikishi going into the Hall of Fame it got me thinking of two Tag competitors who will eventually be in the Hall of Fame, that's right The Hardy Boyz, Matt and Jeff who along with Edge and Christian and Team 3D made some of the best tag matches ever.

Without a doubt they'll go in together as a tag team, and rightfully should, but if they were to go in solo...my question is does Matt deserve a Hall of fame bid alone? Jeff is an easy argument, take away all his tag titles and his a 4x IC champ, European champ, WWE champ 2x and 1x World Champ, and beyond popular among the wrestling world.

Matt on the other hand, has one U.S-European-and "ECW" Title run, which honestly isn't much to look at, the only thing Matt did in his singles career that gained some interest is chase and win the Cruiserweight title, his little stints with MVP were good as well, but all in all not Hall of Fame worthy,

So what do you think, separately are The Hardyz worth Hall of Fame bids? (And don't give the obvious idiot response of "WELL THEY'LL BE INDUCTED TOGETHER") yes we know that.
They certainly are not going to get inducted as an individual wrestlers. We can argue a bit about that with Jeff but still his championship runs come in as a surprise and not with a great buildup. But okay if he's gonna get inducted it's not gonna be anytime sooner

In Matt's case it certainly not going to happen. He isn't in the WWE for too long. He didn't have any great feuds or anything other than that He and MVP made the US championship a bit legitimate during their feud. So I think Matt certainly isn't going to get inducted in the WWE hall of fame as a singles competitor!!

Neither of them would qualify for a singles HoF, imo, but I would have said the same thing about Rikishi. I mean, he's certainly a legend, but I don't know if he's a Scott Hall or Jake Roberts level, and I know he's not a Macho Man level. I don't get it.

That being said, The Hardyz and Edge and Christian and the Dudleys all three deserve Tag Team spots in the HOF. They created the modern tag dynamic, so, they deserve recognition on that part.
Jeff has been in TNA long enough now that his superstar aura and personality, as well as his world title reigns, are all but a distant memory. Could he go in on his own? Sure. But he's an easier sell as part of a team.

Matt is also the talker of the two. Nobody wants to hear Jeff mumble through a speech.

Personally I'd put Matt in on his own because he appears to have an inflated sense of self worth and that could prove amusing. I wouldn't expect a humble acceptance speech.
Personally, I don't think their singles careers are HOF-worthy. The problem is though, if you induct guys like Koko B. Ware, you basically have to let almost everyone in. I mean, where do you draw the line? It's also where the HOF can get kind of messy, by inducting wrestlers multiple times (individually and as part of a team or stable).

When I think of Jeff and Matt Hardy, I obviously think of their tag team wrestling because that's where the vast majority of their success came from. They're one of the most innovative tag teams of all-time and that's what should and will be remembered for. I know Matt Hardy was ECW Champion and Jeff was WWE/World Champion 3 times, but their singles careers just aren't as memorable (I won't say they're forgettable, because that would be ignorant).

Speaking of the Hall of Fame though, what in the hell is taking them so long to induct Demolition? They have the longest tag team title reign in WWE history, AND the longest combined reigns as champions. Get on it Vince, you're way behind. I think that each year the template should somewhat be: 1 main eventer, 1 mid carder, 1 tag team, 1 manager/valet, and 1 celebrity. I'm not saying it would have to be that way every year, just that it's a good formula to go by.
Personally, I don't think their singles careers are HOF-worthy. The problem is though, if you induct guys like Koko B. Ware, you basically have to let almost everyone in. I mean, where do you draw the line? It's also where the HOF can get kind of messy, by inducting wrestlers multiple times (individually and as part of a team or stable).

When I think of Jeff and Matt Hardy, I obviously think of their tag team wrestling because that's where the vast majority of their success came from. They're one of the most innovative tag teams of all-time and that's what should and will be remembered for. I know Matt Hardy was ECW Champion and Jeff was WWE/World Champion 3 times, but their singles careers just aren't as memorable (I won't say they're forgettable, because that would be ignorant).

Speaking of the Hall of Fame though, what in the hell is taking them so long to induct Demolition? They have the longest tag team title reign in WWE history, AND the longest combined reigns as champions. Get on it Vince, you're way behind. I think that each year the template should somewhat be: 1 main eventer, 1 mid carder, 1 tag team, 1 manager/valet, and 1 celebrity. I'm not saying it would have to be that way every year, just that it's a good formula to go by.

