Well, I build a lot of shit when I'm not high too. Marijuana is just a plant that I smoke, not a part of my personality. I look at the "marijuana lifestyle" as something I can market to and make a profit from.I was mostly just joking about the perception but I think we all know there are lazy stoners and there are those hypercreative stoners that build crazy shit while they are high.
Are you any good at the sport?
Am I any good? Well, that's a relative question. You can't really judge by par, because there's no standard for what 'par' should be, and so there are courses which I'll shoot -3 on, and courses that I'll shoot +25 on. People who haven't played the sport that much look at me and think I'm jaw-droppingly awesome. Touring professionals would chew me up and spit me out in a match play round. I'm never the best player at a league event (casual events with an impromptu doubles format amongst whoever shows), but I'm usually in the top 50%. I can say without any shred of doubt that if my name becomes better known than it is in the sport, it's not going to be on account of my skill in throwing the discs.
This sounds cliched, I'm sure, but it's entirely true; it's more about being better than yourself than another person. Most of the time, I'm a better player than I was a couple of months before. Of course, try telling that to a touring professional who's trying to make a putt that could cost them $500 in the pay-out.