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A Del Rio Stable


Getting Noticed By Management
WWE seems to be bringing back the stables with The Shield, Colter's Militia and the incoming Wyatt Family and it got me thinking about a possible Del Rio stable.
He already has Ricardo and these are my choices to join his stable:

Mason Ryan/Ezekial Jackson---a bodyguard type to protect him from the uncalled attacks of Dolph. he did have Brodus Clay in this role before he got Funked off.

Rosa Mendez---they started tis pairing once so why not return to it?

Prime Time Players---now I know most would think Primo/Epico would be the better choice but too obvious. The rich aristocrat could easily get the PTP to work for him since they are all about the 'Miliions of Dollars".

No thanks. Would really, REALLY, like to see less and less of Del Rio. The only entertaining thing about him his Ricardo. How pathetic is that? The only thing i'd like to see from Del Rio is an injury that forces retirement or just a plain old retirement.
y not he could be teamed with wade barret and fandango that would be a intersting pairing

it could also set up good fueds between the shield colters team the wyatt family and paul heymans guys and random teams such as team hell no and ziggler

jerico rod van dam and ziggler

this team could set up endless amounts of tag team fueads and bring attenchion to the tag team division also if a diva is put in their the diva division coud get alittle bit more spot lite too
y not he could be teamed with wade barret and fandango that would be a intersting pairing

it could also set up good fueds between the shield colters team the wyatt family and paul heymans guys and random teams such as team hell no and ziggler

jerico rod van dam and ziggler

this team could set up endless amounts of tag team fueads and bring attenchion to the tag team division also if a diva is put in their the diva division coud get alittle bit more spot lite too

I would be remiss to not point this post out. One time I saw a guy with a gunshot wound to his abdomen, and some of the guts were sticking out of the hole. That was less gruesome to look at than this.

Alberto and Ricardo have a great dynamic. Ricardo's natural charisma and unique role enhances Alberto's gimmick. I don't see anyone on the roster or even in NXT that I'd want to interject into that. Plus, I don't see Del Rio as the type to work well with others. And, in my opinion, WWE is good on stables at the moment. Just because WWE has a few doesn't mean they need to go crazy with it. It's like with the "Paul Heyman Guys." A lot of fans would have everyone being managed by Heyman if they could. Less is more, and there's no reason to rush anything.

The Shield, 3MB, and (presumably) The Wyatt Family are distinct and play/will play different roles. Colter has two wrestlers under his tutelage right now, one of whom is out of action. We'll have to see where that goes in terms of coming together as a stable. As it stands, though, there are enough groups out there where each is different and each gets fair time allotted considering their spot on the card. No need for another until the Wyatt bunch and Colter's boys can get their footing. A Del Rio stable may be something to revisit down the road, but it doesn't work for me right now.
An idea I had is to have Del Rio head a stable called "The Elite". They are rich guys, who take advantage of the poor and weak, and flaunt their wealth. They plan on buying every WWE Title, or use their wealth to get what they want.

It could be headed by Del Rio (rich Mexican aristocrat), and would include Ted DiBiase jr (rich American) and Jinder Mahal (rich Indian). They plan to use their combined wealth to rule the WWE. They could be managed by either JBL or "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase snr, and Ricardo Rodrigeuz could be the group's butler (who serves them, while running interference and doing whatever else he is asked to keep the Elite at the top.

They would generate good heel heat, because a lot of people resent the wealthy, and this group could play all the stereotypes.
An idea I had is to have Del Rio head a stable called "The Elite". They are rich guys, who take advantage of the poor and weak, and flaunt their wealth. They plan on buying every WWE Title, or use their wealth to get what they want.

It could be headed by Del Rio (rich Mexican aristocrat), and would include Ted DiBiase jr (rich American) and Jinder Mahal (rich Indian). They plan to use their combined wealth to rule the WWE. They could be managed by either JBL or "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase snr, and Ricardo Rodrigeuz could be the group's butler (who serves them, while running interference and doing whatever else he is asked to keep the Elite at the top.

They would generate good heel heat, because a lot of people resent the wealthy, and this group could play all the stereotypes.

I like this a lot!! I think to round out the group, they would need a Tag Team and maybe one more Star. I'm thinking add the Prime Time Players so they can really be about billions of dollars. I would have both Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre turn on Heath Slater and join Del Rio and DiBiase and the PTP. All, of course, would need to be repackaged to fit the "Million Dollar Corporation" type of gimmick.
The new Money Inc, aka Money International.

Actually, I'd like to see Alberto, Rosa, Ricardo and Epico and Primo, they could be the New La Familia. They had tease lr the Alberto and Rosa relationship once, the others would just be like natural additions.
Dr., while I agree about your first sentence, it should've been referencing this entire thread.