You like any other whom has Dogged on Koko B. Ware being in the WWE Hall of Fame need to learn he contributed more for the WWE then guys like the OG Shiek and Abby the Butcher 2 guys whom shouldn't be in there. Plus did you forget that Koko was part of the reason for The Rock 'n' Wrestling Connection as he did the Piledriver Album.
As far as Matt and Jeff as Solo both could go in either as Solo or Tag Team. Jeff is the only man in WWF/E History to Hold every WWF/E Championship from the the Mid '90s til when he left as he's been a Light Heavyweight, European, Hardcore, Intercontinental, World Tag Team, and WWF/E World Heavyweight Champion. So by that he deserves a spot and as far as Matt he had 1 heck of a United States, Cruiserweight, Tag Team Reigns at least plus countless other Acolades as Him and Jeff along w/ Edge and Christian and The Dudleyz/Team 3d Revoultionized the TLC Match. So both are Hall Of Fame Worthy and I only agree w/ your Statement about Demolition as I'm still waiting til it's their day and right now would be perfect as The Ascension is trying to make a Statement against the Past Old Timer Face Painters like LOD, Demoliton and the Powers Of Pain.
Jeff Hardy is my favourite wrestler of all time (young kid when I first started so give me a break) but there is no way in hell I think he should be in the hall of famer as a singles wrestler. He may have won 4 ic titles but one of them lasted a week and his other ones didn't even have a good run. One of his WWE championship reigns lasted a month and the feud wasn't even really based on Edge and Jeff because Matt was stuffing around with Jeff the whole time so really a nothing reign. His first world heavyweight title reign lasted all of 2 minutes and then when he won it back from Punk he lost it 1 month later. None of that screams HOF worthy to me. I can't think of a feud that memorable for him. CM Punk was probably his best feud as a singles guy and just look who he had with him. His HHH feud got boring real boring real fast but the matches were okay.

Do I even really need to discuss Matt Hardy's chances of being a singles HOFER. His brother topped everything Matt did and arguably undeservedly. Matt was cool as V1 but nothing special and his feud with MVP was actually good but WWE really lacked in talent there for a few years going with the brand split.

As a tag team, hell yes. You think of one of the greatest tag teams in the last couple decades and if your mind doesn't come to atleast the Dudleys/E&C/ Hardys once then you obviously didn't watch any of their matches. No matter the type of match it was always worth seeing. Those three tag teams really stepped up the division and set a standard for a while and probably even more to this day. With Hardy's being the babyfaces of the feud they did a great job, not hard when Jeff just swantons off anything he can stand on but none the less.

I definately don't agree with either as a singles HOFER but as a tag team they did something real special and even to this day people love to see them in a match so I think they absolutely deserve it.
Jeff Hardy was a genuine world champion, as in someone who deserved to hold the belt due to their ability and popularity, back in 2009 and is definitely HoF worthy as a singles athlete. I mean Rikishi and Koko B Ware arguments aside I think Jeff definitely had the career to justify it.

Matt Hardy not so much but he should go in for his tag team work with Jeff.
Its a given that the Hardy Boyz will be inducted as a tag-team in the future, they are undoubtably one of the greatest teams of all time, and I think it's highly likely Jeff Hardy will get a solo induction as well- his resume certainly deserves it.

He's a multi-time World Champion, Intercontinental Champion and has held other singles titles too (pretty much everything you can hold), he's been consistently over with the fans in a big way for well over a decade and his highlight reel is one of the most spectacular in WWE history. Fans always wanted Jeff to win the big one, ever since is memorable ladder match with the Undertaker in the early 2000s, but with his personal issues noone thought he ever would. It was a great moment when he finally became a World Champion and he deserved it. Jeff was one of the top babyfaces for a good while, and I think a HOF induction is deserved.

