A Big "What If/Happens" ???? involving the WWE World Championship & Wrestlemania

That N Word

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It’s been reported that Brock Lesnar was kept off Monday Night Raw last night due to some sort of backstage incident. Dave Meltzer noted there was more to the story regarding the WrestleMania headliner, but that those inside WWE did not want it told “until whatever it is is settled.”

Mike Johnson of PWInsider is shedding a bit of light on the mysterious situation, noting that Brock Lesnar was visibly angry backstage, and may have even walked out of the Raw taping before it went off the air. Johnson was told it has nothing to do with creative plans heading into WrestleMania, but “something regarding his business relationship with WWE”.

Vince McMahon reportedly acknowledged the issue during a Smackdown production meeting earlier today, but didn’t say much. Regarding the WWE Champion, Lesnar flew into Nashville for Raw last night on his private plane, but returned home to Minnesota and will not be at tonight’s taping event.

My big what IF is, what happens is Lesnar indeed did walk out??? What happens to the world title match at WrestleMania??? More importantly how does it impact Roman Reigns and the world title??? Does WWE put the strap on Roman before Mania. Do they crown a new champion??? If so who??? Could The Rock even return, wrestle and win the title on Raw??? Also here is another question, will Brock not try at Mania or even shoot and really beat up Roman at Mania if he shows up to stick it to WWE???
The smart thing to do if Lesnar leaves is hold a mini-tournament for WrestleMania. Even if Reigns still goes over, fans will get their precious Bryan competing for the title at 'Mania again, not to mention WWE will have a chance to fill the card considering they only have a few matches set so far. If Lesnar stays and just doesn't care and wants to make the match and Reigns look like crap then my fears will be realized, but honestly if he wasn't planning on re-signing then it was what I would be expecting anyway, if WrestleMania 20 was any indication.
I don't know what to make of this. I just hope this is a big misunderstanding and hopefully both sides will come at terms. WWE would not be able to handle such a big loss, 5 weeks before Mania.

I don't know what this "bussiness misunderstanding" is, but it needs to be sloved quick. If this goes till 'Mania then there's a big possibility of Lesnar vs Goldberg 2.0, with Lesnar not giving a fuck. Or worst case scenario, Lesnar no-showing. But I want to believe Lesnar is a bussinessman and is better than that.

IF Lesnar walks before 'Mania, then they're screwed. Rock coming back just like that? Out of the blue? Not gonna happen. Batista could, but I doubt it. Y2J is on tour those dates. So it's up to the current roster to save the day. My guess? Bryan vs Reigns or a multi-man match featuring Rollins, Orton, Reigns for the WWE Championship at the Main Event of Wrestlemania.
Easy. WWE wants to put as many superstars on the card as possible, right? Fans want to see guys like Ziggler and Bryan in meaningful matches, right? So why not do something that hasn't been done since WrestleMania IV? That's right, hold a one-night tournament to crown the new WWE Hvt. Champion. Enter Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, a heel Sheamus, Kane and Big Show and have a single-elimination tournament. Sure, they can still give Reigns the push and have him win, or they can give Bryan the title, or who knows? Sure beats the plan they allegedly have set in place. What do you guys think?
I'm down with a tournament. Eight men single elimination all in one night. It certainly would generate a great deal of buzz. I just don't think Brock is going anywhere.
I'm down with a tournament. Eight men single elimination all in one night. It certainly would generate a great deal of buzz. I just don't think Brock is going anywhere.

I second that, Brock isn't going anywhere after Mania, he gets a crap ton of money to work limited events where he doesn't even take the beating most appearances. But the tournament idea would be amazing to see if that ever happened. OR

If they REALLLYYYY want to create the best heat possible for Rollins then IF Lesnar did walk out have Daniel Bryan come out to say that since he was stripped of the title and never got his 1 on 1 rematch he should have the title back only for the authority to come out and simply award the title to Rollins (like they did with the WHC and Triple H in 2002) so then he carries the WWE title and MITB case at the same time.
Melter and others say this issue with Lesnar doesn't affect Wrestlemania. If your champion doesn't show up to the company's biggest event or legit goes off on Reigns or whoever it is a pretty big deal and the WWE has problems.
If Vince and HHH made Brock fly in and then not be used that would be a good reason to be pissed. I don't know how many dates his contract is for but having him at Raw and not using him is a waste of money.
This won't be a problem. It will be fine.
However, just to play along - what if Lesnar doesn't play ball?

Rollins cashes in on RAW. Lesnar takes a fast, embarrassing loss. Rollins vs Reigns at Mania.
Brock may be a mercenary and not care about the WWE, but he is a businessman, and him not showing up for his scheduled matches is something I don't think he would do. Not only does it make him look like a douche, it puts him in "breach of contract" and the WWE can sue him and I'm sure they would.

Also anyone else like a Dana White who thinks about hiring him in future might think twice, although I'm sure White would love to see McMahon get screwed over. I don't think there is much love lost there.

If Brock does show up and is pissed then there is no telling what kind of match we'll see. If he does T off on Reigns legitimately then he and the WWE are in for a world of hurt, although nothing suggests that he is pissed at Reigns. Or you could just get such a lackluster match out of Lesnar and with Reigns not having the experience, the main event would be a shambles.

I think it's something to do with a new contract and maybe how much they've offered him which wouldn't be as much as before, and they might want him to work more dates. Lesnar isn't the draw he once was, and with his failure to really defend this title which he won about 7 months ago, the WWE might feel he's not worth what they've been paying him. That would be a slap in the face to Lesnar at best.
I don't see Lesnar walking out, he will do the job and move off into the sunset, he is a professional and a businessman first and foremost.

But IF he did then I would have the winner out of Cena/Rusev, Orton/Rollins and have a Triple Threat with Reigns.

Alternatively they could move heaven and earth and try and see if The Rock could do it. I wouldnt like the thought of Rock returning at such short notice and losing though.
Brock may be a mercenary and not care about the WWE, but he is a businessman, and him not showing up for his scheduled matches is something I don't think he would do. Not only does it make him look like a douche, it puts him in "breach of contract" and the WWE can sue him and I'm sure they would.

Yes, and I would think all the lawsuit would cost him is every penny he has, if he actually misses WM31. If WWE filed papers saying that Brock walked out before the biggest event of the year.....and was able to show how much money and other resources were spent to publicize and build toward the event that depended on his participation.....Brock would be slaughtered financially, especially if the reason he claimed to bow out had to do with the terms of his next contract, not the contract under which he was operating that encompassed WM31.

That's what I think. What do I know?.....nothing. But I have the feeling Brock has felt he has WWE over a barrel, given the extra special treatment he's gotten these past couple years; being given a contract such as has never existed in WWE history.

But we're very close to WM31 and if an integral part of Brock's program had to do with appearing on Raw this past Monday night, then he's already in breach of contract, isn't he? Although that would probably be forgiven because the company wants to make sure Brock fulfills the rest of his obligations leading up to the big event ......so they won't want to hurt his delicate feelings.

Or, maybe we're all wrong; maybe WWE has legitimately double-crossed Brock and he was right to be mad. Who the hell knows?

And given this is WWE, we may never find out, either.

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