A Fair Review From "The Authority"?

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Hardcore Revolutionist
Im sure many of you have read the review of iMPACT on the main page by Chris "The Authority" Schultz and if you haven't why haven't you? I usually enjoy his review of iMPACT and this week was no different as I really enjoyed it. He was however very criticial of TNA lately and the stuff that they are producing so I was thinking was it possibly to critical? I mean this is TNA a company that has lasted 5 years so far, has got some of the biggest names in the industry as well as the best upcoming talent in the world, the company that no-one thought would last and still is lasting with WWE despite not beating thier ratings.
Yet the same company that is producing week after week iMPACT episodes with titles, killing the stars that help made them who they are, and ripping off countless famous wrestlers in order to get a laugh from the crowd.

So is "The Authority" being to crtical of TNA? Is what TNA doing now 100% fine and dandy?

Or has the "The Authority" hit it right on the button? And what TNA is doing now is awful and so comical that Chris Rock might as well be the commentator?

Time to cut the crap TNA I think what about you guys?
Im sure many of you have read the review of iMPACT on the main page by Chris "The Authority" Schultz and if you haven't why haven't you? I usually enjoy his review of iMPACT and this week was no different as I really enjoyed it. He was however very criticial of TNA lately and the stuff that they are producing so I was thinking was it possibly to critical? I mean this is TNA a company that has lasted 5 years so far, has got some of the biggest names in the industry as well as the best upcoming talent in the world, the company that no-one thought would last and still is lasting with WWE despite not beating thier ratings.
Yet the same company that is producing week after week iMPACT episodes with titles, killing the stars that help made them who they are, and ripping off countless famous wrestlers in order to get a laugh from the crowd.

So is "The Authority" being to crtical of TNA? Is what TNA doing now 100% fine and dandy?

Or has the "The Authority" hit it right on the button? And what TNA is doing now is awful and so comical that Chris Rock might as well be the commentator?

Time to cut the crap TNA I think what about you guys?

Honestly, I agreed with every damn thing he said. I had to deal with the SharkBoy bit and the AJ locked in his room bit. Enough is enough. I thought when Impact was going to 2 hours it would mean something. Now it's just made things worse. I'm seeing the same talent held back. Some of them reduced to mediocrity and stupid gimmicks. It seems like TNA is too hell bent on mocking the other guys and trying to acquire guys from the other side.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm starting to see a bit of WCW comming out in TNA.

Both companies brought in the big stars that came from the WWE and used them heavily instead of creating major stars out of the talent they already had. Granted some of TNAs talent are stars now (AJ, Samoa Joe, etc.), why aren't they being used to their full potential.

Also, both companies poked fun at the competition instead of worrying about themselves. This may not be 100% accurate on WCWs part, but I do recall the whole Ed Farrara/Oklahoma routine in WCW poking fun at Jim Ross, and now Shark Boy is doing the whole Austin 3:16 routine.

Being a huge WWE fan I do still watch TNA when I can (of course I work Thursdays so I watch the replays on Saturdays mostly), and maybe it's just me, but I'm slowly seeing WCW emerge from TNA. Now only watching TNA now and then I may be missing out on quite a bit, but this is just my opinion of things that I've seen.
I agree with the heart of the review and basically everythig he said I just want to expand on it a bit because I've been a TNA fan since year 1.