Matt on the other hand never quite reached the heights that Jeff did. He had a memorable US Title run, had spells as European and ECW Champion but never progressed beyond the midcard. As good as he was (and still is), Matt never had the connection with the fans and the charisma his brother did. If wrestlers like Rikishi are getting into the HOF as lower members of a "class", then Matt is a possibility, but he isn't a certainty as his brother is.
WWE would put both in and not just one, I could see WWE focussing more on to put them in based on their innovation in changing tag team wrestling with the Dudley's and E&C in the attitude era. Not to say that Jeff doesn't deserve to go in on his own based on his great singles career but whenever you hear anyone in WWE say the name Hardy its mostly always 'Hardy Boyz' and not individually (aside from talking about one on one feuds).
(And don't give the obvious idiot response of "WELL THEY'LL BE INDUCTED TOGETHER") yes we know that.

Yes, but the "idiot response" might be a good thing in this case, because it absolves WWE of the decision....and possible controversy.....of inducting either of them (or both) individually. If the Hardys' were suggested for the HOF, there might be a lot of folks who object when getting down to cases involving either Jeff or Matt.

In Jeff's case, the arguments could center around his substance abuse....and the rumored implications of his rather callous handling of his last WWE tenure; saying he was taking a break and would come back to WWE when it was over, only to sign with TNA.

In Matt's case, there were attitude problems which included the way he let himself get out of condition while being paid to keep himself in fighting shape. Those factors might cancel out the amazing feud with Edge for the hand of the lovely Lita.

At any rate, presuming that inclusion in the WWE HOF is important to some people, I would think there could be resistance to them individually.....but if the company just presents them as the legendary team of the Hardy Boys, there would be less objection to seeing 'em go in.
The Hardy boys are arguably in the top 5 greatest Tag Teams of all time. So it would be pointless to induct them seperatly, but if they were I don't think Matt would get in.
The issue inducting them seperatly is that it leaves one out in the cold(Matt). As most have all ready mention Matt hasn't accomplished much, a few cruiserweight championships, a u.s title run, and an european title run doesn't really qualify as hall of fame material. Then you look at Matt's career(highlights), and he really hasn't done outside of The Hardy Boys. He had a great feud against Edge(who people seem to have forgot in this forum for some reason) and he had a great feud with MVP none of which he did anything memerable.
Jeff on the other hand is filled with memorable moments. Jeff had some good feuds Orton, Edge, and Punk and Jeff had some good/great matches with RVD, Undertaker, Edge, Nitro, Punk, etc. Jeff whole career is a highlight reel, from his walking the guardrails leg drop type move to his numerous swanton bombs on his rivalries, off of ladders, steel cages, to the big screen tv thing with entros(for the love of me I can't think of what its called at the moment).
If Wwe decided to make a hall of fame package for the two Matts would be 3 minutes tops, while Jeff's would be around 6,7 minutes of just his crazy stunts that got him over in the first place.
In short, I can see Jeff being inducted alone easily, but Matt wouldnt. Which brings us to kind of a similar situation we have with Edge and Christian. Edge was inducted (a lil too early) into the hall of fame and now Christians left out and unless they decide to induct E&C I don't see Christian being inducted for a very long time.
*you could say Matt and Christian accomplished more then Rikishi has, but you also have to remember that Rikishi, was arguably the most over mid-card in the attitude era, and constantly entertained the fans with his dancing and "wrestling style". Solo wise Christian and Matt didn't have much that set them apart.
I think IF Jeff Hardy returns to the company after his current contract with TNA is up and has a meaningful run he will qualify for the HOF as a singles competitor. Jeff did quite a lot of great things in his career and was a big name at his time.

My opinion is a bit biased because I am a Jeff Hardy fan so I feel he should go in.

Matt probably will get in the HOF because of his tag team with his brother and not a singles guy. It's simply because when Matt was away from Jeff in the WWE he did not do much of importance.
In my book Matt Hardy would deserve a singles induction long before Jeff. He's by far the superior wrestler and he carried the team in terms of ring work. He was the first of the two to capture a World Championship, the first to compete in a singles match at WrestleMania, and he's undefeated in singles matches at WrestleMania. Jeff was more over with women and children but Matt was more over with hardcore wrestling fans. There's no doubt in my mind that Matt is the superior brother and is Hall of Fame worthy. Jeff isn't.
In my book Matt Hardy would deserve a singles induction long before Jeff. He's by far the superior wrestler and he carried the team in terms of ring work. He was the first of the two to capture a World Championship, the first to compete in a singles match at WrestleMania, and he's undefeated in singles matches at WrestleMania. Jeff was more over with women and children but Matt was more over with hardcore wrestling fans. There's no doubt in my mind that Matt is the superior brother and is Hall of Fame worthy. Jeff isn't.