We. Have. Enough. Stables.

Or how about this: we just put everyone in a stable. One big stable. We'll call it the WWE stable. If you're not in that stable, you're future endeavored.

Seriously people. Get over it. ADR isn't a good stable guy anyways. He plays a rich aristocrat. The most he should have with him is maybe a bodyguard/lackey. Ricardo fills that role well anyways, minus the bodyguard part.
I think if anyone needs or suits a stable, it is Alberto Del Rio.

One of the major criticisms I have had of his character is that while he showed off his wealth with his cars and having a personal ring announcer/valet, he never did anything with his riches. Where was the hiring of mercenaries to take out Cena or Punk? Where were the attempts to pay off wrestlers, referees and other officials to get what he wanted? He could easily gather a few lower card guys around him to give them some exposure while making himself look ever more the coward.

Having said that, while I think that it would still fit Del Rio's character (perhaps even more now that he is determined to not lose the title again), I would say that time has passed due to the presence of a pseudo-stable in the Heyman guys, the actual stable of the Shield, the jobber stable of 3MB and the impending debut of the Wyatt Family.

Four heel stables is more than enough.
Be better off sticking him with Zeb Colter. You make Zeb Colter a bigger hypocrite by working with the man his original hate was directed at which in turn will give Del Rio heat if only by having Colter out at ring side with him. If they can get the US Title from Ambrose and onto Cesaro or Swagger in some way you could have a team of hypocrites and whatever.

The Shield are more likely to go after Cena/WWE Title at some point if they last long enough and they don't need the US title. The Paul Heyman guys have the IC Title and feuding amongst themselves (Punk vs Brock). 3MB are jokes that neither faces or heels like. The Wyatt Family has yet to do a thing since they haven't debuted.

Since none of the above heel stables are involved with the World Title and since the US Title doesn't need to be involved yet in this idea yet can be moved over to Zebs Militia at any point this could be a thing for anyone involved.
Del Rio would have been the perfect candidate to have his own heel stable. As he is rich and a heel, he should have been using his financial muscle to pay off opponents, bribe other wrestlers to work for him/help him and put bountys on the head of the face champion. Being a wealthy aristocrat is a big part of his gimmick, it just makes perfect sense for Del Rio to use this to his advantage, with a team of lackeys doing his bidding. I think WWE missed a good opportunity here, it could have been similar to the Million Dollar Man buying off opponents back in the day.

However, with the Wyatt's debuting soon and the currently existing groups of The Shield, Zeb Coulter's new faction and the Paul Heyman guys there isn't the space for ANOTHER heel faction. If in the future there is chance to create a faction for ADR then I think WWE should go for it, but right now isnt the right time.
I rather see Del Rio work on his own. We have plenty stables as you mentioned and Alberto is becoming a more credible main event contender. I wouldn't want to see that ruined by an unnecessary stable. Plus all of the people you mentioned just would not mesh with Del Rio at all. Like another poster mentioned, the only thing that would work is a team of elites, guys like Ted Dibiase jr and so on, which isnt much of a team because half of those guys are significantly lower on the cards than ADR.
i said it before that del rio would work great as a heyman guy. Heyman represents all of the different wrestlers for different reasons. Brock because he is a wrecking machine, Punk because he is the man, axel because he is the future, and then he would have del rio just cause he can pay heyman the big bucks.
Del Rio is simply boring me and has done for a while. He needs something to keep him interesting and a stable around him would work. He should be the type of heel that cheats to victory, HHH, JBL.

I really like the idea of a group of rich guys, boasting about their wealth and generally being assholes. It would be a really good heel stable. Del Rio at the top with Mahal and DiBiase as a tag-team. Certainly JBL would help get them over on commentary which may help in the early stages.
An idea I had is to have Del Rio head a stable called "The Elite". They are rich guys, who take advantage of the poor and weak, and flaunt their wealth. They plan on buying every WWE Title, or use their wealth to get what they want.

It could be headed by Del Rio (rich Mexican aristocrat), and would include Ted DiBiase jr (rich American) and Jinder Mahal (rich Indian). They plan to use their combined wealth to rule the WWE. They could be managed by either JBL or "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase snr, and Ricardo Rodrigeuz could be the group's butler (who serves them, while running interference and doing whatever else he is asked to keep the Elite at the top.

They would generate good heel heat, because a lot of people resent the wealthy, and this group could play all the stereotypes.