1) Title holders - AJ Styles and Tomko are two of there top stars, but should not be in a tag team no less tag champs. They need to be single wrestlers cause that is where they are best, especially AJ. While Tomko prob could do himself well in the tag title picture with a partner also suited for that division, but AJ is a star and needs to be put on that stage. I miss the AJ that would just get ticked off and beat the hell out of people and then scream that phenomenal, he is the reason that TNA made it through the first couple years. Another reason they made it through those years is the X Division and o look now there champion is Johnny Devine. First off hes teaming with 3D in the gimmick who are trying to destroy the X Division..... so the champion wants his division to get tossed out? makes no sense. They've treated the whole division like crap anyway, which is why so many of the stars of it want out. Jay Lethal I know is very good in the ring but the Division was dying with him as champion so I dont think that fits well. Pretty much the title pictures are just absolutely messed up.
My answer: Tag belts back on LAX, Drop the guitar hero thing because Jimmy Rave is very talented and Rock n' Rave could be good given an intense heel gimmick, Team 3D go away from X Division the gimmick also didnt work when Nash was attacking the X Division 18 months ago, I turn Shelley heel and break up MCMG, but that has mroe to do with X division then anything else, I'd also team up Roode with James Storm because the World title picture is too clogged and they both just are going to job, and keep BG and Kip together because bullet Bob wasnt over the last time they brought him in and they dont work well without each other.
As for the X Division: I get the belt on Kaz, and let the guy hit the fluxcapcitor, the move is sick and as for human goes the only thing I don't hate about Don West is how he reacts. As stated before Shelley heel, Sabin face, Lethal face, Dutt heel, and drop all the gimmicks, also beg Low Ki to come back cause he's unreal and a solid heel, Elix Skipper is not a jobber, hes a former WCW cruiserweight champion and would be a good face, and for Kaz's first rivalry o look everyone else can battle so Kaz is all alone for Daniels to have a storyline. Then you throw in Petey as a heel because he was best as the leader of team Canada and Eric Young can run around for a little comedy and you are all set. O and fire sharkboy, the stone cold thing sucks, and hes not a good wrestler, if you keep him around let him job on rare occassions thats it. O and as for Devine, hes actually kinda talented but I dont know where he fits because they have him right now as a lackey kinda the spike dudley of tna without the fanfare. I say let him and Petey team on occassion and kinda stable but not really.
World title: I don't care for angle that much but hes fine as a champion for now. In an overloaded division the belt should bounce around and build rivalries. The division should consist of AJ, angle, Tomko, Christian, Joe, Abyss, Judas, Booker, Scott Steiner, with Roode and Storm thrown in after they inevitable but heads and split. Also, as people like Kaz get the push they can get a couple wins and a shot also, but dont then put them in with Black Reign bullshit after.
Women's Division: Give Angel Williams a push, she botches some moves but she is probably the best in ring girl they have other then Kong. This whole win one week lose the next isnt good to build a character and either have Angel and Talia team or not.
Fire Black Reign, Rellik, Sharkboy, whoevers idea it was to bring in Curry Man, just drop the New Japan stuff it didnt work for WCW its not gonna work for TNA
Lessen the backstage segments and focus on in ring action. Put on Ultimate X matches not barb wire massacares. Make AJ a face and let him take the title in a king of the Mountain match. Then have him rival with Joe because they put on great matches, while Angel feuds with Booker and Christan and Tomko feud because that has been in the making for awhile. Focus just as much on the X Division as the world title picture, and finally 25% of your ppvs should not be women's matches, they are very good but one match a ppv is enough. Stop the comedy and start the wrestling please, and if not give your tv time to ROH because they probably won't change their product once an opportunity to get exposure arise.
Just please TNA stop sucking
I agree with the heart of the review and basically everythig he said I just want to expand on it a bit because I've been a TNA fan since year 1.

1) Title holders - AJ Styles and Tomko are two of there top stars, but should not be in a tag team no less tag champs. They need to be single wrestlers cause that is where they are best, especially AJ. While Tomko prob could do himself well in the tag title picture with a partner also suited for that division, but AJ is a star and needs to be put on that stage. I miss the AJ that would just get ticked off and beat the hell out of people and then scream that phenomenal, he is the reason that TNA made it through the first couple years. Another reason they made it through those years is the X Division and o look now there champion is Johnny Devine. First off hes teaming with 3D in the gimmick who are trying to destroy the X Division..... so the champion wants his division to get tossed out? makes no sense. They've treated the whole division like crap anyway, which is why so many of the stars of it want out. Jay Lethal I know is very good in the ring but the Division was dying with him as champion so I dont think that fits well. Pretty much the title pictures are just absolutely messed up.
My answer: Tag belts back on LAX, Drop the guitar hero thing because Jimmy Rave is very talented and Rock n' Rave could be good given an intense heel gimmick, Team 3D go away from X Division the gimmick also didnt work when Nash was attacking the X Division 18 months ago, I turn Shelley heel and break up MCMG, but that has mroe to do with X division then anything else, I'd also team up Roode with James Storm because the World title picture is too clogged and they both just are going to job, and keep BG and Kip together because bullet Bob wasnt over the last time they brought him in and they dont work well without each other.
As for the X Division: I get the belt on Kaz, and let the guy hit the fluxcapcitor, the move is sick and as for human goes the only thing I don't hate about Don West is how he reacts. As stated before Shelley heel, Sabin face, Lethal face, Dutt heel, and drop all the gimmicks, also beg Low Ki to come back cause he's unreal and a solid heel, Elix Skipper is not a jobber, hes a former WCW cruiserweight champion and would be a good face, and for Kaz's first rivalry o look everyone else can battle so Kaz is all alone for Daniels to have a storyline. Then you throw in Petey as a heel because he was best as the leader of team Canada and Eric Young can run around for a little comedy and you are all set. O and fire sharkboy, the stone cold thing sucks, and hes not a good wrestler, if you keep him around let him job on rare occassions thats it. O and as for Devine, hes actually kinda talented but I dont know where he fits because they have him right now as a lackey kinda the spike dudley of tna without the fanfare. I say let him and Petey team on occassion and kinda stable but not really.
World title: I don't care for angle that much but hes fine as a champion for now. In an overloaded division the belt should bounce around and build rivalries. The division should consist of AJ, angle, Tomko, Christian, Joe, Abyss, Judas, Booker, Scott Steiner, with Roode and Storm thrown in after they inevitable but heads and split. Also, as people like Kaz get the push they can get a couple wins and a shot also, but dont then put them in with Black Reign bullshit after.
Women's Division: Give Angel Williams a push, she botches some moves but she is probably the best in ring girl they have other then Kong. This whole win one week lose the next isnt good to build a character and either have Angel and Talia team or not.
Fire Black Reign, Rellik, Sharkboy, whoevers idea it was to bring in Curry Man, just drop the New Japan stuff it didnt work for WCW its not gonna work for TNA
Lessen the backstage segments and focus on in ring action. Put on Ultimate X matches not barb wire massacares. Make AJ a face and let him take the title in a king of the Mountain match. Then have him rival with Joe because they put on great matches, while Angel feuds with Booker and Christan and Tomko feud because that has been in the making for awhile. Focus just as much on the X Division as the world title picture, and finally 25% of your ppvs should not be women's matches, they are very good but one match a ppv is enough. Stop the comedy and start the wrestling please, and if not give your tv time to ROH because they probably won't change their product once an opportunity to get exposure arise.
Just please TNA stop sucking

