A Good Call By Impact Wrestling


TNA World Butterfly Champion
When the idea of the Bound For Glory Series first came up i was quite impressed and was looking forward to 3 months of competitive matches. But they did something i wasn't expecting.

Live events count towards the series.

I always thought that live events lack something special because although you often have world title matches, the big titles never change hands. The matches often end with interferences and disqualifications. Yes, you do occasionally get good matches but most people know that the titles won't be changing hands. I know sometimes tag titles and midcard titles change hands at live events but never the big ones.

I'm just watching Impact Wrestling from thursday and was impressed when they showed that BFG Series matches had taken place at live events. Now, these matches actually matter and have a large effect on the TV broadcasts. If you're at a live event and see Mr Anderson vs Kurt Angle for the World Title advertised as the main event, you know that Anderson is going to be keeping that title. But if you see Gunner vs AJ Styles in a BFG Series match advertised, you think "i wonder who'll win that one?"

So does anyone else see what i'm saying? Do you think it's a good idea for BFG Series matches to take place at live events?
I think its a TREMENDOUS idea that these events are being held live. It gives fans the opportunity to root for there favorite stars grab the points that they need. I for one love it and hope they continue doing more and more matches live. Get RVD in there more damnit!
I also really like the idea. Not just for live matches, but in general. It makes every match seem important. WWE has been dropping the line that 'the winner gets a bigger purse than the loser' of a match. This is great, also.

With the BFG series, not only do you not know who will win a given match, but you get the impression the match means something. Not just a face who's fighting a heel because he's a jerk or something silly, but you feel like every match is important.
Another step in the right direction for TNA. Every step, even the small ones, count. If they can make the matches important and the belts mean something again in professional wrestling, this is a good thing. Also, on a side not, the addition of AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels to the Destination X PPV has also added more cred to the X Division, where it's at. All of these little things are adding up to a better product. Now all we have to do is hope that it doesn't blow up from one stupid decision. My fingers are crossed.
The idea behind counting house shows seems pretty obvious. Should the idea behind the designated winner change, they have house shows to fix up the rankings to favor said storyline idea. Far superior to last years idea of the Top 10 rankings.
I really like this. The last House Show match I heard about that really had any meaning was 1992 when The Mountie beat Brett Hart for the IC Championship which set up Roddy Piper to win it at the Royal Rumble 2 days later.

This is a great thing for TNA, fans also get to feel like they saw something worth seeing, something important, when they go to these shows.
They need to have this kind of series in general, Like to decide the #1 contender for the WHT. Wins and losses matter, DQ'S and count outs matter, submissions matter, so it makes TN...Impact Wrestlings matchs matter. They have a good thing going for them, Now they need to make something better out of it.
They need to have this kind of series in general, Like to decide the #1 contender for the WHT. Wins and losses matter, DQ'S and count outs matter, submissions matter, so it makes TN...Impact Wrestlings matchs matter. They have a good thing going for them, Now they need to make something better out of it.

It's good enough as a once a year deal to build up their top PPV. Anything outside of that will just result in overkills and clusterfucks. I think most 2010 TNA showed us that.
The idea behind counting house shows seems pretty obvious. Should the idea behind the designated winner change, they have house shows to fix up the rankings to favor said storyline idea. Far superior to last years idea of the Top 10 rankings.

Not only that but it gives the added bonus incentive to people attending house shows, the thought that some of the matches actually count towards what's on TV, y'know? EDIT - Nevermind, should have read the OP more thoroughly, that was already mentioned. Anyways, it is totally a good idea.

Gotta agree on the top ten, it always came across like they were pulling the results out of Abyss' ass. Probably because there was no visible correlation between the matches and results we were seeing week-in, week-out, and the standing on the ranking system. Seems like such a silly thing for a creative department to overlook, too...
as soon as i heard about the B4G series i thought it was a intersting idea and the fact tht its now happening at live events (and they show the fans clips) its a good thing also! the ONLY problem i have with this series is 1 thing and thats the fact tht devon is part of it....i mean COME ON out of EVERYBODY ELSE on the roster u have 2 put devon in the series? i can think of atleast 10 other people who would b better in this series then him off the top of my head (kendrick,kazarian,abyss,shelley,hernadez,shannon moore,jesse neal,max buck,jeremy buck and even matt hardy!) i mean come on does anybody think devon will even come close to being the winner? now personally i hope they use this as a great chance to elevate a midcarder into main event status like matt morgan,james storm or bobby roode the only people who i would be pissed about them winning is devon (because hes horrible) and bully ray (because hes too old,too fat and too shitty in the ring) and scott steiner (too old and too jacked up on roids) i can also see crimson or gunner winning it all also
as soon as i heard about the B4G series i thought it was a intersting idea and the fact tht its now happening at live events (and they show the fans clips) its a good thing also! the ONLY problem i have with this series is 1 thing and thats the fact tht devon is part of it....i mean COME ON out of EVERYBODY ELSE on the roster u have 2 put devon in the series? i can think of atleast 10 other people who would b better in this series then him off the top of my head (kendrick,kazarian,abyss,shelley,hernadez,shannon moore,jesse neal,max buck,jeremy buck and even matt hardy!) i mean come on does anybody think devon will even come close to being the winner? now personally i hope they use this as a great chance to elevate a midcarder into main event status like matt morgan,james storm or bobby roode the only people who i would be pissed about them winning is devon (because hes horrible) and bully ray (because hes too old,too fat and too shitty in the ring) and scott steiner (too old and too jacked up on roids) i can also see crimson or gunner winning it all also

Well you need people in it to lose also. I don't remember the entire list, but Pope and Devon stand no chance of winning. They are essentially there to be a face and heel and help put over their counter parts.
Wow What a Great Point you've made. Ive always thought bouth WWE and TNA Live events made no since to go to because in the big shceme of things they really didn't matter but at least until bound for glory matches at the TNA Live Events Will matter Big time and i love how they give us the updates to they don't just tell us what went down they actually show you. Great Job TNA
Gives you a reason to watch the live event you get something worth in the actual impact show. It's worth something and the fans at those show see it and its a great idea so fans say this show has a chance on the line and if gunner beat AJ then you wouldnt know who the hell would win any matches so makes them better.
The key to building interest in the BFG Series is that points are earned at house shows. This would be the same old, same old if it was just basically a TV tournament. Its good to see that "wrestling matters" even when its not on TV. You haters can hate, but IMPACT keeps improving slowly but surely.

Check out my cat's Impact web site: http://amazingredkitty.com


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