If there was to be a Del Rio stable this is the perfect idea. It has a nice name that would catch on. All the members make sense to be in the stable and the storyline of buying the titles would be entertaining. Del Rio leading a stable also adds something new to his character so it differs from his original heel character. My only problem is the fact that we already have a few stables and the Wyatt Family will soon be debuting, so I don't know whether there needs to be another stable. But overall this seems like a solid idea.
I don't see how an Elite stable would work. Sure the idea of a rich man stable sounds okay but the egos of the characters would never work. A stable needs a leader and I don't see any of the ones mentioned playing the secondary role.
I don't see how an Elite stable would work. Sure the idea of a rich man stable sounds okay but the egos of the characters would never work. A stable needs a leader and I don't see any of the ones mentioned playing the secondary role.

Are you kidding? Del Rio, as the only one of he, DiBiase and Mahal to have won World Titles, would be the leader. JBL or "M$M" would be their "financier" (it might also be funny to have IRS as the Elite's bookkeeper).

DiBiase jr and Mahal will be happy just getting a regular appearance on "Raw", and not the alternative (being future-endeavoured, especially jnr). While Del Rio chases the WWE or World Title, DiBiase jr and Mahal can go after the Tag-Titles, or the IC and U.S. Titles.
Are you kidding? Del Rio, as the only one of he, DiBiase and Mahal to have won World Titles, would be the leader. JBL or "M$M" would be their "financier" (it might also be funny to have IRS as the Elite's bookkeeper).

DiBiase jr and Mahal will be happy just getting a regular appearance on "Raw", and not the alternative (being future-endeavoured, especially jnr). While Del Rio chases the WWE or World Title, DiBiase jr and Mahal can go after the Tag-Titles, or the IC and U.S. Titles.

But in character Dibiase and Mahal would have to be arrogant rich guys who by nature do not follow but lead
I don't think a stable is what Del Rio needs, but if he WERE to form a stable I would probably throw in Hunico and Camacho. It would give them a Mexican cartel feel. Del Rio would be the ruthless ringleader, Ricardo could continue being his right hand stooge and Hunico and Camacho would be the meathead muscle to carry out Del Rio's dirty work.

Even as a heel stable, I think this would appeal to the Hispanic viewers. Plus, I think it would just be a pretty cool team and it could open up a lot of storyline opportunities.
I don't think a stable is what Del Rio needs, but if he WERE to form a stable I would probably throw in Hunico and Camacho. It would give them a Mexican cartel feel. Del Rio would be the ruthless ringleader, Ricardo could continue being his right hand stooge and Hunico and Camacho would be the meathead muscle to carry out Del Rio's dirty work.

Even as a heel stable, I think this would appeal to the Hispanic viewers. Plus, I think it would just be a pretty cool team and it could open up a lot of storyline opportunities.

This is a great idea and timely as well. I could get behind this one. A good example in my mind of the storyline opportunities you speak of is that they'd be a great group to turn The Shield face against. It'd be the simple tale of outlaws vs. lawmen, nuanced of course, since The Shield aren't exactly police. If Jack Swagger were to turn face and break away from Colter (not recommended, but possible) they would be a great feud for him. The group would also offer a solid entry point for any other Mexican stars that may come into WWE.

Again, no reason to rush it, though. This is one a WWE writer should be outlining right now to present to Vince whenever there's a lull.
This stable could work. You apparently stick to what I call the Horsemen formula (leader, tag team, enforcer), and I like that. The question is this: why would these guys form a stable and what would you do with them once you got them all together?
A stable with Alberto Del Rio as the lead wouldn't work. He just hasn't got the appearance to be a full time leader. An "Elite" stable as mentioned above could work though. Guys like Del Rio, Ted DiBiase, Jr, Jinder Mahal etc., the rich guys of the WWE, could come together and form some heel stable. It has to be heel, it can't work any other way. This is my only suggestion as I have lost all faith in Del Rio as of late. I have been a fan since day one, but has seen a massive, clear-as-day decline since. Shame.

So this stable could work. It would give some other guys a chance on scene, it is different to the likes of The Shield and The Wyatt Family and gives alternatives when it comes stables. I like stables and thank God the WWE are starting to bring them back. This one may way work, but in terms of helping Del Rio out, this may be make-or-break.

One stable I like the idea of is Zeb Colter's Militia. Sounds good to me. Potentially Del Rio should seek Colter's advice? Would be a bit hypocritical of Colter and his character, but hey, since when did WWE have logic?
I used to really be a big fan of Del Rio. That match with Punk at Survivor Series 11' was great and his reign leading up to that was quality.

He has fallen so far from there. I think he is great in the ring but the flip flopping angles and turns have made him irrelevant.
My only thought is. How did Del Rio doing to Dolph turn him heel when Dolph did the same thing to Del Rio the night after WrestleMania? Wrestling isn't supposed to make sense haha

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