With you except for one thing. Break up the Motor City Machineguns. Are you crazy?!!!!! They're the best tag team on the rise right now and you wanna split them up?!!! Shelley blew as a heel with all that Paparazzi Productions crap. it held back the potential that he had which is starting to come into fruition in this team with Sabin. Although I do agree that LAX ought to have the tag titles and that Tomko and AJ with the belts isn't working for me.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm starting to see a bit of WCW comming out in TNA.

Both companies brought in the big stars that came from the WWE and used them heavily instead of creating major stars out of the talent they already had. Granted some of TNAs talent are stars now (AJ, Samoa Joe, etc.), why aren't they being used to their full potential.

Also, both companies poked fun at the competition instead of worrying about themselves. This may not be 100% accurate on WCWs part, but I do recall the whole Ed Farrara/Oklahoma routine in WCW poking fun at Jim Ross, and now Shark Boy is doing the whole Austin 3:16 routine.

Being a huge WWE fan I do still watch TNA when I can (of course I work Thursdays so I watch the replays on Saturdays mostly), and maybe it's just me, but I'm slowly seeing WCW emerge from TNA. Now only watching TNA now and then I may be missing out on quite a bit, but this is just my opinion of things that I've seen.

True to that. I really and I mean I REALLY don't want to call TNA "WCW 2.0" but they're turning into that. Holding back their own talent and pushing up the ones they acquired from the other side. Only difference is that the majority of the other side guys are the ones the other side didn't want.
I think TNA has a long way to go before it comes to as bad as WCW did, I mean WCW ended up loosing 95% of its paying viewers and for that to happen something has to be really bad so I dont TNA is there, but they have definatly done things that WCW did, they have used swtich and bait tatics, hired a famous bad guy (Pacman and WCW was Dennis Rodman) to gain publicity that didnt work, and they continue to bury they undercard wrestlers but not as bad as WCW did, as I think a few of them would have worked out. But TNA is probaly on route to repeating the same mistakes as WCW did so yes in some respects it can be called WCW 2.0 which I also really hate calling it :(
Shelley in Paparazzi production was bad as a heel but he has the personality and mic skills to be a better heel then a face. I would only break up MCMG in the near future like after they take the belts for a couple months but start the seeds before they drop them to LAX. O and with the recent news that Christopher Daniels will play Curry Man I see then end of TNA within the next 18 months
I think that TNA is drawing this WCW comparison because it seems so schizophrenic. They have all this potential to do different things, but they seem to struggle with how to promote it. The funny thing is, they wouldn't have to do much to be really successful (at least critically). Look how well the Knockouts are going over with people. It's because TNA hasn't mucked it up yet. Get solid workers, let them perform without a bunch wacky bs, develop feuds, repeat. It's cool to do something kind of OTT once in awhile to keep things fresh, but you actually don't have to do too much to sell wrestling to wrestling fans. If TNA is smart they will cool it on some of the goofy booking and concentrate on this UFC cross promotional gig, they might even attract some new fans.
O and with the recent news that Christopher Daniels will play Curry Man I see then end of TNA within the next 18 months

Man well said there! I watched iMPACT and saw this Curry Man which personally I find hard to believe that it was Christopher Daniels, perhaps I dont want to believe a great wrestler like Daniels is could be put into such a bad gimmick. Its painful to watch!

