
Staff member
As evidenced by my username, I'm generally not one to discuss or post anything remotely positive about anything Montreal Canadiens related. But I have to say, P.K.Subban did something today that many of our wealthy and self absorbed professional athletes could and should learn from.

The dude donated ten million dollars to a local Montreal children's hospital today. $10,000,000.00!! So while I will never cheer for the guy while he is in the ice, and I'm not a fan of his style of play, you gotta give credit where credit is due. Mad respect for a guy carving his niche in the community and giving back to those in need. That's not small change, and perhaps I hate him just a little bit less after today's display of generosity.
Don't know the guy, heck have never seen the sport in my life and I genuinely think that he is awesome. Whatever sin he had in his life, it's all good now baby. 10 million... fuck.
If I had 10 million to spare, I would pay minstrels to sing songs rejoicing the altruism of PK Subban.

Interesting things are happening in Montreal's healthcare sector. A handful of historied hospitals have been closed in favor of merging into one giant superhospital (local medias choice of words, not mine).

While I don't know any particular numbers, I'm left assuming that the superhospital has engulfed a huge chunk of the health sector's budget, and that smaller hospitals such as MCH were left wanting to some degree. Amazing deed by Mr. Subban.
I'm assuming that's the French way of spelling Canadians? It irks me to no end.

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