Matt is arguably the better in-ring competitor that is true, but in terms of the WWE Hall Of Fame that counts for very little unless you're on par with someone like Bret Hart. Sure Matt has done some good things in his career his feuds with Edge and MVP were really good and he was one of two people to carry ECW during its dying days (Christian being the other) but there's no way he's the superior brother. Just taking into account their WWE careers and Matt's done/had about five memorable moments/feuds. Jeff has had twice that many with feuds with Edge, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Johnny Nitro, Triple H and great matches with the previously mentioned as welll as RVD and (probably my favourite Jeff Hardy match ever) against American Badass Undertaker. Top that off with Jeff has held every male WWE championship in existence except three (US, Cruiserweight and ECW) which in itself is an achievement.

As to the actual question. From a neutral standpoint it's a no brainer. As a team they definitely should go in and as singles wrestler's they should also. Jeff higher up the pecking order than Matt but both should get in regardless.
They COULD have both been hall of famers as single wrestlers in my opinion.

Remember, everything is predetermined. How they were booked were out of their hands. So lets throw the "he was a X-time world champion, x-time IC champ..." argument out the window for a second. The Rock started his career with "die Rocky die" chants. No fault of his own, it was how he was booked.

All of Jeff's World tittle runs were relatively short. You can only blame that on his out of the ring behavior though. If I was Vince, I wouldn't trust him with a lengthy rein either. Jeff Hardy was always popular. His popularity rewarded him with three runs as a World champion.

After the split, they put Matt as a heel. Matt wasn't an interesting heel. He was booked as a bully/big guy in the Cruiser Weight division. While in team extreme, he was exciting, a dare devil and unique. As a heel, he simply wasn't interesting as they took all of his best (and only positive) qualities away from him.

That being said, Jeff and Matt each could have had Daniel Bryan-esque popularity. Jeff was white hot when he was in the main event. Matt needed some internet sympathy to get some momentum, but his biggest pops was while he was fired. Instead of seeing where their popularity could take them, both got into and lost feuds with Edge, which killed alot of their momentum.

Bottom line, both were vastly popular and could have been hall of famers as singles wrestlers. However, ego, drug abuse and out of the ring shenanigans cost them any serious booking.
Jeff Hardy by himself would definitely be worthy of a Hall Of Fame induction someday. Matt Hardy, not so much. Outside of the tag team with his brother the only memorable things Matt ever did in WWE were a good US Championship feud with MVP, his run he had as ECW Champion, and that feud with Edge based off real life incidents which was mainly good because of Edge. The announcers kept calling him a "main event waiting to happen". It never did. Jeff, on the other hand, had multiple reigns as Intercontinental Champion and WWE Champion. He became a big enough star that I could see him going in twice. Once as himself and once with his brother as their tag team. There's no way Matt's going in if it's not together with Jeff as a tag team induction.
People saying that Jeff isn't a hall of famer on his own are out of their fucking minds. The fact that he's a 3 time World Champion is reason enough but the fact that he was one of the most popular guys on the roster for nearly the entirety of his career makes him a no-brainer HoFer.

That said, I think they'll get in as a tag team but I highly doubt either will get a solo induction. I'm pretty sure that they'll be reserving the Two Time Inductee moniker for the top tier stars that had great success in factions. Jeff was great but he isn't on a Ric Flair type level.
I think Matt and Jeff Hardy are deserving for their tag team not singles careers, Jeff Hardy has had the superior singles career but the majority of it now has been spent in TNA, Their still both young in hall of fame terms they could maybe have another 20 years before being inducted as I don't think anyone should be getting a hall of fame induction till at least about age 60, Unless they have passed away or suffer some career ending injury, Part of the appeal of the hall of fame is seeing these legends return who hasn't been around the WWE in a few years how great was it seeing Ultimate Warrior return last year for example after nearly a 20 year absence from WWE and really wouldn't have been the same seeing the guy get inducted in 1998 for example. With so many older names missing like the British Bulldogs, The Freebirds, Sting, Steiner Brothers, Rock N Roll Express, Lou Thesz, The Crusher, Dick The Bruiser or Stan Hanson just naming a few off the top of my head their shouldn't be any rush to induct the current generation.

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