I dont know about the death in 18 months perhaps may take longer as the ratings are slightly growing and the company is on the up, but with WWE in HD now and with the return of Cena, TNA is in for a very tough time if they keep pulling this crap!
i do agree, though it pains me to say it. i watch tna because i love WRESTLING, i watch it because it is an alternative to WWE, but the office dont seem to realize that its initial popularity was down to the fact it was so different from wwe................constantly giving us these soap opera/comedy elements is force feedin exactly what we didnt wanna watch on wwe in the first place. get back to what we love, and thats amazing quality matches with innovative athletes week in week out......leave the 'humour' to vince
I gotta say "The ol' Authourity" knows his stuff and he's pretty much spot on right now, given that here's my opinion on the state of TNA:

1. Right off the bat I want to say I enjoy Sharkboy, he's a talented competitor and adds another dimension to TNA by being a comedic family character, it works. But honestly is he the most talented guy on the roster? or even on the "Lepracy infected" X-division? No.
Is he the most over guy right now? No.
Will he draw money at a PVV? No.
So why not spend the air time they did on the stupid sharkboy and his family skit on something that will make a difference, like giving Samoa Joe and actual angle for a change, or showing a new side to the future champ Kaz!?

2. AJ Styles- probably my favourite wrestler outside of HBK, a true talent who loves the business and can innovate better than anyone I've seen. Now I know many people don't like his current angle with being Cage's lackey, the Kurt's prince, and being used for comedic relief. Personally I think he's doing damn well with it and its helping him develop a personality on camera, which is all he was missing. Hopefully it will lead to a push and a fued with Christian which could blow me away.

3. The main reason I got into TNA in late 2004 and early 2005 was the X-Division, guys I'd never seen before and a style that was truely no-limits and had some of the best matches I've ever seen, infact any match with Sabin, Shelley, Joe and Daniels I could probably watch time and time again. TNA take note, X-Division is one of the only things you've shown that seriously makes WWE look tame, go back to the well which offers the most water!

All that said TNA have the roster to be better than WWE, at least with match quality, and they have big name guys, Creatively however they're embarrasing, Russo in WCW embarrasing right now, please fix this. I don't want to have no alternative, I like both Companies!
Exactly. The main reason most of us got into TNA was the X-Divison. A style that was as they advertised "No Limits" and moves and matches that made the WWE look old and stale and as the last post put it "tame". And the Ultimate X in my opinion was the ladder match taken to a whole new level that none of us could have ever fathomed. And it produced some of the best up and coming wrestlers we've seen in Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Kaz and others. I used to think the X-Division made the WWE look as though they lost their nerve. Now, it seems like TNA has lost it's nerve because if they had it, they'd realize that the X-Division sells and is what's keeping them afloat.

Another good thing TNA had done, was with Tag Team wrestling. At least when I started watching they did. I mean who among us after the WWE with their tag division believed that tag team wrestling was dead or at least dying. TNA has tag teams like AMW, Triple X, Team Canada, 3LK, Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt, The Naturals, AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels, LAX, and others having tag team wars to talk about. Triple X and AMW, 2 years those teams duked it out. When was the last time anyone saw a good rivalry last that long?

With TNA, we saw the belts that actually meant something and title reigns that were meaningful and rivalries that were epic. Where have those days gone?
I blame Vince Russo quite frankly. Wherever the man has gone he has created initial success and then large failure. He was brought in by WCW due to his attitude-era stuff but he ended up totally murdering it with the whole New Blood Faction and all that crap, then he arrived in TNA and they were ok for a while, but now he is pushing Kurt Angle to death and making generally bad decisions. Konan was right on his radio thing, TNA need younger bookers, guys who know what we want to see, not a room of like four 50 year old guys who are determined to do the same thing over and over.

Bringing in Pacman actually did intrigue me as i knew he was a good athlete and i wanted to see him try and wrestle, but the moment he was told he couldnt that needed to end immediately, altho i guess they invested BIG money in him so needed to do something.

Curry Man is a stupid character but surprisingly is Daniels' own idea, he portrays it in Japan. I was REALLY hoping to have him return and beat Jay Lethal to win the X-Title, and then join Kurt Angle and replace AJ Styles who Kurt would have been mad at for siding with Christian Cage. Then AJ could have led a crusade against the Angle Alliance, huge X-Division rivalry, return of the old AJ and the old Daniels. I figured it could work because they could announce Jay Lethal versus a man not on the TNA roster (cos Fallen Angel got fired). Just an idea.

When Shark Boy cut a promo backstage with Nash and Lethal as Stone Cold with BG James doing the voice i did laugh, but there is no need to see it for 20 minutes a night.

Impact going 2 hours was meant to give screen time to everyone, TNA put on the best matches in wrestling in my opinion, when the talent are allowed to speak for themselves, let their talent do the talking, they are amazing. But instead it's an excuse to fit in some microphone time and skits and try and be WWE. The difference is WWE are actually funny once every 3 weeks.
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