A BETTER option for a WWE title contender...

how about bringing the rock back? let the rock come back whoop candy ass fued with cena. or bring back Xpac Road Dog n ect to pick up where Triple HHH left off. could let That Dx fued with RO. if not Rock then Tajiri come back and kick ass. (never understood what happened 2 him) or let Jeff Hardy in the WWE tital picture and Matt in the WHT pickture
They sould push Elijah Burke,CM Punk or Chris masters to face cena. That would be way beter than khali,well anything would.
Bring back Muhammad Hussan... pretty sure that guy ain't doing shit right now and it's been long enough since the whole fiasco that led to his demise that the fire has burned itself out. Daivari hasn't been seen in ages... Have him come down to the ring on Raw one night and re-introduce us all to the man we all thought was gone forever... Muhammad Hassan. He got insane heat without even really having to try and was on track for a world title reign before WWE pushed his onscreen antics a little too far and were forced to kill him off.
From what I understand he has retired from Wrestling completely. He did have insane heat, but he wasn't ready for the title picture just at that point in time, he could have been the Iron Shiek of the new mellenium if he had the belt at some stage.
Right now there is nobody on RAW that is a good option. Carlito lacks passion to make him worthy, Chris Masters is far off from any title picture. Yes Jericho would be a good option, but he is not there right now. My best guess would be to move Benoit to Raw and put him in the title hunt.
I personally would like to see Flair get another run as Champ, if i remember correctly his last title shot was against edge in a ladder match in january 2006. And that was a great match. However i know Flairs probly to old and has got some heat in the back, so that probly won'y happen

Also on smackdown you've got Benoit and Kane, two former Champs and easily main eventers given the right push. And for some reason thier both mid-card wrestlers at the moment

Benoits matches with MVP at Mania and Backlash were the best matches on the night and benoit is such a good wrestler, even with Cena there mite be a chance of a decent title match.

With Kane they should do a story where Kane's face gets burned and he
comes back with his mask and as a monster.

no they should make taker turn on kane and push him in some nuclar waste and then he morphs into a evil monster so he wears a mask and kayfabe kills taker and then taker comes back and takes off the mask and kane is an monster but wwe is to cheap to do that
First taker is out for like 8 months so hes not going to be turning on anyone, second why would you put the mask back on kane just to have him lose the mask again. Him losing it a second time won't appeal to fans because its been done already.
true thats what my friend thought i think they should do the neclear thing but ditch the mask and make him EVIL and torture people a nd give him a title
i agree that they should put the mask back on Kane i just don't think him losing it a second time would help his charactor at all, hes not as intimadating as he can be without the mask.
The Undertaker should return on the RAW brand and challenge whoever is holding the strap at the time at Wrestlemania.

Meanwhile, the winner of the Royal Rumble (if not Kennedy then some young, under used talent like Carlito, Benjamin or Nitro) can see the champ and Taker doing promos vs. each other but get irritated because they keep leaving him out of the picture, ignoring the fact that he won the RR and could choose to fight for the WWE title. At No Way Out the Champ and Undertaker will get either taken out mystery style (like Khali did on RAW) or cost their matches by the RR winner after he announces that he will be challenging for the WWE belt.

That leads up to a triple threat match at Wrestlemania for the belt where either the Undertaker wins clean or the winner of the Rumble is attacked by the World Heavyweight champion because earlier in the night the WH champ won their match and was so happy and cocky that he just wanted to try and upstage the WWE tittle match. Perhaps the gripe could come from the fact that the world tittle wasn't the last match on the card and thus transfers the RR winner over to Smackdown to keep his momentum.
Cena vs Benoit. This would be awesome. You see Cena in the ring talking how he took out Khali and no one can't beat him than all of a sudden you here that intro to the greatest wrestler the wwe has going for them. Bingo, you have a feud. This would be a big pop for benoit which would finally turn all on cena to make him that punk rapping heel he was b4, which worked for him.
I agree with the above post that says Benoit vs Cena would be a good match. They never really got a chance to fued before they turned Cena face a couple years ago. But I would also want Cena to complete the heel turn because Benoit is so over that he could not possibly be a heel but that is not saying that he couldnt because he was a good heel back in the day.
Have you guys seen the Great American Bash Poster featuring John Cena,Batista and Booker-T, Cena may be drafted to Smackdown! together with his WWE Title, while Edge maybe drafted to Raw since there's no contenders left for Edge to face at Smackdown! Maybe Great American Bash will feature a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Title!

What do you guys think?!
Maybe have Cena come out and talk about how he's made a bunch of wrestlers tap out and that makes him one of the best submissionists ever and then benoit comes out to tell/show him who the best really is...I dunno just an idea
Have you guys seen the Great American Bash Poster featuring John Cena,Batista and Booker-T, Cena may be drafted to Smackdown! together with his WWE Title, while Edge maybe drafted to Raw since there's no contenders left for Edge to face at Smackdown! Maybe Great American Bash will feature a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Title!

What do you guys think?!

first, i havent see the poster you mention... maybe you could post a link..
second, i think you are not that wrong, except for the possibility that Booker and Batista COULD be drafted to RAW, instead of Cena to SD! (far, far away...)
i think they r gonna push Booker, but only in the King Hooker gimmick, haha! i will love Booker making cena kiss his royal feet! lol! just Hilarious!!
If Cena gets drafted to SD and Edge goes back to RAW I will be extremely over joyed!

Cena is just corny enough to be champ on SD like he used to be. No one hated him when he was representing the B-brand because it suits him better. Oh and a feud with him and Batista would be kinda cool (would have been better 2 years ago but meh, it'll do).

As far as new contenders go...Jeff Hardy. He seems to be the best representative of the high-mid carders on that brand and if he wins the belt it would open up rivalries for the rest of the mid-card guys to take the step up.

If not him then they should (even though I prefer they don't) put the belt on Flair then let Carlito take it off him or Randy Orton to finish his career with one last reign. If Carlito gets it then like earlier more midcarders can step up but if Randy gets it that would lead to an awesome feud with the Game when he returns.

Heck maybe Kennedy will get drafted to Raw and take it...ya never know!
Everyone talks about giving Jeff Hardy the belt but for some reason I just can't see it I mean isn't the champion supposed to be like the big representative of the company and to me Jeff Hardy is not that man.

On smackdown how about have edge finish this feud with bacrapsta and go against king booker. they did have a little feud going on for WM X8 over a hair product or something but maybe this time they could do it right, and

for Raw like I sad before bring in benoit to go against cena and to be honest I think benoit could even make cena look half-decent
Let's face it there is no one. Foley? I don't think he can do the things he used to. Cena needs to lose the belt but I think what they should do is turn Cena heel and have him lose it to whoever. OR wait until Kennedy returns and have him face Cena.
My key options for title contenders in the company would be guys that the front office either can't push (Kennedy, HHH, Taker due to injury), being in hot water with the office (Orton for being a ******** in hotels), someone on the way out the door (RVD), someone who is no longer around (Jericho), someone who hasn't been pushed enough or pushed right to make the chase worth it (CM Punk, Nitro, or Benjamin), or someone who is just being wasted (Benoit). The company painted themselves into this corner and it'll be a miracle if they can get themselves out of it. I'd have also maybe chosen Umaga if his gimmick wasn't a fourth-hand recycled and hollow hackjob that shouldn't have been brought back with the Headshrinkers. As for who currently holds the belts? Edge is the only one who should have his title, honestly. This was another case of Smackdown's genius creative squad not leaving themselves any outs and having their top guy put on the shelf and a gaping hole in the program as a result. I weep for the future. On the positive side of things, as long as HHH doesn't blow out both quads again (thanks steroids!) and Kennedy stays healthy leading into next year's Wrestlemania, then they should be at least semi-okay. They need to focus on pushing the youth in the company and seasoning them for the top spots so they can actually do something other than tread water once they get there. They need to being working on a bonafide megastar that can work great as well as talk great. They haven't had a true one of those developed fresh in the last few years. No real new stars have been built.
Instead of pushing all the young "talent" and handing them World Tiltles overnight and giving them instant success, I feel some of the veterans should have there chance. Example: Kane. He has held the WWF title for what, a Day. That is absolutley a travisty. How about Hardcore Holly, who never had a World Title or the Intercontinental Title. The Hardy's both have paid their dues. They can't get passed the Tag Titles.
The problem with WWE is they are "pushing" the wrong guys. John Cena is already a "made" superstar. Take Kennedy,for another example. In my opinion,this guy flat out SUCKS MOOSE COCK. I don't understand how he caught on. The guy screams his own name. That's talent?? Hell, I can do that. Where's my contract? All these young guys really don't have any talent. Push the veterans. How about Finlay. He has been around forever. He is a bad ass. Why not give him a World Title? Instead they shove guys like, Boogeyman, Kennedy, and Khali down our throats who have Zero talent.
Take a look at Brock Lesner. WWE made him indestructable. He beat everybody, including The Rock, for the Championship within his first six months. Is he still around?? I say give the veterans their time at the top. Maybe the ratings will get better..
I see three plausible alternatives if the people at WWE headquarters would get their heads out of their asses and swallow their pride.

1. Bring back Chris Jericho. I know he is "retired" but I am certain he would return if the situation was right. He's not going to return to be a mid-carder or a jobber, but fast track him to the title, take it from Cena, and he's back in a heartbeat.

2. Retain RVD. Give the guy what he wants and keep him. Let him return to the RVD of old, not the watered down version he's been since arriving in the WWE. He says he wants a lighter schedule, but he'd change his mind in a flash if were fast-tracked to the WWE Championship. Wearing the gold changes people's minds IMO. Look at the Undertaker, he was working a lighter schedule for years but was agreeable to modifying that to become WHC. I'm sure RVD would too. Surprise the shit out of everyone. Draft him to Raw and push him hard toward the title.

3. Possibly the most realistic option. Draft Chris Benoit to Raw and have him feud with Cena for the title. People on this site have been talking about giving Flair, or Foley, another shot. Why not Benoit? Superb wrestler who I always felt has better mic skills than he gets credit for. Because he has what the WWE needs: skill, passion, and experience. Instant credibility to the WWE championship.

Of course, I'm convinced that not too long after his return, HHH will turn heel again and very shortly thereafter will become champ again.
For Summerslam or possibly The Great American Bash, I think it would be a great idea to bring back the Six Pack Challenge for SmackDown!, because at this point, I am totally more interested in SmackDown! than RAW, which I think is sad. SmackDown! has the better wrestlers at this point, which I can't totally blame WWE since the injuries, but excluding the injuries, you have Triple HHH and SHawn Michaels out, two wrestlers who have ALREADY feuded with Cena, so to crap with that. Anyway, back to the Six Pack Challenge. It would be cool to see Edge vs. Batista vs. Kane vs. Finlay vs. Mark Henry vs. A RETURNING Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. That's a match I want to see. Or instead of Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero. I've always felt that Chavo Guerrero got low balled since he got put back in the cruiserweight division after a GREAT feud with Rey Mysterio. Chavo can get the job done.
I like startgame1's idea. No matter how many times they've been to the top (or in some of their cases, have never been there,) give the vets a chance to shine once more. I don't care how old he is, giving Ric Flair another title run would increase ratings and make a lot of people happy in the process. He's proven he can carry a company before (NWA, WCW) so give the man his last run, a good long run. Also I like the idea of Finlay being built up as a serious contender. The man has proven he has what it takes I think and could bring massive credibility to the world title. Benoit is another one. How about instead of shoving Cena down our throats, give Benoit the WWE title so we can have a guy who can actually wrestle good as our champion. No gimmicks, no street thug bullshit, just a pure wrestler who can put on great matches every night. How about Kane, Booker T, HBK, Undertaker etc. The list could go on and on. WWE needs to stop building up no names so fast and then shoving them down our throats like they're the next Ric Flair, because they're not.
Here's an option. 1st thing the WWE has to get rid of this brand split. 2nd they need shane Mchman to turn on his father and bring back wcw. And go head to head with his father I think that would be cool. So instead of Raw Smackdown ECW just have wwe wcw. See they kinda did this when they bought wcw but they did it all wrong. WCW should have there own show and super stars. WWE will have raw and smackdown, And WCW well Nitro and whatever else the WWE decides to do. How About this for dream rosters...........

John Cena
Triple H
Shawn Michales
Mr. Kenddy
Umaga so on and so forth

Rick Flair
Kurt Angle
Big Show
Ray Jr.
AJ Styles
Chris Jericho
Randy Ortan so on and so forth split it up get some new talent for both and put that garbage tna outta bussniess

get the picture I dont know it would be sweet wouldnt it?

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